White Genocide is totally natural, no "conspiracy" involved, claims controlled opposition

White Genocide is totally natural, no "conspiracy" involved, claims controlled opposition

UK/European based "identitarian" group Generation Identity claims that the "Great Replacement" is a completely natural occurrence

I guess whites just decided to started to genocide ourselves randomly.

>In terms of demographics the facts are there, stats are there, we cannot deny the "Great Replacement" is taking place. I must stress to people who are watching this, we don't believe the "Great Replacement" is a conspiracy; we think its a natural and in a way organic development based on decades of political incompetence. So we don't say any particular group or political faction or belief system has brought this about, it's a long succession of political failure that has lead to where we are because its neglected by political figures and parties because they don't know how to deal with it

This is straight out of the (((controlled opposition))) user manual.


Note that Generation Identity is a non-anti-semitic alt-kike / NatBolshevik / Duginist / Eurasianist group

Other urls found in this thread:


LMAO these fucking cucks. Even if you want to avoid muh jews then its this easy to discredit them:
Given all of the above, the EU is therefore responsible, willingly letting it happen while also being uniformly in agreement that anti populism and pro immigration are the ways forward. There is no way to deny this even if you want to deny (((who))) is truly responsible.
Again, even if you want to deny kikes then you can't deny the group of elites doing this against their own countries
Except more and more we find that journalists, news media and politicians are increasingly in bed with each other pointing to planned treason and corruption rather than ineptitude.
Clearly not, they dindu nuffin they're always victims of circumstance and everyone just hates them for absolutely no reason at all.

Don't amplify signals like this. Just ignore them. They are idiots.

The canard that politicians are inept and wrong. kek

Not only it's old, tired and outdated, been served even before I was born.
It bs fed to boomers who can't update themselves and th… wait shit it's actually a youth movement!

OK. Frankfurt School, Kalergi plan and scientific studies showing that whites must be lead to hate themselves prove that, yes, it is a program.
Not mere fluke.

Never listen to niggers, especially not Euroniggers.

Also, faggots are never to be trusted

Wew. dead group.

Terrible advice.

This tbh. Denying that there is any concerted elite effort, regardless of who the enemies happen to be, is ridiculously disingenuous. Even normalfags know about the Rothschilds and even normalfags hate the "EUreaucrats".

Attached: homersiege.jpg (960x723, 62.42K)

Our message is pure, we name the Jew. If people want half-ass answers and self-pity, if they don't want to fight, they best get out of the way. There will be long knives for them.

And the people who said the term "great replacement" was kosher damage control are completely vindicated….

What else should we have expected from a group inspired by Guillaume Faye, and affiliated with Tommy Robinstein, who read Sellner's speech when they were denied entry to Britain?

Attached: Tommy Robinson vows to go to.mp4 (1000x2550 2.4 MB, 1.28M)

These dumb niggers are supposed to be leading somebody ?

Yeah, leading White people into the Jew World Order's plan for a Eurasianist / Duginist 1984 superstate.

the only people stupid in this situation are the ones thinking they can vote themselves out of becoming a hated minority in their own country

Of course this is controlled opposition. Want to know how I know?

Look up the group National Action. Never commits any crimes but held a speech in Darlington that was a little too close to the truth.
The internet was even scrubbed to remove that speech and it's illegal for bongistanis to post.
**No I don't have a an archive of it, if someone could kindly post it to show what non-controlled opposition looks like I'd appreciate it''

Attached: 37.PNG (853x479, 287.15K)

It was 14, my bad.

Idiots? They are traitor in the very least, and enemies (foreign elements leading) likely.

Good people have their name tarred by comments like that. And more good people are made traitors by the indoctrination of a message like that.

I remember the term "great replacement" being shilled here about 2 years ago in a "alternative word for white genocide" thread or something.
These French communists and people like Dugin get so much publicity and nobody questions it when they're obviously subversives. Drumpfcuckoldry intellectually decimated nationalism.

Attached: Dugin and zionist.jpg (618x669 42.88 KB, 89.55K)

Whiter than you Stuart. I know you know me. You're on film in Eagle being a faggot.

What cucks. More alt-right "ples stay in pen goyim" nonsense.

Sure thing moshe.

It's not really their fault. We all know they'll be jailed if they go full heil hitler. Jailed and killed by jihadists in jail, just like national action.

They are just operating the best the can under the conditions they have. Naming the jews is not an option for them as a public facing organisation.

Hopefullly there are underground orgs that are doing something.

