Leftists turn on Leaf Despot Trudeau, 'no friend in the world' left for him
Press S to shit on Trudeau's grave.
Well no shit just look at the whole shitshow over the Coastal GasLink. The left wanted Trudeau to kill the entire project and enact a full green new deal right then and there, instead Trudeau sent cops to round up the wagon burners and liberals protesting new oil infrastructure.
He won't come back from this, but what happens to him doesn't matter. He has shown the true face of neoliberalism, a system that professes environmentalism and progress but practices destruction and liquidation. This will happen in America like it is happening in Mexico (where AMLO can't afford to be against oil, despite the fuel crisis there) and like it is happening in France (look at how quickly Macron shrunk away from his new gas taxes once he was found out - a pathetic creature that has nothing to stand for) and like it will happen in Germany and the UK. Just look at California, a state that professes a love for green energy yet doubled it's natural gas power imports over the past decade.
As younger leftists realize this, they will revolt just like how Berniebros revolted against Queen Hilary in 2016. This destroys the left, as the frustration from this will inevitably lead Gen Z further outside the mainstream as they search for answers. In walks National Socialists offering nuclear power. This will become increasingly dire as climate change starts really fucking things up, which is when the left will be outed as the kike front it always was.
stop spouting this leftist garbage here on Zig Forums you piece of shit. gtfo.
Also, we got to deal with this fact about the author up front:
Regular Canadian liberals are fucking PISSED at Trudeau. Not just disappointed like this writer is but full blown angry. Trudeau not only built a gas pipeline and removed wagon burners to do it, but when accused of supporting a fascist he tried to cover it up and fire the very own wagon burner within his own government. Some fucking Brit in Britcuckistan might not get it, but rank-and-file Canadian liberals feel rightfully betrayed because king cuck did the exact opposite of everything he said he'd do.
Whether or not this means a new Conservative Canadian government is another question but not really important, again what is important is that Trudeau's fuck up has caused the far left to rip the face of civility off the center left. Now they're discredited, even if it's not a mortal blow.
beep boop MIGAtards
science is established by consensus, and we know they all agree because if they dont they cut the funding to those people who dont believe in the climate change meme. case closed.
the passage of time over a period longer than a human lifespan is a funny thing. we get so convinced we know exactly what is going on because we saw a storm or it was hot….
as soon as yellowstone blows climate change will be permanently put to rest. one super volcano, among the many that exist can put out more C02 than human beings from the point of the industrial revolution to now in 48 hours.
you still don't understand how hard it is to change things at a planetary scale. You think we are so important we have destroyed the earth and blah blah blah.
fuck you all, you believe whatever is spoonfed to you by idiots, dumber than you, making as much in a month as you do in 2 years.
you don't get it, not only are we small and stupid… we are not the first major cycle of intelligence and developed technological industrialism on this planet.
its all happened before, it will all happen again, we didn't manage to do shit yet except repopulate the moon.
Nice D&C shilling, jew.
Will Trudope go to jail for pedophilia is my question?
The webm are terrible, but they still made me laugh.
No, but he doesn't need to. He was mean to indians, his primary constituency that was going to make Canada diverse and gay and rainbows and unicorns. These were the people who turned out in large numbers to give him a win over Con, and now they have been literally backstabbed. They'll do what indians do best: sit down and not participate. Trudeau's career is over.
Meanwhile the far left is going to toast him for all this, because he did everything they stood against. He will never be able to reenter politics outside of Qubec, and this whole charade has burned his family's name into the ground. There's no recovery for him.
Trudeau is just like every postmodern leftist leader and corporation today. Endless new age virtue signaling to mask same old dirty business. Oh and with the truth coming out and his lies and corruption it's pretty much 100% guaranteed Trudeau is a rapist too now bbc.com
Justin Trudeau is a rapist hiding behind maple privilege
There's already a thread for this
Leftists eat their own
After last provincial elections the liberals arent making any headway here and thats the provincial liberals, Turdeau never got a foothold here and is mainly an english cucknada liberals elected official for his "good looks" and for the promise to legalize weed.
Daily reminder that shariah law is explicitly banned in Quebec.
We should have been warned of him from his father, who resigned in disgrace to save the country further embarrassment.
Ye reap what ye sow…
Jewdeau Castro should hang.
he's still leading the country??
When you don't have any friends, you win.
for fuck's sake nigger put a TLDR at the end
not everyone has fun reading Journo blogpost about their disapointment in Castro's little bastard
Jagmeet Singh did manage to win Burnaby-South (39%, Libs got 26, Cons got 22, People's Party got 11) but I don't see him as a feasible candidate for PM. With Trudeau on a downslide, this may mean the battle will come down to Scheer's Conservatives Party vs. Bernier's People's Party.
Laura-Lynn Thompson lost, but she did much better than PPC in other regions. Despite Bernier showing up in Bradford the final hour to support Robert Geurts, he only got 2% of the York-Simcoe vote. This is less than the GREEN party or the PCs… pathetic. Not surprising though, that area is flooded with Toronto's excess immigrants who want to keep destroying our culture with chain migration.
Scot Davidson got 53.9% of the vote, would be nice if he defected from Scheer to join the PPC too. I'd like to see Ford do that also. OH WELL.
I don't know if Bernier can win at the end of 2019, but I hope he does better that Thompson and at least secures 15% of the vote to get us on the map. We just have to destroy the reputations of Castreau and (((Scheer))) so that in comes down to a pajeet raghead and the Canadian God Emperor.
I can't wait to see him obliterated best local reality show all season
It's sad how the listerine drinkers always get the short end of the stick.
I don't understand why people complain about reading here. Fuck sake you're on an image board where 95% of what you do here is read. How fucking stupid are you? If it's a topic you find relevant you want all the information you can find on it and if you're not interested in it then don't read it and keep scrolling.
You think this place is a fucking game?
Pic related might be more up your alley.
I wear my hat with pride, kike.
Suck ZOG emperor cock on a different website. You don't belong here.