/SIG/ Self Improvement General - Don't Waste My Time Edition
Thx for motivation user
Pray the Rosary.
Stop watching television. Read a book.
Learn a martial art.
learn to code
talk to women
Fuck off nigger, you will never be white.
Different for everyone, but you'll know when you're rested
You're representing the race, don't be an embarrassment
Mockery is the only acceptable time to imitate lesser lifeforms
Wear clothing correctly.
From previous thread
Not really, they’ve evolved to be able to read men, that’s how they survive. That’s why sig is important. You might be able to trick them intellectually, or manipulate their emotions, but it’s not easy to hide your own from them. But if you’re strong they will notice that, not just physically but mentally. Women who marry beta males or go lesbo nowadays do so because they want to feel in control and wear the pants (likely due to insecurity or past abuse), they aren’t deceived to think they’re marrying someone strong. You don’t want these women, if you are strong and masculine they will stay away from you. It doesn’t seem helpful, but ultimately the best advice is to improve yourself and put yourself out there, making sure to be honest and upfront, don’t try to cater to what you think women will like
Get shot in the face.
Get shot in the face.
Get shot in the face.
Really useful when there's no electricity.
Women are hypergamous whores.
What exactly are you fags preparing for? Some fagtopia that will never exist? Or just ensuring your corpses look good in ditches, well except your faces because that's where you'll get shot.
Then why aren't you out there sticking dick all up in them user? Spread white genes, don't be such a fucking faggot
Survivalists, primitivists and anarchonistics are all escapist pussies that refuse to work toward concrete gains toward power, opting instead to wait for some gay hollywood cataclysm that will be no means unfold the way the expect it to.
Nigdar just pegged to holy porches!
yea that is a nice idea, especially for partner selection, but what if that is not your goal, but rather surviving somewhere that has women? It is clear that women have power struggles as much as we men have, so it is reasonable that if you were to choose and to prefer one, or a group of females over another, that would bring benefit to them, would it not? One female brain vs another one then, in the fight for a resource.
But besides that, I read in a book that a stone cold face can fool women. A poker face with no reactions can make them feel agitated? I mean, I can see women playing poker against men and the men hold their own do they not? So that means that the "no emotion" tactic is possible for men to work against them. And in interrogation things women also dont reign supreme or do they. So one can resist against them, but it is a difficult to acquire skill I guess?
These scripts are old and lazy.
Short list:
wew lad, I'll just have to double tap your face while you attempt to proselytize converting actual men into fags like yourself.
Faggots are still promoting a decaying-flesh based diet?
Hitler was vegetarian and was going to transition the German people to the same after the war.
Hitler was unhealthy and knew nothing about good diet.
Exactly what I'm talking about. I should bust out my k folder. Most of these "lift" fags would last a month in SHTF.
“One should go to a slaughterhouse just one time, and observe how the frightened animal is dragged to the butcher, the poor victim!” – Rudolf Hess
“When I … gave up eating meat, I immediately began to perspire much less, and within a highly fortnight to perspire hardly at all. My thirst, too, decreased considerably, and an occasional sip of water was all I required.” - Hitler
“The Fuhrer is a convinced vegetarian, on principle. His arguments cannot be refuted on any serious basis. They are totally unanswerable.” – Jospeh Goebbels
“An extended chapter of our talk was devoted by the Fuehrer to the vegetarian question. He believes more than ever that meat eating is wrong. Of course he knows that during the war we cannot completely upset our food system. After the war, however, he intends to tackle this problem also.” – Joseph Goebbels
Eat more parasite riddled flesh faggot
You're sure to get far in life by being atomized and prideful. Never going to pay dividends on your hubris at all. By all means, go hang out in the park smoking weed and scratching your balls. The world will come to you, after all.
You're real impressive, Rambo.
For when niggers catch you off guard and engage you in fisticuffs.
So you can carry weapons, build, and break niggers necks like chickens.
Carry weapons farther and faster, and to chase down niggers who challenged your authority by trying to gotta go fast their way out of being romper stomped.
