These fucking boomer Qtard MAGAniggers are irredeemable. They are the final nails in the coffin. Now that Trump has overtly flip-flopped on immigration, calling for more and more immigration, and for that to be legal, these fucking brainlet boomers cheer right along no matter what this orange agent of hell shits into their heads.
The entirety of the American political system is Anti-White. I've known this, so I never voted, but FFS these God Damn boomers completely support all of South America moving in here. They believe they are all magically non-criminal skilled workers, and this will be all fine and dandy, with no conflict whatsoever. Actually they are not capable of thinking this through, for they live in a drooling torpor of Fox news, and Denny's buffets.
ITT we spitball a game plan to forcefully euthanize these old cunts AND get them to sign over their assets to us, before croaking ASAP.
They would probably just give them to the hispanics…and honestly, with this OP I wouldn't blame them.
Christian Jackson
Trump was always a salesman telling you what you wanted to hear.
Jordan Reed
When all able people stop being idiots and stop working completely, the country can be turned into the chaotic state that will allow for the white race to kill everyone else and dominate the land completely. Don't be a part of the system that is made to be against you. Use it against itself.
I'm a Boomer, and (((you))) are full of shit. You fucking insecure niggers are like the rest of the participation trophy generation, always looking for someone to blame your own failures on. You want everything right fukken now, let me tell you something, junior, I was in y fucking forties before I was able to buy my first new car. I remember one nice day looking out of the front window of my house that's paid off, at two late model cars in the driveway, deciding whether or not to take a ride on the almost new Fat Boy sitting in the garage. I dropped out of high school to join the service at seventeen, and went on to several shitty jobs, you know, the kind that pampered american young people won't do anymore but you'll still bitch about boomers being responsible for importing Mexicans to do the fucking shit that you guys are way too good for. My jobs became less and less shitty over the years, and now I'm at a desk making decisions and doing pretty good. In the meantime, niggers like you scapegoat guys like me because you're a jealous little faggot who can't get laid don't make six figures right out of high school. Fuck you, do the world a favor and go take a nice big hit of zyklon b.
Jaxon Fisher
OP is right. Can't kill you muppets fast enough.
Robert Reed
Gen X here, I don’t know who is mor shit: Boomers or millennials.
I am hopeful Gen Z will give us the next Hitler.
I don’t have to tell anyone how insufferable and idiotic millennials are.
Boomers are the most narcissistic, selfish, covetous of all generations currently alive. They love “collecting” and consuming and will leave nothing to thier children or grandchildren. These are the people who “reverse mortgage” thier homes. Ironically I’d say the majority of boomers were given substantial inheritances from thier parents and grandparents.
The vile jew dunghill rat knows very well, better than anyone that the South American and Central American hordes they're bringing in are retarded criminal scum and that is why they're bringing them in. The jews want America to be a vast squalid whorehouse full of despair, suicide and drug addiction. That's their metier.
You'll be buried next to them because you're a fucking nigger.
Austin Perry
This same thread that accomplishes nothing and teaches nobody anything new every single time you make it like those retarded postering threads about trying to one-up IOTBW.
Millennials, at this point they know better yet they still act worse than boomers.
Carson Anderson
Ha, GenX what scum. Deep in debt for frivolous fashion label garbage, always ready to snort up as much cocaine as they can when it's on offer for free at a party. They're degenerate trash.
No that was their parents. Gen X didn't give a fuck. They were ok with the shitty lumberjack wear of grunge etc. Labels meant fuck-all. You had to be there to understand it which obviously you weren't.
Austin Evans
GenX got the worst of the boomer cultural lashings
Julian Thomas
So Gen X was snorting coke in the 70s? When they were 15?
If you want o talk shit on Gen X there’s a lot of good talking points: aparhy being one of them.
Boomers invented drug culture witn the 1960s
Wyatt Thomas
The worst thing any millenial ever did was listen to the lies that the boomers told them.
This is why you White Nationalists need to be exterminated.
Daniel Gutierrez
Shush loser.
