I know pol complains about outsourcing and other related shit to it like stagnant wages and inmigration

I know pol complains about outsourcing and other related shit to it like stagnant wages and inmigration.

However what's a realistic solution to it?
We all know that we live in a global world right now, globalization was something that happened like 50 years ago, but today we're already living in a post global world.

As such, multinationals hold as much economic power than small nations, I bet apple generates as much GDP as a poor european nation.

So, what can first worlders do when their wages are too expensive compared to the thirld world.
By simple economics, why would a company hire a single american and pay him like 100 dolars per day when it could hire 10 indians or 4 spics for the same price.
I know pol likes to brag about whites being some high IQ intelectuals, but I don't see whites being particularly (on individual terms) more productive or smarter, a company like microsoft could pay 30k on south america and get the most talented engineers of the region.

So, is a matter of economics, law and supply.
I don't know the solution, because I think there's not, simply that economics will cause the first world and thirld world to equalize their wages somehow.

It's something good? bad?
It depends.
It's the development of billions of peoples from poverty to middle class bad simply because they're non whites?
It's the poverty generated in the first world because of it a good trade off?

There's not easy solutions.

Funny how a shitty global income calculator put me at top 20% global income when I make 200 bucks every month.

Attached: global income.png (621x462, 29.9K)

The solution is to collapse the system and start a race war

Companies want the benefits of living in a white nation without the overhead of paying for white employees.

mega international companies are scum.
we shouldn't steal the 1% of shitskin's intellectual elite, they need it more than us

Kill all nonwhites. Barring that, deport them first. We don’t need immigration. No country needs immigration. It’s over.

It's not that they're more talented or intelligent, it's that they're willing to work for less as they have a lower standard of living. It could also be that corporations favor their political beliefs as they have a pragmatic attitude and don't haggle for wages like leftists do. In my experience, a lot of foreigners are more conservative than native whites now, but there isn't much controversy because of the language barrier. A Huffingpaint journo can't screencap tweets and ruin the reputation of a company because they're not well versed in the country's culture and language. My non-white boss hates fags, but he never got in trouble for it because he spoke in a different language.

Anyway, my solution is that corporations could introduce remote working so that whites can remain in low income areas. They can even provide aliases to protect their employee's anonymity.

By the way, don't listen to (1) posters who advocate violence. They're stupid shills and feds who don't think realistically.

Reported for admitting to being paid.

Ironically non whites outside the west worship whites.

A white guy in latinoamerica is considered part of the elite class, even if he's poor, same as asia.

Unironically making a sentence this retarded

I am 100% sure these are again these Trumpshills advocating for his pro-immigration policies (mostly damage control)
Remindes me of the kike advocating for a "caste" system and racemixing with niggers

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (439x290, 192.96K)

The jew only respects force.

I'm not advocating for white genocide or race mixing, dumbass.

I'm just pointing that non whites outside the west are very conservative, traditional, racists, clasist and hate faggots.

It's funny how is always white people the ones pushing for inmigration, pro faggot shit, abortion and other degenerate shit.

This is true but that doesn't make them our friends. When they come into our lands they do so with hostile intent. They can see our weakness and choose to exploit us in our weakened state.

That's more an issue of whites being too progressive and soft.

Most of the ideas that pol thinks about violence, are normal in non white nations.
It's normal for gays to be killed by the state on Africa and muslim countries.
Japan also sterilizes trans.

Always been faggot the difference is the claims that there are no nations (races) ad "we are all the same" which is clearly untrue.
Or open an office/plant in the country you want to hire workers from. Fuck boomer farmers and their migrant workers.

Stupid boomer farmers don't hire local European kids only migrant mayanos.

NS. Unironically.

All White, pro-White ethnostate.

Yes, I am being realistic because that's the only instance where something positive can be done.

Kill yourself.
as an aside anyone else notice how certain slides seem to take forever to load even when there aren't many replies?

First of all, fuck off. I'll still be addressing your retarded shit in case it's helpful for someone else.
The "economic power" of corporations is bullshit and exists only with the permission of military power. How many divisions has Apple got?
t. someone who's never worked with nonwhites
Whites aren't better because we're "high IQ intellectuals", we're better because nearly everyone else is fucking retarded. Some Asians can compete but they're not the ones being hired for cheap.
If you don't hire from rich countries, you don't get to sell in rich countries. Problem fucking solved. Good luck making money selling your overpriced niggertech in Africa and India.



Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.


Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of Whites.

People need to change their attitudes so they prefer local goods and services. Or at the very least purchase goods and services only from the first world on a level playing field.

A good example I would use is French cars. The French know full well that their cars are vastly inferior to those produced in Germany just next door. But they still overwhelmingly buy French cars. Simply because they are French. Go there and you can see all sorts of hilarious terrible French cars that no one outside of France would buy.
I dont know how much conscious thought they put in to that decision, but its a very French thing to do to buy a worse car simply because its French. But thats a big reason why they still have a car industry.

