Even before going full shoah on whites with white male characters being replaced by black men and white women, Holyjew projected their crimes like a gas lightining borderline / nacrcicist / psychopath onto their host.
A prime example is American Psycho, which depicts a deranged jewish banker.
Bret Easton Ellis, the author, had an (((abusive LA property developer))) father whom the role was based on.
I would have guessed Patrick Bateman went to Andover from the accent but no, he went to Phillips Exeter Academy.
Is he a jew? There's no indication of that. In fact there's nothing jewy about him at all though he does condemn the jewish jokes of some of his friends, but only to maintain a public persona of altruistic virtue.
I think we have to be realistic here and realize that while jews are vermin, it's never was really the Garden of Eden before the fall either.
Evil exists, particularly when people get really rich or obsessed with money and status and start snorting cocaine.
It's actually quite a shame that there's not more movies about this very interesting subject, that is of the prep school educated elite of America. While most Americans religiously believe that going to an Ivy League university is the key to success in life, the fact is that the prep school you attend is much more of a determinant of your status in the caste system of America than the university you attend, if you attend one at all.
This only occasionally leaks out to the public like when we learned that JFK went to Choat, while Nixon, ever the insecure neurotic was haunted by the fact that his family could only afford to send him to Whittier, a very good school but still not Choat or Andover or Phillips Exeter Academy.
The only other movie I can think of that touches on this touchy subject is Whit Stillman. I strongly recommend Metropolitan and The Last Days of Disco.
There's plenty of that shit in protestantism already. The fact he's from PEA and he's already in his early thirties in the early to mid 80's means that he'd have been in prep school in 1970. In 1969-71 how many jews were at Exeter or Andover, realisitically? Are the Bush's jews? Depends on what a jew is I suppose. Like I said, I'll be the last person to underestimate the evil of the jews, but I'm not going to sit around imagining that rich prep school boys of impeccable anglo saxon background don't get pretty fucking evil themselves. I went to a rich kids' HS myself at that time and the jewish guys were 80% pure scum but the rich Anglo Saxon boys on the tennis team were running neck and neck with them in the psycho scum department.
I have no illusions about human nature, and I'm not going to let some political doxology get in the way of that sensibility.
Adam Rivera
Dominic Howard
Yep, anything to make the White man look bad.
Jack Brown
American Psycho is programming, plain and simple. It's programming and subtle mental suggestions.
It projects a nihilistic world view, essentially, and projects that onto White men. The protagonist, Patrick Bateman, is a White male that essentially has it all - good looks, health, a wealthy family, and yet is still deeply unhappy and mentally disturbed. He's also extremely narcissistic, hypocritical and shallow.
But it goes even farther than that. It depicts everyone in Bateman's social circle of socialites to be of similar like mindedness. In fact there are absolutely no positive traits shared among his friend, who are all White men.
This is programming 101. The movie is telling you to be fundamentally unhappy with your life. It's telling you that White men are bad, but especially those rich preppy White men who go boating and wear Nautica branded clothing.
This is what Hollywood has been doing since its inception. That's why its named Hollywood - Holly is a kind of wood, sought after for its supposed magical qualities in the occult.
And I'll add that all of Hollywood is programming. Your entertaining *is* programming.
Levi Moore
Oh god you're really not that insanely doctrinaire are you? You're really not going to tell me that we have to reduce ourselves to the level of small children in our intellectual life just to serve your infantile world view where all we have to do is wipe out the jews and we'll ascend into heaven on earth.
I don't suppose you ever have or ever will read a novel by Stendahl or Conrad or Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky? No you won't. You're an imbecile.
Might it have occured to you that when dealing with the jews that dressing up in comic opera uniforms and marching around to oompapa bands waving red banners is about as useful as wearing a bird beak mask to ward off the black death. There's a reason why Hitler lost. Let's look at what he did and next time examine the enemy and see just what it is that will destroy him and not just engage in childish behavior.