Nathan Diaz
Matthew Richardson
Shush loser.
Logan Turner
Look, racism isn’t believed in by anyone who is honest and open about what they believe, and people who conceal all their thoughts can’t learn anything, so why should any of us care about the word of someone whose OP so loudly declares themselves stupid and dishonest? If anything this is probably meant to make us like boomers.
Andrew Ward
This is beyond levels of fucking obsession. This is just insanity. What makes it even worse is your blaming a bunch of old people for what kikes have done to the U.S. But yeah, keep pretending your grandpa is a horrible human being. This is just levels of sad I can't even begin to fathom.
The entire 20th century was a gigantic dysgenic failure. Just look at the worthless loser cumdump kvetching about 'Stormfags' above me like its still 2009. The product of the generations prior which were molded by jewish whim.
Adam James
Grayson Sanchez
Nice webm. The greatest generation of human garbage indeed.
Yes, the Stormtard generation wanking to Hitler and cartoons on the internet. Having done nothing but serve the Jews.
Charles Morris
The only ones dumber than Q tard boomers have to be the edgelord zoomers who, despite hearing Trump say “fake news” hundreds of times, still bought into the narrative that he was some kind of secret nazi and are disappoint that there are no gas chambers yet. Are you stupid? Did you miss the part where he was palling around with guys like Sharpton before? He’s never been a pure conservative even. He used to support abortion, now supports legalizing weed and glad-handed half the lefties in Washington and Hollywood. He’s been associating with Jews for decades (you kind of have to btw. If they control everything like we say they do and you want to be president, you have to play the game), yet you (either retards or obvious shills) treat it like its some sort of shocking betrayal. Maybe actually know whom it is you are voting for next time. The guy is Reagan at best and Reagan-lite at worst. He literally used the same campaign slogan as Reagan. Notice how it wasn’t the fourteen words instead? Notice how The Art Of The Deal doesn’t read a thing like Mein Kampf? How much of a dumb little shit do you need to be in order to a) have ever thought he was Hitler or b) have ignored that it was the “lying media” that told you he was to begin with?? tl;dr: the day of the pillow I’m hoping for is when moms smother their ungrateful zoomer spawn that spend all day posting dumb shit about topics they clearly don’t understand and can’t contribute intelligently to. sage
Luis Richardson
My point was your "soyboy faggots"yearn for to shed blood.
Michael Sullivan
This is a joke, right?
Jayden Fisher
You seem to forget half of millenials are the userbase here and on halfchan, while thinking the other half represent the whole. Nigger.
you niggers had the better economy, and the homogenous peaceful nation and you destroyed it like the selfish children you are. go whine somewhere else faggot, you'll get no mercy here.
and the most brainwashed too. these niggers believe literally anything on TV
this alone negates your comment -
nothing about this is true for anyone i know. maybe older gen X from california. ive worked my whole life, in high school and in college, still always had to rent and drive used cars and only ever have enough for thrift shopping, never anything frivolous.
and still do my friend
you have absolute shite reading comprehension
and who did boomers serve? you are the servants of the kikes, not one of you even knew what they were up to, let alone create and entire movement to educate people on their influence. of course WE had to do this because you failed to.
Fuck I love Zig Forums, go to create a thread and someone has done it already. Here is what I was going to post.
War on boomers
There is an idea that is floating around forums and news sites catering to boomers that they can do whatever they want and that when younger generations tell them to fuck off, they don't actually mean for them to fuck off but are instead just testing them. This is bullshit and it needs to stop.
There are two outcomes that I would like from this thread.
The first is to brainstorm ways in which we can indicate to boomers, unequivocably, that when we tell them to fuck off they need to fuck off.
The second is to brainstorm ways of disposing of them if they do not.
Pic is related. The concentration of elderly in our society is unprecedented. Combined with (((Democracy))) this produces a voting bloc whose only contribution to society is to parasitize the younger generations and turn their labors into Winnebagos and European holidays. Even the work they do is pointless; they refuse to learn new methods while simultaneously wasting our time with stories about things that are irrelevant or obsolete.
