How come the thread where the Marxist reviews the Turner Diaries keeps getting deleted, but the mods allow all kinds of retarded religious shit on here? I though that this was a "National Socialist" message board, not a Christfag crypto-Zionist one.
I went to the blog and read everything the author had written. Lets just say, whoever they are, they're not your oridinary Leftist faggot. I've sent them some emails, but they've yet to respond to them.
For the Turner Diaries review, this is probably the most relevant part that White Nationalists should take away from it:
This is the truth, regardless of whether or not it comes from a Marxist's mouth. I'd just add that places like Zig Forums are clear demonstrations of our complete ideological penetration by the ZOG. Just look at the original thread where someone used the triple quotes around the Turnder Diaries like this (((Turner Diaries))). I'm torn between believing the person that did it was a paid shill, or just a bot choosing to do the triple quotes around random predetermined keywords from a thread.
Seriously, when are we going to get ideologically serious as a movement, to be able to separate ourselves from conservo-christfags, pretending to be one of us so they can gain our trust, and then spread their own propaganda through us? Until we ideologically separate ourselves from that trash, we're will never secure a future for white children.
Thread deleted, again
KEK, why even shitpost in here, nigger, are you so desperate the 0,01% of the internet is not converted?
The hell are you talking about?
That is the underlying message of the Turner Diaries as well. The scene where they have to kill Harry Powell in chapter 7: that is the "American" 'Right'-winger. That is the people we have to separate ourselves from. They are the FBI informants, the people who will rat us out at the drop of a hat, all because their identity is bound up with Jewish mythology.
And here this Marxist is, making it all too clear, whereas people on this board can't tell you whether or not Bibi is a white man.
A fictional character? heh, you poor, mentally ill jew. You think Christianity makes people informants? hahaha. That 'marxist' was a /leftypol tranny who was bored and wanted attention while he shoved new things up his faggot ass.
No, "Right" Christfags who would marry every white girl to a nigger and turn all male youth of the White Nation into faggots, if a Kike asked him to. People like you, basically.
Christians forced integration with niggers on the White Nation. Christians are the only reason why the Kikes are about to control that thing called "America."
I'm sure you were standing in the room taking pictures, so you'd know.
Jews crontrol the right and left. Only a fucking mongoloid would be a right winger or interested in political theater.
Then why can't we build a movement that separates ourselves from Christfag "Right" wingers? Why can't we begin the Turner Diaries now? Why didn't it start 20 or 30 years ago? Why is there no serious White Nationalist party in North America?
to me this is still just a politics board, not a nazi board.
This is to me a place where to talk about politics in an unbiased and neutral objective way. I never really understood how the nazi memes made the mods start banning leftist shitposting
Turner diaries is faggot fiction, it's just larping d&c bullshit pushed hard on this forum.
Whoever/whatever this poster is, is a perfect example. It's so stupid and retarded, it is hard to believe this is a person.
They post nonsense, barely readable images about gun control, and then say the Turner Diaries is for faggots, when the primary selling point of the Turner Diaries has always been the part of the plot where they take the guns away.
It's such nonsense, there is no way whatever made this post is a person. It's just a retarded bot meant to spew idiocy.
We must eradicate degenerates like yourself
Please come back after you've turned 18.
I support this thread in the pursuit of open dialogue. Bump.
Ah, does it make you mad when people point out this board is filled with ZOG-voices?
Zig Forums is a National Socialist board.
How does that explain why this board is filled with religious nonsense from conservo-Christfags?
Religious D&C is a well-known tool Intelligence Agencies use to split a community.
AltKike Richard Spencer is a jew. Literally.
The long term pattern of evidence suggests that many are too stupid to figure out the double speak, but I am not convinced that is holding as firmly over the last decade+. A lot of the containment narratives were employed before we had internet saturation, before even 9/11 and the GWoT. Trump had to run a pretty parsed and deceptive campaign to get traction, even by American political standards.
lel imagine my surprise
Care to elaborate a bit more? You've piqued my curiosity.
Kill yourself jew.
Seriously you jew fucks, keep pushing. You have no idea just how close you are to having your matzo pushed in.
I'm going to derail this a little bit, but it ties in with OP.
Guys what the fuck?
It was well understood by all here in 2016 that Trump only bought us time to organize. Back in 2016 we were ready to do so as well: /meadhall/ was alive, /bmw/ was well known and /baphomet/ actually did things. Then we had the great mod wars, and it appears that everyone's fucked off or gotten demoralized, IN OUR MOST CRUCIAL HOUR. We were supposed to have bought four years to organize. Instead, we have spent three out of those four shitposting, blackpilling or chesscucking. There was legitimately more activity and radicalism here back then than now, and this is supposed to be our free time to get together and form networks. What fucking happened?
I happen to agree with OP and think Turner Diaries is a great and prophetic book, but we are missing one key and crucial element: the Organization. Who will make it, if not us? When, if not now? Anybody putting their hopes on spontaneous white awakening is a hopelessly delusional. We have fucked around with precious time, and I fear we may be running out. So get your asses over to /meadhall/, start participating in WALKs, etc.
Tl;dr: Do something goddamnit, you lazy niggers!
Shameless self-bump
It should have been deleted from the start the OP was full of bullshit lies and marxist propaganda
stop shilling you gay communist faggot
>>>Zig Forums
your threads keep getting deleted for a reason
stop shilling you gay communist faggot
>>>Zig Forums
your threads keep getting deleted for a reason
stop shilling you gay communist faggot
>>>Zig Forums
your threads keep getting deleted for a reason
stop shilling you gay communist faggot
>>>Zig Forums
your threads keep getting deleted for a reason
stop shilling you gay communist faggot
>>>Zig Forums
your threads keep getting deleted for a reason
reminder to report shitty Zig Forums astroturf threads
Protip: stop adopting shill phrases. If you do it, they stand out less. It was and always is, "shill."
Shills started using the phrase, "paid shill," to make their use of it sound like it had more emphasis. But if you break it down, it is redundant. A shill by definition is paid off. It's the same as saying, communist jew or zionist jew.
If you use the Zig Forums search tool, type the phrase paid shill and hit search on Zig Forums. Then look up archives on You'll see a lot of unbanned and undeleted spam the mods (((coincidentally))) ignore. Also notice the context it is almost always used in. You'll enjoy that micro-redpill.
No one serious here cares about muh left or muh right.
No it makes them race traitors with a higher loyalty to some Jewish book than their own people and ancestors. So just trash.
I just meant that the arguments the establishment has been putting forth to ameliorate the divide that the author of the article was referencing have been worn down and eroded with the reality of policy over the past ~20 years and much less filtered debate, communication, and refutation found on the internet. Even for a lot of the 90s, internet wasn't always ubiquitous or fast enough to really push past a lot of establishment [read: jewish] propaganda.