3 Step Method To Becoming an Aryan Superman

Are you weak or fat? Ofcourse you are. If a black guy tries to mug you will you be able to defend yourself? Ofcourse not. Wanna change these things? Ofcourse you do! ==If you are not an aryan superman, literally nothing else pol related matters==

Step 1: Muscle Mass

To gain the physique of pic related you need 3 things:
#1: 7 hours of sleep each night. YOU WILL NOT EVER GAIN MUSCLE IF YOU DON'T ALLOW YOUR BODY TIME TO RECOVER. Not everyone gets enough sleep because they stay up playing vidya or doing weeb stuff. Dont make this mistake.

#2. Proper diet! Treat your body like a temple. AVOID SODA AND PACKAGED MEALS AT ALL COSTS! When I grocery shop, I always always always read the nutrition facts and the ingredients. IF IT CONTAINS SOY OR FLAX DONT EAT IT! Each morning I eat 4 eggs with mushrooms 3 slices of ham and a chunk of swiss chiece and a clump of spinach. Lunch is usually steak with brown rice and brocolli or celery. Dinner is usually salmon with whole grain pasta and corn or yams. I usually have 3 or 4 snacks a day of fruit, a bunch of almonds, or Greek yogurt. IF YOUR NATURALLY SKINNY, USE THAT DIET! I'm also naturally skinny and this diet works great. If your naturally larger, just cut down carbs by a huge amount and stay away from sugar. You need to be able to cook your own food! I had no idea how to cook first, so I used my big ass brain and figured it out. Look up how to cook a medium steak on skillet. Theres plenty of videos out there.

#3. Get proper exercise! There's really only 2 ways to get good results: at home workouts and the gym. An at home setup has a bigger startup cost but the gym costs more in the long run. Personally I prefer the gym. At the gym you should be doing the 5x5 method. Here's an in depth explanation: stronglifts.com/5x5/#Why_This_Works If you cant afford gym and you cant afford weights: just try out the exercises in the second pic.

Step 2: Warrior Training

You need to be able to fight like john wick. To do this, work from the ground up.
#1. Hand to hand combat, essentially just MMA. I started with spetsnaz systema, but this is very rare so you should just find classes to teach you krav maga. Mua Thai is also very good, and judo is decent enough. Look up classes nearby, it'll take you ATLEAST 6 months to become good enough at it to progress to part 2.

#2. Learn how to properly use firearms. This is the subject I have the least experience with. I've had a few range lessons, but not enough to preach on how to be proficient at it. Just start with pistols, and try to take your first shots with someone experienced nearby.

Step 3: Accquire Greater Knowledge

You need to learn skills that can be used in practical scenarios, and skills that would only be utilized in some sort of race war.
#1. Practical skills like being able to change your own oil, fix a broken something in your house, or survive in the wilderness are really important skills a man should master. For this I'd recommend; watching videos online, going to the library to read a book on it, or taking a course on it at your local community college. So far I've learned to change my own oil and sew my clothes back together if they rip. I'm also learning Russian.

90 percent of the mods are Jewish so I fully expect this to get taken down. Just try to follow this 3 step method to become a better man.


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Other urls found in this thread:


I must've done that backwards because I started using firearms when I was 8 we're all meat on the inside and if you can kill and field dress a deer when you're a prepubescent, you're miles ahead of most urbanites

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Well lucky you, but most of us are from urban areas, me included. I thought about adding hunting to the list but that might be a stretch for most people because of the obvious reasons of hunting areas being too far and stuff

me too, but that never stopped me
there are organizations like Hunting Sports Plus that lease land for hunting; don't let a perceived lack of access stop you from getting truly in touch with nature.

