Dad disowns daughter who takes black guy to prom

We now live in a society where not wanting your daughter to fuck niggers and destroy your genetic heritage is now enough to make the news.

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dad's harsh about it, but he has that right

First post every time. He should have murdered her and the nigger.

seems fake

Damn, he told her off, I'm sure there's more to it too, as in this isn't the first time she's been fucking with niggers, so good shit, and that near last line, goddamn, made me lul.

This. Didn't this happen once already?

looks totally organic

like "Question and Answer" and "Russel Brand"

sorry I got that wrong it's "Question Time" in the UK. totally organic bros

not edgy enough for you mr goldberg?

Let me give you people some advice on the off chance I can help someone; Don't be politically incorrect via texting.
Doing this just hands the enemy some nice juicy screencaps.
Now, by all means call up your whore daughter and calmly explain to her that if she wants to bed down with animals, you're not letting her sleep in your house.
Just don't get emotional about it. If you do this calmly and dispassionately, she will be the one getting emotional and upset, not you.

That's it? Just let the nigger have her?

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Pretty sure this is old news.

Yeah having an autistic feminine meltdown like that is why his daughter is fucking niggers, its obvious it pushes his buttons
how do you even get far in life enough to have a daughter and not understand women, you want them to do something you signal the opposite, if you give them attention and get angry it shows them they have control and they will learn to exploit it

Dubs of truth.

Could this be the fabled anti-black hate crime at last? Or did a greedy whore daughter get hold of her father's phone for a minute to run a GoFundMe scam? Only time will tell. . .


Probably another scam.

Raise your daughters right and you won't have this problem in the first place. That being said this is probably fake in which case the dad should still disown her.

I know it's fake because it shows a man being hysterical and a woman being calm. First is understandable but the second is bullshit.



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this is exactly what I was thinking, for a highschool girl she doesn't think much of having her phone plan cancelled

Maybe she's just clever.
Don't uderestimate women. It will be your downfall.
But I must agree, this appears to fit the leftist narrative too perfectly.


He failed as a father/parent, it should have never gotten to that point, should have been teaching her from a young age, instead from her responses she's clueless about the issue.

Manufactured social crisis. Let's form lots of TV panels to collectively admonish the evil racist, while producing a sense of positive feedback in those who repeat the narrative of bigotry.

Just like that nigress who milked dumbass magatards for money, we should start donations for POOR NIGGERLOVERS WHO WERE CAST OUT BY RACISS PARENTS.

too bad crackers
us blacks will eventually take over and whites will be forced spread open to us


Again, how many proms will this coalburner have ?

Sure thing, dawg.

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Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is clearly fake. No father says you can't do this I'm done with you– that is female thought and language. Hoax.

u laugh now fag, but the demorats have successfully put in all the plans for us

now waiting for those slavery reperations…

Stop it. My sides can't handle the bants.

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Someone dox this race mixing whore for putting one of our brothers in such a position, this guy is probably going to lose his job because of this crazy bitch

look crackers will eventually fall, and then we'll deal with the jewish fags

with the power of wokeness, no law can stop us

Stfu niggerlover, we should end you too

I want you all to take a moment and look upon these posts, and I want you to understand that this is a LARP.

Its not real.

This is how they get their jollies - they come to Zig Forums and LARP as someone oppositional to Zig Forums. Its highly-probably this is even a moderator of the board.

This entire thread is a LARP.
The OP is a (1) and done, using a 2-year-old article.
Which means the two posts I cited? Almost-certainly the OP. This is pretend. Its designed to make you look stupid by responding to a 2-year-old article as though its novel, and to poke you for (you)'s because the person making it likely gets paid per-response.

Based Dad forces daughter to prepay toll.
News at 11.

You don't go outside and fight the garbage man for the trash after you've thrown it out.
Why would you fight a nigger over something you've thrown out?

nigga, i'm no fool, this post is hella fake, i'm here to shitpost u fucking kike

i wish i was getting paid though, wuld be nice

Go back to Reddit autistic one


Do you even know what cracker means, porchmonkey?
Goddamn, I'm sure you'll succeed.

This user is most likely correct though. But damn, I needed the laugh.

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Don't even do it by phone. Do it face to face. Look her in the eye and lay out the cold hard facts. That's the only way.

the jews are already breeding with your dumbasses, you won't be able to get rid of them, they'll coopt you the same way they did caucasians over the last 1000 years

whatcha slidin moishe?
this old news

"the jews are already breeding with your dumbasses"

retard fag, we'll unwoke fckn kikes

Sounds like one of us, but one us who listened to all the it's important to spread your white genes irrespective of the woman being a whore, and then bam, daughter turns out to be a coal burner.

Not harsh enough


this story is old as fuck and not threadworthy

I would sell everything and go on a fucking spree around the world, 18 year olds only, and post it for the cunt to see.

is not fake you autist. Guy in Arkansas. Anna Hayes.

So he did try

she gave ample interviews. Anna Hayes


She only lived with him as a young child. She said she hardly saw him after that. On top of this her mother, who she moved in with, became a coal burner. So the lesson here is stay in the lives of your children or they will be sucked into degeneracy

Based dad


White women love the BBC, get over it you insecure whitebois

So is this real or are the nigger and his mudsow faking this for victimbux?

You must be one of those "downlow" niggers we keep hearing about.

