We may be entering the middle phase of the United States becoming like Mexico or Central America.
We may be entering the middle phase of the United States becoming like Mexico or Central America.
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The best fights are the ones where you're not rooting for either side.
After putting some thought into this, I heartily approve. There's no better way to start high-level violence than to make cops or soldiers constantly edgy and likely to shoot without thinking at members of a visible minority. This is going to be very cool if it's not more media bullshit.
I hope they do, it'll create the impetus to expel the muds.
oh jesus. This will not work out good for immigrants. Looks like it is going to be Blacks and Whites by 2020 in america.
Please kill every zogbot you can.
Sounds good. We need more destabilization, we need civil war now.
Please do.
gang hunting militias when?
Waiting for US cops to go full Sombra Negra on mexishit street gangs.
Seriously though, what's the point of having all of these militias that are supposedly there to "defend against threats foreign and domestic" if they don't actually do anything when there's a threat?
no it won't, it'll just create YET ANOTHER narrative to take away your guns.
They've always been the biggest gayest and fattest LARPers of all. Gunfags are full of shit.
That's A-Okay with me.
The vigilante militias are all well aware they exist for the extremely unlikely eventuality of complete government collapse. It is unfortunate, but as long as the United States military exists no militia can exert any meaningful influence evn on their locality. If you live in the US, be aware you live in enemy territory.
Good for them.
If it weren't for cops, I could take care of the MS-13 myself.
But user, that would be a hate crime. MS-13 are human beings worthy of respect. If we lived in a society free of white supremacy and racism, think of what positive contributions they could make.
If white men had some courage like this, Donny Long and all his ATF buddies wouldn't have made it into this millenium alive. The ATF would have spent a decade getting gunned down in the street, and every LEO that tried to cooperate with the Feds would be getting fired upon everywhere they went.
If white men had some courage, half the damned country would be turned into no go zone for ZOGbots
But here we are, and spics are getting it done
They will actually pull this shit. Prison is just another drug market to them, and in the SouthWest, prisons are nothing more than free motels for the Mexican Mafia. Its irrelevant and they don't care.
You have to wonder how fragile the system would be if these gangs started targeting cops. I don't think that would mean much now, but imagine we get another 10-20 million immigrants from Mexico/Latin America in the next few years.
In the UK, cops allowed immigrants to rape and groom little white girls as young as 11. Over what? Losing their jobs? Being called racist?
How would the system handle a real threat? Also, MS-13 almost exclusively target Hispanics or other crime gangs, so it's pretty easy for police to rationalize leaving them alone, so long as they aren't attacked. So there would be a detente where MS-13 are left alone, and they don't bother the cops either. Historically, probably similar to stuff we had in the heyday of the mob, but these people are crazier, and the overall system is much weaker. Looking the other way when the mob runs some card games or robs some tractor trailers is different from what MS-13 do.
It makes you think of how vulnerable things really are.
Exactly, I mean why should I care? Most Americans can easily defend themselves if they're given the liberty to do so but not as much in this faggot age where our rights keep getting stripped away
Here's a quick breakdown of the size of some Hispanic gangs in the United States.
MS-13 - 8k - 10k
Latin Kings - 50k
18th Street gang - 30k - 50k
Barrio Azteca - 3k
Trinitarios - 7k - 12k
There are a bunch of smaller ones as well. Most of these gangs aren't walking tattoo billboards, so much easier to fly under the radar.
this could get very interesting. besides the whole illegals vs. cops thing, you have to consider that MS-13 heavily recruits kids. cops will find themselves shooting at minors and then being shit on by the media. don't get your hopes up, it could go either way. best scenario is all this bullshit about not deporting minors gets the axe.
then you, as a cop might as well put a bullet in the cunt. if prison means nothing as a punishment to these fuckwits? KILL THEM ALL
One angry nigger blatted 12 cops. If they actually coordinated they could destroy the law enforcement system in under a week. They don't even need to kill all the cops. They just have to kill enough the rest quit.
Wish a beaner would.
Itz more dangerous to be a cab driver or a mechanic than to be a cop.
you are a faggot and a retard. kys.
In the UK cops allow immigrants to assault other cops
based. at least someone will give us the space and reason we need to grease these cannibals.
post maps if ya got em. anyone know of a mexican gang crime reports map? something like crimemapping.com but strictly for gang activity??
Based spics giving pigs what they deserve, especially commiefornia pigs.
Pretty much, maybe they can kill the the pozz'd faggot pedos next.