Way too many carbs. You're making yourself slow.

nice thumbnail chart, faggot. bodyweight is excellent btw. within six weeks using the exercises in convict conditioning 6 days a week i dramatically changed my overall strength and physique, especially my upper body. i highly doubt this is is by and for 'convicts' but the progression approach really works, even if you are fat.


kill yourself and fuck off back to cuckchan/reddit

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If you have a high metabolism you need a lot of carbs because they all get burned off so fast. I should probably be having more

Cmon man krav maga is for retard larp jews. Learn muay thai, bjj, and mma. DO NOT LEARN MUAY THAI AT A MMA GYM. They dont fucking know anything about muay thai, youll end up looking like karate kid. Mma is really crap but its useful to combine striking and ground. But go back to the source and learn striking from strikers and ground from bjj. Catch wrestling is also acceptable for ground. Dutch kickboxing is acceptable for striking. NOTHING ELSE. Krav maga is some seriously stupid shit and you will get fucked if you try to use it irl.

Carry a knife if not a handgun. But remember a gun is a crutch, a motivated attacker can draw a knife and cut you from 30 feet away before you can draw your gun.

Skip the carbs and starches. Eat veggies and meat. Keto diet if you can. At the very least IF. Even if you are "bulking" Learn how to butcher your own animals. If you can't hunt you can at least buy bulk meat and process it yourself.

You dont need a gym. Bodyweight is plenty. Any routine, just be consistent. If you do hit the gym, powerlift. Do compound exercises. Don't do bicep curls you fucking fruitcake. And don't use any fucking machines other than a treadmill or bike and only then if its subzero temps outside. Those machines exist for white cunts to exercise with minimql effort. That wont get you anywhere.

But most importantly, dont spend any time around people who dont have those same lifestyles. Crabs in a bucket is a very real phenomenon. I deserted my life entirely to seek fortune in Alaska 10 years ago and never looked back. The people I left behind are weak and poor and just becoming more so. They would not want to see me succeed and would actively prevent it. Take heed faggot.

Back to where cuckoldry is practiced and is considered normal

You're living my dream. Godspeed user.

This user has a point OP. You're not supposed to post here until you've lurked for two years first. At the least learn to spell the word 'nigger'.

He really doesn't. Hes calling the thread shit because its pro white and he is Jewish.

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Lol ok mr genius. Taking my whole thread and putting it in your own words is kinda retarded and unnecessary. But whatever. Enjoy Alaska

Anybody else noticed how many times he kicked people in the balls in those movies?

Sorry i had to tell everyone not to do krav maga because its the stupidest jew shit in existence and then I got to rambling.

This is how I know you're not serious about it and you just wanted a lot of (You)
MMA will help you in situation against untrained normies but never against low-impulse-control/high-test/low-IQ savages.
You won't sleep well if you start fucking up people left and right I can garantee you that, they'll come back after you twice as hard and you specially need to be prepared for that

Those are the only things that are worth learningand please don't cite pedowood movie as example you retard

Attached: Psychology of Killing.pdf (Hitman - A Technical Manua….pdf)

I Didn't learn mma I learned spetsnaz systema. Learn to read you dumb nigger. Your other argument is absolutely retarded. Go ask bibi to help you shill better.

I've heard from a lot of people that its pretty good if you get jumped out on the street, but I haven't actually tried it myself. If you think its shit then ok I cant actually dispute that. I Didn't even know the heebs used it either

MMA is idiotic. Do you really think grappling ability is worth a goddamn thing except in a regulated sport. Supposed you do manage to get the guy on the ground and into a hold. What are you going to do about his three friends who are now kicking the shit out of you? One-on-one confrontations are extremely rare in real life. Muggers always go in pairs.

There is only ONE THING you need to be concerned with when attacked, and it's causing the maximum amount of damage as quickly as possible and then running the fuck away. Most of that isn't going to be taught in MMA because it's all "illegal" like hitting the groin, neck, or eyes. The last thing you should ever worry about is that you might be "fighting dirty". People who fight clean end up dead in the gutter.

not exactly 'survival' but interesting stuff nonetheless.

don't be defensive OP. it makes you look like a faggot. just argue your position and let it rest at that. lurk two years.

