Russia doesn't consider the niggered ones like Jew York a threat. No surprise there.
If you live in Montana or North Dakota, start learning ebonics and move out.
Russia doesn't consider the niggered ones like Jew York a threat. No surprise there.
If you live in Montana or North Dakota, start learning ebonics and move out.
The greatest mistake one can make is assuming Russians aren't jews and bugmen. There were nordic strains, but those families are long gone.
The first targets would be rival nuclear launch facilities. That's why those states are there. New York doesn't have any power without a military and it doesn't have the infrastructure to feed itself without the hinterland. Rest assured, these bases and the towns around them in are nigged up as all get out.
Russians are still bugmen lead by chabad jews.
Some things in this clown world are just fucked up.
They just don't want to hurt the (((chosen))) people living there
makes sense tbh. JYC would die off pretty quick sans military anyways.
Shows how out of touch with reality burgers are.
White is a skin colour, not a race or ethnicity.
Newfaggot detected
Jews have "white" skin but are never attacked by the media, banks, and anti-White hate-groups.
Many mexicans have "white" skin but they are never attacked by the media, banks, and anti-White hate-groups.
Arabs have "white" skin but they are never attacked by the media, banks, and anti-White hate-groups.
ONLY White Europeans are attacked this way.
ONLY White children are abused this way.
ONLY White nations are targeted this way.
We are attacked because White is a race.
These words all mean the same thing; the White race.
I will not explain this to you a second time.
Lurk, you monstrous faggot
Fuck off ivan, we'd post our map but it just paints your entire nation red.
They are bug people that managed to steal white genes back in antiquity. Their lines are mostly denisovan and neander.
no theyre just epigentically wired to be more savage based on their harsh environment and the enemies surrounding them. they werent mostly dealing with other white kingdoms, they had to constantly fight all manner of asiatic and turkic steppe nigger hordes. it probably also has to do with vikings being the creators of the rus nation instead of slav kings doing it themselves. they suffer from the same issues all blanda’d nations do. lack of identity and cohesion means weak communities and high criminality. they did curbstomp khazaria though which should be taught as a high point in slavic history. they are salvageable if they embrace their aryan history instead of trying to be a separate group. their history doesnt lend itself to larping as a purely indepedent subrace. without varangian influence who knows where they would be? hard to be totally proud of a tribe that let another run your show especially after what the mongols did to them.
I see whats *really* going on here.
I wish they would. Fuck this kikeloving excuse for a country and every traitor with a badge.
Why the fuck don't they just launch them from the NYC sewer???
Why didn't she race mix if she hates whites so much? Oh that's right, it's because she's actually racist against non-whites and no whites wanted to have children that look like dolphins with her.
I didn't say Russians don't have white skin, I said they are bugmen. They're asians with asian minds. They aren't slavic or germanic anymore, even less so without Ukraine. They have languished under Jewish control as long as the US has. They've even been uprooting and blatantly murdering whites for longer. Both are ZOG, and you'll find whites there, but the whites don't control the nukes do they? No. Get real.
Well there are many millions of pure Russians (European).
That place is loaded with bases
Nevada's unlisted and only one X in New Mexico. Its apparent this was Russia shitposting. The good old days have returned.
Those genes.
Got you covered, user.
Not around here Jared.
Its both. Stay kosher. ;D
America can not fall. Its military powerhouse that can be a major threat for whites around the world.
Entry level train of thought. When shit hits the fan, you dont want to abandon the US.
White is a spiritual commitment, Avram. Your kind will have to learn that the hard way.
Its fallen bruh.
It really isn't, you've just been galit into believing that.
The US's military is like half women and most of its equipment is horribly outdated and in disrepair, while the US economy is literally nothing but a facade.
Its a paper tiger.
Rar Raaar me so bad.
America could defeat China with a picture of a skeleton fucking Winni the poo.
Don't be a schmoolie schmuck, stop being a pissbaby and admit you love America. Where else would you live, Israel? What a dump. Might as well go live in Poo street India.
Eat a burger, watch some commercials, and shut the fuck up.
It's because kikes put all the nuclear bases where white people live, away from their hives
Trust me, New York and the entire coastline cities are all fucked beyond all recall.
