Ay Tone, I aint sure about this six million shit…why dey keep changin' da numbas?
Dumping Ay Tone holohoax collection for anons.
Ay Tone, I aint sure about this six million shit…why dey keep changin' da numbas?
Dumping Ay Tone holohoax collection for anons.
Other urls found in this thread:
that show was pozzed in the early 2000s. cant even watch fat italians eat without them talking about sjw garbage
bretty gud
That's all I got.
Nice memes, I'm spreading them to my social circle
Fuck off back to reddit, nigger.
This gave me a good chuckle. What absolute nonsense.
Let me check if I have some more that haven't been posted yet.
Why didn't they just put her in the room with the electric floor, or on the rail cart that poured jews into the ovens alive? Smh, these nazis, so inefficient
Oh good, it's a jew volfuck making these cringe forced memes.
this is good shit, way better than facts and reasoning.
make your enemies laugh, anons
Translation: I reported your thread because I'm a jew but the mods dismissed my report and now I'm assmad
cringe tbh
This is gold. Sopranos was part of almost everyone's evening. People get it.
Boomer please leave and take your boomer meme to faceberg.
I actually like this a lot…even if people don't know who the Sopranos are they will still understand the stereotype and it is FANNNNTASTIC user. Great job.
other than Anthony John Soprano went by "Tony" not the African 'Ton-e'.
I've never seen it but I know about it. the joke is funny even if you only know Italian-american lingo and style and have never seen it..
Fuck off meguca fag back to you fed containment board where you need jewscript to post you fucking nigger.
Faceberg has been used for years across the entire internet, it's not exclusive to CIAnigger containment boards.
These are pretty good,.
these are fun memes
OP is not a faggot today.
Excellent effort this could be leveraged to the moon.
Contex nigger. See all those other greentexteded terms? Deys contex.
These are breddy good. Gave me a decent laugh.
It's amazing how nothing clicked for me until about two years ago or so…. how did it take until my mid 20's to start noticing that none of it makes a lick of sense?
How can I be so stupid?
I always considered myself slightly retarded until now, because now I realize I know more about reality than any of my friends or family, and am starting to see more and more cracks in the story of my own accord.
I don't even like that fucking show… but this is good.
Don't worry. Well gas the fuckin cocksucker and his kids alongside all the other kikes in government. Fuck, I'll make him share a chamber with Rosie O'Donnell if I can.
Maybe Barron can live if he's personally willing to shove Kushner into an oven.
Force fed zog propaganda 24/7 from birth, like everyone else. It only takes one cheeky question to get the ball rolling and the whole house of cards tumbles down.
I've been in a continuous shitposting haze since 2007 so I don't even remember what or when my "eureka" moment was. I just woke up one day a few years ago and I was some kind of internet shitpost wizard nazi. What the fuck you guys.
As far as brainnumbing media goes, The Sopranos isn't that bad. It's actually fairly enlightened on jews, there's a character on there who's a cheating, lying, shekelgrubing kike from the music industry. And Gandolfini 'F was downright godlike in his portrayal of Tony Soprano. Not saying you should watch it, beause it'd just be a waste of your time. But for the dumb masses, it was pretty great. Watched it just before getting redpilled.
and in the first season there's an episode where a hasid hires Tony for a "job" and then tries to jew him out of his payment.
That's a silent "e". It's one syllable: Tone. Like tone deaf. Or Tone Loc
My first clue was reading about the Balfour Declaration in "Tragedy and Hope" in the late 1990s. I was like, hmm, that's interesting. I bet there's more to that story.
It was downhill from there.
In case you faggots don't know, this is a cuckchan meme
OK. Well, its good. Will it give me hepatitis?
Good shit ITT
I'm a Sopranos savant and I disrespectfully disagree
The Sopranos was actually more a GenX/Millennial thing, not sure how much Zoomers have been exposed to it.
Video is the classic scene "The Romans, where are they now?"
Excellent meme
It was just a long "the mafia was Italian, not jewish"-propaganda effort. Mixed in with violence and degeneracy.
So what? When was the last time this kampfy'd up board created any funny and effective memes?
Doesn't change their effectiveness.
They dont change the numbers, its always 6 million. Even when Auchwitz supposed deaths went from 4 to 1 mln, the same with other camps etc, and there was like 3.4 mln jews before war, on later Nazi occupied territory anyway.
Magic. Otherwise they cant excuse going to Israel in their sectarian fairytales.
This kind of shit has to be bots. I find it unlikely they pay people to type this low effort shit.
Pretty good. Naysayers are kikes.
I see this meme posted all the time but what exactly did the Netherlands do in WWII? I still laugh at the fact they let their bikes go, that's the most unrealistic part.
The images ITT? For sure not, just a comment about The Sopranos as a TV show and the broader agenda.
The Netherlands got captured in about 5 days. There were quite a few who joined the NSB, the national socialist movement in the Netherlands. Of course, after the war those people got persecuted and propaganda was spun up, so the sympathizers kept quiet.
This post was meant for:
But what happened to the bikes?