Heil Bean-ler
Second meal effect is a god-teir knowledge in getting /fit/
When you eat food, you wanna eat it, not just ram something in your mouth, then shit it out
Make sure your gut health is good, the gut is almost more important than the rest of your entire bodies, you can literally live with half a brain, but god fucking help you if your stomach isn't feeling well

Remember to avoid high anti-androgen foods like soy
Anti-androgens will fuck your ass up

Phytoestrogen is in a FUCKLOAD of foods, basically every fruit, and many vegetables
I heard phytoestrogen is weaker than regular estrogen, but gets used more & blocks estrogen more, if so, than that would mean you'd get big gains from eating more plant stuffs

Also watch out from dairy & certain meats
The hormones pumped in them can easily be your downfall
Your body has a balance, keep it balanced

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You really really really really need to go back.

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The first autism free reply. Thanks user. Doing gods work

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Jesus christ what a fucking pussy

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Systema like krav only able the jew to free the goyim from hard earned money but I'm the one who is dumb.
You wanted a discussion on becoming a hard2kill aka "superGOYman" and I delivered docs on it so don't a high estrogen faggot and level up.
You'll get a reality check soon enough I hope and when you do come reporting in.

Will watch anything that can help resist, being able to live outside is of great utility.

OP also need to train his brain to be more calm less stressed and less defensive, he'll never make it against savage if getting criticized make him suicidal

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Macho men also end up dead in the gutter, but don't let that stop you. Go right ahead and find a large group of big niggers and start talking shit. Prove how you're not a pussy. Post results or have your next of kin do so. I can't wait.

WHAT the fuck are they doing in this video?

All will amount to nothing if you don't dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.
Teach yourself means to feel good about killing your enemies and their allies. Teach your children the same.
No power can achieve anything without the will to be violent.

When the last surviving veterans of Napoleon's Grande Armee were in their 70's the Daugerreotype was invented just in time to capture them all on film before they vanished into the sands of time….

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Sit ups are useless FYI.

Leg raises, specifically weighted leg raises are master race, that and using an ab-whee, those are also great for core exercise.

Learning to shoot and gun safety =/= tracking and wilderness survival


OP is paying shekels for his thread to be featured on the front page

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The dude on the floor is disrupting the ki center of the chinx directly with his fat center

Grew up on a farm among the orchards of the northwest Americas. Can ride a horse, dress out a hog, kill pluck and fry a chicken. You are right, rural means you are already miles ahead of the urbanites.

So good advice and pays for server bills? Great, OP!

This thread reeks of JIDF/Glownigger faggotry

Exactly, in our civilization the best to achieve this is either killing people and end up in jail or working as a butcher, especially in slaughterhouse, the screams of the beefs, the blood, the smell can dehumanize you in less than a year or even visiting Zig Forums for some spics on spics action.
Hunting is good also, gutting an animal is quite good and make you feel how it is to be on top of the food chain, if you can't just start by killing your own food (chickens, lambs…) because I can assure you that the day you'll have to stab someone without being prepared, your brain and legs gonna give up on you and the savages will get you fast and hard.

Attached: jew shhhhhhh.gif (320x240 2.12 MB, 2.64M)

the heebs invented krav maga you moron.

This thread was created to slide this
Won't work, kikes. Your time is up.

Jesus, enjoy getting stabbed. The method they teach for handling yourself against a knife-wielding assailant is extremely high-risk.

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the fucking loser OP paid watkins money to post on the front page?
how many pennies is jimbo gonna make?

Tis has to be an experiment to paid passes

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So what? If it works, you should learn it and use their own weapon against them.
It's important to try to learn the actual military version of krav maga. The "sport" version is cucked because all the dangerous and effective moves and strikes were removed because rules.

There's some essential grappling techniques. Someone punches my face I grab a handful of their face and hip toss them especially if they're enraged and trying to crush me. when they're down they're getting the boot under the chin and a shattered mouth and permafucked teeth, maybe kill them with brain trauma.