On March 1, 2018 Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, gave his annual State of the Nation speech in Moscow. The last third of his 2-hour, 13,340-word speech dealt with nuclear treaties and nuclear weapons. On this day in this speech Vladimir Putin unveiled five new Russian nuclear-weapon systems (pausing after describing each one to show a video CGI simulation of it). Like Sputnik in the Cold War Space Race, these highly advanced strategic nuclear weapons checkmate U.S. military supremacy.
These weapons systems also render aircraft carriers and submarines obsolete. One is a drone, in this case a nuclear-powered underwater drone. It can travel 100 mph and descend to a depth of 3,000 feet. Its nuclear power unit is 100 times smaller than the ones that power submarines. This 75-foot-long submerged drone can carry a 100-megaton thermonuclear cobalt warhead, one that is 5,000 times more powerful than the atom bombs the U.S. dropped on Japan. Detonated off the coasts of North America it would create a tsunami wave 1,500 feet tall washing over cities on the east and west coasts. The drone also comes in a form carrying a conventional warhead for use as an anti-aircraft carrier weapon
Yep, very much correct, we are all fucked here in the US.
One big ass bomb above the US and we are in the dark ages again. This how it will happen…… very soon…. 2+2=4 logical
Russia if you're reading this, that's just rude.
then it's simple, we hack the targetting computer and redirect it
Russians are running their nuke retaliatory force with a deadman switch.
Kill the government, kill the controls and the entire shebang launches.
It's alot more simplistic than all of this. Destroy the agricultural base of the states during an all out war and the rest will die of starvation. Maximum effect with the minimum amount of force used.
Anybody else oldfag enough to remember that Russian strike we called down on ISIS? Think we can get coordinates to them for West Palm Beach?
That resource is fucking amazing, by the way. It's like visiting Conquest Base Kalergi HQ and reading their intelligence reports.
All your 'murasharts are belong to us.
I wish someone would nuke this shithole, once this country becomes Brazil with nukes run by kikes god help us all
See, that's jewish.
Imageboards are a magical thing.
'Murica!!!FUCK YEAH!!!!!Coming again to save the mutherfuckin day YEAH!!!!!!
hmmmmmmm Im looking hard at you commiefornians.
There was one for McClellan AFB, which has been closed for years. Tragically, that's where my gun range is located.
Well ,um,2/3 of Russia is in Asia,so it makes sense it eould have a large bug population.
WI stronk
Based Putin.
Where are you from?
I'm offended. We could take all of Russia by ourselves.
They know that after the globohomo government is struck down then the people will just kill each other. Whilst russia has already experienced mass scale invasions and has already burned their own capitals down the will of the russian people persevered and they still won. Americans will probably not fair so well.
Leftist Americans will die. Shitskins and niggers who don't value the country will die. Kikes will die. The majority of white, non-cucked Americans share the same resolve as those Russians and will prevail through the fire.
No selfies, subhuman.
Is that a yamaka?
All moot really, id'nit. In the event of nuclear exchange both sides have enough nukes to pepper the world many times over and they're both going to clear their arsenals with the assumption the other guy is going to do the same and the world is good and fucked.
The ex naval weapons station at port chicago in the east bay used to be a target dunno now maybe they moved the missiles that caused it to be a target. But it's very close to sf someone pls tell vlad
Not niggered, JEW'd
This should give you a clue who set up the target priorities. The jews own Russia too.
Putin is /ourguy/. He's dealing with the same corrupt kikery, the same endless knot that needs unraveling. He's not alone anymore because Trump, and anyone that sits here slinging blackpills because everyone is kiked is either a fucking jew piece of shit or a gullible piece of shit, which is actually worse. There is no way either of these leaders could just come right out and say (((it))), it would mean immediate civil war because of how brainwashed the average motherfuck is.
Bibi is under indictment. Read Trumps fucking EO regarding corruption from early 2017. Trudeau is fucked. Everywhere you look, more shit is coming to light and more dominoes are falling and it's happening without large scale loss of life.
