Trevor Noah tells blatant secret anti-white joke on national TV

Trevor Noah Was Blatantly Making Fun Of White People On Stage At The Oscars And They Had No Idea

> His seemingly innocent joke went unnoticed until social media users who speak Xhosa, a language spoken by millions of South Africans, revealed the comedian really said: "White people don't know I'm lying."

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Why get mad at somebody taking the piss out of urban white liberal race-traitors?


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High-quality subterfuge. Makes me sad the Zulus are going to kill all the Cape Coloured in 20 years.

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Goeie een Noah.
Onthou om die honde se kak op te tel voor jy die taxi vang.

As much as I hate that faggot, that's actually fairly funny. Still deserves the rope though.

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Checked. Pic is too fucking funny


The only whites that listen to him are faggot leftists, so the joke is on them.

Like hell he is.

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It would be funnier if we didn't actually know he was a liar. And also a niggerfaggot.

Who really gives a fuck

Bix mood mutherfucker.

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This is the worst japanese I've ever seen.

KYS op. No one gives a damn. No one on Zig Forums watches this crap.

Meant to sage. Fuck you again OP.

It is phonetic engrish, not japanese.

Schwarze menschen sind völlig widerlich und langsamer als der durchschnittliche mensch

It is not, no. That would be katakana, not hiragana as you have written.

This nigger is retarded.

My keyboard is hiragana and for nonsensical words I recieve no katakana suggestions so you are stuck with hiragana. I apologize, but at least you aren't ignorant.


You should not have needed suggestions if you were using your keyboard to type the katakana.

Niggers don't know bout muh honorary aryan keyboard

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ニガス ア サブヒウマン
キウ オ ジユス

You need an adition of jews saying "we will make you mine to death for diamons we take from your bloody hands. We are so nice" and then chinks "you are our slaves now"

but i am clever enough to read this anyway, even if it is not katakana.

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Hiragana should be easier anyway, nigger.

Fair enough. Don't post here again.

I can read Cyrillic and arabic as well. Are you jealous?

oh man, my condolences

*kike nigger

All niggers are retarded, user. That's part of what makes them niggers.

Sometimes it is painful having so much free time, but I console myself with the knowledge that I can read almost anything phonetically.

History erased.

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This just became a nigger hate thread. Specifically, an African nigger hate thread.

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Jews are disgusting creatures.

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I'm so fucking sick of Zig Forums being right.

Take a half-caste from Johannesburg, born during Apartheid. What are the odds he's a kike? Oh, just amazingly high, if he's on TV.

Fucking hell, man.

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The audacity of these kikes.

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If there's one thing Obama taught me, it's that I shouldn't trust gay mulattos.

So let me get this straight….

… The anti-White host of (((The Daily Show))) is a mischlinigger produced from some kike living in South Africa during apartheid having some Black twat around as a fucksock, primarily for the sake of social signaling and the act of miscegenation as a revolt against the culture?

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Niggers man.

This is next level Judaism right here.

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Learning opportunity for those of us who plan to survive the trouble ahead and build a new society: Always liquidate the underground clubs. The worst traitors will gather in them and talk about how virtuous they are.


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Lookit that fuckin' nose.
How incredibly "Swiss-German".

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I'm dyin' over here!

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i think you're freaking out over nothing here because it's just a dumb joke. Liam on the other hand…

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you forgot slavery.

get dabbed on crackuh

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forgot to sage


Pretty tame, especially considering some of the jokes we make.
Mr Nigger scores 7/10 bants - OP scores 0/10 bants

Haha white people don't speak every language drup btfo

He's making fun of white liberals who listen and believe niggers, the (((Academy))) who don't actually know what the fuck T'Challa or Wakanda is, and the viewers of the Academy Awards who are retarded. Still pretty weak troll, the whole "T'challa flying overhead" thing is a dead giveaway even without context.