What is the goal? What is the plan?

I've been here for almost a decade now and have no fucking clue what this board wants to achieve or how they plan on doing it, it feels like we don't have any goals, and we don't have any plans, even if we did, no one knows that the fuck they are, and so we aren't working towards anything.
No wonder the governments are allowing this site to stay up, we are completely fucking useless.

What do we want? What would be our demands, if we were to provide them? How do we think we should go about accomplishing them?

I might be be very out of touch here, but what is the plan? is there a plan? what exactly are all the things we want? can they be expressed in the form of a proposal for new laws? a new system? a new country?

I'm convinced now that we do not have a unified view of politics, we don't all want the same things, and among us there are many different plans to achieve these many different objectives, what's more, most of us have no plan at all, while some of us have no goals at all!

Keep in mind I'm only talking about actual Zig Forumsanons here, not shills, not edgelords, no one like that, because those guys do have a unifying goal, and a general consensus regarding a plan as well, that's why they have been so effective at shutting down any sort of action that could originate on Zig Forums.

We are weak in the worst of ways, the Reich had a goal, it had a plan, and so it had men who were confident enough to take action in accordance with that plan, even though the Beer Hall Putsch was derailed, the fact that it had happened at all allowed it to rise to power, and it would never have occurred if not for the goal and the plan.

We are inconsequential in the world of politics, all we can do is shitpost at each other in an impotent display of purposeless rage, steal flags from crazy celebrities in the hopes of making him go even crazier, and put up posters in the hopes that the media would act offended by them (and now they aren't falling for it any more).

If you can't answer my questions, I don't expect you to, when I first came here, I was looking for a cause I could join, an army I could enlist in, a mission I could complete, I got none of that, and I feel a little cheated, I want to do something, but I can't do anything on my own, if I tried, I'll probably fail, I might make things worse, and I might try to accomplish the wrong things in the worst way.

If you cannot answer my questions in this post, please direct me to any course of activism I can do, I'm tired of doing nothing, and if you don't direct me, I'll start directing myself, I've got my own ideas on what to do, but even I think they are pants-on-head retarded (they ARE the best I could come up with though, and it's not like I didn't think them through).

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Other urls found in this thread:


An anarcho-feudal ethno-khaganate.

Do we really strike you as a board with a plan?

The plan is to enjoy food, drink and vidya as much as possible before Soros regains power in a few months or Trump starts WWIII to protect israel.

This is a place to shitpost, and test knowledge. There's no fucking community, and there never will be. I don't trust any of you.

No, but seriously, we are all trying to figure out the best way forward. A lot of MAGAPEDES are still waking up from the Trump delusion. Personally, I don't think there is a political solution. The only solution then is to wait for the system to collapse, which it will somewhere between 2030 and 2050. What I plan to do until then is continuing to Redpill those I can, have many children, and find a nice white part of middle American to settle down and build my life in. Once things fall apart, then can think of what we want to build in their place. I am thinking a National Socialist state in the Midwest is our best chance, for Americans at least. Hitler's ideas were not seriously considered by the great masses of Germans until the Kikes looted their country. We may simply have to wait for them to loot American again before we can really move forward. You have to understand that "winning" is not currently a possibility, we need to focus on surviving as a people and ideology.

Join the FBI, the ADL or the SPLC. They'll give you a mission. Join an organization that will teach you to write proper sentences.

Both parties are scams. Siding with either one means you are not paying attention.

Not really the nature of image board. Once upon a time this faggot named Imkampfy held the board hostage to an ultra-Zionist named Donald Trump, and tried to turn the place into an extension of his campaign. The one thing that places like this are really good at - memes and viral projects - died that day. Zig Forums memes from that time period were basically shit, Trump himself was funnier that what Zig Forums was doing.

So, this place lost its soul for over 2 years, maybe longer there were other issues as well

Now things are a little back to normal. Far from perfect, but normal. To answer your question

Come up with something good like IOTBW, and you'll have people on board doing it.

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We are National Socialists. Accelerationism is the means by which a suitable environment for our ideology is created.

Measuring only verbal IQ is not sufficient to measure human intelligence.

Who's "we" schlomo?

Just have a laugh, and currently with your pic, you can organize something to collect salt.
Now get to it, chop chop.

