The influence of satanism in modernity

All right so the entire purpose of this thread is to reveal the seemingly cultish worship of satan every single person in any form of power seems to have for satan. Obviously satan is the enemy of God and thus the enemy of man. The obvious thing is all the recent degeneracy that has been spreading around. If you want to know one thing is that satans goal is the complete destruction of god's chosen people. He already attempted this in the past with fallen angels breeding with women but god directly interfered. Destroying all the species on earth except for noah and the non corrupted animals. Satan is currently attempting this with niggers(which is harder considering that niggers are retarded as opposed to angels which were most probably superior to men). He uses jews to accomplish this.

Remember that the jews are the synagogue of satan they follow him because he gives them great worldly possessions. Think about the celebrities have you ever wondered how they got where they were. Well this is your answer. They sold their souls to the devil. Why did they sell out. Simple. Satan tempted them with riches and fame. Here is an example.

Obviously jews are fans of satan its who they currently worship. Well him and money but he provides them with their material needs so it really is satan. However what people don't seem to realize is that anyone who worships satan is the enemy. There is another question though? why would satan attack europeans. Why wouldn't he assault jews considering they are gods chosen people. Well they aren't its that simple. God broke his covenant with the jews because of the cruxifiction of jesus. Now satan is their ally and they hate all things christians.

Modern christians are fucking pathetic. This whore in the video I posted would have been burned for selling her soul to the devil. But now adays the most christians do is talk about degeneracy its really fucking disgusting. Its mainly because of the denoms though. Catholicism has more similarities to satanism than actual christianity. Protestantism is far too divided to ever become a legitimate threat. Don't know about orthodox. Jehovah witnesses and mormons were both made by freemasons(take away the second m from mormons and that is you're average mormon in general.) A true christian is someone who reads the bible and follows the teachings of jesus and anyone who doesn't isn't a christian.

Attached: satanobama.png (630x444, 39.21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Christianity is stronger than it ever was, gas yourself LARPagan


The weak fear the strong

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Take your meds, boomer faggot.

Are you retarded?

Why? meds have harmful substances within them and they can damage your whole body taking them is purposefully damaging to everyone and they do this to drug you up and make you less of a threat.

satan smiling at you when you browsing porn
he was standing beside when you were being born
the spirit of gravity he is: heavy, familiar
when you shitpost with mind off, know, he is near you

guard your Soul
nothing less
nothing more
pray to Aryan Chrestos
by doing eighty pushups


Catholicism is the only true enemy of the Devil and the only true Church.
Why is it always the Catholic priest who is called whenever someone is possessed? The true story of the movie The Exorcist is an example of this - Lutherans seeking the aid of a Catholic read: real priest when their child became possessed.

Also, Catholicism is one of the only "denominations" that is directly and diametrically opposed to kike filth like this

The rest of your post was fairly accurate actually.

Sage for disinfo

Repent, and be baptized and confirmed in the One True Church which is that Church founded by Jesus Christ enemy of the kikes which is the Catholic Church, whose head is the Bishop of Rome. also kys faggot

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This. Jidf larpagans shills incoming.

Honestly, as an Orthodox, I would say this is still accurate, ignoring the pope. Both Catholic and Orthodox priests have shown their aptitude, while Protestants have tried desperately, with no success.

Kill all christcuucks cause they are semites too

Oh yeah forgot to add that Michael Aquino did nothing wrong.
He made super soldiers

Christ save me.

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Jesus was a Buddhist

The Jews crucified him and he started a movement which led to the destruction of their religion, Einstein. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you haven't heard jk kike
more kike disinfo attacking the Church that is historically responsible for having Jews thrown out numerous times throughout every part of Europe.
Oy vey, I can't imagine why anyone would want to slander and libel an institution like that!

sage again

Meanwhile, Judaism is still thriving. Also pic related on your claim.
You christcucks are severly misguided. That's something all Abrahamic Religions have in common, though, so imagine my surprise [spoiler] not [/spoiler[. The egregore called YAHWEH/GOD/ALLAH is a different name for the same entity. Basically kikes, muslims and christians worship the same entity. All suffering and joy ('loosh') goes to that same entity. Your crusade against Islam is just a feeding frenzy for your Lord, just as any Jihad is.

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You're bought in to some pretty shitty disinfo OP. Let me lay it down for you.