The phrase itself is a social justice term, somewhat useful if you a loser that wants to shut down anti white websites and possibly cause irl damage.
Good point. No more talk, women like all animals respect power and authority, grab that bitch and give her the dick, bitches love dicks.
its easier to call them all faulty instead of going out there and finding out if ALL of them are really faulty, is it not? God I wasted so much time on that too, but now I can just say, "Yea, sometimes I am just a coward!"
I'll eat you nigger, spicy exotic zambo loin would go good in a curry
I spent most of the day getting my raised beds ready for Spring, fell a small turkey oak and cut to season for the fall, did some tool maintenance and repair.
What exactly did you do today faggot? Go to the gym after drinking your fag shake?
Muh fee fees.
Meat prepared how? Accompanied by what? This isn't a controlled study, just like all the studies that say meat causes heart disease are actually featuring diets that are mostly non-meat, and preserved meat.
Joseph Goebbels was Hitler fanboy, as well as a narcissist. He couldn't bring himself to disagree with the Fuhrer, or believe that the Fuhrer disagreed with him.
Goebbels isn't even a reliable source on himself much less anyone else.
There are no competitive athletes that don't eat meat, and all the hardest working people (farmers, soldiers, etc…) in the Reich were privy to larger quantities of meat and fat consumption than elsewhere. Read "Into The Darkness" by Lothrop Stoddard.
/SIG/ is much better here in 8pol than 4pol. 4pol is too infected with shills
Primarily with other women normally, but if they have insecurity issues they will try to play power games with men. Part of this comes back to the pair bonding issue, if a woman has been scarred by previous relationships she is more likely to play power games because she will fear rejection, not know how to “fix” the potential of being rejected, and will resort to trying to control you in order to prevent rejection. If your partner has had previous negative experiences with men (pretty much all previous experiences, because any relationship which has ended will include a break up, which is a negative experience) there will likely be a need to reassure her that you’re not going to leave her. Most women try to take control solely because of their own fear. This is why women marry betas. With other women they just want to be better than them, which does play a role in how they choose their mates. If a woman’s friends would ridicule her for being with you she is less likely to go for you. This is why you have to consider a woman’s friends and their influence when you get involved. Toxic friends can also ridicule you because they’re jealous as well.
The solution to this is still to become as solid as you can.
You could maybe conceal whatever other emotion you’re feeling, but she will know that you are using the stone cold face to conceal something. So you may not be giving away exactly what you’re feeling, but you’re giving away that you’re feeling something
Homesteaders are the easiest to wipe out and kill. Seize power or be destroyed. No, voting doesn't count. Passivity is always followed by death.
OP, don't be a fucking scrub, use the existing format you fucking nigger.
Previous thread;
Before we can defeat the jews in the World Bank and the jews in Hollywood, we must first defeat the jews within ourselves
Go to the gym, or start a body weight routine fat ass. Don’t neglect cardio, go for a morning run. Take a cold shower. Get 7-9 hours of good quality sleep every night, avoid stimulants in the late afternoon. Become a morning person and get up early.
Hygiene is important. BRUSH YOUR TEETH TWICE A DAY FOR 2 MINUTES, don’t forget to floss. Make your own toothpaste. Get a tongue scraper too. Your tongue should be a nice pink color, not white or yellow. This is not some ancient, long forgotten secret, but its amazing how many people neglect oral health - it’s just as important as lifting. Deodorants containing aluminium salts are toxic, avoid their use at all costs. You can make your own spray from baking soda, water and a few drops of a nice smelling essential oil. This will stop body odour without making you sterile.
Lower your carb intake and eat more animal fat. Eat lots of organic meat and fish. The (((food pyramid))) overestimates the amount of carbs you should be eating - stop consuming excessive amounts. Do not eat feminized products soyboy. Treat yourself to an occasional glass of good red wine. Try intermittent fasting, a simple 18/6 routine can work wonders.
Do not breed with roasties or THOT’s. Find a wholesome waifu. Do not expect to meet a wholesome girl in a bar, nightclub or university campus. Plan a family. Raise strong men and respectable women who will lead in the race war.
