It's astounding how many people claim that Christianity is the biggest enemy of the Joos, when Christianity is an off-branch of Judaism used to control the masses, destroy paganism and any reason along with it. It hasn't been until the Renaissance that people had the rejuvenation of wisdom and pagan ideals from the antique with the rebirth of philosophy and a rebellion against the christians that any reason could be aquired. Freud himself said that Europeans didn't want to get rid of their polytheistic tendencies (paganism is polytheistic, but their gods aren't an actual entity doing/not doing things like that of the Christian god), and he had a problem with that.
Pets of the Joos
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You had one job, user.
You won't hear an argument from me user.
Here, have a bump.
the pope himself could make the Pantheon a synagogue and christians will still pretend they are based and redpilled about the jq, there's no arguing with these abrahamitic mongrels, anything the millions/billions of self declared christians are doing to help them get rid of Europeans is irrelevant since it's not True Christianity™
neither medieval nor late antiquity christians were probably True Christian™ either given that popes and early christian authors argued about protecting jews and allowing them in European ghettoes
True Christianity™ is totally based and redpilled but has never been tried
Only retarded Christfags, and they're not real people anyway. They will fall in line like slaves they are once sentience of White persuasion takes power from the jews.
Mercantilism was naturally considered the lowest, most despicable ass end of natural hierarchy. It's not even a purely Christian thing, Japs and Chinks shared the same sentiment.
Yes, because things don't evolve over the course of history and stay as they were intended, forever, correct? Christianity is the only reason you're alive today using your computah. Now official Christian institutions are filled with actual cucks, pedos and plants.
Hope your McDiet catches up to you, burger.
Really, are you sure it's not our White blood that kept us fighting?
amen!, that's why pagan Hellenes only had mechanical calculators 200 years before jeshua while BASED christian ethiopians today are so advanced!
Yeah, you spam the same lies every day. Reported.
Oh look, I pissed off the Saft who takes advantage of how easily people get banned for no good reason. Maybe it is that people are interested in this subject and I'm another one who posted about paganism instead of your stupid Saft filled spam nonsense.
So you're admitting to being banned repeatedly now, moishe?
What a worthless piece of shit.
fucking A. They don't listen, and they hate themselves. I tell boomers it wasn't judeo-christian values, or people who have been christian, muslim, or jew longer than we wouldn't be shitholes. They say nothing.
get fucked by satan, rabbi
thank god i have 8/pol/ to tell me the carolingian renaissance was a jewish conspiracy to enslave pagan evropa. fuck actually learning from books n' shiet.
hard to argue against NPC's user. You have to make them go into error-mode through some programming they don't outright reject first.
If there 'nationalist' or 'conservative' christians throw some cucked bible-quotes at them first.
Then perhaps follow it up with the Sicut Judaeis.
If they are partially-redpilled they might try to claim that christians kicked out jews hundreds of times. Then you definitely have to bring up the Sicut Judaeis and explain that the people who kicked out jews were acting against the Pope and christianity. The jew-kickers were non-christian european 'nationalists' living in christian lands. After all, very few people were actually christian, since bible wasn't translated form latin until the 1500s. They were just chilling in the church listening to some robed dude ranting in latin because that's what people who didn't want to be branded as heretics and burned at the stake did in those days.
what, am i supposed to say that wypipo were living in mudhuts until arabs gave you science? i love how debunking middle age primitiveness is somehow the mark of a jew.
You have to hand it to the national socialists. They fused Christianity and paganism so perfectly in Germany that most Christians gladly opted into the movement. The tradionalist ideals of Christianity are all that matter and as a whole Christianity has been giving every excuse it can to not condemn divorce, abortion, homosexuality and transgenderism. They have cucked on these ideals completely from Catholics to Protestant’s. Christianity has been whipped around to glorify its concept of universal love as what being a Christian is. Truly though Christianity only works with an extremely pro family- pro life stance. It’s the only Christian value that matters yet whenever the jews want to use it to defile the european race they always use their planted universal love concept that of course they have drilled into Christians psyche via the doctrine of Christ. The Christian story of life essentially birth, death and rebirth has been completely rigged to be suicidal. It’s really not a hard concept to process but Christians are psychologically enslaved
Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.
Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of Whites.
Controlled opposition, OP. Jews like to make their own enemies.
I wonder how 8/pol/ feels about the sections in his books were he praises the Old Testament and bashes German nationalism.
