Leaf judge rules dad can’t stop 14-year-old daughter from transitioning into ‘boy’
tfw when living in state enforced radical homosexuality.
Fuck this country
What can really save leafland is guerrilla warfare against the ZOG and ther cronies
If you don't call your little girl, 'Frank' it's 'violence' haha. Ok great, the dumb judge just gave the guy an easy out. Let the state take the defective fuck. It's only 14 so they can make another one. Seriously, throw that girl trash into a dumpster and start over.
This is why the family should always have atleast 3 children, that way you can always afford sacrificing one if it gets too troublesome.
Yep, clown-world strikes again.
What the absolute fuck.
500 dedicated guerillas could easily defeat the government of Canada.
lol, whats next?
I almost hope the chinese invaders destroy vancouver completely and everyone there has to live in some xiang xaing burnt out dystopia as punishment for allowing this to happen.
Time to drop the kid off at an orphanage and solidify the will.
he also shouldn't be responsible for her either.
same shit as child payments but no say in abortions
Or is the case of a minor,
Pretty logical somebody cia should kill the judges.
This is the exact reason all judges will be killed by the cia
They restrict freedom of speech, kidnap, and falsly imprison people all iunder the unconstitutional "crime" of "contempt of court" or "obstruction of justice" when the only justice wioll be their public executions after fair public trials
This is why the US will
And keep the enemy of freedom out of the country of freedom.
if you live in Canuckistan and one of your kids becomes infected with the trans mental illness, the solution is simple. give your little xer to the State. if the State wants to inject hormones into more and more kids, fine, give them the lil' pizzas. eventually, as thousands and thousands of trannie kids commit suicide as wards of the State, it will make the State look even worse for encouraging mass hysteria and delivering the wrong kind of treatment to sick kids who were brainwashed by Jewtube and Tumblr into wanting front-holes installed in the delusion that becoming the pozload gangbang gimp for a cabal of Satanic pedovores was a glamorous Life goal.
send her to Islamic radicals, i hear they nice people
Since we all came from Africa why not deport them back to Africa?
or beat the shit out of him until he's normal
Bootlicker conservatives and state worshiping Christians BTFO.
I really wish for all of North America to be destroyed at this point. There's nothing worth salvaging here.
in that case the traditional cure is to have your wife hold her down on the bed while you quickly inseminate her.
"boys can't become pregnant, this is the only sure way to test."
doing it thrice a week until you see the bump is recommended.
Is there hope for Québec yet? Or is it even worse there? I always thought they had a shot at separation. Being a colony for brits sure leave its scars, but I'm not sure which state is more deranged. You guys easy access to guns, please use it.
reminder that (((their))) magic book says that their slaves are marked with ritual dick chopping.
she is being forced to sign the slave contract.
America is the only non-third world country with dick chopping, coincidence
This is what happens when you legalize weed
Not sure how kiked they are.
So why do they cut their own dicks, then?
Get your fucking shit together, leafs.
This is how terrorists are created
slave mentality to appease their masters
the absolute state
I don't think so you degenerate kike. Paedophilia and incest is not 'traditional' in a white society.
Nuke Canada.
You’ve already failed a long time ago if your child is so easily convinced by some faggot tranny propaganda. It cannot be stressed enough. The first five years of life are extremely crucial and the next five years are equally important. You have a very short window of time to instill your values and reason into your child. Don’t neglect that opportunity and then be surprised when they get brainwashed into the latest Jew psyop.
Cant this faggot just move to the US and tell Canada to get fucked? There wont be those restrictions imposed if he is in another country right? Or will they stop that shit too?
This is state enforced sterilization.
"I think you should refer to yourself X way" is "violence"? If we're going that far, why exactly haven't we classified circumcision as violence? Sticks and stones may break my bones, but a scalpel severing my foreskin hurts more than words ever could.
Also if biological women are able to get government-sponsored testosterone injections to affirm their desire for masculinity, why can't biological men also get free testosterone injections to succeed in sports and bodybuilding?
You say that but…
It sounds like you are thinking of AB as being male if you identify AB as being a homosexual, given that AB is attracted to men.