By imprisoning or shooting if it comes to that them? We aren't cucked like Euro's are user except for those in non free states. I'm sure it will be bad but not UK bad.
If you're looking up Hispanic gangs, again and again you see a gazillion of them in Los Angeles.
It’s hard to tell where MS-13 hides among the general Hispanic population. Burning down every spic neighborhood may be the only solution.
I hope these savages get what they deserve. Serving the ZOG is treason.
Clown world.
To quote a fictional asian "ret them fight"
Agreed. Most cops will commit suicide by immigrant.
Their long term plan is to prop up an ineffective police/surveillance state designed to imprison US citizens and ignore alien criminals who cause that crime in the first place. This has happened in the UK after all.
That's fine when they are individual criminals, or even most crime gangs. That begins to fall apart though when you get into real organized crime, which is why the cartels are so dominant in Mexico. You take down one gang member, and then another targets you specifically.
Will MS-13 by itself buck the system? No way, but they might break some precedents that will move us in that direction, and make us more like Latin America. You have all the Hispanic gangs, the black gangs, and various political militants across the spectrum to be doing things like this.
I know most everyone thinks Americans would fight back against this really hard, but would they? In a lot of respects, the United States is probably more divided than Mexico. Imagine in particular if there is a big push for gun control to stop criminal gangs from targeting the police, which is exactly how you would expect the political left to respond. The police would be isolated and friendless at that point, nobody would defend them.
From a purely accelerationist standpoint, I support this. Let's have them start the race war.
Did Brazilian gore videos not teach them they're better off shooting at the on-duty variant?
Police are just another gang. Why should we worry about someone else's war?
Not sure if you're aware but the cartel is the police. That has been confirmed by multiple inside sources. The entire government there is basically a front that runs shadow mafia operations. That is why no one should ever go there. You will not have any legitimate protection from the government, especially if they think you have money.
Hahahaha I hate you, fucking Zig Forums
Any billionaire could hire Blackwater/XE/FSG to take care of the problem in a few weeks.
These gangs continue to exist because politicians need them to exist. It's an issue they can campaign for.
Mercenary groups, intelligence agencies, FBI, US Marshalls, and DHS could easily put an end to these gangs but they don't.
DEA and others would end up unemployed since there's no incentives to finish the job to completion.
No cavities = no dentists.
Those "muh must be a fed" must all be killed along with other cowards.
Let the spics kill the pigs, and mobilize to kill the spics later.
notice almost all are white? You realize prisoners who choose to work outside the prison do so to get a job automatically when they leave prison. Pablo doesn't want to do that work because he doesn't want to improve his life when he leaves, he wants to continue selling drugs and causing violent crimes.
lol who gives a shit about a few dead zogbots or a few dead beaners
He thinks shoveling sand in prison is a valuable skill to have. Put that on your resumee and see what happens.
If only there were a way to accelerate this into happening soon.
no, that's outside prison , they van them with supervision to a construction company that deals with inmates.
Cesare Lombroso was right.
Hi user why dont you ask me how to deal with that problem…
It's called "work release" retard. You find a job, jail/prion bus you there and then take over half your check after taxes. It's a pretty sweet deal for the jail. Less inmates to watch all day and they get paid.
so it's about 150k ?
how many would be able or willing to do shit? maybe 100k ?
How many police officers are in the US total?
We can't have that. Next thing you will be telling how all christians are fucking retarded and Yahweh is either a retard or a sadist.
But why? If you ask people in the streets most of them agree and only some faggots disagree….
the avg IQ there cannot be more than 80.
Because hordes of the servant of the god of plagues are shrieking violently and calling separation of church and state presecution. In my opinion Yahweh lapdogs should face retrebution for all the curses they brought to this planet.
Yes, very true. Those gangs are nothing more than poorly organised, poorly educated, and poorly intelligent thugs. We are abundantly equipped with everything we need to exterminate them at any time with ease. If 86 white farmers could take and slaughter 5000 trained niggers in Rhodesia, imagine what elite squads of spec ops soldiers could do if they were deployed to every neighbourhood.
Not only that but the existence of gangs allows them to blame violence on gangs and gang culture and the intersectionality-of-whatever-the-fuck. The government also farms them like it farms drug dealers and allows them to grow to large sizes so they can bust them to make a large story, while behind the scenes they're using them as drug pushers and mules (mainly controlled by feds who are controlled by Masons who are meta-controlled by Jews).
your entire family will be killed. Ms-13 is no joke, absolutely savage subhuman spics. I heard a story out it pa where a 13 year old ms13 member killed like 5 people and was on the run… this happened in Pennsylvania.
