Why do people dismiss the fact that neurotypicals are the reason the world is shit? no one presents actual factual evidence to dismiss my claim and resort to name calling. Yall just keep proving my point. Your arguments are weak af. Who needs social skills in todays day and age with technology? just accept teh fact you are inferior and race is a dying concept. Technology and mild aspergers will make the perfect human one day. You are all living in the past with your failed loser crypto jew hitler who betrayed his own people for the zionist agenda. Nostradamus even predicted he was the second antichrist so the evidence is overwhelming! In fact aspergers increases your IQ and makes you better at critical thinking. Neurotypicals gave us the modern degenerate world today! Here are some examples of our true power: brittany pettibone has mild aspergers and she is a true traditional intelligent person as well as putin. Aspie master race! Normies are what brought us to this hell, sure yall can scapegoat niggers, jews and muslims all you want but fact is whites are the true culprits who helped these ppl gain power by being complacent and taking no action.
About aspergers
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nice ad homiunum attacks.
You may not be ethnocentric but your replacements will be.
He was a jew btw. Just sayin'.
Then why aren’t you a National Socialist, user?
Everybody knows that esoteric vishnu Harry potterism is the only wayReeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
You are trying to make yourself feel better by denigrating those of us that are normal. I am autistic, and it is difficult being this way. People don't understand my fascinations, obsessions, and mental processes, but I make do by working remotely, reading, and exercising alone. My wife understands me even though she is many times more social than I could ever be. I'm blessed in that regard.
Wrong, nigger. This applies only if you are borderline. Aspergers makes it damn near impossible to procreate, to socially engage, and fulll-blown autism is clinical mental retardation. Create a population of borderline autists, and you destroy the social capacity of a civilization. Create a population of full-blown clinical retards, you destroy the entirety of the civilization. That is why you are supposed to inject yourself with yearly poison in the form of the influenza vaccine and fill your goyish children with 50 doses of foreign material, aborted fetal tissue and neurotoxins before they reach the age of 5. I have and do deal with my autism, and you just get angry about your ASSBURGERS syndrome. You won't last. Oh, shit. I almost forgot to
Autism is debilitating in all forms. Some autists may have a special skill that actually becomes useful, but for every one of them there's a thousand of skilled normal people. Not to mention obsession in autism doesn't mean it has to result in competence, nor does it have to go beyond surface level (e.g. one may have an extensive knowledge about camera models but not know how cameras work at all).
Extreme OCD like the kind Nikola Tesla had is actually closer to autism as portrayed on TV or Hollywood by writers who don't know shit and just assume it gives you special powers or something (inb4 Jewish plot, that's baloney, Jews have nothing to gain from more autism because they'd make shitty inefficient ZOG slaves, they'd rather push race mixing or flooding the West with the third world).
Most internet communists/trannies have autism. Just saying.
I AM a natsoc, im not that stupid bro.
I didnt mean full autism. Im thinking of it like a virus from resident evil where it gives you special powers. Sure you lose your humanity but its a small price to pay for abilities. Mild aspergers is the perfect dose needed to create humanity 2.0. PLus no one talks face to face anymore as the younger generations live on the internet
I iknow full autism sucks but aspergers is different. If it was that bad then why arent they euthanized? I keep reading that its a good thing to have and then watch youtube videos where aspies and other retards claim tehy are happy with it and wont give it up.
Aspergers is just autism with a higher IQ. In many ways it's worse because it gives one more self awareness while there's nothing they can do.
Technically Asperger's isn't a clinically recognized disorder now, it is now just considered to be high-functioning autism (which I have). I have noticed however that those with Asperger's are often more autistic than most autists for some infuriating reason.
Not your blog cunt, choke on your earwax collection.
how does it feel to be a neurotypical? You dont know my rage scum. WE got bill gates on our side and my dream is to see all you normiefags hunted down or converted to our side.