First of all Satan = Saturn

Before that, let's talk about Lucifer.

Lucifer is "the light bearer", right?

Well, you can look at consciousness as the light. Your blood is consciousness manifest on the physical plane.

So your consciousness being the light, makes lucifer your body. It is the light bearer.

So the luciferians you are referring to are those who identify as their bodies and worship on the material plane level.

It's a well known fact that jews worship saturn as their god.

Does this all make sense now?

Thank me later for the esoteric truth.


satan is a comic book character just like jesus. Anyone who vouches for the literal existence of these entities (like half of Zig Forums, evidently because Zig Forums is composed of retarded shitskins these days) is a mental patient who needs to be locked away for a good long time.

Christianity is more negrified than it ever was.

First of all Satan = Saturn
you're stupid. saturn is yahweh. satan is pan

Name one thing on the catalog that is worth sliding.

God doesn't have any enemies user. He is all powerful. He only has things that obey him. This is all part of the plan.

Fucking kill yourself.
>>>Zig Forums

Not true. Satan is deemed to rule over the earthly plane to ensnare ignorant souls in his trap of sin, right? Saturn, astrologically speaking, is the ruler of the physical plane as well as mechanisms such as time, karma, etc. Saturn = Satan, yahweh, moloch, all names for the same shit.

The jews never worshiped YHWH/YHVH…that planetary God was an Aryan. They killed YHVH and took over the planet.

This really makes me wonder about the planets in our Solar System: are they sentient?

Spiritual discussions are crucial to a deeper
understanding of the enemy we are fighting; it supercedes the flesh.


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I honestly believe that all planets are sentient. I think our planetary God has been 'dead' for a long time.

How come?

Everything in the universe is consciousness, is energy. The planets are at a higher magnitude of energy. You could say they are sentient, as you can say the entire universe is sentient.

You probably had lifetimes in these planetary realms, you just dont remember

Isn't yahweh the opponent of satan?

jews turned all pagan gods into demons in their religion, they don't deny other gods, only believe theirs is the true, best one. Pan is the half man half goat figure than was turned into satan.
In the christian/jew religion satan is not lucifer
saturn is the god the pedo kikes worship. he's the god who ate his children
satan isn't saturn just because the names are similar

yahewh is EL, molech is bull
from the wiki on EL

Well you didn't offer one fucking thread that was worth sliding

complete bullshit. only jews don't use vowels. ie YHWH

Attached: Yahweh.png (500x355, 301.32K)

That is where souls (as well as demons; who are the souls from other planets) come from…the planets own natives are generated from the EM field of the planet.

fuck, yes, i sprung of on a tangent and didn't read your words well.
apologies, user. life yourself

You're getting caught up in the semantics of deities, it's all about the symbolism underneath.

Got some sources for that?

first post funniest post
oh it's strong alright, when you value quantity over quality

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symbolism underneath molech, saturn, EL, ect is not the same as satan, they are not the same

Earliest pictographs show that YHVH was Aryan…a much better purer specimen of beautiful Aryan blood than we have today. These copper scroll and others pictographs predate the kike Bible, as well as its language and are suppressed and hidden whenever they are discovered.

Attached: YHVH_YHWHandcompanion.jpg (628x475, 163.15K)

Thing is the entire bullshit involving christianity is mainly because of listening to people who don't know shit about the bible and never read it. If you actually took the time to read through it you would quickly begin to notice that it promotes many prominent traits found in Europeans and punishes traits which are deemed harmful such as sodomy. The only people who generally hate on christianity are only looking through the lense that Jesus was a jew and then throw a kike on a stick slur. Despite the fact the word kike is an insult because jews were so butthurt about christianity they would refuse to draw the plus sign and instead draw a circle. Either way I am beginning to wonder if we had anything to do with yahweh even before christianity because the morality of our people are extremely similar to his morale.

Speaking of this thread can we get back on topic and talk about the extreme shit about satan worship that is currently going on.

Just for my own entertainment…where do you think souls come from user?

kikes hate yeshua because with his cult he opened up judaism, an originally ethnic religion reserved to judeans, to the goyim masses
can't blame them, if some degenerate wanted to make my ethnic religion open to everyone and their dogs I'd be angry too

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this image doesn't look older than the one I posted/. what's the source? image search gives nothing

Most of Hollywood is into it. Makes you wonder if they're jews posing as satanists or just that they really practice some edgy form of worship.