10 years you've been here and not know what a rice carving website is for? Just get back to reddit

Due to the fact that imageboards don't allow identityfagging and therefore lack any leadership and authority figures, they select for truth over time instead of anything else. That's because the only thing that exists here is data and that data is either true or false. There's no room for anything else.
Due to the fact that we lack any leadership and authority figures, there is no one directing us, there is no captain steering the ship – nor are there any e-celebs to steer consensus. We exist as a self-sustaining and self-directed egregore, a group-mind, and thus each board is a quantum-brain capable of thousands of independent streams of consciousness at any given moment. What you experience here and on other boards is merely your own subjective experience as one stream of consciousness in that quantum brain.
If you're looking for a community with a mission, imageboards are the wrong place. Communities that have missions and plans and achieve things require identities. If that's what you seek, go seek out an IRL group. Imageboards are for sorcerers of the occult, autistics, and alphabets doing intelligence research.

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The truth is the war against the System will start off as a decentralized conflict.

Think of it this way: there are generals but there are no soldiers. The generals, lacking soldiers, do not formulate any sort of plans for their non-existent soldiers to carry out.

It's understandable why there are no soldiers. Real armies pay real wages, or at least take care of their soldiers in some fashion. We currently have no means to do this.

How we can rectify this situation is by the creation of something I like to call The List. The List is basically a form of crowd-funded assassination of targets. Say we hate some politician, celebrity, judge, whatever. Someone puts up an initial offer to kill this person for $1,000. A few hundred people make some small contributions, and now it is up to $3,000.

Now, some young buck with nothing to lose comes along, looks at The List, and sees the target is only a 50 mile drive to another city. The List also is very helpful in publishing this person's home address, work address, etc, etc. The List even offers 'strategy guides' for how to pull off assassinations without getting caught. The young buck does it, because what the hell, might as well try it, pulls off the kill, and even collects the $3,000 in some kind of crypto-currency (after making sure to video-tape it for evidence).

Now the generals have an army. You follow me?

Find jew and kill it.

1) To usher in a new era of third positionism/ fascism/national socialism.
2) To rid the planet of the jewish cancer once and for all.
3) To save the west and evolve mankind.

A storm is brewing, and the world shall shudder in fear for the might of the European man is about to reach his apex.

Attached: fulmine-ok.jpg (2158x1968, 353.92K)

Jews are busy here.

A plan? We're just a bunch of assholes who like to investigate and research shit and we are very good at it which pisses the media and scumbags off which causes them to make hilarious stupid claims about non existent shit. At the same time we are not "racist" or whatever they claim but we are historical realists and understand the way of the world through both track records and logically understanding the next most likely responses, counters and moves by various different groups and people. Most of us just want to investigate with like minded people and be left in peace and not be bothered by peasants or low IQ common core asshats who think there is some super secret master plan of Zig Forums just waiting for its moment to spring some Nazi utopia. Fucking idiots…. I can't believe even a single person buys the shit the media burps out.

You don't deserve those Hitler dubs. I am unabashedly racist, and the goal has always been to establish third positionism/fascism/ national socialism and the fact that you use the jewish term: nazi… outs you as an outsider.

Tremble with fear, ZOG faggot. Nothing can stop the White Nation Liberation War.

I don't fucking subscribe to those make believe bullshit words that they use to try to box people in and fuck with them. There is no "racism" or "sexism" or whatever the fuck ism. We are realistic about the facts and if that intrudes on their moral highground of bullshit and they believe it is some make believe word, whatever, that is their choice to use such stupidity but I will not be controlled by non existent phrases.

There is no plan, there are no goals. This place exists to keep whites from organizing and fighting back physically. Every attempt you make at doing so is shut down here instantly.
You will be called a fed for asking.
There is no activism. Whites are not legally allowed to organize for their race. Anyone who tries get infiltrated before he hits 50 people and arrested or killed shortly afterward. There's nothing that can be done.

Implying jews ever lost power.



If you haven't figured it out why the fuck should we tell you you glow in the dark double nigger

Attached: Hip new frog meme.jpg (320x180, 8.33K)

1. Lulz
2. Watch the world burn
3. Pick up the pieces if at all possible

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I can't have you posting our super secret lore books like that. The black vans are on their way to your location.

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big tiddy goth gf


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Anyway, shitposts aside, we aren't your dad. Think for yourself faggot.

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The only hope is Aryan revolution or coup d'etat in the USA, UK, or France. A nation with nukes nya~

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1. Make holocaust happen.
2. Destroy capitalism and have National Socialism instead.
3. Legalize pedophilia and give hot little girl to every white men.

Like peas and carrots.

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Here the Plan:

Learn from the Enemy.

Copy from them and Paste into this World.

Be useful; expand your skillset and gain a position of power.

Don't be a violent retard who attends nazi rallies

Fake 'strong' white women who surrender their pussies to muslims and niggers will not save the Aryan sub-sepecies SIEG HEIL NYA~

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Roasties gonna roast, for sure. But fucking kids still gets you the rope. Life's rough, faggot.

