Rapidly declining Yoruba sorcery forum inexplicably fails to notice this and put up a thread
A 12-year-old boy has been arrested in New York City for hate-criming his Queens school, according to the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force, which exists for some reason. The boy allegedly totally scrawled scores of anatomically accurate windmills of peace all over the playground of P.S. 139, a piece of shit nigger school in Niggertown, Queens.
The chalk drawings, most of which were windmills of peace, were mostly uncaptioned, though one helpful message explained: “NO JEWS ALLOWED.” Another bit of decoration used the diagonal slash in a circle on the basketball court to depict a communist hammer-and-sickle insignia being crossed out. Further evidence that Generation Zyklon will take no prisoners was found in the sheer fucking volume of the markings – there may have been hundreds of them, many organized into neat rectangular rows (which almost certainly means it’s an autistic white kid like us, rather than an ooga-boogan or a kike haling hortler).
The (based) child’s identity has not been released because of his age, and the fact that even the faggots in Queens’s antifa chapter can screw up enough courage to kill a prepubescent boy, as long as they have enough backup with them at the time and take him by surprise.
That consideration doesn’t extend to the city government (which is run by an oil-drilling degenerate) telling the pigs to back the fuck off the kid, of course. Reports state the unnamed boy was arrested for making threats, which sounds crazy until you remember the Jew cries in pain while he’s locking up your son. New York City, which is remarkable for how few actual crimes happen there, thus had the manpower and intent to initiate a hate crimes investigation that will probably end with our child hero dying under a nigger’s filthy dick in Riker’s Island jail, or – arguably worse – being made to watch Schindler’s List and write an essay for the judge about how 6 million died in the Holocaust.
Reports state the boy spent a few hours in handcuffs at the jailhouse, hopefully surrounded by shit-eating kike slave cops who have enough vestigial decency to hang themselves in shame when they go home and tell their fag lovers what they did at work that day, before being released into the custody of his mother. (Note the lack of a father who could teach the boy about hiding his power level).
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