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1 they are kikes or crypto kikes who worship Satan…the rest of us keep to the original planetary God.






I got it from an antiquities dealer who was selling the book into a private collection where it will be buried and never seen again by human eyes.

>Jay (((Greenberg)))
However certain I am that this is the case, the sauce of this is pretty fucking weak

imagine being so deluded you think it's the year 1100
cucktolicism is dead at the very least since vatican II, they have joined their protestant buddies in every degenerate whim

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So are you saying that "satan" is higher than el?

Satan worshippers are "body worshippers". That's why they drink the blood of sacrificed kids to wade off their inevitable death. They are afraid of death and want to live forever in their body. True salvation is through christ consciousness/kundalini awakening.


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Who is our Planetary God then?

That is the truth. I'm gradually learning the lesson that the whole universe is mental, and that you get is what you ask for, whether you ask this conciously or unconciously. It really is a miraculous place.

It is only some sort of 'mystery to kikes' that the entire planet USED TO BE EXCLUSIVELY HUMAN aka Ayran. Until the subhumans started spreading and killing and overthrowing the HUMANS of this planet who are mostly quiet, peaceful and productive caretakers of the Earth and replacing them with human sewage and niggers…Only a kike can't look at the mummies and KNOW that the entire world belonged to Aryans before the kikes showed up (I think someone stuck their dick in a nigger and produced the kikes).

That's actually decent evidence if you think about it. Also fits in with the caucasus mountain theory.

LMAO…I mean who really thinks that there is A FUCKING PLANETARY WAR GOING ON RIGHT NOW TO GENOCIDE US…but muh kikes and nigger are 'just like HUMANS'…

100% agreed user. Read the Kybalion if you havent yet. If you have, read Arcane Teachings and Arcane Formulas by WWA.

We are…we Aryans…the planetary God lives inside us…that is why they are trying to genocide it, so that they can have the planet for themselves.

The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) president Abraham Foxman had a speech on August 25, 1998 in New York where he said:

“We control governments. We have created dissension among our enemies
and made them kill each other. We have effectively silenced criticism
of our affairs and we are the richest race of men on this earth… I speak
of the death of the White race. The complete removal of all means of
reproduction of the so-called Aryan race. Men, we now control the
destiny of this race. It is now time to make sure the White race becomes
extinct through miscegenation and having a virtually zero birth rate.
We have all enjoyed the vision repeated all over this world every day of
THE LAST WHITE CHILDREN playing with little dark children and knowing
that they are being set-up for their eventual destruction. We can ruin
the ancient pure blood of an Aryan child by convincing him or her of the
altruism of begetting interracial children. We must expose the race
mixing of the urban centers to the suburbs and rural areas of this
country. More aggressive programs to integrate these areas are now
underway through HUD. It is worth any price to annihilate the next
generation of White children. We want every White father to feel the
sting of having their children marry colored mates and produce biracial
children. We must use our power to discourage White men and women who
still persist in getting together from producing more pure White
children. They will be ostracized by not becoming part of the New
Society of all races. This will dissuade most of them. We will deal with
the less cooperative goyim by murder and imprisonment. Finally, we will
see the end of this White race. Impressionable White children will have
their minds molded into the agents of their own destruction. Already,
our efforts have succeeded in making the “men” of this race grovel at
our feet. Men, you and your ancestors have worked hard to make sure we
would have the power to hold the destiny of this race in our hands. Now
we have it. Perish Aryan Goyim!”?

" There shall be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity. "-RabbiEfrati

"We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own." (You Gentiles, by Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155).


>we want a world of our own
I guess you could also say that they envied our world and its goodness and wanted to genocide it and take it for themselves…I mean that is basically what they are saying in not that many words.

Oh and OP…the reason they worship Satan is because Satan is the one slaughtering us. He is THEM, his soul resides INSIDE THEM. He is the foreign entity here…this is why Christ said that they are OF THEIR FATHER THE DEVIL…that is because THEY ARE FOREIGNERS ON THIS PLANET…they are genociding it, and that is why they worship Satan.