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you kinda glow but i like yew :3

You won't find what you're looking for here user, you've been looking in the wrong place. Hypothetically speaking, if some anons did have larger plans, they wouldn't share them here obviously. Now, you could blame Zig Forums for that, but you'd be wrong. You should blame yourself for not understanding the true nature of what Zig Forums is and its limitations. You're looking for a leader, but you won't find one in a group of anons, it's contrary to everything we are in this place.

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When ever there will be someone how arise from the botton to the Society and will try to become a Leader. He will face a lot of resistance. Even if he create a Political Group, his Group will be infiltraded.

To gain real Power, you need to work in Secret.

Only then you will be allowed to proced and fight for a better World without Jews.

But we have no more much Time. Our Time is running out. The Smart Grid is coming and with it higher Control.
Such a Control that will stop even trying to build a resistance.

So if you wanna have a Leader. Become a Leader.
You need to be the Hero for how you search.

Our goal is to talk shit on the internet. I think that this is worthwhile because it's the first step to understanding the Wiemar hell-scape we inhabit.

This sounds like commie goobity gook. This is a happening-related site, reactionary and game theory specific targeting within the law.

Right? The fuck kind of list of demands you gonna get from a nipponese crochet forum in the first place, anyway? That kinda list is gonna stop making sense real fast.

Attached: I've got a package for you.jpg (600x800, 201.32K)

Found the commie

m8 there's a post upthread that is a list that will always make sense (it's the post i made)

Yup we're like dogs chasing cars

Actually, we elected a US President using a simple cartoon frog.
Nevar Forget

Yeah, an extreme Zionist. We did a great fucking job…

I honestly don't think Hillary would've been any worse.

That frog existed years before. If you want to count putting together a bunch of pre-existing memes, then sure. I don't know who did the whole kek/shadilay thing. We are at the phase where that seems ultra-cringey now, but it was honestly nice work.

meh. do better than that using simple memes, /leftyshits/.

No seriously. Trump's family is jewish, he's an extreme Zionist and literally is the most pro-Israel president, probably in American history.

That's considered a win? It's literally Justin Trudeau-tier "if you kill your own race, you win".

Batch Run;927630032956563

what do you think this place is, user?

WoW fags translated started kek as orcish for lol , then someone found a Egyptian frog god and away it went.

Newfags just don’t have an appreciation for what we did in the Great Meme War .

Great idea office- I mean fellow aryan freedom fighter!

Figure out your own path, faggot, or you're worthless.

First, I've been around since Zig Forums was /new/. Second, yeah, the memes were pretty funny… but Trump deported fewer illegals than Obama and is aggressively pro-Israel… the only ones who won in the Great Meme War were the jews.

Much like George Lincoln Rockwell in WW2, it may hurt but you have to process the fact that we fought for kikes… that we weren't "the good guys".

I’m just here fuck shit up

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I want something like quattrocento Florence

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No you haven't reddit.

There is no plan, and this board is not an organization of any variety. We do not have the means of organization or ideological cohesion to project effective political influence. This place is, at best, a platform for discussing and exchanging far-right ideas that are unilaterally neglected everywhere else, if not prohibited. At worst, it is just a place where disenfranchised white men go to indulge in, and vent their idle frustrations with the world.

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This is the real conspiracy.

Make people be able to trust each other again.

OP is right, the only ones with a sense of purpose are the shills.

Well said, Mr. Murdoch. (What a great film.)

Basically what this poster said though. If you're thinking you'll find a leader or someone to lay out their plans and invite you to a super secret club through here, you're misunderstanding the purpose of a tool like Zig Forums.

Become the leader you want to follow, OP. That's the best advice I can give you.

holds that matter

Nothing. Donald, congress, and white women know that being cvcked by big bvlls is the future.

Shill translation: "Goyim, tell me how this board works, so I can shill here easily"
t. newfag-shill
Go learn from your JIDF mentors or lurk more

FUNFACT: Every mass murderer in the United States of America in the last 5 years has been a poster on at least one chan site.

The missions are being undertaken whether you're aware of it or not. No one will hand you your instructions but they are out there for you to find if you're ready. Study the events of recent history. Find the pattern. Become the next iteration. The Final Solution is within your grasp.