Has nothing to do with this. Kill yourself.
Kill yoruself.
Giving a 14 year old girl testosterone is even dumber than giving a 14 year old boy anti-androgens and estrogen. Testosterone-caused skeletal changes are irreversible. If she decides this isn't what she really wants and goes back to living as a girl she'll look like a tranny for the rest of her life. At least a boy, if he doesn't get his nuts cut off or his dick inverted, can go back if he decides it was a stupid idea–the most he'd need is surgery to remove the breasts grown by hornones.
Because you lost war to jews in 1945/
Fucking retard literally contradicts himself in the previous sentence. Good that these retards can't reproduce.
You mean the hips lie?
Totally not a stupid teenager phase or anything.
How could a man bear this shame? I would honor-kill my poor daughter for her sin, strike down her mother, the judge and everyone at that school who let this happen, publish a brief statement as to why this all happened so the Jews won't twist it later, and then off myself from shame over my failure.
How could a man live with himself after this? It's as if he has to watch the police rape his child. What 20 or 30 years of sullen, castrated existence could be borne for that? Better to fall in a hail of gunfire.
Control over the means of communication pays off again. Nicely played, Jews.
Which wouldn't be necessary if the kid was raised right in the first place.
Death is too good for them
leafs voted in a literal fucking clown to run their country
they deserve their ass-fucking in spades
I'm middle aged, is it too late to turn my above average sized penis into a cute little vagina?
And the face, and the shoulders, and everything else.
The severity and irreversibility of the changes caused by testosterone during male puberty (or its simulated version in FtMs) is a big part of the reason trannies shifted their attention to kids–but they can't actually say that in public, because that requires admitting that they're hideous freaks and that the way they look is a fucking tragedy. Because they refuse to admit this, they have to come up with rationalizations about bullshit like the "trauma of going through the wrong puberty" to justify why they're pushing it on kids so hard. And since women are more susceptible to fads and propaganda than men, this stuff hits girls harder than it does boys (some boys get Munchhausen by proxy'd into transgender identification by their mothers, but they won't do it themselves unless there's really something wrong with them). Girls will do it just because it seems fashionable to them, and even if we take the trannies at their word that some boys really would be happier feminizing their bodies and some girls really would be happier masculinizing their bodies, the effect of pushing this ideology on kids is to cause at least an order of magnitude more people who would not naturally want to to get permanently masculinized by testosterone.
Here is the video.
Just fucking lol at thinking voting is legitimate and not rigged.
Okay, look. You want a real medical scandal, look at the shitheads holding back anti-aging research for their grandchildren because they don’t want to let people alive today take substantive medical research risks. Trans people are one of the few zones where medical workers are off their traditionalist risk-aversion enough to try any goddamned new thinf, so leave them the fuck alone.
I think I know why the science gets held back, too. It’s because people keep places like this slammed with bigoted psychosis so there’s no accidentally mistaking the general public as deserving of longevity.
Which is of course dumbassed, since a rejuvenated public would get back its openness and mental flexibility. You decrepit sacks and your infiltrating handlers would get to learn something again with even partial rejuv.
Rejuv - great word, isn’t it? Rejewvenate yourselves, cowards, and face the prosperous peaceful world you’re so terrified of. Wouldn’t you broken people like to be brought back to the kind of flexibility that lets you learn the skills of the people who made you submit to them? You could take finance classes, study medicine, even learn your own STEM skills rather than bawling for your pigments to do all these things for you.
You're an insect in comparison to us so called bigots.
If I could turn invisible I’d have a hit list of laboratories whose processes and records I’d steal for black market replication and unlawful experimentation. Worth it for the greater good - but even really smart people with access to serious resources are still halfwitted enough to pack cement into the spines of willing test subjects, aren’t they? That’s what really keeps humanity lined up to die. I could do better right now, but I’m not likely to get my chance this decade. I’ll do my best to turn people’s eyes forward.
I’m looking forward to the prosperity unleashed when malaria mosquitos start dying off. The next years could be more awesome than they’re likely to be, but they’re still going to be awesome. Every problem will fall eventually as problem-solving continues globally.
