Northwest Imperative

Harold's career was a lesson that natsoc LARPing is a lost cause for securing the existence of our people. He died alone, in the Seattle metroplex surrounded by degenerates. No wife. No children. No migration of white people.
The Northwest Imperative is the answer, but nat'l socialists can't impose their political will on other white potential allies.

Look at the free state project as a basis for comparison. Libertarians likewise decided a political migration would be in their interest, so they started doing it. 4,300 people have moved, 24,000 people have committed, and they're making political change in New Hampshire.
This is really just the libertine leftist variant of libertarian, the racial egalitarians. The Mises group (actual libertarians) of Hoppeans, Rothbardians remains totally untapped.

What I'm suggesting is that not only does the vague movement need to incorporate the various groups of white comrades, but the organizing party needs to be non-hostile like the NAR has been. You say "national socialist", and you read the draft constitution, and you will not be joined by ANY significant political group in the American philosophical tradition (Christian fundamentalism, American redoubters, libertarians of all stripes, normal US conservatives).

-Covington, statement made while his diabetic fat ass was on life support by the movement donators, acting as their priest

Interview on Deanna Apingola show, reposted today:

Attached: HAC 1488.png (460x480, 51.7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The "New Awakening" is attractive and more ideologically pure, but only doubles down on natsoc symbolism and totalitarian, state-heavy political ideology. I'd be happy to hear if that group forsees coexistence with lolbertarianism in a future white society, but I doubt it.


I'm not proposing an institution to trust. I'd be happy to hear your ideal structure for northwest migration.

Oh, sure. Don't do it, you fucking piece of shit coward. Don't fucking run away. Don't give up more white land to nonwhites. Don't do what jews say. Don't fall for honeypots. Actually fucking fight back.

He was married. Not sure if he was separated or divorced at the time of his death though.

He had several children.

The NWF is evidence that people did and have moved to the PNW. They don't advertise the numbers for obvious reasons.

So you're either lying or you're so misinformed you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

It is not race based. It doesn't matter.

Purpose of the Northwest Imperative isn't political change. White people will not be allowed to vote for our racial survival.

Those groups do not care about the existence or survival of the White race.
You seemingly want the NWF to be everything for everybody in a vain attempt to gain more support. All the while the issue of White survival would be buried under a mountain of unrelated bullshit.
The NWF is about saving the White race alone.

Seems to me like you personally hate HAC and you use your petty insults as justification as to why you won't support the NWF.

The guy has been dead since July and that hasn't stopped you from loathing the man to the core of your being. Get over it.

It is the draft constitution. Not the finalized constitution.

The Butler Plan and Northwest Imperative.
If you hate the NWF and the NA that much, you can still take part in the plan without associating yourself with either of those groups.

The purpose of those groups is to make White people in taking part in the Butler Plan/Northwest Imperative easier by assisting in the decisions of where to move and linking the person up with fellow racially aware Whites.

Libertarianism doesn't care about the existence or survival of the White race.

"muh freedumbs" is not a valid response to the ongoing program of White genocide.

The proposed NAR would be in reality more "Libertarian" than anywhere else because the government wouldn't constantly be getting involved in your life (just as long as you are and act pro-White). The northwest homeland novels that show life in the NAR are pretty clear on that.


You're literally a jew.

Reminder to everyone that the only hope you have to not go extinct is to not just make white babies, but make white daughters and arrange their marriages to other bad goyim that you know in real life. White nationalists have been around for decades in America, since the first big surge against the hippies under Rockwell in the 60s. But they've never gone anywhere. They made white babies, but didn't capitalize on them. They just let their white babies get devoured by the system.

