"Pakistan on Tuesday claimed that the Indian Air Force jets crossed the Line of Control (LoC), following which the former "scrambled" immediately.
The claim comes in the wake of tense relations between the two countries in the aftermath of the Pulwama terror attack, claimed by Pakistan-based outfit Jaish-e-Mohammed.
"Indian Air Force violated Line of Control (LoC). Pakistan Air Force immediately scrambled. Indian aircrafts gone back. Details to follow (sic)," the Spokesperson for the Pakistan Armed Forces, Major General Asif Ghafoor, tweeted on Tuesday.
Pakistan's Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Jawed Bajwa had visited Pakistani troops deployed at the Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir and instructed them to "be ready to face any eventuality," on Friday.
Bajwa had also visited the Headquarters Rawalpindi Corps on Monday, where he was updated on the operational situation and state of readiness along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), LoC and Working Boundary (WB).
He met with Chief of Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan at the Air Headquarters in Rawalpindi where the two chiefs "deliberated on operational environment including threat and response" and "expressed satisfaction on readiness, coordination and synergy," according to Ghafoor.
Tensions are high between the neighbours following the ghastly February 14 attack in which a Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist attacked a CRPF convoy in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama, leading to the death of 40 CRPF personnel.
The attack has since been widely condemned, with the United States telling Pakistan to cease providing support and a safe haven to terrorists and terrorist outfits.
Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan had earlier promised "action" if "actionable intelligence" was provided by India about its links to the Pulwama terror attack.
Khan had also warned of "retaliation, without even thinking" if any kind of military action is launched by India.
In response, India dubbed Khan's statement as "a lame excuse," asking him to stop misleading the international community."
How fucking hard is it, to pile up some sandbags and rocks for some minimal defense against shrapnel?
Elijah Young
Glowniggers were able to orchestrate a jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 80s, would be cool if we memed this sentiment into a jihad against India. Sand niggers are pretty awful at English though
Jonathan Garcia
All three countries were in the British Raj and still use English nowadays, how hard can it be.
Gabriel Bailey
To what end? India are the ones who should win.
Blake Nguyen
SHUT IT DOWN reminder the Poo's had support from Isreal with this act of war via an Isreali spy drone giving intel for the bomb drop
Carter Clark
For it to be a real global jihad the entire Muslim world would have to have fighters flocking in to Pakistan, similar to the foreign legions used in the Spanish civil war.
Camden Ramirez
You're starting to sound like leftypol here…
Hudson Scott
That'll never happen though.
Bentley Scott
Gas stations or not, they seem to be spending their (((borrowed))) cash better than we are, and they're way more likely to tell the kikes to "get fucked". To me, it looks like they've laid the ground work to transition from transporting goods/material over sea to over land…
Elijah Walker
I remember a headline the other day that the taliban and some other islamist groups said they would support Pakistan in a war with India. Let me see if I can find the article.
Ryder Harris
Brody Torres
There's a problem with India exporting its labor force and importing potential American jobs (think call centers and tech support, anything IT). All good poos in the US would want to return to the fatherland because they still have a healthy conception of nationalism, American companies conducting business in India would be seen as taking sides in a conflict they really don't want to be involved in, and potential US government sanctions on India (because we probably would side with Pakistan) would take care of that problem as well. They also have an overpopulation problem.
Landon Young
Eli Murphy
Julian Gomez
Your computer is about to get lots of virus
Asher Perez
How so?
They were retarded enough to buy into a literal glownigger-sponsored project complete with American advisors and weaponry like man-portable air defense systems.
Promising that the sentiment is already there
Ayden Taylor
I've been purposefully downloading more and more potent viri to build up my computer's resistance, so good luck.
Noah Moore
Also if you read up on the past conflicts between the two nations Pakistan was supported by other muslim nations with shit like money, aircraft, weapons, and free fuel. In the 1971 conflict they hid most of their airforce in Iran.
Zachary Cox
Hudson Rivera
Have you ever worked IT/support/call center? It's fucking horrible, one of the worst jobs in the world. Fuck it, if they want to be paid a dollar an hour to tell people "Did you unplug and plug your printer back in?" to get told "FUCK YOU IT'S NOT MY FAULT" and then no response, because they did it and it worked, then fine, let them do that. Besides, it's not the pajeets causing that, it's the kikes that own the business choosing to outsource. Unlikely. If you said that four years ago, I'd agree, but at this point Pakistan is nothing but a thorn in the side of the USA. A thorn that pretends to be supportive, but really just harbors jihadis.
You responded to a bot. (check'd) Probably not going to happen this round.