As for American Psycho, it's the only movie that actually deals with what really went on in the 80's. I lived through that era and saw the rise of cocaine and the evil it brought with it. It wound up in murder. I know 10 people personally that have been murdered, most of them in the 80's. Stop and think about that. Do you want movies that depict reality like adults or do you want some silly Frank Capra movie where Jimmy Stewart goes to Washington and magically makes everything better just by being a good guy?
Grow up
Alexander Harris
Nigger, the kikes have been running Hollywood for over a whole century now. And I'm a bit of a film buff and seen plenty of films, especially ones made from the 1960s onwards. (((They))) started putting anti-White propaganda out since the mid-1960s, very subtly at first, of course. Now it's in your face. Of course they'll sign up to make a film about a serial killing psychopath that most of the audience will see as a White man.
Isaac King
The jews got powerful by feeding our vices. If nobody wanted cocaine or booze the jews wouldn't be even 20% as wealthy or as powerful as they are now. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. We have drunk deeply from the jews' poisoned trough.
That's a good movie; no other movie explains the American class system and why we're in this fix. It describes the social catastrophe of 1975-1995.
It's fucking photoreal.
Michael Rodriguez
That's why (((they))) call it programming. Television is no better. Newton N. Minow was right.
The thing is, how can you get people away from their vices in the first place? Everyone has a moment of weakness, even the best among us.
>Bret Easton Ellis, the author, had an (((abusive LA property developer))) father whom the role was based on. was he jewish though? or are you just calling that occupation jewish? never seen anything proving hes a jew
Jack Flores
Oh it's not a "moment of weakness" when people storm the drug dealers home demanding cocaine. People are bored shitless and intellectually lazy and just downright stupid. They're looking for an easy road to happiness so they booze it up, snort it up, toke it up. Loo where that got us. And look where it got the jews; they're counting our money in big stacks. They have to buy money counting machines to count it for them, there's too damn much.
Those assholes we're supposed to feel sorry for in the rust belt, the ones dying of opiods…what put it in their heads to do that shit? Do you think maybe in this society with the internet and infinite access to the entire intellectual life of mankind it occurred to them to save their money and study a second or third language or maybe first second and third year calculus? maybe some C++ too? hmmm…
I worked with plenty of guys in the construction industry that had their teeth rotting out by their late 20's, they dressed in filthy rags. But they spent $18 a day on cigarettes. Most of them drank 36 beers a day too. They were seriously malnourished. When i pointed out to them they could be eatign NY Strip loin steaks and going to a good dentist with their Teamster's union dental plan the looks of murderous hate i got from those losers was off the charts.
Hating the jews is reasonable for any decent person if only for 911, the USS Cole and the USS Liberty and the Federal Reserve.
But there's some monumental problems out there when nobody knows, nobody wants to know about 911 or the USS Liberty, and all they want to do is go out and get drunk and fuck like animals.
I knew this German guy that owned the best rock and roll bar in town. He eventually got murdered by the Hells Angels for resisting their takeover of his club. He said it all; it doesn't matter what the state of the economy is, unemployment is inconsequential. People will find the money regardless to go to the club and party and get drunk and stoned and fuck. That's all they want to do. Show them a book and they'll spit on you. That's the white race.
Jackson Watson
it was a satire of the vapid 80's and the movie was very well done for having a female director. at the time america was still more white and less pozzed so it was edgy in context. only now would it seem to fit the "fucked up white man in movies" type of programming
David Rodriguez
yes, thank you.
And also it savaged the rise of designer labels to the level of deities to be almost worshiped like pagan gods. That shit didn't exist in the 50's 60's or even 70's. Givenchy, Drakkar, Hugo Boss, Gucci, all that Vogue shit, nobody gave a fuck about that shit till the end of the 70's. Now everyone just accepts it but it's mind blowing to see the prices people pay, their obsessions over some cheap clothing with a little polo man on it or some crappy ski jacket by Donna Karan or some such shite.
Jeremiah Wood
It is absolutely programming you to think that way. Thole whole idea that is a "satire" ofthe vapid 80's is just a surface level interpretation.
It was just a stepping stone to what we have today.