If you wish to get past this population bottleneck you must:
-1. Get out of the system, and keep your kids from plugging back in. This means you need to not just curb but radically expunge all traces of modernity, all access to internet and wider culture. You need to make lots of siblings for your children, so that their peers will be each other, and they will reinforce each other's beliefs and create a coherent worldview.
-2. Acquire economic power to house and employ people who may be allies to you. This really just means owning land, as making shelter is dirt cheap if you do it intelligently. You know all those beautiful German houses built in the traditional style? Those are literally made out of dirt or dung formed into bricks and made into walls and then painted over with quicklime for the white color. No buying insulation for $45 a bale when your walls are 8" thick mud walls.
-3. Make adoptive sons out of your daughters' husbands, selected by you and sworn on their honor to be your knights and make large families of grandchildren for you. This, above all, is what has been missing from White Nationalism. They would make the babies but then not follow through on it and put in place a systematic order to enforce natalism on the next generation with arranged marriages and natalist contracts.

1 gives you retention; vertical integration – the momentum to grow across generations. 2 gives you horizontal integration – the ability to bring outsiders into your fold and induce them to adopt your ideology, religion, and culture. 3 combines both, bringing in outsiders for growth, producing the grandchildren for growth, and also strengthening marriage ties to whole other families, getting even more horizontal growth in the form of bringing an entire other family into your fold. These three factors together are how NATIONS are formed. When you have multiple families practicing this, you end up with confederations of allied families under a patriarch. And if you're the first to go back to tradition, you get to be the patriarch.

The soldiers fighting in RaHoWa are going to be the knights of some patriarch somewhere. He probably won't even be a white nationalist, but he'll be practicing white nationalism. He'll probably be some clueless fucking mormon fundamentalist, since white nationalists aren't doing it like they should be.

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Harold was a literal genetic jew and his followers are retards.

Proof or it never happened.

You have no evidence to back up that claim.

Personal opinion. Discarded.

Migration is as Aryan as the Swastika. Ever read a book on your own history?


This is true right now but you're neglecting to consider the future. America is at a point in which millions are beginning to support Democratic Socialists, while others promote Communism. The acceptance of National Socialism comes when Democratic Socialism fails. So don't give up your morals and principles. The time is coming.

Retard detected. How about you go look at the blog run by Hadding Scott, then apologize for calling a White man a liar. And you guys wonder why he didn't have a wife. Do I have to tell you why or are you smart enough to look at his friend Frank and put 2 and 2 together?


NatSoc also isnt for Amerifats anyways, they cant understand it because they have no volk.

Harolds Grandfather was A. B. Glass. Glass sounds very jewish to me. I can't think of anybody with that name who isn't a jew. Combined with the fact that HC called for the Death of Dr. William Pierce and other White men who were doing good work, and he calimed Ben Klassen sodomized a skinhead as some Hitler film played in the background, I think it's safe to conclude Harold was himself a jewish agent with homosexual fantasies making "the movement" look bad on purpose.

May harold rest in shit. It's too bad a White man didn't kill him.

Watch the cult members and kikes attack this post.

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ROTFLMAO! You believe that idiot's unsourced blog?

Are you going to apologize for lying about HAC having children?

Why would I apologize for not believing that idiot's lies?

Again, with the lies.


But as usual, you anti-Whites attack the man who was promoting the plan (and who has since passed away) because you can't come up with a legitimate excuse as to why we shouldn't support the plan itself.

"If you disagree with this bullshit post of mine you're a cult member and a kike!"


Why should we trust any of your baseless assumptions?

What's your superior plan to save the White race?



Are there ANY white nationalist groups that aren't COINTELPRO glownigger honey traps?

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Doesn’t matter how much we all want to have an openly natsoc organization, we don’t have the numbers, we have to bring others to our side. Whether it’s a migration movement, or some other political organization, 14 comes before 88 for good reason. Larping is a coping mechanism and takes the place of actually doing something.

Excellent points

Attached: dylann roof.jpg (250x293, 10.14K)

no. if anything even slightly to the right is mainstream you can bet your ass it's fed

I have flatulence

/pol throttling pro-Whites




Doxxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engagee in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.

Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of Whites.


No thanks. I prefer normal sex

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You spelled pioneering wrong, rabbi. We're not displaced people like you vile rats. We have homes and ancestral lands precisely because fought, worked, and died for them.

Something you will never know anything about.