So why do idiots lie that its a good thing to have? Wil there be a cure because its ruining my life! plus most shooters have been aspie jews. I wasnt like this so it mustve been the vaccines.
Your post either shows that you have genuine autism or that you're a kike troll pushing something.
As I've mentioned, people don't really understand it. It's a reflection of how autistics can't understand the thought process of normal people, neurotypicals are baffled by autistic thought in the same manner because it's unconventional.
No one on here is neurotypical lmao
i think i have some jewish blood form my fathers side. Im a notsoc and believe hitler was right about 90%
shiggy diggy
i can tell by their colorful language like that cunt obsessed with earwax collections. So that means only autists are capable of seeing that hitler was right?? So your implying that im right about normies?
Cool, more proof of the jewish racial soul. Now I don't have to listen to you anymore. You're not one of us, metaphysically. Go hook up with a synagogue and say you're a ger.
Well kind of, I'm saying nobody """normal""" (as in well adjusted in society) will be attracted to "extremist" ideologies in the first place, whether it's NatSoc or Communism
i didnt say i am a jew and even if that was true, i still dont count as a kike idiot
It's genetic, and has to do with the way your brain is physically and chemically structured. A lobotomy or a brain transplant is your best bet bucko
No he's a genuine autist, no one even approaching normal or socially adjusted would use the term "aspie"
This is a very good way of putting it
Fuck off you half-breed sperg. Your brain can't figure out whether it's autistic or alliptic, and as a result, you're completely unable to think outside the box, and your IQ score lies significantly higher than your actual intelligence. Spergs lie halfway between a low-functioning Alliptic (your typical normie) and a high-functioning autist (Einstein, Tesla, Kaczynski, etc). A neurotype is just the psychological equivalent to a race, and as a sperg, that makes you the psychological equivalent to a mongrel.
You are inferior to any NT, just as any nigger is superior to the mulatto.
another fine NT degenerate! you scum are easy to spot. and my IQ is in 1110-117 range bucko. aspies will always be better than normie filth like you just accept it
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee too!
It’s weird how different kike aspergers are from their HUMAN European counterparts
"Functioning" Autism and Asperger's isn't real, it's just the masculine brain. I trust nothing that comes out of modern psychology institutions, haven't since I learned the USSR considered non compliance with the state a mental issue.
Soon, anybody with any sense of passion for anything other than the Globohomo talking points will be called mentally ill and unfortunately the less intelligent of us will believe them and take the lobotomy pills.
Feeling a little blue goyim? We'll send our enforcers to take your firearms before you hurt yourself.
I love you user. No homo.
Lol too funny.
Wait? Are we ‘extremists’ I mean last time I checked Nat Soc was just another political party.
Got to exterminate males to have a slave world user. Fuck a bug while you are at it as well.
Your entire ideology is based on killing jews dude…
I agree 100%. I was in deep thought burning the midnight oil just revisiting old moments in my life, and I came to a conclusion about why life is so shitty. In the old days men like myself wouldn't have to play the game of social conventions, I didn't have to try to appease women with constant gifts in the hope of getting coochie, no, in those days a woman had two purposes, take my dick and make me food. And any nigger that tried to take either of those things would get axed in the fucking head.
Let's fast forward to now, NOW in the modern world, according to "social norms" my purpose in life is to appease women, to be a cowardly little beta trying to see half a tit, NOW It's my "responsibility" to make food for niggers, and to let them fuck my woman at the same time! and what can I do to stop it? I HAVE to go to work for a whole day, meanwhile my "woman" and the niggers don't do shit all day long, so what happens? I end up taking care of both of them, niggers in the form of welfare, women on the form of "marital support". And of course since they don't have shit else to do not that they shouldn't be doing something they can fuck all they want because I'm not there to stop it.
In the sense of my personality type ISTP I should be axing motherfuckers and pounding pussy on the regular, but instead I have to deal with "the modern world" and all the bullshit it involves, no wonder I've lost my fucking mind, everything is so fucked.