Seriously? You’re stuck in a psychosis of living through others and broken in submission to a self-destructive idea that rejects your own individual worth, but I’m the bug? You’re a failed monkey longing to regress to a hive state because you can’t handle the misery of thinking your own thoughts.
They're really not, though. Genital surgery is the only way doctors are experimenting with trannies and the results are always ghastly. HRT hasn't changed much (and where it has, the changes started outside the medical establishment), FFS hasn't changed much, there's still not much anybody does with modifying the skeleton.
I hate bioethicists as much as anybody but looking at trannies as some kind of frontier in medical experimentation is just not accurate.
Until you have a way to actually accomplish this, you're just wanking.
Is that what you nig teir goons actually say about me?
That shits funny. Especially considering who I am.
You people dance at the string of any who seek to command you - look at the way you bury actual hints of hope, joy, and power! Look at the way this forum screams in agonized “laughter” when someone comes through with anything worth hearing!
I’m winning. Progress continues. Productivity advances, and humanity rises.
What hints? This is typical transhumanist masturbation–talk up the promise of a technological paradise while instead a prison is being constructed around us.
It’s a sucky frontier because medical professionals are actually that conservative. It still counts for something because there’s novelty-tolerace involved in doing genutal work. We don’t need to be transphobic here and make a bad problem worse.
As for a way to do it - look up the chemical compounds of interest. I wish the black markets were more practical than hedonistic, though like I said, it’s a fantasy of invisibility. There’s nothing wrong with “wanking” - try enjoying something, sadsacks. Enjoying the effort vs the funless insultingness of the other side brought activist power behind Trump.
There’s an aspect of rooting for a better team here. Instead if trying to crawl inside every asshole with some pathetic superficial similarity to me, I value all consciousness. The work in one area frees people in others, and the wealth of all the downtrodden matters. This world isn’t a hierarchy, it’s a queue.
Swing and a miss faggot.
You’re admitting to feeling weak and that you’re talkkng to someone who doesn’t. The prison is as real as you believe. I mean, obviously some people really do get trapped in aspects of their lives, but the only people who spend their whole careers in jail are murderers and jailors.
Don't get me wrong, I have sympathy for these people and if it ever becomes possible to actually make a man into a cute girl I'd sign up immediately. But as somebody who paid attention to the issue for years before it blew up, I haven't seen much progress. "Transphobia" isn't the problem. To the extent there's a social problem rather than a technical problem, it's that trannies refuse to be honest about what they want because what they want conflicts with the other parts of the left's ideology.
I have found very few chemical compounds that actually improved my life. I have seen many, many more improvements from cutting things out that turned out to be poisons than from adding something that turned out to be beneficial.
Decent companionship has been the only thing that has ever improved my life Charlize.
Fucking pathetic. The fact normies cannot tell this is propaganda is astonishing. It just so obvious after browsing years of shitposting, infographs and proper threads on Zig Forums. Fuck kikes and niggers
Normies fear losing their jobs though and this propaganda is heavily enforced, I really hope something gives but the amount of child abuse allowed in our society seems to be never ending.
This needs to stop. It needs to stop. This is obvious propaganda. It needs to fucking stop.
Normies are not just cowards, they're sheep. The vast majority of the middle class, ZOGbots, professionals, etc. are so fucking pozzed beyond belief. The force for change will lie in the rough and tempered men who have been spat on and dejected from this gay fucking clown world, and the handful of higher stationed men who see the faggy Talmudic writing on the wall. Grunts and working stiffs and your oddball Evolan old-stock type who's had enough. Those are the guys who will make it through and reject this bullshit. Those are the men who will rally, finally say they've had enough and start aggressively instating a sane order once more. Seek those people, because the supposed normies are a bunch of fucking fags themselves.
how's that southern one coming?
wew lad, they're gonna put one of them pumpup corndog wieners above her cooter huh
Shit like this is why mudslimes have honor killings
This is crazy are you anons grown? 20-30 older ? Do you remember how fucking stupid you were when you were 14? At 14 you should barely be in charge of a gold fish let alone injecting hormones and having your genitals mutilated for life. The legal age limit for this should be 21 if you aren't old enough to drink you aren't old enough to chop off or put on a cock.