Christ redeemeth

most people here can get the idea of the media being fake
most people here can get the idea of the past century of history being fake
think bigger guys
satan inverts
maybe what you've been trained to hate is what satan wants you to hate so you destroy yourself

They will flat out tell you this in as many different ways as they can…it isn't some sort of mystery that our planet has been enduring an alien invasion and takeover for thousands of years…(why did this fucking thread go silent)…
Jews discussing that they are from a different galaxy and are aliens on this planet.

I have no idea.

The Kybalion was the on that put me on the path of understanding. I've heard of good ol' William and will check out his works in the coming months.

Ayy.. we are the shepherds of this beautiful planet.
This snivelling jew however.. the parasite.

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You should really watch the video I posted…he comes out and admits that they aren't from this planet and what they did to get here and how they plan to proceed in genociding us so that 'our ego' (Our God) can be shattered to make way for their rulership.
YT deleted it SO FUCKING FAST when I posted it and I got two strikes on my own channel, one for that video and another radom one that didn't even make sense but which I was incapable of 'challenging' in any way…they almost took my entire channel down for that video…and now they just stalk me and slightly harras me with whatever they can dream up but they were FUCKING PISSED that I posted that video.

Can you prove it?

Hey man, that's not a down vote or thumbs down. Most people browse catalog and open new tabs so they can monitor as it goes. You should lurk some more because you seem new.

nuclear war now

hot garbage. This is how people spend their free time now? They pay a girl to pretend to like them? No sex is involved either, they are paying to white knight and compete for attention while feeding her ego and bank account.

He's fucking right, bro. The cuckchan invasion and chodemonkey destroyed this board. May as well delete it and let people start over.

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tbf this thread provided some laughs and could have generally been a good expose of bullshit that the people who worship do to undermine God's grace. Then again I don't know if you are religious or not.

Nope…I can't even challenge the strikes they put on my channel without cause…but mostly I just don't care anymore…when I find a blockchain social media site I will reload all the treasure just to have it in one spot but I hardly use YT anymore and after the last strike they gave me for no reason (not even sure what my channels 'status' is anymore) I don't go there very often I know that it is not a serious communication media platform.


This board can no longer produce good threads.

Frankly, I don't know if I'm religious or not either. I know gods are real because I've met them, but that's not a divine or transcendent experience, it's simply observing the things that are. If that's religious, then physicists must be saints.

smh.. I already admitted that my statement was wrong. Don't be a nig.

Christians are subverted by the Jewish Overlords, who rewrote their bible to suit their needs. I already told this
Attached image offers some more illumination

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Citation very much needed.


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The Myth of the Twentieth Century, by Alfred Rosenberg

Here is neither Jew nor Greek, here is neither slave nor free, here is neither man nor woman, wrote Paul to the Galatians — that last remnant of a great Celtic migration down the Danube valley and into Asia Minor. On the basis of this nihilism, which is a denial of everything organic, he then calls for a belief in Christ. This constituted a total rejection of all the culture creating values of Greece and Rome — although to be sure, Christianity took over a degenerate form of such values — and effected their disintegration.

The Vatican has again made itself known as the bitterest enemy of the improved breeding of the biologically valuable, and as the protector of the preservation and propagation of the inferior. Even to serious catholic eugenicists, Pope Pius declared — at the beginning of 1931 in his encyclical Concerning Christian Marriage — that it was not lawful to restrict men who were capable of entering into a marriage, but could only give life to inferior offspring; to in any way prevent propagation because of the inviolability of the body. The individual man has the right to use his own limbs. He must use them corresponding to their natural purpose. This was revealed by reason and by the catholic Christian moral doctrine, and the worldly authority never has the right to go beyond this. To set up unrestricted propagation of idiots, the children of syphilitics, alcoholics and the insane as a Christian moral doctrine is undoubtedly the height of a thinking that is hostile to nature and folk. This has today been declared to be impossible by us. In reality, it represents nothing other than the necessary outflow of that racially chaotic system that Syrian African Roman dogma has forged. Therefore, every European who would like to see his people physically and spiritually healthy, and who takes the stand that idiots and the incurably sick infect his nation, will have to permit himself to be represented, according to Roman teaching, as anticatholic, as an enemy of the Christian moral doctrine. And he will have to choose if he is the anti Christ, or if the Founder of Christianity can really have himself conceived — as a dogma — the unrestricted breeding of all kinds of inferior types. This is what His representative boldly demands. Therefore, whoever wishes for a healthy and spiritually strong Germany must passionately reject this encyclical. Such is the work of a pope who aims at the breeding of subhumanity. We thus reject Roman thought as antinatural and hostile to life.