Autists are easier to manipulate and less independent. kys
Fuck you nigger, my "ideology" is as old as time, take care of your people, keep out foreigners, maintain a safe and homogeneous society. It just so happens that in the age of identity politics, we have to segregate ourselves from faggots that would otherwise tarnish and degrade our message and take us away from the end goals which we seek.
The only reason kikes come into this equation is because they're a fucking virus that is constantly eroding out people and actively trying to destroy us.
So "killing jews" is as much a part of our "ideology" as killing bacteria and viruses is a part of a body trying to stay healthy.
Get fucked.
Well if there's any confusion on autism, blame the left hand of the Jew - modern psychology (and psychiatry). They claim that "as we better understand these illnesses, we find that more people suffer from them", and that is a half truth. However, things like autism, Asperger's, ADHD, and other "spectrum" disorders are so wildly misdiagnosed to make every intelligent person feel crazy and unwanted instead of competent. So half those self proclaimed autists that are productive probably aren't autistic at all. They might have some of the traits but no downside - just an eternal feeling of inferiority.
The fish in their good feelings swim so deeply inside of it thinking "this is right, this is the best thing, you should do it too, we all know what is best" Well then I say to them. Can you tell when there is asbestos in the air? Do you know when you eat something poisonous? How do you know of the things that are not now, or cannot be seen, or felt by your senses?
they say "but we have special people and tools to do that, all is well!"
But yea it bugs me quite a bit, these people walk with their heads held high, blissfully unaware of even the slightest disturbance to their narratives. They want to draw me into their world, I can feel it as it does not seem that I am lacking senses for their world of trust and hope. But my brain, or whatever always gives me a choice. It says "is this the right way?" and I just always seem to say "no". I recall the countless of other people who do not abide by their pitiful pleas. The religious ones, be they christian or muslim, they too are "autistic" when it comes to giving in. But it is a strong pull, even for them, and this pull it is powerful, but it is also designed. I am afraid that once you enter it, you may lose yourself. I entered it once already and all I found there was…well the magic of life so to speak. But if its not the religious ones, its the government, giving you data on your end effects. Or some group eventually will try to tell you that it is not okay. And it may even be so, it actually definitely is so…
but this thing, it is as if there are only two modes of operation, happy go lucky smile time and thinky, and what we may have of "extreme thinky" but I keep thinking. Maybe the reason why we have the extreme thinking (basically living in our memory, past, future, and data) makes us lose touch of the moment. Kinda sets us into one mindset. In which even an ardent natsoc guy suddenly smiles to a nigger because he smiles as you. (its like being nice to a dog and playing fetch with it). I am constantly trying to find a means to try to reach this more in the moment mindset, but with so much shit around I have no other choice but to constantly keep this thinking mind correcting stuff. Spoiling much for me in the process.
maybe in the moment is just when we let our mirror neurons work, above our own brain processes or something dumb like that. (which people with aspergers do not lack, but the brain mechanism simply does not trigger them)…but yea, can you feel the pull anons. I sure as hell can. And I am not giving in on purpose. I would even rather become a white subverter, using alternative means of communicating with them, than "opening up". I have found out that trying to use "tactical empathy" often works quite well (something you can actually do to bridge the gap), or just trying to imagine things from their perspective, and then being nice to them and mentioning it. Both require the thinky, but both also can somewhat be an alternative I believe.
Oh boy this nigger is back spamming again. One of my VPN nodes is perma'd because someone posted shit on it two months ago, but OP can spam the same thread over and over and the mods do nothing.
World would be even more shit if neurodiverse people - such as jews - would be in charge.
what are you saying? you wrote a poem
Take your autism pills and fuck off.
not sending their best
he's right though
haha oh wow, thanks man, but also, ugh, not sure, I just love to write it like that lately. Been reading a lot, also some classics, whats wrong with that? Well the main gist is that you should be able to feel the emphatic pull of a "mirror neuron state", which is the default mode of operation that there normies go on. This state also has less mental vocalizations, they do not really stand still and think with words. It is not exactly a bad thing, its just group dynamics, but it gets used by the jews to brainwash people into accepting everything.
