How do we deal with anti-Axis countries?

Countries that historically fought the Germans in WWII, as they would get more nationalist, would they become more anti-Hitler and anti NatSoc as well?
A devout nationalist would never say that his country made a mistake in a military action. Look at both Polish and Russian nationalists, the former hates Germany and the latter is practically kosher Communists. How do we deal with staunch anti-Hitler, but pro-Nationalists?

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And what about the actual government of germany ?

I don't blame my people for fighting on the wrong side of history.

There's a difference between nationalism and countrism. As an American, I can say that my government, and therefore my country, not only does not support my nation, but is staunchly opposed to it.

But what is the nation of America if almost all of it is described as a liberal political state that rebelled against evil right-wing monarchists?

Only a globalist's caricature of a nationalist as someone absorbed in blind jingoism. As a Canadian I'm pretty well aware of the mistake my country made in entering WW2. It's only fucked us over.

Puritans founded this country so they could be free to live their lives without the Anglican Church imposing upon the Puritans what they saw as foreign doctrines. The Puritans saw the occult elements in Christmas as blasphemy, outlawed the celebration of Yule, and celebrated Christ's birth every day.
They considered the actions of the monarchy to be heretical, thought the monarchy of the time to be illegitimate, and sought freedom from Anglican degeneracy.

I must not be a devout nationalist then because I cannot think of one military in the last 100 years hat my country did that was justified.

Ironically, in this judaized world, Adolf Hitler is the supreme God. I'm not trying to be funny. Think about it.
Who is more important to the ruling class; Jesus Christ, Moses, or Adolf Hitler?
It's Hitler, obviously. Hitler is the basis for the new world order. It is the hatred or love of Hitler that defines the modern political struggle. And this weird situation de-nationalizes Hitler. Poles, French, and Swedes can relate to Hitler because we have been deprived of our historic nations and lumped into a single repressed class; "White racists"
But if and when we triumph over these monstrous jews and reclaim our nationhood back, national groups will want their own heroes and their own founding martyrs. And these men will be the men who help liberate us from the jews. These men will slowly replace Hitler in the national consciousness.

So in a strange way, by creating a national socialist world, Hitler will become demystified and will remain the national figure of only Germany.

Or maybe not. I'm not a mystic.

I will tell you one thing, Hitler is hated only by those who view him as an aggressive anti-Russian or anti-Pole among nationalists. If you want Poles and French and Russian and Serb nationalists to like Hitler, simply stop using him as a tool to humiliate Poles and French and Russians. Stop using his military campaigns against them as a tool to rub their own humiliation in their faces.
Maybe only shills do this. We cannot know. But there are a lot of anons who passionately and vindictively use Hitler to attack the honour and nationhood of Poles and Russians.
I think Hitler was awesome. Among the best men ever to live But I'm fully capable of admitting that he made mistakes.

Let's all just stop trying to make each other miserable. No more brother-wars. Hitler is not a tool with which we bash each other. If European people are to survive, we must put aside our petty hatreds long enough to focus on the (((world-enemy))).
And who knows. Maybe we'll learn to live with each other in peace through our shared struggle.

Attached: Midnight swearing-in ceremony for SS troops at Feldherrnhalle, Munich, 1938.jpg (750x512, 63.14K)

*nation, not county. Excuse me. Force of habit. (I come from a family of cuckservatives)

Anyone that holds loyalty to their political country is a fucking traitor at this point. All that matters is our people. Borders are irrelevant when they don't exist to protect our people but instead exist to keep us separated and confused as to where our loyalties lie.
A German is still a German even without his borders, a Irish man and Irish man, and a Romanian a Romanian. The borders that exist post-45 only work to give abstract definition to these identities and to keep those who are proud of their ancestry "loyal', even if only in part and spirit, to a country which hates them.
I am not loyal to my country in any respect and spit on its flags. I sincerely have no love for it and could do without any and all of its history if it meant securing the existence of my people, which at this point I believe to be the only means of securing it.

Puritans are also heavy jeudophiles and christcuckolds. What's your point?
Exactly the point I'm making. Why should I honor a bunch of faggots?
At least the American religious doctrine was secular and Deist.

I have never seen this even once on Zig Forums. I have only seen Poles and Russians, who've drank deep from the anti-white kool-aid bowl, attacking Germany for fighting to defend their people from Polish murderers, and the people of Finland & Romania & Bulgaria from Judeo-Bolsheviks, respectively.