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What a hero. Sad his effort was wasted.

based, redpilled and anti-zionist.

This board is dead. Jesus you faggots are pathetic.

Not really. Women and their enablers are so out of control nowadays, you can't be the parent they need unless you want to risk jail time.

Good on the Father for disowning her, I would have. He should not accept or tolerate his daughter even speaking to a nigger. However….if he would have raised his daughter correctly, she'd never even associate with a bix nood.

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this guy should realize that the reason shes with a nigger is because he created the taboo. you have to be very careful when dealing with a daughter. you cant make too many forbidden fruits or else thats exactly what theyll do. children always do the opposite of what their parents tell them too. im not blaming the dad for his race mixing daughter. but you have to be smarter about this stuff. this probably isnt the first time hes said something. she probably couldnt wait to go out with a nigger

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It's because he sent her to school with niggers.

wrong. he probably didn't create the taboo because he was too uncomfortable bringing the topic up and just hoped for the best, hence his "snap" moment and her stunned reaction.

This is what happens when our young kids watch the electronic jew that makes interracial relationships "hip and cool". I see this shit a lot down here and yes indeed the families on both sides do not approve. People will give them sharp looks and mumble under their breaths.

t. East Texas

It's pretty easy to teach a child to hate niggers. Do that and you won't have any problems.

I wonder if there will be some sort of monetary benefit for this poor girls who is very clearly being texted by her father and not a friend pretending to be her father.

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bull shit , weed them out

-fail no money
-pass , you deserve my sweat and blood

ezpz, really everything in life is simple as fuck. The red pill is common sense.

But you living it , with conviction and determination is your test.

dont be a weak fag, dont try to be a "winner"

success is honor , integrity , warriors die/lose fighting. Faggots dont fight but stay safe

Cartoon pictures are for faggots , no offense to decent homos

someone has to pay for that nose job

Make sure she knows niggers have AIDS and beat women. That will actually turn some girls on, so you should also tell her he'll definitely cheat on her. Even women who like to get beaten hate getting cheated on.

Pretty obviously bullshit. The dad's lines read like a 15 year old girl


t. doesn't understand women

They're all whores that only care about dick. Like dumb beasts, the only way to control them is corporal punishment. They need to fear pain, or else they'll destroy themselves and others in their quest for getting their snatch beaten like an egg.

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This is pretty old.

shes just some filthy roastie who cares


smells like a false flagg
someone actually redpilled enough to not want his daughter mingling with sub humans should also be redpilled enough to not make his opinions public and also redpilled enough to redpill his daughter on niggers and kikes before univerisites pozzed her mind
looks like somethin journos made up to write some clickbait about
it's be really fun if the father gets massive popular support and the story actually turns out to be a hoax

Just tell your children that niggers are dumb monkeys and make fun of them. My father used to do that, and it didn't even take much effort.

I agree with the dude, and would handle it the same way, except I wouldn't put it in writing like a complete idiot. This was bound to happen.

Well, he is a boomer.

That's why this is fake.

This is probably fake.

The girl had a minor daddy issue where she didn't get what she want, so now she is getting back at him.

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Please tell me that stupid, shovel-jawed cunt doesn't live in Poland.

Oh shit nigger what are you doing?!

Newspeak for "morally justified outrage."

This reeks of an anti-white Gofundme scam. Clever for a coal burning whore

1) This is probably fake, his whole tone just reeks of being written by a female.
2) If your daughter wants to fuck niggers you've clearly both failed as a parent in general as well as failing to communicate pride in your race. The phrase "racist much" sounds like she was completely blindsided by this fact that her dad is passionate about, despite living with him her whole life.
3) Faker than a bimbo's tits…

Yup, she found the one of ten niggers that live in Poland and quickly found out why stereotypes exist.

Sounds like a good father. Well intentioned at least

I actually looked it up, she moved to London and found a nigger who promptly pumped and dumped her stupid ass.

Good try, though!

It would be ironic if the outcome weren't actually predetermined.

2019 still no trump nigger tape for the laughs.

She looks mexican. It's probably a mexican looking for attention

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▲ ▲

The taboo excuse is a meme. The reason your daughter is dating a nigger is because the father has failed to instill within the young woman what the virtues of a proper man are. In absence of a strong father figure, the kike owned media will steer a white woman to fuck niggers so she and whatever spawn she creates are destroyed in the process. Talk with your daughter what niggers are. Children listen. (((parties))) will attempt to persuade her otherwise, but if she loves you she will listen to her father above that.

This thread is a waste of time designed to be contentious in order to spur arguments and keep you busy. Do something productive or engaging at the very least. Get a hobby.

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Mexicans actually treat interracial dating on a level of hate only equal to asians, especially with blacks. Neither have nor will ever get publicity though except in very rare cases. The whole point of this is to shame whites into race mixing and break down their coherent resistance to their own genocide.

The entire media is designed to destroy us by our enemies. Anything that doesn't appear so is just using non-whites to break us down in other ways. So whether she's a castizo or not doesn't really matter because the skin is light enough the audience is already making the associations necessary through the predictive programming going on for the last 60 years of: "Hey whitey why don't you let niggers fuck your daughters eh? You aren't a racist are you?"

who the fuck is paying them to shitpost and how do I sign up?

Do something better with your time.