Way to make the ED article on autism look well informed.
You might want to try loving yourself.
And don't start on impossible tasks. Pick easy things and as you succeed at them your confidence will build and you can raise the difficulty on challenges. Eventually you won't find yourself tweaking out over the antics Normietards get up to and you'll look down upon them with love from your perch in the clouds. You will lose the need to prove yourself to others and be able to exist comfortably in your skin neither clinging nor pushing away.
And in this space you will find your most optimal way to interface with the reality.
Good luck.
You are loved and you are not alone.
Saved this thread. Thank you user.
Ok look Jamal, I'm going to make it easier for you. While pure niggers are better in the sense they are fucking retarded apes and easy to handle, yes that would be correct. If they mixed with any other race I would be inclined to continue agreeing about the better part. Better for white people. I mean, niggerjews are on another level. But we're talking the theft of white genes which ARE superior and in fact elevate their various species. Better able to think, adapt, and utilize their cunning to fuck over others.
The mutt having stolen non retarded ape genes will be superior to the pure retarded ape.
I genuinely believe that he was a seer and all his texts are correct.
First off he was jewish which gives a big bias by looking at the "suffering" of his own fellow people bad. He did call Hitler evil but when he probably saw a cloudy general view of big impacts, like a man emerging and causing war, hence "must be the bad guy". I don't think Nostradamus read a lot of future newspapers/books or listened to speeches.
The best part is that there are very weird prophecies that I can't find in english but only in my language:
"Az írott szó elhal majd,
És egyre szegényebb lesz a beszéd,
a nemzetre egy talány hoz bajt,
mely elveszi az emberek eszét.
Egész nap otthonukban ülnek,
bámulnak hazug, mozgó képeket,
s mire a bálványok ledőlnek,
már alig születnek gyermekek."
My rough translation:
"The written word will die away,
and speech will become poorer
One invention (or riddle) to the nation brings trouble
Which takes the people's mind.
All day they sit in their homes
Staring at lying, moving pictures,
and by the time the idols all fall
Children are hardly ever born."
Nostradamus is grossly misinterpreted, people and the media keeps pushing lies, and keeps him as a golden calf to use him when it fits. Obviously texts like these are hard to find that actually talk about the present day or provide insight. The twin towers are a great example at jewish forced profecy: They've built the twin towers just to make them fall. It sort of makes my head hurt to think that he wrote the exact information first and it became true, but he saw it before his eyes even before he wrote it down, hence didn't even alter things. It's almost like it was scripted by the Universe even before he even existed. Time in reality works in really fucked up ways.
I've learnt about Siener van Rensburg here and he actually gives a more accurate prophecy because he lived more recently and didn't write in faggot fourliners like that virgin kike. In short after ww3 german language will rule Europe and we will take over South-Africa right to the equator. Brits will flee all over the world from European terror like rats everywhere they turn up. Britain will be almost fully colored and will betray it's allies then gets absolutely annihilated by war after 7 plagues and famine hits them. He says even their ground will burn away when the Russians attack them. They will take the first step to escalate war and will try to overtake Europe but will fail because The muricans will actually help by giving CIAnigger level secret tech they've been hoarding. The plagues that start in Britain after a long famine and the race war in Europe will be the sign that WW3 is close. (makes sence as it's an obvious opportunity to be a faggot when half the world burns, just like (((last time))) ) Total nuclear war, chemical and biological war, fucking orbital energy weapons annihilating everything. Take his words, not mine. Many smaller nations will cease to exist who are a burden to the goals. Germany will have ethnic violence and all people will get deprogrammed. Racial conflicts will explode in Europe and the kike press will cry about it worldwide.