Objectively false: voat.co/v/news/2869564/15191838/

He's not wrong. Demographic warfare is literally nothing new, but the way it which its being done by all of our nations against their own people absolutely is and couldn't have been done without the Jews and the White Traitors who deserve a painful death that can only medically be achieved. As faggy as the rhetoric is in Europe you have to realize the strain the U.S. has placed on that continent since WW2 along with the censorship + imprisonment for saying one wrong word. It's not a joke and having lived there as an American for years talking with people they fucking know on a wider scale than we do here and are largely forced to stay quiet about calling a spade a spade until America wakes its own dumbass up to alleviate some of the stress it puts on them.

Only the Anglo world uses code words in effect signaling. Most Europeans aren't signaling when they use code words they literally have to. No point in the small numbers we have all getting arrested for no reason to prove a point when you can take advantage of the times to build up people into the right energy we need for victory.

Obviously going full Hitler is near impossible angle of approach to redpilling in the UK now, but it is one that Generation Identity would never, ever take. They openly despise National Socialism, they defend jews from mean anti-semitism, they associate with (((feds))) like Lauren Simonsen and Tommy Robinson, their philosophical inspirations are a bunch of communists.
Comparing Generation Identity to National Action is an insult to the legacy and ex-members of N.A.

They don't just avoid naming the jew strategically to avoid getting arrested, they completely deny any existence of an anti-white conspiracy, they deny that white genocide exists, they defend the jews. They're shills, user, paid shills.

Yes, the instant men gave women "rights", the fertility hit the shitter. Look at Japan


At least they're acknowledging it now

Never was true, always a meme for retards

Already in 1988 the German politician, state secretary of the Interior and later becoming EU commissar, Stoiber accused the Socialist’s immigration policy under the pretext of granting asylum as:

“The desire to create a multi-national Society, thoroughly mixed and race-mixed”

warnte der bayerische Innenminister Edmund Stoiber davor, daß, folge man nur den Vorstellungen Lafontaines und der SPD zur Asylpolitik, in Deutschland eine „multinationale Gesellschaft“ entstünde, „durchmischt und durchrasst“.


Needless to say, he is in line today, executing the very policies he warned us of, 30 years ago.

Any 'Nationalist' organization that is friendly with Israel is as kosher as a foreskin on a bagel with shmear.

I often hear members of these 'white nationalism' movements/organizations of the current year +X discussing the concept of 'identity', which I find disagreeable.

Identity IS a factor of what is of import, in actual terms, which is a matter of biology, not of mere internalized self-description, ie 'identity'; this distinction is important, as merely maintaining an identity into the future is not a means via which to maintain, to secure, our people into perpetuity - we are not a mere identity, we are a biological clade of beings, and this material reality is intrinsic to everything about us and our culture, the summation of which being that from whence our collective identity derives.

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Translation: They are toothless controlled-op stooges unwilling to oppose the regime in any meaningful sense. Good to know.

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the eternal doublespace hasbara is real

Idk, I naturally always have. It is the way many were/are taught to type.

Always have double-spaced, that is.

The kalergi plan and prize is a literal historical and ongoing reality but there's 'no conspiracy'?

Props from the get go to the Natsocs who called identitarians exactly what they were. Shabbos goyim

Have the prices for rhinoplasty gone down or something?

They used to run Hasbara here to promote their stupid stunts, like the Anti-Migrant Vessel. Anons always chased them away by quoting their own books at them. They're a total joke.

Pot. Kettle. Black

Didn't they say it wasn't real at first? Awful quick change of story, almost like they got caught LYING or something.

Go back to Resetera.

Holy shit all these groups TRS, DailyStormer, and Alt-Right shilled for are actually anti-white. Who saw that coming?

Attached: genident redpill.png (1350x2804, 1.83M)

Of course they are. All Jew controlled opposition.


Ty, user. Being right about everything all the time is pretty shitty when the world is such a pile of gay AIDs.

There's a bigger version of that image with more information in the catalog here:

all of these groups are linked together under what's called the "New Right" (in USA it's "alt-right", but you'll see that jew Gottfriend being labelled as "New Right" sometimes too). Whenever you see the label New Right, you're probably looking at commie spies. You'll see it on places like Arktos, which has a shit ton of Duginist literature on it, pretty much 98% of the books they sell, Counter Currents with Sodomite Johnstone, and various other subversive shit, like Semite Identity in Europe.

thanks saved

Anyone here want to give me a list of sources to jump into:
1. When you say Jews who is orchestrating this?
2. Why would Jewish people want a white genocide?

because whites are the only ones who could and would feasibly end their world domination.

Attached: donar.jpg (3063x4430, 4.26M)

Who specifically are "they".

This obviously isn't proof in and of itself, but there's a great quote by Alex Soros about his father's motivation. I almost never see it posted.