It's similar to those people who talked about how Captain Marvel is this Feminist bullshit movie and then go on to praise Ridley from Aliens or Sarah Connor from Terminator as "Strong women" and a great example of female characters done well.
Yes, on the surface they are, but in the greater strategy, they were simply stepping stones. Same thing with American Psycho.
And AP's programming is fucking strong shit. Look at how many NEETS on 4chan love to use Christian Bale's pics and gifs. Cause no matter how much you make it, you'll still be an unhappy angry white man according to AP's programming.
Gabriel Harris
Subversive kike.
le class system
Zachary Flores
Sadly, you're right and make some good points. Léon Degrelle had lamented the state of the White race in 1976, and that's going on 43 years ago, look how much further it has collapsed and sunk since then. Will it continue to sink? What is rock bottom? Is there even a rock bottom? I just don't know anymore. It gets quite depressing after a while of contemplating it all.
Yep, stepping stones, you've hit the nail on the head.
Camden Walker
Things haven't got any less vapid since then.
Isaac Ortiz
White people neglect themselves and live sad, meaningless lives because of Jewish demoralization. Jews spread anti-white propaganda through all media, destroyed religious values, destroyed the family structure, and now when whites become nihilistic and give up on life you blame it on their race.
Before the Jews began spreading subversion, whites were the most powerful and successful race in the world. Degeneracy was kept in line through enforcement of values. It makes little sense to blame the white race for this ; whites are naturally more altruistic and trusting than Jews.
If a white man tries reasoning on an intellectual level with a nigger, and the nigger then murders him when he starts walking away after realizing his attempts at argument are futile, would you blame the white man for being killed or the nigger for murdering him?
Liam Sanchez
In other words, race does not matter. It's time to grow up, Zig Forums. Stop hating Jews for being Jewish. Instead, you should try supporting those who know how things really work. Civic nationalism is unironically the best way forward, because fighting for your own race is pointless when other races exist. What's so bad about loving all people?
I don't entirely blame them for being demoralized, after all, like you said, it was the work of the kike that did that. But I've been subjected to the same demoralization, yet still try to not sink into depravity and degeneracy, same as most who come to places like this. What separates us from them? Do we have some kind of divine spark that they either lack or don't have as much of?
Michael Turner
Piss off, subversive kike.
Nicholas Bell
Israel is the best country in the world because they treat Arabs decently, unlike America's relationship with slaves. In fact, Jews are the most humane race on Earth. They never did anything wrong and got constantly victimized, now when Jews fight back it's blamed on their Jewishness. Wake up Zig Forums! Boomers actually are way smarter than you, they know how things work.
If Jews are really so awful, so terrible, so dangerous, why have Jews never committed a genocide once? Why are Jews the most peaceful out of all races? It's time to take the real redpill Zig Forums. Incels know how things really work. Race is not the problem, but gender. Females of all races are the most dangerous and hostile force, for making males commit murder and ruin lives. Males of all races must unite and sever the chains held by the female menace.
Connor Murphy
That was the faggiest thing I've ever read in this thread. Please pour gasoline over yourself and find a source of static electricity
Tell me why being gay is bad? Gays are less dangerous than straight males. Society is gradually coming around to the truth. What was one falsely considered degenerate is actually extremely enlightened. The truth will win.
Aiden Barnes
don't feed the trolls bro…
Brody Lee
I take it you've never read any of their religious texts? It's chock full of genocide. Also, (((they))) ran the USSR, and that genocided a lot of people.
Owen Foster
Slightly related and I wont go to /tv/ to discuss it. Does anyone else find it weird how there are these odd coincidences in this film and actors careers. So the question is do they really pick roles based on such trivial coincidences. Its just weird.
Aiden Reed
That's purely a coincidence. Also, if it isn't then remember how many people other races killed? Whites killed off most of the American population through spreading disease.
The Bolsheviks and other socialists also "killed" people, through unintentional starvation. Basically the two are equivalent - Stalin didn't actually order the deaths of those who died from starving and neither did Mao. Whites didn't go and kill most of America's native population, they spread disease.
Joshua Robinson
Right. If only there weren't those naughty jews all the whites would be like William Shockley and Howard Hughes or maybe Leonardo Da Vinci.