WTF I hate the very foundation of western culture now
I'll now be an atheist like TV always told me and LARP as a pagan when I'm bored. Thanks my semitic friend.
It was through the rediscovery of literatute hidden by Christkikes that we rediscovered the knowledgeable. Christkikes fought for slavery of self.
Oh look another D&C thread. The end times are coming, and it is best to square yourself with Jesus, for the Jews are going to build the third temple (which is an abomination, and it is an abomination that they are even in Palestine because they are not to return until they turn back to God, and "he that believeth not in the son, the same hath not the Father… for he is antichrist". They do not have God, so they should not be there. Time to evict them.) and introduce their Moshiach. Jesus will return to vanquish this entity, and force the jews to bend the knee to the faithful gentiles.
Controlled opposition. It's funny to see these schlomos try to retalliate.
[Well, the mead is usually good, the bloats are fun, and the girls think the tattoos, talismans and the runes are cool!]
(Hitler, 1925-26, pp. 204,205)
i'm not sure how referencing a book that describes jesus engaging in gay orgies with his followers is a sure way to own that LARPagans
Your nose is showing.
Christianity bent its belief systems in order to accommodate the Roman and Germanic pagans. If Christianity were whole cloth the Christianity that came out the middle east the modern world as it is now would not exist. European Christianity is still essentially paganism with a thin veneer of monotheism over it. But now it is rife with Jews who claim that the old testament matters, that Jews are a chosen people and Revelations means you have to suck Jew cock in order to see your false God Jesus Christ again before he and his Desert God Elohim kills you and then maybe has mercy on you and doesn't send you to hell as the world ends.
At least in Greek Mythology the Gods initially hated humanity and then came to love them. In Norse mythology the Gods sacrificed themselves to save humanity. Fuck you.
whose, the author?
go ahead user
enlighten me
try to debunk one of them, just one
Stop lying you repugnant quisling.
That's why I used the word 'bent' and not 'broke', you fucking mongoloid. Kill yourself.
Christianity was always a tool of Jewish subversion. We do not need it. Let it go.
you dont find it at all coincidental your message lines up 100 percent with the talmudists?
Didn't need a thread for this moshe.
That kind of pilpul isn't tolerated here. Either justify your position or shut the fuck up.
it's called a slow boil user
christkikes couldn't go full Zog from the start or they goyim would have woken up way to early
look at how they work today, they first soften up the masses with sliperry slopes, then once people are demoralized enough they take another step
first came faggotry tolerance, then gay marrige, then gay adoption, then tranny rights, thenit was outlawed to reffer to trannies as mentally ill, then the push for pedosexuality and demonsation of pedophobes began, now degeneracy studies are mandatory as early as kindergarden and there is actual discrimination against heterosexuals (i,e normal people)
ok. there arent any other places in the universe with a tidally locked satellite giving perfect eclipses. the metaphysical is being harnessed by kikes and their message is exactly what you just said
Reported for ban-evasion. Poster ID: 017fbd is the "Reported for /intl/" spamnigger shill.
Micks fought the greatest Empire this world has ever seen for centuries and beat them. What have your people done? Capitulate to that Empire. If any race of people is worth respecting more than the Micks and Germanics, let us know.
Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.
oy veey
Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of Whites.
Fuck off kike.
Get some new material, rabbi.
Yes, the swastika and the spirit of our race it symbolizes is important. The NSDAP were laughed at until they stopped dirty mouths of the Jews too. The day of the soap is coming, moshe. We won't be so kind this time.
Hey, you didn't answer my question. You're serial banned, right?
Cleansing the dirt from this Earth
catholicism historically was the bulwark against jewry but the reformation happened and calvinists screwed everything up. catholic church is subverted now.
No. Hope that clears things up, kike.
Sicut Judaeis disagrees:
You're serial banned, right?
Wrong, faggot. Socialism and Communism are Talmudic perversions.
Hitler warns us about you faggots.
Alright, so your solution then is what? Be silent or die with nobody on your side? You realize the first step is to know, then to act? Fighting for Israel isn't going to help.
I feel that he was wrong in some places while being correct in others. A way of thinking totally foreign to dogmatists.
Funny, though, you said you were. Almost as though you post the same spam every day and are banned for it.
Hey, look at that.
I'm not the one supporting a miscegenator-supporter.
Is a part of normal everyday life.
>to masquerade the fact
Whoever wrote that doesn't know what words mean.