>The (((NYPD))) is warning police officers about a possible threat from the MS-13 gang, particularly when they are off-duty.
More boys in blue about to get culturally enriched like the rest of us.
Cool race war you got there, wanna bring it to the White House?
anyone can kill unarmed people. these guys are bold with it because they're low iq, violent and impulsive. byt whites are way more dangerous. we produce guys like breivik who can pull off spec ops style orchestrated mass killings.
Can confirm. Rented a car in Cancun once to see some pyramids. Ran a tiny stop sign in the middle of the jungle where some dudes with submachine/auto rifles and a pickup truck with a mounted machine gun were acting as cops, then demanded 600 pesos(about 60 bux) for running the stop sign. Was pretty funny, my ex wasn't having any of it though lol
lol, a senorita that isn't married by 14 is an old maid, esse
Yahweh is that other word for Satan right? The one you kikes worship? Like… Remphan, Moloch, etc.
No there was a legitimate God YHWH but the 'merchant class' and the 'priest class' overthrew their writings rulings and edict. Moloch (M-L-K or Melek since proto Phoenician didn't have vowels) means 'King' so the jews REJECTED GOD in favor of 'governments', 'merchants' and 'priests' and they have no God anymore. Of course, this is pretty ancient history even predates the 'bible'…it has been a long time since there was a planetary God here. It is completely ruled by kikes now. Notice that in ancient pictographs the God YHWH was Aryan (White/Europeans) and not 'jewish', semitic or arab? The God of this planet was Aryan and was killed and overthrown by subhuman trash.
Yes, they defend their tribe. When the fuck are we gonna start doing that?
We wouldn't because out cointelpro-type police state has conditioned us to distrust our police and each other. White militias could wipe out Mexican gangs in a month of intelligence gathering and a day of coordinated action. Our own governments prevent us from working as a team.
THAT is what has crippled us as a race. Our institutions have turned against us. Western civilization has an autoimmune disorder.
The universe has a strange way of ensuring balance
Let the pawns fight first.
You suddenly realize vaccines only benefit niggers and nonwhites.
You suddenly realize whites have natural immune system to resist most diseases.
You suddenly realize your health is sacrificed for niggers by the deep state.
Get with the program. You go either pagan, fedora or hindu but desperately clutching onto philosemitism is beyond retardation. I don't much care which you pick so long as whatever you pick doesn't compel you to protect and serve the same people that want you dead.
Inb4 the people saying pro-spic shit are shills trying to tie "evil white supremacists Nazis" to "criminal gangs".
They'll get demonized in the media and treated as the villains if they do anything. This sort of shit already happens to armed civilians who shoot Intruders.
Says the faggot retard that doesn't understand sarcasm.
You're really going to use a mossad false flag contractor as an "example"?
Fuck off back to Zig Forums
Breeding with the jew does this, but also taking the jew's religion.
It's way more than 150k, those are only the largest gangs. There are thousands of them in the United States.
What percentage are Hispanic? This info is 20 years old, but it seems really hard to believe that the percentage of Hispanic would be less today. You'd think it would be much more, since there are so many in the United States now.
So probably about 700k Hispanic gang members in the United States. MS-13 stands out because they are so violent.
It might even get a few Irish boys who aren't pozzed to think about a new line of work, or bringing down the jew from within.
Creatura Collage
Yeah, almost no matter what short of pure WROL across much of the United States, white guys who stepped in to take out MS-13 and other violent Hispanic gangs would be both prosecuted and vilified in the media.
All you can do is be armed and act in self-defense of, at best, your group or community.
lol. Missing the white majority yet, Gomez?
It’s a plot! A scheme! An evil manipulation! This is how we get officers to
get fucked by your shitskin pets, gun-grabbing, freedom-hating, zogpig cucks
all those years of oppressing nationalists while protecting shitskins are gonna come back to bite you in the ass 'cause they're all violent criminals with no empathy, no human countenance
Insightful analogy. I will remember this.
and it's down in Crossmaglen that's where I long to be…
Fucking clown world man. WTF. This world keeps getting better and better.
It's unbelievable how the US has started to resemble Latin America.
As they say, if you import third world shitskins…
It would be a shame if someone doxxed these officers. I hope MS-13 gets ultra violent. Maybe people will wake up to illegal immigration.
Kill yourself jew lover.
That's right, keep pushing the kike propaganda.