Even today I admire Germans, Italians, and the Japanese. I loathe Jews and Israelis.

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You must accept you mistakes or you are failed to follow them again. Your sins will heal, yes, but if they sting so much why did you do them in the first place?

How so? Give him a new tongue, make him worship different Gods, and make him celebrate different cultures and you have a man that's no functionally different from a Frenchman, a Norwegian, or a Finn. A country is there to secure the existence of an ethnicity. Without it it ceases to exists and blends into the vassal holder's primary culture if given enough time.

No. A nationalist does not apologize.

Explain the difference of this?

An apology is a gesture of contrition towards another. Regretting a mistake you made doesn't mean you apologize for it. If I'm given a speeding ticket, I may regret speeding (because I got the ticket) but that doesn't mean I apologize to the zogbot giving the ticket.

So you don't apologize to Germany for sucking zogbot cock and attacking the Axis? Seems selfish.

Why would I apologize?
Do you have brain damage? First you can't tell the difference between regret and apology, then you think an apology or lack thereof has any relationship to selfishness. Is your first language Hebrew, so you have trouble with English?

How about you place the blame where it belongs, user?
The filthy lying jew and the traitorous shabbos goyim that took their shekels i.e: The System.

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You're the one who loves to suck jewish cock and unwilling to support your Aryan friends so I should be asking you.

Thank god that most countries had volunteers to the SS that these nationalist can identify themselfs with.

I would like to see Polish and American volunteers.

1) there is no one alive to apologize to; 2) apologies project cowardice, you must cowar to apologize; 3) the apology of rhetoric has been made to death, and I don't agree there's any apology to justify the war. But it happened. Learn, get over it, move on.

don't forget the finns

a nationalist doesn't apologize to judaized trotskyist human garbage that try to make them feel bad for simultaneously defending their country and being white

Dissolve them.

Shabbat ended somewhere. Fuck off jew.

Are you some nigger shill that wants to convince nu/pol/ to oppose nationalism?

I kind of have this almost schizophrenic way about myself where I have my allegiance to the United States of America, but every time a discussion about war or the troops comes up, I say that I don't hate them for them thinking that they're fighting for a good cause, but I can't back at all what they're doing. Or when I hear about some relative that passed away that fought in World War II, I say that sadly they were brainwashed into fighting against the good guys.

One guy I did know was fighting against Rommel's men in North Africa, he was rather cheerful, until you brought up the war with him, he wouldn't talk about it. I think he might have been low-key redpilled and realized that he was fighting against the good guys. He died in 1995, but he could already see that the world was collapsing and going to shit, just as Léon Degrelle was saying in his We Dreamed of Something Marvelous speech.

Quit projecting

Then you must either be new, an infrequent visitor, or a light reader.
Anti-Slavic rhetoric and especially anti-Polish rhetoric is rife here.
Most people understand that an attack on one of us is an attack upon our whole race. But some do not and merely use Hitler to humiliate Poles and Russians.

Close. The Mythical Hitler operates as a Satan figure

not really, but it's normal to go through this phase

My country fought against Germans in WW2 and I believe it was one of greatest mistakes in our history. Reich was much more than just German nationalism.

I'm Czech. We stood against the Third Reich, yet I consider myself national socialist for all my adult life and say that world would be much much better if Germans (our occupiers) won. In regard to national socialism itself I firmly believe that it is nigh useless to talk history as it would hold any value in very present and pressing struggle. Debating it on historical level we surely can, but it will generate nothing of value, same as attaching ourselves to historical questions (like to whom Sudetenland or Danzig belongs etc.) will only produce unneeded rife between people who in their core mean well and share same worldview.

I think there are three most important pillars of any modern and well-meaning national socialist that should be adhered to:

If those three are upheld, they mitigate most of the issues you could have in any country that was against the Axis.

I want larpers to painfully kill themselves.
My country had a more effective and explicit white nationalist policy than germany ever did.
We also threw kraut niggers in camps.


Your grandpa was a subhuman, and this is your huwhite niggertionalism.

Allied nations will fucking burn.

Attached: Retards of the nation of subhumans.jpg (1280x844 53.78 KB, 277.81K)

More bump for the subhuman mulattoes who are still proud of killing "kraut niggers".