Actually I was there and watched it up close with horrified fascination.
Brayden Torres
This. Chaos favors the prepared.
If you can't protect your wealth then it isn't yours to begin with.
The person who gave the word to get rid of you as you tried to make yourself King was me. The only problem with acting like an alpha male is that sometimes, every so often, you come across the real deal. :)
You will die the death of a thousand shits, alone, in the desert, with nothing but the buzzing of flies to keep you company.
This thread will continue to be posted until the boomers have been dealt with. Deal with it.
This is not a blog post. This is an action post. This is a much needed operation that will invigorate whites and give them the strength and courage to take back what is rightfully theirs.
Why not both?
You managed to type a phrase and all the words are even in the right order! Have you been practising?
True, but they still need to go.
You are the most AIDS ridden faggot in the whole wide world.
Leo Edwards
Good satire, bro. made me laugh/10
Millennials are fucking horrible, but they are also more variable. GenY had the internet, and many of them figured out the world on their own.
GenX have their share of failings, to be sure, but they are more disenfranchised than anything else. They didn't fight back, but they kept the world from deteriorating in the 80s and 90s.
Agreed, Greatest Generation were scum. GG, Boomers, and Millennials all echo one another. Narcissistic true believers. Lost, Silent, and Genx were the ones who were uncertain of themselves, but tried to hold it together.
Lincoln Baker
Yes, It's got nothing to do with an internationalist cabal of semites, my grandpa must be the one responsible for this.
Hudson Long
You know what pisses me off about this photo? The problem we have had for several years now with spam phone calls, how much you want to bet that is 80% boomers ready to buy something from the recorded message on the phone? They make billions with those calls, and GenX, Millennials, and Zoomers are not that fucking clueless.
Brayden Wood
Your grandpa stood by and watched it happen. He is responsible for his inaction.
Isaiah Allen
So did you… faggot and all of your ancestors. Go back to watching your anime or whatever the fuck you do.
Aaron Scott
The problem is going to fix itself. These will be the people taking care of boomers.
Scapegoating kike thread. Boomers are retarded but killing your elders will not address the true enemy which is Jewish interests.
Angel Ross
Taking back the nation that my parents gave away. If you are not going in the same direction as me then you are my enemy.
Kayden Wright
Isaiah Miller
pick one
Brayden Price
This is true, but it only gets the ones who can't afford private health care. The worst ones are also rich enough to avoid the nigger doctors.
Cameron Jenkins
Good job saging the thread by the way, you fucking idiot… don't even know how sage works.
Adam Walker
Some of us are intelligent enough to hold two ideas in our head at the same time. Sometimes even three! You on the other hand are a faggot.
Jason Price
Jack James
Nolan Hughes
Cry harder George.
Lucas Bennett
As you continue to sage your own shill thread.
Jeremiah Brown
Xavier Barnes
Jack Price
Filtered. Have a bump faggot.
Hunter Roberts
proceeds to incorrectly use greentext
keep going.
Luke Wood
You'd have to be a special kind of incompetent mouthbreather to, as a baby boomer, not be able to afford a car until your 40s. You were pretty much handed a good paying career doing even low skill work.
Luke Ross
it isnt about ignoring jews, its about dealing with fucking roadblocks to dealing with jews, brainlet
Asher Martinez
You really need to learn to see past your own bias, user.
Hudson Barnes
Qism is literally Indian rain dancing but with senile old white people instead of alcoholic Injuns.
Cameron Thomas
- Washington post
Juan Butler
Legit kek’d my friend
Kayden Perry
Millenials are worse by a mile and the generation following them is even worse. Every generation is worse than the next as the jewish fangs sink deeper and deeper into our culture.
Angel Gonzalez
OP is a jew with mommy issues.
Aaron Parker
Eli Torres
What in fuck's name are you on about? Who is most likely to immigrate here? Europeans or beaners? Who has the reason to come here due to the shittiness of their own countries?