Jewish "logic", gents.
brother i just made a delicious bowl of pumpkin-spice oatmeal and it's just mouth orgasm
oh shit wrong board
polite sage
jewish religion about worshiping a dead kike on a stick who is the son of G-d, shit is straight outta the torah with a mix of other mythology
>plague ridden lepers are equals along with the (((money lenders)))
the story of jesus and his crucifixion is a tale of a king getting subverted turned into a pussy by the jews and their teachings, he is then part of a huge conspiracy that was a thing before his birth when the king tried to kill him, the jews made him out to be some bad goy then used goverment muscle and bribery to execute him, the ressurrection 3 days later is when others realise the jewish menace but have lost their leader, so they can no longer be apart of society else they get shut down by the kikes.
Jesus, the greatest goy that ever lived
There is only one domain wherein such a system is appropriate, and that domain is the family unit; however, even that comes with some caveats.
What are called "jews" today are ashkenazic khazarian talmudists from Eastern Europe following in the tradition of the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin, which Jesus rallied against, perverting the word of God and standing principle on its head with pilpul. "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie, behold, I will make them come to worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." Rev. 3:9 KJV
Vandals tend to be pretty stupid.
Neither am I, moishe. You, however, love miscegenation.
You are a perverter of the word of God.
The only time a collective fails is when there is a lack of cohesion in the group, or when a stronger collective destroys it. It's always the aim, though, because otherwise you are vulnerable, as an individual, to other collectives. "SOCIALISM BAD" is a meme disseminated by jews to keep goyim from collectivising; and the reason its been so successful, is because jews have taken over all the famous socialist governments, committed horrifying acts upon the governed, and then covered up that jews had any part in it.
Christianity, as the modern organised religion, is indeed cucked. But the core beliefs held by Protestants pre 1914 are extremely redpilled and also anti-semitic. The Bible literally warns of the Synagogue of Satan, that the world would become ruled by evil. Everything in modern society is against, and hates (true) Christian morality, and you're telling me it's the opposite? Based on what? The modern and Catholic Church that basically ignores the actual Bible's teachings? You do realise Western European Protestants literally broke away from Rome because it was too "controlling of the masses" and had become Satanic, don't you?
Paganism is simply false religion. You don't actually believe in Odin as a God. You don't think he's there watching you right now, or is causing things to happen. Paganism doesn't have any moral code. Its literally just nature veneration and ancestor reverence. Which I actually partake in anyway as a Christian. I think Odin and Thor were probably real ancient Kings/Heroes who all Europeans are decended from (hence 'Allfather'), and telling stories about them is fine. Venerating nature is great. But the truth is there really is one true God, and Jesus Christ was his Son. It's real. I suggest you look into it as a serious possibility, and hope you grow out of larping.
Your critique of Christianity will always be dishonest, because it has to be to support your position. The ancient Hebrews, Israel, were Caucasians. Jesus was Caucasian. But you choose to believe the modern Jews who tell you they are the chosen people of the Bible. Why? What evidence is this based on? The Bible even fucking spells out for you that one day there will be those "who claim they are Jews, but are not, and do lie." It predicts one day the world will be ruled by Satan. Its highest values are truth and love. But you CHOOSE to reject its teachings because evil people, who don't even follow it, inhabit the modern church. And you WANT them to be representative of actual Christianity. Because you are terrified of the truth, that you have a creator and he has standards of behaviour. So you choose denial.
Why spell it like pic related?
Nice try
At the end of the day, I love you guys, and believe that we have each other's best interests in mind. Some ugly stuff is being cooked up by the disgusting jews in Jerusalem, and I just want you all to be ready for the antichrist when they present him and he presents himself. They are already talking about where they hid the Ark of the Covenant and that they are planning on building the third temple. It's coming soon.
Nice strawman
Isn't there a Commandment in the Bible against this straight up perfidy? "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" or something?
The anti-Christ is going to be born a jew, ye? THen Zig Forums with its antisemitism will reject him and his hooked nose the second he shows his face.
1914 saw the enshrinement of the Federal Reserve, and the absolute domination of America by jews. Christianity has done fuckall to prevent that.
Go on, tell me how Odin made you and how he's guiding world events. Tell me you seriously do believe he exists and is a God.
Go on, tell me how (((YHWH))) made you and how he's guiding world events. Tell me you seriously do believe he exists and is a God.
This doesn't debunk the Bible in any way. And exactly the same thing can be said of Paganism. What the fuck did wicca do to prevent the fed exactly?
sorry but those adulterous harlots are Abrahamic in their belief system.