Attached: amerimutts failure to please the nigger masters.jpg (750x1041 1.71 MB, 103.67K)

I'm not american try again larp nigger

So which of the subhuman races do you spawn from? Tell me.

Attached: German Music 2.jpg (630x630 70.4 KB, 70.49K)

False and frankly ridiculous statement

False and frankly ridiculous statement

False and frankly ridiculous statement

By that logic, YOU are a White nationalist.

False and frankly ridiculous statement

False and frankly ridiculous statement

False and frankly ridiculous statement

False and frankly ridiculous statement

Literally every single pic you included is a non-sequitor. Every single one has nothing to do with White nationalism.

You are too dumb with your linear thinking.
Whatever. Until Germany's and Hitler's name are restored, you can go right into hell to enjoy your victory against evil "kraut niggers".

Attached: Hwhite nationalism of hwhite brothers Deutsch subbed.mp4 (985x1380 6.97 MB, 217.62K)

Hey, subhuman shitskin. What is your ethnicity, your culture? Still waiting, subhuman.

blood-relation, marriage, multiplication
Australian and wet
the biggest gaping pol of our live times

Haallooo shitskin, where do you hail from again? Tell us :)


Yeah yeah, fuck off. All Europeans people have pale skin color, and if they are tanned farmers, they still have defining facial features that seperate them from the Asian or African people etc.
But each of us are more than "huwhite". Be a rootless mulatto somewhere else.

Attached: Ha.jpg (801x534, 24.88K)

Highly unlikely that they'll necessarily become anti-german or anti-hitler.

And that wouldn't matter for as long as they began caring for their own people and supporting Nationalism that improves and strengthens their own nations.

It's what Hitler would have wanted.

Of course we dont, mutt :)
Thats why words like English, Celtic, French, German, Italian, Scottish etc exist.
Unlike you we dont name ourselves after a color like some rootless, deracinated subhuman mongrels :)


To a kike and a mutt nationalities and ethnicities are just meaningless badges, like those worthless medals you see on the chest of commie officers.

Hence "white" "nationalism".

Please tell me how a sect that embraces the epistles of Paul and the book of Revelations was totally supportive of the Talmudic demon-worshipers. Also this "American Secularism" didn't exist for the most part until those freemason kikes showed up when the king sent his goons to impose the Anglo Way upon our kind.
Regardless, this seems like a heavy derail, so I'm going to get back on topic.
A nation is defined by a people, their ethnicity, their race, and their culture, while a country is defined by it's laws, government and borders. You may find many of the subjects of the United States Government to be anti-white mongrels, but most members of the American nation are not.

Literally no one on this board who is a National Socialist from Poland, France, Russia, Finland, Britain, Romania, America, Canada, Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, Belarus, Ukraine, Hungary, Italy or ANY of the states that fought Germany (and yes, I include those states that switched sides) believe that they fought on the correct side at the end.
So claiming that people need to be humiliated 24/7 for being on the wrong side is ridiculous.
I was not alive during WW2.
No one here was.
So what exactly are you trying to say here?

I will say something; I am sick and tired of seeing people shit all over Slavs. I am German by blood, okay. But I guarantee you that merely defending Slavs of any kind will lead to;
But whatever. I'd rather be a Russian or a Serb or a Pole than be a German who shits on his neighbors to please the jew.
No Pole alive had anything to do with what was done to Germany.
No Serb alive had anything to do with what was done to Germany.
And no one here who agrees with National Socialism would suggest that what was done to Germany was just. That's Zig Forums

So once again, what the hell are you even saying? That Russian Patriots should be murdered to avenge people they never even met? That Poles should be evicted from their homes and shot to appease these psychotic freaks who want to recreate Germany's borders from 1914?
I am here because I want my race and nation to survive the assault of the jew. Not to rampage around Poland murdering children because I want to recreate a fucking border from an age of multi-ethnic states.
I despise the concept of multi-ethnic states.

Cool pic but you are an actual retard. Sage for a pointless thread.

None of this matters, there isn't going to be a state that breaks off from zog and becomes independent. It will just be dogpiled and smashed to pieces.
Germany had the best chance of accomplishing this, but that time has passed.
Either we get control of this beast ourselves or we perish.

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>Some people from x white country are still bitter about what y white country did to them while under the control of (((occupied governments))) and (((media)))
You both need to learn to recognize subtle D&C shilling when you see it.