Jackson Edwards
pooniggers on these streams are literally using footage from DCS flight simulator as a recreation of their airstrike lol
Cameron Young
Kevin Morgan
get me on your level
Austin Morgan
Have the pakis done anything or retaliated?
Elijah Edwards
(check'd) The sandniggers have been supporting non-military-organizations ie terrorists to attack hindus and non-arabs for decades.
Jason Russell
They call them guided missiles& not-so - smart bombs.
-take all streams linked in op -install latest vlc nightly vlc (it can read jewtube streams any many others without streamlink) nightlies.videolan.org/build/win64/ -open all of the streams with open network stream -right click -> view -> minimal interface to resize smaller for maximum number of streams on screen -profit
alternatively with older version of vlc -install stream link -on windows, install python, make sure option to install python on %PATH% is ticked during installation, make sure install pip option is checked -pip install streamlink streamlink -p "C:/path/to/vlc.exe" youtube.com/watch?v=KDPdysI88Co 144p (drop 144p off and streamlink will spit out available quality options)
streamlink can be used on many things besides jewtube that vlc can't normally read
Anthony Ross
nice thats what i do too
Levi Sullivan
also from thread #1 How to rip videos or livestreams without youtube-dl or any other tool besides VLC this is important knowledge during happenings
if your having trouble getting the url because it's loaded in with bloated javascript and it's intentionally being obfuscated, and youtube-dl won't read it
1) Get firefox (you can do this in chrome too but the instructions are different) 2) Go to website with video you want to rip 3) Open developer tools network tab, options -> Web Developer -> Network 4) Reload page 5) Scroll all the way to bottom of log so it auto-scrolls as shit comes in 6) click start on video you want to scrape 7) Look for anything that says master.m3u8, or anything that that has m3u8 in the url on the "File" column of the network tab you just opened -Alternatively type in "m3u8" in the "filter" area to the top right 8) Copy discovered m3u8 url's into VLC (or anything else that can read them) to check if it works and it's what you want. Right click on item with m3u8 in column; Copy -> Copy URL
If it's what you want, congratulations, you can now record it with VLC or just watch it.
Austin Peterson
Dravidian mongrels are not Aryans. The Aryan legacy is as dead as it is in Persia.
its real its just not from this firefight it is from some wedding celebration or some other faggy shit fromsaud arabia notice the lack of helmets and the use of tents and the recording with cell phones fake and gay
"55 forward areas have incoming shelling" "they are attacking civilians there" schools are shutdown tomorrow in india
Tyler Kelly
dumb, fake, gay, AND semetic to boot i'm rooting for an actual nuke
Joseph Martinez
dubs, trips checked
Lucas Hernandez
Warfare between brown people is like soccer with brown people. They'll immediately try to play the victim card against each other. "Attacking civilians" lol
Lincoln Fisher
actually live from where i couldn't care less than I do it is somewhere in shitholestan or poopland on the border region
Levi Scott
this is really what PooNN is kvetching about right now.
Samuel Gonzalez
That's just some retarded poo music video
Jace James
Shit guys we need that GF Pajeet spammer back, he could tell us what's going on.
Jaxson Cook
Man, I wish I had got days off at school due to artillery shelling.
Ryder Adams
First you need to find him a girlfriend.
Hudson Edwards
angry poospeak is funny
Josiah Miller
when they get heated on PooNN they revert to poospeak instead of english
Brayden Powell
ah shit god dammit
he finally found a girlfriend
Ethan Harris
The logical one. India's geopolitical aspirations are molded by inferiority and insecurity towards the Chinese and an existential struggle against political Islam. There is absolutely no avenue here where they don't merge paths with the interests of the zionist entity strangling and genociding the West.
Angel Gray
Poo Paki is my new steam name
Brandon Collins
Funny you say that I actually thought about that miserable fucking piece of shit when I read the first threads title.
Luke Cox
india used to be part of antarctica it's where aryan culture came from
Brayden Nelson
you got more info?
Connor Gutierrez
top kek absolutely designated
Dylan Jackson
>(((David Lilienthal))) proposed that the whole Indus system be developed as a unit while (((a corporation))) worked out an (((operating scheme))) for storing and distributing water Fucking kikes never stop
Adam Ward
dude thats how the himalaya mountains are getting bigger . india is shoving itself into china and yes Aryans sprang from this general area of the world. this is one of the reasons that Antarctica is so surpressed SIEG HEIL Zig Forums KRIEGSMARINE I am still in the market for a submarine for this voyage
Jeremiah Foster
some of these streams seem unreliable or they just repeat the same shit over and over again these streams seem legitimate at the moment