Lol. This kike's fake /sig/ thread got removed. Is this the kikes response to another subtle but fake /sig/ thread?

OP is a shekel-paying faggot.

The file names are right above them. Visit /pdfs/ and stare at all of the threads until you can make sense of what each file is called for practice.

I spent $150 on equipment two weeks ago and started P90X along side some other fitness and nutritional changes. Never felt better. If you're feeling like you need a change, just do it.
Buy some guns too, they're fun and useful.

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Do you have the /pdf/ of

I'm pretty sure those machines have adjustable effort that you can turn up as high as you like.

Can't argue with that.

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can confirm

I'll kick a nigger in the balls if I have to, what the fuck…

Fuck off. Beans are trash food.

Yeah dont eat beans your actually right. Its a nigger tier food.

OP is an unfucked imbecile

It's only high risk if your a low IQ nigger. If your smarter than a nigger than it'll work perfect because your smart enough to execute it flawlessly. The entire Russian army wouldn't have taught it to their soldiers if it was so shit.

user is a low IQ nigger

If you ever made a good thread like mine it might be put on the front page too. But you've never made a good thread before because your a low IQ beaner

keep living in a dream world where classes can prepare you for violent acts. none of it will help unless you already have hands on experience with brutality. the real lessons come from actually being involved in situations. heres the best one, once it starts you cant be halfway in it. you better be fully committed to destroying because the second you hesitate to bring the fight to your target youre done. never fight fair, its not about honor. its about destroying your opposition.

Lol so much retardation from someone who managed to call out (((krav maga)))…keto is horseshit, your muscles need carbs, fuck outta here with (((meme diets))).

PDF anywhere?

I haven't seen a thread this good on Zig Forums in some time.

to be fair you shouldn't use martial arts alone to defend yourself against a knife attack you need something to keep the knife attacker at distance, this is because once the attacker has a tight grip on the knife it's almost impossible to physically disarm.

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Thanks. Theres a lot of Jews crying about how my thread is trash, so that's how you know it's really good lol. Also it got put on the front page, which is a nice surprise.

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youre making it trash talking about how great it is. all you said was arm yourself, get in shape and be prepared for war. everybody knows this.

That first sentence made no sense. And if you were able to read, you'd see that the thread is a 3 step method I thought of to become a superman. That other sig thread is about just general self improvement. This is more advanced/specific because it's better to be a super bloomer than just a bloomer

Dank, another shitty /fit/ thread full of homoerotic circlejerkers that will LARP but show no sign of actually doing anything ever.



At least when I get mcnuked here, more minorities will die than whites.

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What are /sig/ threads?

Self improvement threads, basically. Self improvement is the last thing Jews want the white man to have, so they're trying to shit up my thread as best as they can. It wont work tho, my threads already made front page. Theres another self improvement thread at the the top of pol, but it's more so about getting out of a rut than becoming the greatest you can be which is what my thread is

Thanks OP for such a great thread.



Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.


Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of Whites.

Strength training will significantly increase testosterone. Full body exercises have been shown to increase testosterone more than isolation exercises.

Smash abs pretty much every day since they are the fastest to recover.

That has literally nothing to do with this thread, but ok whatever you do you captain soy.

Your welcome brother, It's always good to see when your work makes a difference.

Hey op I'm 6'4 at 155lbs.
Started going to the gym and eating sort of good.
How bad are carbs for a lanky fuck like me I always consumed a lot of shitty carbs and sugars but never got fat.

I'm guessing tv is responsible for the urge to make toothpaste portraits of your favorite niggerball players like this high IQ Chinese guy who did this on his break from building my next iphone.


