If we deepfake this IAF pilot being beheaded or shot by Pakistanis and share the video on Twitter, we could cause 1.7 billion shitskin to fight each other with nukes. If you can deepfake, we must "kill" this man on camera and share it as Pakistani tweeters.

Attached: 1551310630193.webm (485x272 2.87 MB, 8.63K)

do your own work

I was just reading about some app made by Indian students to find fake news. it was called appFarsi or something. They are not stupid like evangelicals.

India Pakistan conflict is fake, if both sides are so butthurt they should go for a fullscale war instead of dog and pony show.

We could only hope a good spring cleaning of the poos and poo mongrels would be fantastic.


China needs to get involved as well. They hate India and are allies with Pakistan.

OMG that couldn't be better…this sounds like a fantastic beginning to the resolution of the bug and poo problem.

If true, he should shoot his supervisor in the face, help clean up government, drain that swamp! Because it aint gonna get drained by Trump.

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triple threes make it so
china - pakistan vs india - Jew S of A

>If we deepfake
>we could cause
Who is this "we" you're talking about?
>If you can deepfake
Ooohh, I see.

With America in so much debt, mossad has to resort to begging chans for psyops material. Here. I found some footage that can be recycled, Yitshak.

2019-2022 : Indians and Pakistanis kill eachover.
Sounds good.
But then…
2023 : Apefricans have a huge empty land to invade instead of sucking my fucking blood in Europe.
2030 : Indiafrica is now even worse than it was before, poorest country in the world, "people" live like in prehistory…
2031 : Billions of indiafricans invade Europe, all white women are happy to be banged by gorillas, and Israelis yell all around "Welcome those poor migrants you filthy European racists !" while keeping its door closed.

Well… In the end, this will not change anything…

Why the fuck would a spook not just make someone in their employ do it?
It's not like they can't also make up a fake scapegoat and then claim he browsed hatesites.



If that happened things might get interesting. Honestly not sure why India with its billions hasn't just thrown a few tens of millions at the muslims and wiped them out already. now they're basically encircled.

This is a very dangerous idea.


Spooks want plausible deniability. They can't get caught making shit like this, so they get us to do it. We're already black sheep, they'd already rather put a bullet in our skulls and harvest our organs, and they might get there if they can prove that we started WWIII.
Make no mistake, (((they))) will point right back to us when shit goes tits up.

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Nuclear war between India and Pakistan would potentially cause a massive global famine from the dust clouds blocking out the sun.


Lol who cares

100 warheads would theoretically end all life on earth if they all start cement fires


Hope you have a pooclear fallout shelter. If a nuke goes off there we're ALL fucked.

No, it would suddenly alleviate the world of billions of mouths to feed, making foreign aid a less viable scam.

Bring it, loos. I'm ready.

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Doesn't matter if we lose our ability to grow crops

Maybe if White Nationalists become muslim suicide bombers and blow up hindu temples it might work.

And get 72 aryan virgins.


All of you are faggot kikes. Acceleration is the best way.

the virgin pooloo

the chad nord


We need acceleration…the poos even know how it is done with the sewage…they are digging in 14,000 bunkers on their border…NOT WAITING FOR A WALL>>>BUNKERS…

It is almost time to see who in the US Military is loyal to the American people and who isn't.

Hey assmadmossad


Posts knotsee video

Absolute bonkers blokes

Dude Indians and Pakis are not shitskins. The only shitskins are whites who shit all over their own race. The white leftists are the only shitskins on the planet.

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What a lazy government agent you have to be, coming to an Laotian Deck Furniture Designing & Building discussion forum expecting us to go do your dirty work.

Lol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol LolLol Lol Lol Lol Lol

Oy vey TORFag what happened to the $38 billion? I guess it never goes as far as you would hope, does it?




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t. NSA-kun
Nukes or israel or go to >>>Zig Forums

Thars poo in them waters lad.

Enough with this pessimistic bullshit. There's nothing to say that niggers will be forced into the radioactive territory you call "huge empty land". There's foretelling like camp of the saints, then there's just blackpilling like that.

its still an interesting problematic hypothesis. What to do if a shitload of indians want to flood european gates due to "muh asylum"?

Great meme, merimutt.

They can't if they're all dead or if ebola's ran rampant through their streets

In case if you didn't read it.

so do we, just get a bunch of white people to settle there and make a civilization. this time no jews or niggers or any non whites allowed in

Attached: Rhodesian soldier 2.jpg (503x587, 84.46K)

oh come on. That is not a solution to the suggested problem. That is a very unlikely childish dream. Come up with something better.

But how to make sure cuckery will never infect the civilization ever again? Perhaps there should be some punishment against it

its simple
what else do the jews use to subvert nations?

Attached: Rhodesian Man.jpg (1200x1621, 307.4K)

That must be the most puritan moralist shit I have ever read.

Dumb fuck OP you're too late, he's been released already.

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Yeah I'd say Pakistan is petrified of the poos.

What part triggered you? The no smoking or the no beer? Maybe you like to gamble or watch pornography that is created by jews?

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It's Christianity 2.0. Maybe you should read some Goebbels.


Dont like it dont come here! if you are assmad you cant chainsmoke or get drunk and do some stupid shit then just stay in your jewish paradise goyim!

Attached: Chain smoker.jpeg (350x285, 23.7K)

Oh God please make it so…I am begging you to purge the poos from the planet for its sake.

Actually this is the only type of Nat Socialism that I am interested in…I don't really understand the allure of the Alt-Kike Neo-Nazi agendas and vice pursuit…it is almost like they are niggers with the level of degeneracy they pursue…like they think National Socialism will bring them into their nigger paradise or something.

So which of these is "fun", faggot?

alt-kikes and neo-nazis are just usefull idiots, they too will join the criminal in work camps, their line of thinking is extremely damaging to society as a whole
neo-nazis are just LARPers only usefull as muscle against communist goons

sounds like saudi arabia though

Bullshit lies made up by hippies so we wouldn't obliterate the Soviet Union as we should have.

but saudi arabia is a shithole where men gangrape littleboys and mutilate little girls and they still drink, gamble and smoke or just beat one of their many wives
what part sounds like an islamic state?

you. i find you're thoughts intredaasting, digits.

america is more likely to support pakistan

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Goodbye thread