The people you're arguing against are never going to accept this unless you come up with a way to reverse the masculinization caused by male puberty. If at 14 (or even a few years earlier) I had known HRT existed and what the outcomes look like for people who start that young vs. a few years later, I would have done it as soon as possible no matter what it took. I can't say for sure if it would have been the right decision, because way too many other things change as a result of that (it would have been harder for me to understand other issues if I had a factor like that locking me in to the left, for instance), but I don't think it would have been an obviously dumb decision. It's different in this case because giving a girl testosterone has much more severe effects than giving a boy AAs+estrogen and almost all women could pass as men if they went on testosterone and cut their tits off after puberty anyway, while the reverse is not true. Trannies aren't portraying that asymmetry accurately in their outreach to kids, so their activism is doing more harm than good (even if you ignore all the pedos it's attracting). The wave of female detransitioners who ruined their bodies with testosterone that's coming is going to be massive.
By the time it gets through a judge, with the active opposition of the dad no less, we can be pretty sure that what’s going on is not some undue inducement by irresponsible parents. Judges tend to be quite a bit more sober and fact-constrained than localites here or mediamewlers anywhere.
If the dad just dug in on uncertainties, he’s fine. It’s okay to have concerns. If the kid dug in on what he wants, he’s fine, too.
You bugguts realize that if this takes over the first world stably it’ll take over the third world too, right? These gendershift people won’t ever accept a cultural transformation that takes their rights back. They’re better defenders of civilization vs oppressive foreign cultures than the people who hate them.
100% of humans: wtf I didnt have a child to give back I had a child so I could enslave them
Fuck your faggot system. Waaaaaah the marriage system waaaaaah the children waaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaah traditionalism
Youre universe is fucking disgusting
lmao the cope
Fuck the Canadian liberals. This shit needs to stop.
yeah stick your dick in them. words have meaning act accordingly faggot.
Male ownership of women and children is literally the only reason we have a population capable of sustaining civilization at all. Societies that do not invent patriarchy do not progress.
sub 100 iq
What is this world coming to?
An ugly end.
Most of the best looking trannies aren't in porn, and don't post their pictures online. Most of the best looking ones aren't loud angry antifa either.
They're mostly shy quiet nerdy high school to college age males in STEM fields who started transition early, say '07, and now have tits and ass to die for. I dated one for awhile that was an engineer for Tesla with an income over 100k, I would have married her if we didn't have philosophical differences over politics and religion. Either way she settled down with some annoying dudebro and they have an ok family now, we're still friends.
she would be awesome for raping
fuck the gay out of her XDLMAO
Yeah, I wonder how their kids are doing. Oh, they can't have kids because it's just a mutilated sissy faggot getting fucked in a wide open flesh wound were its dick used to be. All according to plan goy!
Judges, politicians, journalists, and bankers. All these traitors are in for a big surprise. I bet most of them don't have any security at their home.
actually chances are hes burrowing his dick inside the shit chute as fecal slime oozes its way down his urethra because most trannys dont actually believe they are women they are just sexual deviants and dont want to chop their pecker off
The solution is to be proactive as parents and cut this off before it begins.
You need to constantly win over the respect of your kids and teach them that some of the stuff they're learning in school or seeing on TV is total bullshit.
Daily reminder that your governments are an occupation force designed to destroy you.
If you're sending your kids to public school you have already lost.
My children will be homeschooled. The schools are not Canadian anymore.
Yeah, you know who especially deserves it? The kids who are still way too young to vote and are being sterilized because they're vulnerable and troubled.
you know hwut to do
This is good. Transgender people really need their rights protected. Part of that is the fight for hormones as an option. Good job to this judge this is real progress!
Tfw there's a simple solution to this and it doesn't involve virtue signaling to the media that you have "“no problem” with your daughter “exploring the role of being male.” It involves a list and plan.
Wears York colors, is homo. Can't explain that.
I dont see a peoblem here