What a joke and what a pansy. Like the world isn't full of great things to enjoy but doze debbil jooz put a spell on you and you just had to jab that needle full of heroin or meth in your arm. Sure thing.
As for the nigger murdering the white man here's a good trick for you to play; go to the worst bar in town and tell everyone that if they'd just study mathematics and learn differential equations they could effectively be the masters of the universe.
You want to see someone get stabbed and murdered? I guarantee you those toothless tattooed hicks in that bar that spend every last dime on booze, herpes infected whores and shitty blow will give you a ringside seat to a stabbing that will leave an indelible mark on your mind. You'll never forget it as long as you live, like 5 minutes after you open your big ignorant virgin mouth.
Nathaniel Richardson
As it turns out, more Jews study mathematics and know how to perform differential equations than whites. This explains the disproportionately high amount of Jews who go to top colleges compared to whites. White people just cannot keep up with the advanced Jewish intelligence, fostered by their holy books and religious debates.
If whites are so superior, why are they dropping like flies from opiates, while Jews watch and laugh?
You're a bit behind the times. That era of jewish academic excellence is over now with med schools and dental schools being filled with Muslims, Chinamen and Hindus while the jews are in a state of intellectual collapse thanks to mommy being a spoiled arrogant little brat when she was a teen and permanently damaging her egg cells in her ovaries with E, so she could dance all night at raves.
It's so sad that her father was a university professor and her son will never learn to read. Hopefully he won't be such a tard that he can't be trained to wipe himself after a shit. That would put a severe crimp in mommy's social life.
Complete bogus, nonsensical sputtering. Jews still disproportionately attend the best colleges, and still have average I.Q.s of 115 because of enhanced brain development from studying and memorizing their religious books during childhood.
You need to stop being so emotional.
Easton Morales
The average iq of pure whites is about 110 give or take ten points. High iq jews have European ancestry they get it from European heritage.
Luis Williams
Nope in the STEM disciplines the Muslims are pouring in and taking the jews' places. I'm sure the journalism schools and the women's studies are filled to overflowing with kikenvermin but the days of guys like Feynman dominating the universities is coming to an end.
Alexander Garcia
The average I.Q. in majority European countries is more like 98-100. You're completely wrong. High IQ is mostly environmental anyway.
That isn't remotely true. Just look up how many Jews attend the top colleges, and compare it to their percentage of the entire population. The only letter in STEM which matters is M, mathematics are the basis for all the rest and Jews dominate it.
Andrew Ross
Your (((narrow))) worldview explains it: The Whites thrive on a good, stable family and household. A good career can only come if they have a good family and can take of it. Jews have effectively been destroying the core family unit, demotivating young white males and females in the process, which is why they're taking drugs: they want to fill a void where once was their family and children
Since Jews have a distorted family view in general (i.e. Mommy and Daddy loved you so much they cut of your foreskin as a baby), they try and find their luck in a successful career.
But yeh, why the fuck am I arguing with a fucking gay kike? Promply kill yourself.
Grayson Howard
Yah there's a reason why, there are certainly less of (((them))) than aryans, of course their percentage rates would be higher. In a converse argument the same can be seen for the low black population and disproportionate crime and prison rates. The dinduus very much like the (((them))) attend the instutions that they are bred into at very high rates You really are, he's just stating what he knows and contributing to the discourse unlike yourself Mr.Kike
Not in the slightest. I've seen many people, and genes are the best predictor of IQ, not environment
Austin Torres
False. The average iq of purely Northern European Whites is around 110 We are excluding dumb retarded groups that aren't related to northern Europeans. Some groups in europe have nigger tier average iqs because they are turk mongrels.
Colton Morris
So why don't whites convert to the superior religion of Judaism then, if Jews can thrive in this environment but whatever religion-white people aren't?
Bogus. If you take a white man and a black man, and put them both in separate but COMPLETELY UNBIASED, COMPLETELY EQUAL, NOT AT ALL DIFFERENT environments then both will have the same IQ scores.