This is fucking gold user.
This meme's got legs, it's fun to read it out loud mentally in his voice.
Created a Dutch SS division and dabbed on jews and commies
Bring up my post
only for those of us with internal dialogues. we also leverage kike programing against them
Made me chuckle internally.
They got incinerated at Cycleschwitz-Bikenau.
My fucking sides.
The board hasn't ben very active in that regard, I agree. Though there were some decent ones, like pic related. The Supreme threads also come to mind, although that one's not nearly as good as this Soprano meme.
This graphic has a number of statistics which could go well with a variation of this memery.
Did that ever catch on? Literally never seen it outside of the thread calling for it.
I saw it in a couple threads during the aftermath of the original one, but it petered out and died.
Indeed, not as much as I personally would've liked. We'll see if it stuck, next Hannukah. Still makes me chuckle though.
Mein sides
This is great.
I'll start making an effort to use it more.
Make a cuckchan thread about it, or a couple over a course of a few weeks, that board has more traffic and is better for spreading memes.
Not Sopranos but I think you'll like it anyway.
criminally underrated and unchecked dubs
We should start doing this around September, three months before Hanukkah. In the meantime we could be coming up with some good ideas for memes. A concerted effort by a couple anons could do wonders on cuckchan.
I believe Voat to be a good platform for this as well, they were very responsive last time around.
I don't really have any ideas for any funny maymays on this one tbh. Calling out cryptojews with Happy Hannukkah is funny as it is
When shit hit the fan in Germany kikes fled to the Netherlands. They were dubbed unwanted and prohibited acces to the nation. Hendrikus 'Shitposter' Colijn actually used kike-logic against the kikes saying that allowing more jews would cause a rise in anti-semitism. Fucking amazing. Vol = vol
Netherlands also send too many people to workcamps. They took natsoc teachings at heart and removed kikes from all layers of government, education and art before the order was even solidified by Seyss-Inquart.
The 'resistance' they tout so proudly off in history books in the Netherlands came down to individuals, there was hardly any organisation, because there was hardly any support for their cause. The story gets turned around now, how brave loners against all odds were fighting for the people, but its just your usual communist propaganda. Fact of the matter is that almost 80% (78,2%) of all jews in the Netherlands were kicked out.
Biggest blot on that particular time in history was Mussert desperately trying to get Hitler-senpai to notice him, instead of doing his duty for his people, history tells us he did it for personal glory. Which is fine if you dont fall short, yet he did.
Wasn't this also the largest percentage of all Europe?
They don't have to be funny, we just need some shit to use when hitting cuckchan with the threads. Maybe twatter examples of last year.
Oh i have one for a request for you guys making em.
"Ay tone, If they gassed em' on arrival, how come they all look like they starved to death?"
Something like that. In front of the bodies that died of starvation ofcourse. Expecting to see it When i update next time anons.
To add something to this, and I'm sure you would know. A lot of these "resistance" groups where nothing more than groups full of jews and other commies hiding like cowards until it was pretty clear Germany was losing, thus reaping the fruit of 'victors and heroes'.
By there actions, cutting telephone wires and the like, they've caused a lot of unnecessary amount of people getting killed too because people where thus unable to communicate quickly when attacks happened. Also, a lot of these groups formed "news" papers and created news organizations that are still spouting the same bullshit as they did back then. Most of the left leaning political parties in The Netherlands also stem from those groups.
Correct. And Dutch kids on schools are still being shamed because of this.
LOL. Excellent point.
De staat waarin 'gen Z' en zelfs millennials zich verkeren in verNederland is onomkeerbaar dramatisch. Het is echt gedaan wat Nederland betreft. Wat een kankerland. Het voelt als een continuele live-action simulatie van rtl4. Totalenkanker.
Ik weet het, al merk ik hier wel dat men steeds meer en meer openlijk over de joden spreken. In een negatief licht.
Misschien, maar ik zie Nederland in real time veranderen in een politiek correcte feministen-plantage gerijpt voor de slacht. En de kakkers en burgers maar genieten op een veilige afstand. En dan als de demografische ramp volledig intreed en er is geen ontsnappen meer aan moeten wij 'tokkies' ineens aan de bak, ik zie het gebeuren. Kanker op. Maar ja, waar wil je heen anders, het is overal kut nu. Vluchten kan niet. Nu hup naar de tempoteam tokkie.
Misschien komt het omdat ik in het buitengebied woon en niet bij de steden dat ik er minder van merk. Men hier zijn vrij rechts en dat geeft mij wel wat hoop.
Ik snap je punt, maar het is vooral de linkse media die de cultuur bepaalt en jonge meisjes en 'creatieve' mensen recruteerd en dus vanzelf bekeerd tot cosmopolitaire popcultuur(aka zelfhaat, negrofilie etc) waardoor alles nu steriel en dood aanvoelt en het land dus langzaam wegrot. Hoe dan ook, niet prettig om in te leven op de lange termijn. Hoe zie jij dat goedkomen met de demograaf in het achterhoofd, en nichten in machtsposities?
Happy Hannukah