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Proofs? I remember there was one nigger who shoot up some place in last year

The only reason you could possibly believe all mass shootings are committed by chan posters is that you're so overdosed on blue pills that your brain is failing. Most mass shootings are gang wars that go unreported. Politically convenient mass shootings on the other hand get national media attention for weeks. The operation mockingbird media apparently is in your brain's driver seat, yet you're posting here. This does not make sense.

vid related. most non paid participants here are boids. They follow simple logic and get into a groove with the rest of the flock. Leaders cannot surface.
If you can learn the place the obstacles you can control the flock without controlling any members.
Truth needs no leader


Yeah, but Hillary was kiked as well, and with Trump we got more lulz, and it kinda made the population more politically aware

Pentest. Copy different pdfs to different computers.

all of us here are white nationalists who care about the white race and hate jews, so anything you can do to help white people or hurt jews is another step towards the non-plan, even if its a tiny step
something I think most of us try to do is try to get people to believe the same things we do, and get them to do the same

some of us are not actually socialist, but at this stage the goals are all the same

I' say the goal was just to clean out corruption and lies brought about by the msm for the last 20 years. Everything else is just shitposting and bantz and nothing real ever gets done. If they were ever serious about it then things in the country would get done faster but nobody knows what to do cause they obviously don't want to go out and fuck their own country up just because some dyke tranny on the msm told them a lie.

The reiki was bullshit opportunism lead by a charismatic crazy who threw his nation’s resources in the tank. Don’t give it any credit. And yet, I’m feeling bizarro today, yeah a strange magnanimity, so listen up while I throw you a boner.

Make your stupid mint pig breeder homelands on the ocean floor. Heavy material support from above, conditional only on one thing: you have to makntain your walls. Yeah, we otta let you build those walls, and prove the psychospiritual superiority of your pogmunts. Just do it down deep where the pressure and isolation will fucking murder you once your arrogance is truly proven. That’ll let the rest of us be outside of your asylum forever.

I was one of the anons in the very first kek thread on this board when it started. Always thought it was the most autistic thing that ever came from a place like this. Then after the election the normies got ahold of it and really made it cringy.

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Pretty much this…
Learn and chat with other like minded anons on here from time to time and take it to the real world and try to make others understand/believe. Im not saying to go out and hand out pamphlets and shit but maybe if you can convince a couple friends or put a thought in a strangers mind your doing your job no matter how minor it may seem. Also help whites when you can as well, even if its something simple.

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OP here, I'm the guy who's trying to get you to create an organization by writing out a manifesto and multi-point plan, along with some rules for members to follow.
The idea being to anonymously spread them around (both offline and online) and get outsiders to basically form the community for us.
It would be a community that we can basically direct from the shadows at minimal risk to ourselves, and, if it has an official uniform, it would provide a distraction so we could meet up IRL in plainclothes with less resources dedicated to finding us by the system.
It also required no use of leaders or e-celebs, so decentralization remained intact.
That was the plan I had, anyway, but everyone called me a fed, shitskin, or kike, no one was interested in even trying to argue that there were flaws in my ideas, they were simply shit, and for unspecified reasons.
I'm none of the things they accused me of being, I tried going to the lengths of revealing my face, my address, and the rest of my identity as well, I even shared info about my family members, but nothing worked.
I also requested that someone share the reasons why they thought my ideas sucked, it those were provided, we could have a discussion, and if the arguments were convincing (I like to be charitable during the debates I engage in on here) I would give the ideas up, but no one wanted to even try to give a reason for why they thought my ideas were shit, they were simply shit, they needed to realize that what is blatantly obvious to themselves may not be to others, maybe I'm just an idiot or fool in need of additional enlightenment (isn't Zig Forums supossed to be a place for educating idiots aka "dropping redpills"? if not, why advertise yourselves like that?).
There was one criticism, however, I got an non to create a wiki for drafting the manifesto, but instead of "national socialism wiki" he created the "national populism wiki", that difference in the name was enough for anons to refuse to contribute because they thought it was "cucking to optics", even though "populism" is itself a trigger word, and the wiki was only intended to be used for the process drafting the document, and that the final document which we present to the outside could be named anything we could want it to be named (aka NOT "national populism").
I wrote out a mini-manifesto myself and called it "national capitalism", it thought it was terrible myself, but it was only intended to be a bare-bones starter draft, an outline for anons to edit and fill out until it became something we could all be proud of, one that was only intended to inspire anons to create something better once they knew what I had meant by "manifesto".
Instead, anons treated it like a proposal in and of itself, and as the final version of it too, and spent the thread criticizing it for being capitalistic, instead of making it socialistic (by which I obviously mean non-marxist socialism, aka "third positionism").