The church has given every murdered missionary the stamp of a martyrdom and named him a saint. Even when Emmeram, represented by Christian tradition as a Jew, violated the daughter of the Bavarian duke and was therefore killed, the infallible church declared this disgraceful end as dying for the faith. Today Emmeram is a saint to whom prayers are uttered in pious Regensburg. But it is the duty of a coming German generation to mention with great respect only the names of those who in storm and wrack fought for the greatness and honour of the German people. We will honour them for what they are: martyrs of the folkish faith. Here, in this corner of our soul, lives the hope that the peoples of Europe will one day recognise the nature of the present frightful catastrophe. We hope that they will recognise the folkish Leader who is coming soon. We hope they will recognise what is most precious; the human blood of their nation. We hope they will become everywhere conscious that an application of the latter principle can be the only final solution. It is not found in heeding the call of any kind of Christianity or of liberal pacifism.

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That image is just entirely wrong. YHWH, in a literal sense, means "I Am". In other words, it's the Hegelian source of everything else - the definition of the "most high". Christ refers to himself as "I Am" constantly, and it really pissed off the kikes of the time. The theory of multiple old testament gods just doesn't hold up under scrutiny.

They do seem to be upset about something, don't they…but it was all fun and games for a little while, wasn't it

anyone interested in a HD image of modern day blood libel?

As the extreme nature of Nazi racial antisemitism became obvious, and as Mussolini in the late 1930s began imitating Hitler's anti-Jewish race laws in Italy, Pius XI was perturbed. In the 1930s, he urged Mussolini to ask Hitler to restrain the anti-Semitic actions taking place in Germany.[48] When the newly installed Nazi Government began to instigate its program of antisemitism, Pope Pius ordered the Papal Nuncio in Berlin, Cesare Orsenigo, to "look into whether and how it may be possible to become involved" in their aid. Orsenigo proved a poor instrument in this regard, concerned more with the anti-church policies of the Nazis and how these might effect German Catholics, than with taking action to help German Jews.[49]

Following the Anschluss and the extension of antisemitic laws in Germany, Jewish refugees sought sanctuary outside the Reich. In Rome, Pius XI told a group of Belgian pilgrims on 6 September 1938, that it was not possible for Christians to participate in anti-Semitism:"[54] "Mark well that in the Catholic Mass, Abraham is our Patriarch and forefather. Anti-Semitism is incompatible with the lofty thought which that fact expresses. It is a movement with which we Christians can have nothing to do. No, no, I say to you it is impossible for a Christian to take part in anti-Semitism. It is inadmissible. Through Christ and in Christ we are the spiritual progeny of Abraham. Spiritually, we [Christians] are all Semites"[55]

On 11 November 1938, following Kristallnacht, Pope Pius XI joined Western leaders in condemning the pogrom. In response, the Nazis organised mass demonstrations against Catholics and Jews in Munich, and the Bavarian Gauleiter Adolf Wagner declared before 5,000 protesters: "Every utterance the Pope makes in Rome is an incitement of the Jews throughout the world to agitate against Germany".[56] On 21 November, in an address to the world's Catholics, the Pope rejected the Nazi claim of racial superiority, and insisted instead that there was only a single human race. Robert Ley, the Nazi Minister of Labour declared the following day in Vienna: "No compassion will be tolerated for the Jews. We deny the Pope's statement that there is but one human race. The Jews are parasites."

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This thread belongs on Zig Forums

Why? It is about Zig Forums and religion? The people who run the planet worship a particular god…we are talking about that.

I'm just happy that there's a kindred soul somewhere on this Earth. Naturally the kikes try to sow discord when something like this happens. I just see it as an acknowledgement. Thanks kikes.

How's the anti-kike sentiment amongst your orthodox community?

Because it is theological discussion, not political.


said so clearly, a fact.

Well yes that was the original intention of the thread.

Not politics.
>>>Zig Forums
This board is only for discussing Zig Forumsitics


Lets actually bring up some evidence to prove satan worship within actual people of power instead of arguing bullshit. This thread has been derailed to an extent.

Not sure why this is difficult.

what rock have you been living under