Meditate. It calms the mind, builds discipline and is an ancient, tried and tested method of building mental clarity, control and spirituality. Start today, it only takes 10 minutes.
Do not act like a nigger, do not steal, rob or vandalize. Violence should be used sparingly when there is no other option, you are not a monkey. Respect yourself and your race. Don't humiliate your women with the degeneracy of feminism.
Stop consuming (((pornography))). Oh, you think that you’re not addicted to porn? Prove it. Try to go without porn or fapping for a whole week. Then aim for a month. Its harder than you think.
Quit playing video games faggot. Do something productive, write something or build something. Plan your career, climb the ranks or start a business. Learn something useful.
We need more strong, kike-free men in positions of power.
Now get off the internet, go /out/side and get some sun. Go for a hike. Go camping. Join some wholesome clubs and make some normal friends. Do not reveal your power level to normalfags, drip feed them redpills. Stop smoking cigs and don't do drugs. Don't watch degenerate (((media))) and read some good books. You can easily source used books cheaply from local stores or online.
Work towards owning property and/or land. Don’t waste your time and money buying new cars on finance, it is a jewish trick.
Save 10% of your income for a rainy day, even a little will go a long way. Stash some money in safe alternate forms, like silver and gold (maybe a little crypto too, but be cautious).
Become informed on prepping and homesteading, make sure you’re ready when SHTF.
This is your life now.
vegans don’t even need the rope because with their diets they’re actively roping themselves
No, I don't agree with everything you posted.
We will never stop eating meat, jew.
Home-made deodorant recipe:
-Combine equal parts of virgin, unrefined coconut oil, baking soda, and corn starch in ceramic bowl
-Mix thoroughly with wooden spoon until an even consistency is achieved.
-Place mixture into mason jar, seal the lid, and refrigerate for a few hours until solidified.
-Rub deodorant on fingertips and apply under arms. If need be, dab away excess with paper towel.
This stuff works better that the aluminum bullshit you've been using. The coconut smells pretty good too. If you have a woman, it's a good idea to get her using this as well, especially if she's pregnant.
t. discord trannies
that is a very reasonable way to look at it, makes a lot of sense really, as to why they would want to play power games. Dare I ask, are you perhaps a woman yourself or have you read some literature explaining this psychology of the broken hearted women? I would wish to inquire further.
"shtf" is an invention of hollywood. Civil breakdowns are exclusively political events. Get a mannerbund or you will get fucked.
He must have tweeted all his energy away, because he is the largest pussy in DC right now.
Focus should definitely be on building networks of likeminded people.
Super/volcanos, CMEs, asteroids/meteors, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, viral outbreaks, niggers, etc.
yea, exclusively political events
Manner und says the old lonely pedo to the younger more attractive man sitting across the room from him.
No thanks sweetie. The old man can go hang himself. I don't need anybody.
They really must be desperate.
No natural disaster has ever led to the breakdown of civil order.
Get your head out of the fucking clouds. Your STALKER memes are just delusions of grandeur.
*among whites
The more I notice you're dropping innuendo likes it's your job.
Come on now, no women on the internet, I have big penis over ten feet long that I use to punch thots in the face when I pass them on the street. My hair has so much testosterone in it that eating just one pube will turn a soy boy into a man
yes I am
dumping bodyweight stuff
How do I stop watching jewtube and the internet in general? I can't just quit turkey cold otherwise I end up just staring at the ceiling
Watch educational things instead of ZOG things, watch some small creators or something, or some nice animu.
Someone get this faggot a soy latte.
dude ur a fuckin fag
Bodyweight is for hooks that need to jump over walls and fences to get away from the police.
Buy a backpack, buy chains. Put chains in backpack and start training. I would put anybody I have trained against anybody that did bodyweight exercises anyday.
All I need is a single person that's willing to suffer to reach greatness.
God you 4cuck hanger on's are fucking useless. If you want to fit the fuck in do it properly or fuck off back to your shed.
Physical hobby.