If this does not give you a rock solid erection, this is not even the end of it:
When everyone's shit is fucked and when a man takes over Germany and brings the Reich back will have so fucking high technology built for the military that other nations will be too afraid to attack them, then fucking God himself will show up to give his blessings to the Germans and will establish a millenial reign on the Earth after the third world war ends and niggers will be genocided by the millions.
Anyway you are a fucking shill. You don't even deserve to know but I am too eager not to tell. I do not own his books, only one but the video embedded explains it the best. The guy is super-redpilled. (Don't bother with the Christian stuff in the video if you don't like it.)
Shut up you half-eNpTy faggot. You will never be as cripplingly autistic as I am. 160 IQ, high-functioning, Full-blown autistic, diagnosed when I was 5. While you spergs and your parents were happily letting the kikes turn you into faggots, trannies and pedophiles, I was getting away with physically assaulting the school counselor for trying to convince me I was a transgender woman, on grounds of my "intellectual handicap." Bitch was so surprised too that I refused to be manipulated into faggotry or let her do the same to any other children.
Flexin that sperg muscle. Im impressed.
yes ive heard and read about this guys prophecies and his is the msot likely. I knew something wasnt right with nostrakike. I hope you are correct my friend. Maybe NT normies will be redeemed in the end. I do feel EU will fare better after ww3 in the end. But the question is, what will happen to america and russia and the rest of teh world?
I have persian blood so i love and support my german cousins. I hope they again but please explain more about your prophecy plz
I mean just type in "Nostradamus Phrophecies" and you will find hundreds of pages of articles without a single line or source mentioned from him but with pages of (((assuming))). I expect at least a the basis for the claims, let alone a line from his prophecies. Nostradamus himself really was genuine, but the jewish bias is strong with his opinions on bad and good people. I mean he was French for God's sake. They hated Germans with a passion since the country was born. Obviously he will see visions of Hitler and king Barbarossa who will come out of inner Earth (when eventually the North Pole melts) [Rensburg said on his deathbed the Lord comes when the ice melts and I've read this somewhere else too. I think it was Miguel Serrano's claims in "Manu: For the Man To Come"] to re-establish his rule over Europe as some "tyrant" ecause his poor fellow jews will vaporize into radioactive dust.
Well, you can read his books that are mentioned in the video, but my knowledge is too poor on him to tell a detailed story like the guy in the video did. You can read some articles on the broad timeline but expect biased interpretations. You have to read it yourself to fully experience it. The books come with the original visions written down and symbology well explained then the interpretations, which obviously have leeway to be understood differently, that's why I fucking hate Nostrakikeus because all his writings come pre-processed, pre-interpreted, crypticly told because fuck everybody else. And it's shortened to a sentence, equivalent of "Yeah some dude emerges, the king dies eventually and three guys will put their head together lol", thinking it helps anybody 7 centuries later.
Read Serrano's books for prophetic stuff and unimaginable stories about his trips, the ancient Aryan secret-societies that still live and are still patiently waiting, his long-winded parellels on Nordic myths and endless esoteric Hitlerism. In Manu: For the Man to Come" he basically spills the beans that in his former books he cryptically hinted that he met Hitler after the war in Antarctica and Hitler was "posessed" by the immortal Avatar who seeks vengence and will return soon. Obviously if you want to comprehend him, read "The Golden Band", "The Ultimate Avatar", "For the Man to Come" chronologically as he says but if you want an instant hard-on, jump into Manu for full revelation. You can find it in two parts on /pdfs/ in one of the dedicated Serrano threads (use search in page in catalog). I still can't fully comprehend it. Here's an example:
From the chapter "The atomic bomb does not exist":
ive been hearing whispers that the atom bomb is a conspiracy. Im confused, there is photo evidence and testing done. whats going on??
and i was referring to siener. also what are your thoughts on parallel universes? i hear hitler won in another timeline.
BTW iron sky is spreading the memes already about the coming race and inner earth. recommend watching it. THey are already hinting about whats to come after ww3. They seem to know more and have inside knowledge or something cuz hollywood teases these pills all the time.