Evan Morales
They already did experiments like that and found niggers were retarded. Dumbass leftpol retard.
Joseph Bennett
That's not true. They're extremely punctual, for one.
Xavier Miller
I knew Jews have it bad, but come the fuck on If nigger has parents with an IQ of sub 80 and a white has parents with an IQ of plus 120, and they are given the same 'unbiased, equal' treatment, the white kid with an IQ of 120 will learn more and know more than the nigger kid with an IQ of 80. Your wishful thinking (((theories))) will prove nothing at all: I have seen this in the classroom, in a country that pushes for "unbiased, equal treatment" and without any exception: given the same treatment, children from smart parents know more than children from dumb parents.
Now you're just farming loosh here. How does it feel to be circumcised against your will as a baby?
Jackson Harris
The experiments were biased. The bias was introduced by researchers, who affected the two different racial groups differently. Even a slight bias will alter scores.
Think about it like this. If you take a child, and test him/her twice, but with different circumstances each time the I.Q. score of that child would differ. On the first trial, the proctor looks at the child in a manner the child believes is angry. The proctor also walks in a way which makes the child afraid ; he/her stomps his feet and frightens the child. The child scores 80 on the I.Q. test, because the emotions created reduced his/her performance.
The second time, the proctor looked at the child in a way the child believes is positive. The proctor also gives the child a candy before the test. The child scores 105 on his/her IQ test, because of these positive circumstances. This is how the different races are made to score differently.
Bentley Lewis
So what you are saying is if someone ran the experiment YOU just outlined and there was a difference itd be biased? You are a nigger. A fucking stupid retarded nigger.
The variable in this is the Emotional State. It doesn't name how genes have an effect on everything. You are probably parroting what your leftist university is teaching you, and you are terribly dense and short-sighted, displaying no knowledge of underlying mechanisms of behaviour. Again, kindly, kill yourself.
Anyway, back on topic because moshi in here is derailing the thread: It is crucial to find out how the Hollyjew projects white males onto the crowd. Low self-esteem individuals look towards the screen and are moulded and formed by them.
Charles Watson
user it isnt even a secret. Its been stared publicly by advertising and media people that white men are deliberately made to look foolish, stupid and unmasculine.
Xavier Ortiz
Emotional state is the real cause for varying I.Q. scores between races. This is easily proven. You have an emotional stake in this game, which prevents this realization from reaching the brain of yours. In fact, emotional state is proven by numerous studies to affect test scores - emotions change every behavior so why not performance on IQ tests?
Brayden Robinson
You realise you idiot that iq tests are designed to be universal. They dont require any pre-understood knowledge or culture. Anyone can do them. If some nigger is failing them it means his brain isn't up to it.
Alexander Ross
IQ tests are definitely not universal. Cultural differences create different willingness to intellectually exert. If someone from a culture which favors leisure activities, and another from a culture which vigorously trains the mind both take the same supposedly "universal" IQ test, the person from the first culture might score lower. But not because of lower inborn intelligence, instead lack of effort on the test, and the other person might score higher because he put more effort into his/her test.
Nathaniel Murphy
You're right, yet most people are unaware that this programming is happening. Point is: I don't watch the Hollyjew anymore because of obvious reasons, so I'm not able to point out any of the subversiveness they program into it. How do we tear away the people from the cave and into the truth?
Your argument is shit and you know it and I should know better than to argue with you : yes, emotional states can affect test scores. No, if Tyrone who eats crayons is happy, he won't suddenly be able to be a mathematician. Emotional States are temporary states and will only explain something that which is temporary, your brain and genes are forever and decide what you will be able to learn and understand in any emotional state. It is that simple.
Eli Gutierrez
Bogus. Emotional states are constant and people are never without emotions. Unless everyone has the same emotions, at every single moment, then their inherently equivalent intelligence will not be revealed under normal circumstances.
Brandon Rodriguez
The cultural class don't make movies about them because they've lost power and so aren't worthy of attention (critique/deconstruction). The richest 1% are now mostly chosenites who don't like the light being shone on them unless they're being idolized.