You're all in here fucking whining that we don't have uncle riding crop in a Messerschmidt, forgetting the entire time that Hitler loved peace. He was forced into war, but he loved peace.
Sage for off topic rant.
Based targets.
Imagine being this much of a kike.
well, if you're trying to defeat a country, and the country is infected with a horrible disease, then you want them to keep that horrible disease
they wouldn't nuke portland, JYC, or any part of eastern or southern california, or too close to the border either; they want those thugs and thug factories coming in too
Russian multiculturalism policy cannot be considered better than Western cultural Marxism.
July starts with the same letter as Jewtin.
I like how they dont fuck with III Corps/Fort Hood (pretty fucking deal) or Fort Bragg. They don't even touch San Diego? HMMM what is the plan here? Aside from nuclear weapons, the US still has quick deployment forces available that will have Moscow drowning in paratroopers within hours. I wonder if they would nuke EU to neutralize the US presence.
No, no. Calmly drop RPs and refute his points. Don't resort to ad hominem or lefty tactics, godspeed hothead.
mutually assured destruction; do you remember the story of the drunk Russkie that staved off WWIII back in the 80's?
stop using sage in that context. It is not an upvote you mongrel. Most people use the catalog while allowing tabs to auto update. Ergo, you're a fag and we will still read the comments. You don't know how saging works. In fact, I am not saging so everybody can see how much of a retard you are.
It is not an upvote or downvote^^^
The English sure were a rough bunch. Any brits see themselves in this ? It would be good to know some of you haven't gone all william and harry.
I don't think anybody is worried about the brown "soldiers" whose primary job is economic support for jews running pawn shops, liquor stores and whore houses. Best way to not get nuked is to denuclearize.
If white is considered a "spiritual commitment" around here some folks didn't get the memo. I spent a considerable amount of time trying to convince some of you that my pursuit of a very intelligent, stable, educated, professional, attractive young woman who is only half white (gasp!) was not a massive detriment to our race. I figure that mixing will inevitably occur and the best thing we can do is to only breed with the best of the best of who we have around. That while genetics are an incredibly reliable indicator of what to expect with a given person, that there are always exceptions and plenty of really good people out there who are not "pure" white. It's the hordes of shitskins who want to pile in here flying their home country flags we have to worry about. Not this example of a girl who's Mexican side immigrated here legally in the 60's and have made most Americans look like niggers with what they have accomplished.
Taco chain? Acting? Lawyers extorting companies not controlled by jews with race or sex discrimination allegations?
Worked hard, provided a life for their children, bought houses. More than a lot of folk spouting their bullshit about how only white people are capable of doing anything civil.
Makes me wonder how many mixed race Americans are FAR better "Americans" than the idiots on here telling me I am disgracing my country by choosing to breed with the ones who actually contribute to it. You know there are mixed race people who actually get it. They embrace the ways of the whites and strive to live up to it because they posses the intelligence to realize that it best serves their interest.
Taco chain? Really?
Try licenced psychologist.
Naval Base Kitsap Bangor, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Naval Air Base Whidbey Island, Naval Base Everett, Joint Base Lewis-McChord. The Puget sound area would get fucked up.
A lot of slack jawed faggot defeatists around here. Pathetic.
Read "The life of an American jew in racist marxist israel". Putin does just enough to keep them in conflict but never enough to win a war vs Israel. If Putin was tight with assad or iran they'd have nukes.
My condolences. What pills are you on?
Guidance counselor at a middle school (kennel) or teacher? Social worker helping blacks with addiction in the projects? Cashier at taco stand?
Nuclear bombs are a jewish hoax. There is no evidence they've ever been detonated except some very fake propaganda footage (no camera shaking, no glare, no clouds moving, etc.).
Fuck off. Everyone in charge of the Manhattan Project were kikes for a reason, and no one working below them knew about the weapons because they didn't exist.
What are some of the largest Jewish/Zionist organizations for me to join if I wanted to embed myself among them?
I know of the following:
I am looking for more though, perhaps some university assocaited organizations/other major organizations.
Lol, well, I'm looking for a little more than that to be honest. I've noticed another one called "Christians United for Israel" (CUFI) that seems to be relatively large. Any other ones you can think of?