No more proof needed. Board compromised.
Michael Cohen Testifies Live
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Or most people are being good people and are at work or just getting home from work, catching up on the news and watching it before they got around to doing a post.
It happened really early this morning tbh
It's happening live right now.
Or nobody cares about the kike circus anymore.
That's true. But this should still have a thread regardless.
It won't get very far, just saying.
People are at work nigger. And all your so-called proof is just you whining like a retarded faggot.
I give it five more posts before it devolves into Orange man good/bad faggotry.
Work? I'm on SSI for depression. I basically just read, cook food, workout, and live like a true aristocrat
Keep telling yourself that. Doubt you even know what's going on half the time.
seemed like the usual farce for the bit i watched.
Cohen is a tie to IsraelGate. It will never be exposed because the media is complicit in the entire circus. Enjoy the histrionics and theatrics. It means absolutely nothing.
Never trust a Cohen
I actually came here, there wasn't one, and I was refreshed and invigorated. Purposely didn't make one. But then you came along and now I have to comment…
Well, I'm saging, but I am watching on my third screen while I work. It is entertaining. A democrat was just going on and on "the american people want the truth, they are tired of the lies, tired of the blah blah" Meanwhile, the entire hearing is an interview with someone who already is going to jail for lying under oath.
It's as if they are doing the highest and driest satire of all time.
This is what Trump gets for trusting a kike.
Nigger in the jewS it's 9:30 am west coast. White people WORK.
OP is literally only here to get his jew dick sucked.
You're retarded. nu/pol/ is full of boomers and low IQ spastics since the (((globalization))), and to a slightly lesser extent since kikey went "hurr let's wordfilter twitter and nigger for no reason". There was no thread because the board is full of LARPing retards that are slower to notice real things than mainstream media because they're busy posting spam and religion threads.
welcome to congressional hearings.
The problem with the board is that people like you think stuff like this is a "real thing."
It's more of a real thing than shitty threads that belong on /pdfs/ and /fit/ (hey imagine that, the biggest crying points of the kikey era are things NOBODY fucking cares about once they're allowed!), Zig Forums astroturfing, and "lol let's circlejerk about X old thing while accomplishing nothing ever", schlomo.
Yet you are calling a dog and pony show with a Jew front and center a "real thing" and I'm saging it. Hmmm.
The guys is a jew, nothing will ever happen to him. You guys are being historical for no reason whatsoever. Thre is literally pedophiles running rampant all over the world because they are jews. Left and right in Amerikkka have been coopted. Only the third way will get you out of this mess.
Typical nu/pol/, surprised you used both slashes earlier, you must be a fast learner.
The Kabbalist is giving testimony.
Enjoy the retribution Michael. It was voted on, you're out.
That's not a Kabbalah thing.
You're a lying sack of shit.
And full of nu-jews.
It's a jew gypsie heebie jeebie evil eye thing.
No, it isn't. It's a ward, it tells the fags to not touch him.
Oh noes, wikipedia!
You stupid nigger-jew fuck, it's literally to ward off the evil eye and evil magic. Exactly what I fucking said it was.
"And yet I continue to work for him."
Ahahahahoy Vey!
You were btfo. Sit down and show some humility.
Excuse me?
The jew theft stems from the red string tied around Rachel's tomb. They believe the mystical properties inherent is to WARD OFF THE FUCKING EVIL EYE ETC. that makes a bitch barren. they made up a story to excuse theft of the idea from poos.
Pure pottery.
is fucking retarded.
So when does he start giving evidence of any actual crime?
The “evil eye,” ayin ha’ra in Hebrew, is the idea that a person or supernatural being can bewitch or harm an individual merely by looking at them.
What kind of a people would be so egotistical as to claim harm from being looked at?
Oh gawwt, hay looked at may! At was awwwful. Thehyz gonna be anutha showa!
They evolved with the selective pressure of white people staring at them every time they did something fucky. kek
It's not Jewish. It comes from gypsies
I wasn't for sale.
The Duginists wear them as well. They are Satanists, not Kabbalah.
This nigga.
Yes yid, you fucks even steal from thieves.
jews will be jews.
I am Danish you dumb nigger.
There won't be any. There will be evidence that suggests there should be more investigations. So FBI will spend the next year talking about how Trump may or may not have done some terrible things to a woman at some point. Right in time for him to run for re-election.
I have an upturned nose and multicolored hair. 100% Northern Germanic. My family even has royal titles still. I am related to actual Kings they are alive now. You kikes already know this, quit being bitches.
You will never be white moshe.
Oh fuck off TRS.
Shouldn't have kept doubling down jew, that's your tell. White people don't mind learning from their mistakes. That red string won't protect you from reality.
No it's 30 posts about the truth. Doesn't matter what they lie about, jews will be corrected.
Why should I care what this lying kike says?
What's the temperature in Tel Aviv today?
Sorry, user. You are not 100% Northern Germanic. You have a nose that evolved to breath in warm air, not cold air. Cold-air noses are large and rigid with stong bridges usually accompanying a strong brow and cranium associated with the Paleo-europeans of Northern Europe.
Trump is more 'redpilled' on Jews than any of us can even imagine
Kabbalah is Luciferianism and Keter. It has nothing to do with Satanism. Don't believe everything you read. They two seperate groups.
I am a Keter, and a light bearer.
Nice spot.
There's a reason this story is dead OP. Trump isn't going into that perjury trap, so keep dreaming. Only guy dumb enough to voluntarily talk to a federal investigator was Clinton.
Ouren, Old Germanic is Orr, literally means light bearer. Other side is Bendever, anglicized from Van De Beers.
Shots fired.
Shlomo, means you're a fucking dirty jew. In the desert, shmeared from whites.
Not disagreeing, but Swedish noses definitely don't agree with your description, which sounds more Slavic to me. Maybe Swedes are just Darwins failures.
They are not 100%, because they have black hair and not all have strong long noses. Some even think they are Paleo-europeans mixed with Persian refugees that fled Persia during the "Turk" invasions of Western Asia.
why does this Pulpil matter?
They evolved from the mer. Fish play by different rules.
Did you have family in the SS? I did.
No it's just that some features stayed and others didn't, probably due to saturation of some features vs others, or the amount of new people vs local people. For example, the Southern Slavic people who almost all have brown hair brown eyes have strong nordic noses that seem to align with the genetic Haplogroup I2, since the Dinaric and Apennine people with such features are mixed Nordic and Sudic. To compare, The Alpine people do not often have such a nose, they have the same upturned nose of the Iberian people and other Meds with maybe the exception of the Greeks.
I'm sure you did moshe. kike informants were utilized often.
That was a good thread.
This nose comes from my Grandmother's lineage. Her father was a Duke who avoided the purges by the black Nobles as they tried taking over Austria. Why am I repeating myself? You assholes already know all of this.
It was fucking nothing, as expected.
literally who?
Not a girl.