Have you actually accomplished anything posting in that fashion?
Or are you just screaming in the wind?

OP you're a painfully stupid nigger. Read a fucking book and you'll have the answers to your basic bitch questions.

Looks like the feds are riled up. Try eating less donuts next time, dumbfucks.

He's just using a bot, hence why there are random character in-between.

A result of USA military hegemony. Globalism relies on global trade and that means trade routes protected by US foreign military bases and Navy. As the USA is hollowed out by Jews and the population is displaced by subhumans taking welfare and reducing productivity, the economy to keep such an imperial stake in world affairs will undermine itself. Regional powers will then be able to preside over these 'global' trade routes and try to suckle their share out of it through tolls and embargoes. Globalism is a short term game, not a long term sustainable one. As for those kikes who import millions of shitskins to try and drive down wages locally, they will all be killed in the ensuing chaos by patriots and non sucked whites.

The great irony is that forcing globohomo to live up to it's own dogma would be the most radically self-destructive thing you could get them to do.

On a global scale: universal minimum wage, universally enforceable environmental regulations, universally enforced human rights in the workplace. Make trade dependent on passing regular inspections on all of these points, and levy steep tarrifs on failure to pass these standards would have a catastrophic impact on the de-industrialization of the west. The reason stuff is outsourced isn't because these countries are better at manufacturnig these products, often they're absolutely terrible at it, it's because you can cut corners in these countries and get away with it. If these things actually matter you don't get to signal in your commercials about how much you care about them, bash productive and hard working white men to get brownie points from spoiled clueless idiots, and then outsource your production to countries where you're employing pseudo-slavery, dumping dioxins into drinking water and fucking everyone over. Make them live up to their own standards and watch them eat their words.

It sounds like you want to deport whites to shitskin nations to have them relevant in the work force. No shitskin wants a white male. They all want white women. White men will be rejected for being too smart or overqualified to work there. The reason is that companies don't want white men to teach shitskins how to demand higher wages or regulate the economy. That's the point of importing unregulated third world cheap labor.

"Realistic" is a niggerword. A word that says "how do I do this thing antithetical to the globalist world from within a globalist mind frame?" Well, obviously you can't do a thing from within a globalist frame that is antithetical to the globalist system.

Globalism, more properly known as neoliberalism, or in other words radical belief in absolute genetic equality separated only by geography and economic opportunity, must be done away with. This is the power that rules the entire world, so it is "unrealistic" to do away with it. But the National Socialists did away with it. They created a labor service where the young were mobilized to 'do the jobs that (((we))) don't want to do,' and in exchange (besides their high wages) they got a wife and 100,000 free* reichsmarks to build a house *if they popped out 4 kids together. This was, by the way, a program that paid for itself because of all the primary sector labor and stimulus to construction and consumption that it drove.

What is needed is nothing short of revolution, but we have a lot of the answers researched and developed for us already by the twelve years of the Third Reich.

We really do live in a globe. A globe is what we live in. We can end commuting, can't we? Why do we need all these make-work jobs, so women aren't making white babies? Why do we need, in the US, to drive half an hour just to and from work? My job has me driving for doing maintence, but I'm compensated. Surely nobody needs to work at corporate in an office anymore.

Seriously underrated post.

And where the state isn't directly involved, the people still know what to do with deviants and unwelcome strangers.

Development of third world must never be made. The shitskin races must be terminated completely. Not developed.
There is nothing wrong in not being productive for corporations/jews. White men having superior intellect means that we know when we are being dealt a shit deal (be employed by jews, having jews run the economy, etc) and that we fight against it. Low IQ subhumans only accept whatever scraps are given to them. White men don't. We fight to have the best only for us, and to eliminate everyone else if we can't have it.

outsource lead to judges' heads… i overheard a man in a theatre say one time

t. Kike
It's generally held that the ZOG will need to be removed by force.

Oh, is that what's happening? Billions of peoples from poverty? Well, I guess white genocide is ok then.


Eat a bullet, you fucking kike.

Get rid of semites, and semite worshipers.

The reason you don't hire 10 indians or 4 spics is because intellectual property, retaining in-house knowledge, and all other manner of security issues. I wouldn't hire third world trash in any case where IP is related anymore than I would hire a kike to protect gold. Manufacturing should be brought to the US. We should become ridiculously isolationist except for critical materials we need for manufacturing, and that's when we work on unilateral trade agreements.

Let's face it, the reason those third world countries are third world countries is because the populations are low IQ genetic trash. They don't have a chance in hell of ever becoming 1st world countries because evolution has left them behind. We'd be better off just genociding them all.

Globalization has failed and evolution has relegated most of the world's population to eternal poverty.

Attached: diversity police.jpg (4298x2284, 3.21M)

Try comparing the income in relation to the IQ, yo will get a completely different result that way.

In relation to IQ , africans are the richest in the world.