Anyway, considering my ideas were terrible for unexplainable reasons, I wanted to see what you guys had, so I made this thread to ask you.
Turns out, you have nothing, likely because you don't want to sacrifice anonymity and decentralization, don't see any legitimate political solutions that could work, and generally distrust one another (among other reasons), all of these are understandable reasons.
We don't have a consensus on everything, but It's likely that we have a majority that agrees on each type of law, policy, or system that governs each area in how a government funtions, we can create a manifesto by breaking down a country into the different policies that create it, which is the alternative to simply asking anons to come up with entire political ideologies and having us edit them or vote on the options given, breaking ideologies down into constituent parts and having anons work on those specific areas is also good because it avoids the messy business with names, which killed two previous attempts.
genetics make people in the form of demographics, demographics make memes in the form of culture, cultures such as ours makes political policies in the form of laws and systems, and laws and systems are responsible for creating countries, but they can also affect genes and people, creating a feedback loop of sorts, we are a culture, and so we can create a government if we wanted to.
Now, as much as we like Hitler's NDSAP, we are very different from that, Hitler liked arabs, we do not, Hitler had a more egalitarian view of Blacks then the west had, we we do not, Hitler had positive views of the East Indians, and we do not, Hitler ended human zoos and did not send them exhibits away, we would have at least sent them back to where they came from, there are probably six million more reasons our vision of an ideal country would differ from Hitler's, but I'll leave it where I did.
The point is, we (the majority of the user on this board) will not be satisfied by simply copypasting Hitler's Germany as is, and being as dated as it is, I expect no one else to be satisfied with it either.

Here, this shows one way any political system can be broken down, I'm sure there are some areas and options left out, but it's just an example so you know what I'm talking about (and yes, it probably came from halfchan, but back when it was good, and definitely not now or in recent times).

Attached: Political quiz - Copy.png (1140x2540, 325.72K)

This; Flemish or Italian renaissance, but with cool fighter planes and mech-suits

Can you create such a Test Online?.

More or less this.

This is a Free Market of Ideas. Good Ideas get spread, bad ideas are dissolved.

Which is why the Governments fear it. Nothing puts more fear in such entities than the Liberation of the people, mainly if it is done on mental, cultural and spiritual warfare level.

The end result will show itself. We just have to keep researching and seeking.

We're a bunch of honest people about what we say, while the opposition is a bunch of Mercenary-minded people who would clean toilets with their tongue assuming the pay would be good enough.

Meanwhile we try to seek what is Pure, Truthful and Beautiful, on a Metaphysical level regardless if it offends Moral High grounds and slays Holy Cows (politically enforced dogmas) of whatever establishment.

Basically, a Universal Push for Liberation. Of course, there will be resistance, there are plenty of Jailers out there.

While this creates some confusion in our ranks, we are used to confusion, and if we ourselves are not sure of what will come next, then the alphabet agencies who want to monitor us surely can't figure out either.

Their infiltration has turned into a double-edged sword. In exchange for infiltration, they got short-medium term intel, at the cost of sacrificing long term intel.

The ride hasn't even begun. It's mr skull bones ride here, the ride never ends, regardless if you are a common citizen, alphabet agency member, or whatever else, you are stuck in this endless skullbones ride forever.
It's Happening.

You could argue that if we (not that chans were around back then) had helped elect George W Bush, we could "collect liberal salt" by beating out Al Gore… and GWB did seem better than Gore during the campaign. Remember he famously said he wanted "no more nation building"?

The whole Trump thing was a master plan to deflect the WN community, and so far it's worked. We got deluded into a stupor that lasted 4 1/2 years by being distracted by Trump. And all that work and I still can't see any real benefits to the White race… had they just extended Obama's presidency for a third term I couldn't imagine anything to be different………

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Found the kike (((quiz))).

and what can be deduced from that one word?

listen, we all know that trannies are insane, ok? since we all agree on this fact, you are essentially throwing a fit over a typo.

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I don't know, I never created this, I found it on halfchan, and it's only point is to show how a country could be broken down into it's constituent parts (eg. laws, systems, policies, and the areas they apply to).





Doxing Whites as Nazis, Racists, etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense. Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.

Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these retards than survival of Whites.


Maybe try outsourcing political help by submitting all posts with jewgle translations since all domestic politicians are fubar. The jews assraped Trump with the biggest nigger dildo so hard he has a speech impediment now. There's no chance of any more heroes trying to clear the swamp after that.

Another tactic is urging/hoping/praying for some of the seniors in the military to pull a Snowden but in exchange for giving white people refugee status in a civilized country.

The learned helplessness of the WN Trump supporter is so sad.

Lurk another 2 years newfag. This is a National Socialist network it should be obvious.