Babies want meat. Pregnant women want meat. Meat is life.
You disgust me.
did you meme this, OP?
9/10, please revise
What's the point of a gun if you're too fat to get out of your armchair to shoot anyone, faggot?
Shot a man in the face, 21 foot rule.
Shoot a trained strong man that can pick you up and break you, 21 foot rule.
Shoot that same man that can walk up mountains and outrun you after you try shooting him, 21 foot rule.
Coding is to build secure networks to keep asshats out.
Women seek what you deny to do.
Put a gun in that man's hand and watch him wreck you everyday you test him.
It's called reality. We aren't the fags here. You are.
You couldn't fit your finger through the trigger guard.
I do, play guitar for two hours and lift every other day for 45minutes to an hour but still my internet is taking most of my leisure life
Get over yourself.
Blow me trash.
The advice of King Cormac is a gem
He also needs to re-add the disgusting large-breasted hebraic man to the background. It was the best part of the original picture.
consider get a internet/computer hobby that isnt porb and is usefull
If you have vision problems, learn about Active Focus.
Your vision isn't bad because of genetics, it's because you're staring at something up close for hours and hours everyday and the muscles in your eyes have locked up. Why do you think there is a stereotype of nerds or programmers wearing glasses? Even before screens, many bank tellers wear staring at the papers on their desk all day.
I've been taking my contacts out when I'm on my computer and I've been practicing active focus for hours whenever I have the time. My vision has actually gotten better and I think if I actually kept on it effectively I could get off contacts for good.
What's he mean saying drying oneself by a fire is bad for the body?
Short book that tells you everything here:
I know you are trying, but that's retarded hipsteader maymay bullshit. There is no reason to have raised beds, it is just a waste of time, effort and resources.
It doesn't need to be virgin coconut oil, normal coconut oil is just as good and without the smell. Also the corn starch doesn't matter, just baking soda and coconut oil is fine.
Christian reading
Raised beds greatly increase efficiency because I can control the soil quality based on many factors like pH and nutrients for the plants to group in beds. It also saves your back, not to mention the irrigation systems I've built for them to be adjustable and automated to an extent. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Your problem is that you're literally too stupid/ignorant to even think at a level where you would see the advantages of using raised beds. Take it even further and hydroponic systems must be like magic in your mind.
I'm sure your hands are nice and soft like a woman's.
My favorite book is Revelations. I like the part where every goy is killed except for a few to serve as slaves to the Jew for ever. Good stuff.
What side of the interstate am I on? Look around you. Which side?
Why is the redditor reaction to a fact he doesn't like always to tard rage? Learning something won't hurt you. Just because some dumb faggot on jewtube with a phony "homesteading" channel tells you raised beds are good, doesn't make it so. There is absolutely nothing about a raised bed that gives you any more control over anything. Saves your back doing what? Are you seriously so nigger that you haven't yet invented the stick?
Says the guy talking about hydroponics because he's never learned how to grow food so he thinks he has to resort to chemical bullshit because he thinks doing it for real is too much work.
Are you familiar with Revelations 3:9?
Do you believe in universal morality, that God matters more than race, that the apocalypse is coming, and that anyone can go to heaven if they repent?
The White race and all subsects are the only race(s) that can comprehend, much less abide by God's law. We're living in the pre-apocalypse now. Anyone can go to heaven should they repent, however submitting to Christ after leading a life of debauchery is like apologizing to a mother after killing her daughter. If you truly repent you would correct the mistakes you've made, or abstain from making any to begin with.
Pretty standard response to label other redditors so you can claim some kind of insider status, and yet several Zig Forums banners here are ones I made. I'll bet you have numerous of my OC memes sitting in your folders just like most people here. I could go on, but frankly I don't give a shit my dear. Stay nignorant.
Just as I thought, a terminal. Don't worry, we won't bury you with the jews.
Terminal *case
That sort of lack of self awareness is why you always get called a redditard. Maybe if you didn't have such a visceral hatred of learning you would have a better life. Learn something for a change:
Ooooo spooky. Almost had me with that one. Try again next time faggot