>When the caffeine finally kicked in, Alex told me that for many years, his father had not been eager to advertise his Judaism because “this was something he was almost killed for.” But he had always “identified firstly as a Jew,” and his philanthropy was ultimately an expression of his Jewish identity, in that he felt a solidarity with other minority groups and also because he recognized that a Jew could only truly be safe in a world in which all minorities were protected. Explaining his father’s motives, he said, “The reason you fight for an open society is because that’s the only society that you can live in, as a Jew — unless you become a nationalist and only fight for your own rights in your own state.”

Talmudic Zionist Jews and their useful idiot Leftist Jew allies. And everyone who support and defends them. How new can you possibly be?

Attached: ninja_nasim.mp4 (640x360, 2.65M)

"They" are fucking everywhere. Get into the habit of looking up the names of everyone involved with bad things. Eventually you can spot them by surname alone. "Every single time" is no joke.

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I specifically opened asking for sources as all I find on this board is people saying "if you make enough google searches you will find a person who is Jewish was somewhere during a thing". How are we sure that there is a Jewish entity collaborating actively working for a white genocide? This isn't dismissive I just cant get on this ride unless theirs something solid and I have not seen it. (inb4 asking for a source means i'm a cuck jew nigger)

We need to keep making threads like these so any potential real nationalist in these "identitarian" camps see this and realize they've been psy op'd. Also if they put you down as a "wignat" laugh at them knowing the truth is on your side

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Do you expect a papal encyclical on the topic?
The jews say it into your face, be it Soros son or Barbara Spectre or any number of jewish persona that open calls for the end of the white race and people.
If you stay here long enough you will find numerous, endless quotation, to this fact. And please spare us the false drama of “how can you know all this jews are collaborating while basically all call unisono for the head of whitey?”

Do you understand the nature and structure of the international financial system?
Do you understand that jews control the global system?
Do you understand that laws enacted by superstates, like the EU and the UN (controlled by jews and freemasons) are designed to completely eradicate whites?
Do you understand that jews have always hated whites?
Do you understand that whites destroyed their first attempts at creating a new world order?
Have you read the Torah and the Talmud?

You're really asking some extremely entry-level shit here.

Attached: Jews in their own words - Torah and Talmud.png (2282x2665 141.52 KB, 7.84M)

Additionally, there are multiple threads on this topic in the catalog already, and post stupid questions in the QTDDTOT thread.

They still do.
Every time I spot that kike word, I point it out. Anyone who unironically uses "grand replacement" or "White suicide" is an enemy agent.

It is their race as a whole.
Jews are a people with no nation.
They have parasitic traits.
They live in a host nation.
The healthy host nation does not put up with their crimes and removes the parasite (as has happened all throughout history).
Therefore they resort to subversion and trickery, to undermine the health of the host nation, so that they can safely exist within it.
If by "sources" you mean you need a book to point this out for you, then go to >>>/pdf/ or >>>/pdfs/

bump to fuck these niggers.

This is literally a thread about how there is a jewish conspiracy for white genocide, your most damning source of an active conspiracy is a quote from Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi saying that the negroid asian race of the future will be ruled by the Jews. I found this quote from his book Praktischer Idealismus (1925) archive.org/details/PraktischerIdealismus1925/page/n1 , however this quote was modified to add the "we intend" and "ruled over by the jews", it also says "mixed race INCLUDING Asians and Negros".

Still looking through this but I have not found anything specific to this topic.

anti-slide bump

You're probably just a Generation Identity faggot intentionally posting abolute garbage.

Attached: disgustwave.png (500x500, 208.04K)

And no, cunt, this is a thread exposing controlled opposition, the white genocide thread is in the catalog, where I told you to look.

This is the true evidence of what jewish identity is. A jew is criminal to existence, their identity is a fiction. Only in a completely backwards world completely separated from it functioning drive to perpetuate itself organically and harmoniously could a jew prosper. They are antithetical to existence itself. When you begin to understand what jewish identity is it comes as know surprise why they hate the european race and why all of their tools of leverage and control are forced on the european man at his weakest ( think the defeat of the Germans on WW2), why they rely on fictional creations and coercion to convince people of these existences after completely controlling the fictional political paradigm. Fiat money, usury, media and entertainment, pornography. The tell tale existence of a jew is his need to create his own materially world to survive at the expense of the natural cycle of life. Had the jew of medieval times not found his way into european ghettos, nature would have eliminated him from existence. It is only in our weaknesses especially Europeans that the jew has found a place to challenge existence itself and reverse the laws of order.

Know your enemy and you can defeat him with ease.

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Good stuff. I would only add that Jewish identity is so attractive, people throughout history have spontaneously started calling themselves Jews, simply because they realized how parasitic these people are and wanted to imitate them. Look at the Khazars, Black Hebrew Israelites, and Ivanka Trump.