Well I need to eat a lot of carbs and around 4k calories a day but that's because I'm naturally skinny. If you burn calories slower and you wanna gain muscle mass then I'd assume your need to do the opposite of my routine. Dont eat more than 2,800 calories a day that's for sure, but for carbs dont have more than one serving per day. Each day I eat a serving of rice, pasta, and corn or yams. You shouldn't eat more than one. And as for sugar, try to cut down on that the most. This stuff should work well enough but again I haven't tried it because I'm not naturally larger

Oh wait I read that wrong. Yeah if ur skinny eat a lot of carbs. I'm 6'2' and 150 so we're about the same. Just follow the diet I put in the post

Eat organic. It's not gay hippie shit, it's what food should be. Nude Ecofacists are gonna take over health food stores and put vegans to the sword. Trump to coordinate with powerful EOs.
Don't buy gmo shit unless you want big titties.

Read Bronze Age Mindset

Don't drink beer unless you want big titties
Eat spinach and broccoli, they are full of iron, zinc, and magnesium. Good for T levels. Eat eggs a lot, also good for T and full of healthy fat. Avoid flax, canola oil, rapeseed oil, and anything soy. Olive oil is great and will help you shit.

Look into keffir and probiotics.

If you're a fat fuck, take an EC stack.

if you're going up against a guy with a knife, even if you have a knife yourself, you should anticipate getting stabbed at least once. as an example, if you can get the other guy to get his knife stuck in your arm so you then get a chance to strike him and take him out you should consider that a big success.

how is this book? i was interested in it until i found out it was some current year thing and all the reviews seem like they're from 110iq hobbyists who just want to meme.

You don't hate jews enough. Anything their minds created you should be repulsed at using for yourself. It should have a feeling of taint to you, especially when there are so many other options.

So if you were starving to death and you were surrounded by meats veggies and fruit but they were all farmed by Jews, you still wouldn't eat it? Nice. Your an absolute genius.

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We ain't talking scifi negro

In war, you should never under or over estimate your enemy. If Jews have resources we should take them for ourselves. But ofcourse you dont feel this way because your jewish

You are paid to post here.

Nice projecting, retard. Kikes will either samson or get obliterated. There is no middle ground for them. I realize where you're coming from, but if you'd knew history, you wouldn't paint these subhumans as anything but leeches; they will *never* create things of their own, let alone share anything with the goyim

Derailing threads be like

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You have the wrong mindset, fren. Your life is of little value, compared with a high principle. To die refusing food from your enemy has a certain nobility in it. If you can't learn that, your ancestors may be from Africa.

Best way to hit is to either be completely unattached in any way or in vast numbers.

I'm fairly weak, but in a pretty good shot.
I still need to gain some muscle, but age is agr

reminder not to neglect back work. you don't need to do much of any pressing at all. you'll get more benefit from just doing tons of rows. most people training for function could probably drop pressing entirely in favor of rowing. a set of pushups to failure at the end of your workout is plenty for most people. do a fuckton of rowing. vertical, horizontal, bent over, all of it.
do a fuckload of abs too.

criminally underrated post

fitness is something a lot of us can do free if we don't have the money for a firearm or live with liberal parents who would kick us out if we brought one into the house. You probably won't have a long rifle on your person if you get mugged on the street by a nigger, too.

What about a backpack or a satchel? I figure if you just try to hit the knife with it, the knife might get stuck in the fabric and make it harder to stab you with it, during which time you could push the knife via the bag wrapped around it aside/backward to get past it and hit them in the face?

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You get all the carbs you need from veggies.

You learn some grappling so you can put someone to sleep or otherwise restrain them without killing them. If you punch someone so hard they fall and crack their head open and die, the state is going to view you as the criminal. As long as the police state apparatus is fynctioning nonlethal deescalation is more important than killing.

A knife isnt going to stick in your arm dummy. Your plan is to get gutted so deeply that your attacker disarms himself and you expect to be able to fight back with that mortal injury? Best defense against a knife is to run like hell. Second best is to shoot them. Third best is to attack their weapon hand so they can no longer wield the knife.