The tendency to separate yourself from the people around you in order to dominate them is not unique to the Jew though. For the Africans, the Tutsis-Hima have fulfilled the same role, and most notoriously amongst the Asians, the Manchu.

I would further add, the one thing the Tutsio-Hima, Jews and the Manchu all had in common was a relative closeness to the periphery of the race.

Races are fuzzy concepts compared to Nations. A race has known, but ill-defined barriers, which recede or expand based on ideas of racial purity.

The Jew-type always comes from the vicinity of the racial-barriers. For the Ashkenazi (European) Jew, it was the Khazars. For the Manchu, they shared a border with Russians, and for the Tutsi, they came from the North, close to the Arabs.

posted this threa on cuckchan to spread awareness. mods deleted it.

Attached: 4chan compromised genident 1.JPG (1891x907, 249.93K)

(Nice flush)
They're all affiliated with NazBols too. Dugin is their daddy.

Yup. Kikes have wanted to turn America into a Communist shithole for decades.


Just in case you thought Shekeltarians were unkiked

"The Nazis did it."
- A. Jones

yes, cuckchan is cuckchan.

they see this thread as less legitimate than a literal cuck 'muh dick' thread

Yet nobody but you espouses it.
Really makes you think.

Them claiming it is natural is because they do not want to go to jail for anti-semitism.

Attached: Dengfeng_Observatory.jpg (1440x1920, 409.72K)

I always double space sentences, as do about 20% of people. It makes sentences objectively easier to read, which is proven. Fucking kids these days, typing like niggers because "smart"phones and twatter. Disgusting. t. former editor

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Interesting I’ll have to research those groups you pointed out to identify and compare.

Would it be a stretch to say Carthage was a nation of Hamites? I always find the Punic wars one of the most interesting times of Roman history because of Carthage’s heavy use of mercenary forces. I mean Rome has auxiliary’s but they always maintained a standing army of Latin blood and auxiliary’s were considered inferior. Where as with Carthage most of their significant successes involved heavy use of mercenary groups from around the Mediterranean

Not one country, state, or county on planet earth has ever been allowed to vote or hold referendum on how they feel about multiculturalism or immigration. Not once in American or European history. When Rome decided to give citizenship to barbarians in exchange for military service, do you think the Roman people were allowed to vote on it? Nope.

No, they aren't. Operating as best they can would be to simply not say who you believe is responsible for white genocide, not countersignalling what's supposed to be your own belief.

That's disinfo meant to make the jews' motivations appear pure to the unknowing. They are for greed, control, destruction, not concern for minorities, including themselves.If they were truly concerned about that today, they would all move to Israel, be grateful for the billions we give them and shut their kikeholes. But they don't because they want to be the world's cancer


Attached: ClipboardImage.png (326x294, 67.25K)

I have the speech right here I think
Got it saved in my Nat Soc solder

Attached: National Action's call to resistance.webm (640x360, 3.97M)

It was obvious from the start that "Generation Identity" was a jew front because their world view is marxist. They do not speak about genetics and race but about some nebulous cultural thing called "identity" that is in danger of being lost. So called "civnats" or "cultural nationalists" are nothing but marxists posing as nationalists. Nationalism is never about culture but about a group of people forming a genetically distinct cluster. Civic/cultural nationalism is really just a form of secular theocracy.

The disturbing jewgle translation:

The UK is gone, either way, it's never coming back

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Pretty astute observation there.

Technically accurate, I suppose. Jews are a part of nature and it is in their nature to engineer European genocide.

Shark attacks are natural. Ebola is natural.

You are correct. Identitarians very obviously have a feminine mode of thought, just like Marxists and the Left in general.

Yep, pure organic cohencidence.

These cucks might be on to something here. Is it possible to name the Jew by loudly and vigorously denying there are any Jews at all involved in the process? Could you redpill people on the Kalergi Plan by denouncing everybody else on Panorama as an anti-semite for even suggesting the Jews are trying to force racemixing on Europe – ideally when nobody has even mentioned the topic?

In countries where you get real prison time and an angry muzzie dick for speaking your mind, this might be a fun and trolly way to spread the key message.

Yes. This was done with great success in the past, see archive.is/Sol6A many red pills dispensed

Identity is a completely natural product of our biology. In normal nations. In USA, it's artificial consumer-product ID, or the reactionary - "we are not black, let us be white". In normal, human countries, Swedes are Swedes, Finns are Finns, the English are English - not Scots or Welsh, and so forth.

Any nation they can influence they will enslave and devour. If other races are immune, we should learn from them.


You can easily spread awareness without being an anti-racist, anti-fascist, anti-bigot, who denies white genocide and gargles Shlomo's dick.

Fuck that.
Expose traitors!
Death to traitors!

if the white race is the master race, how can it be genocided?