Dominic Fisher
They are designed to be universal do you think they hand people of different backgrounds different tests? No they hand people the same test and their are iq tests with no language barrier just visual problem solving and basic logic puzzles. That is what meant by universal you idiot. Fuck some people on here need to just stop posting.
Tyler Rodriguez
Nothing is universal, not even truth. Different people have different perceptions, and this means each person has different truths from other people.
Lincoln Ortiz
This is the reason why you deserve to be in an oven: your reading comprehension is shit and you don't argue my main point (Happy Tyrone won't be suddenly be able to be a mathematician).
You're probably drunk right now. It's sad to see women like you being this fucking brainwashed and dumb.
Aaron Bennett
You dont understand what the word universal means you idiot. Its like USB. Iq tests are meant to be understood by intelligent minds. Its like how some people can or can't solve puzzles.
My gender doesn't change anything. Just try arguing next time, it's very annoying when people use that term roastie and call people who use the logical argumentaeation tactics women. It's time for yoy to ealve and go home forever, your bigoty is not atolerated anywhere not even these places.
Joshua Watson
thank you
Zachary Carter
You post like a commie trying to conceal itself, and worse besides. Yeah, that sounds accurate, and doesn't make you at all transparent. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a kike yourself. European people are the greatest thing to wall the earth, and before this century it has been an insignificant minority that are bad elements, which were outcast from society universally. The jew is the one that generates poison, but also generates artificial interest in poison, so it can be the provider of poison. The excuse that "people want it lol or they couldn't sell it, grow up neet virgin!!!! tinfoil hat!!!" is a typical jew trick used every single time anyone mentions poison peddlers. The whole advertising industry only exists because of a jew, look up the "father of advertising", and that from the beginning has been about selling poison to people who didn't want it in the first place. Why would advertising be based on creating psychological links between abstract concepts and emotions and the drugs/other poison or worthless shit if people wanted it in the first place. You are advertising and attempting to programme people in this thread even, you can't stop, can you. Pseudo intellectualism disguising your motives.
Brandon Hernandez
You know women score on average lower then men, Even with all that "education" Ironic.
Nolan Hernandez
That's completely illogical. You cannot pprove my gender without seeing me in real life. its not even remotely a possibility, this is absoluelyan impossibility and unscientific.
Try using the scietnfici method next tie.
Jason Peterson
kill yourself disgusting roastie cunt
Luis Foster
This. Look at the effort they are putting into their shit posting too, it starts with them saying a few things you might agree with, or at least be open to entertain, then it devolves into "WE THE JEWS ARE THE CHOSEN", yeah, chosen by the darkest dirtiest most depraved and simplistic horrors that have existed. Disgusting.
Stop with this bigotry. The real truth isn't what you think it is, memetic magic works differently. Trump will save this planet, when people wake up and unite for conquering space.
Henry Barnes
He never said anything of the sort. Stop fabricating evidence, Stormfaggot.
Juan Ortiz
Being outed as a leftist woman ruled by emotion caused the breakdown and subsequent spelling errors. It didn't help that she's drunk because of her sad state of existence.
Which is why neither of them understand that a chainsaw doesn't run when you let go of it unless you modify it, both being of races that shirk away from actual work.
Aaron Sullivan
Pfft How is this not Civic Nationlism?
Women are not blamed, kike: it's the Jews and their indoctrination of them
Idiot, haven't you heard about the fully automatic assault chainsaws that KKK Nazis are modding in their parents basements? These baby grinders have already shoahed over 6 BILLION foreskins! Call your senator and tell him/xir to support a total ban on automatic chainsaws and chainsaw bump stocks!
John Anderson
Shill, respond and have a discourse or get out, like do you get payed so little that you can't even come up with something more intelligent than reading off your shill script
Look up civic Nationalism now. Actually have this: study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-civic-nationalism-definition-examples.html Now go there and read how Nationalism Socialism is exactly what an Aryan race needs. Now after having though of what National Socialism is which you should know, lest you be a shill, then you should see how the space force would not be inclusive and civic Nationalist but instead it would empower the Aryan race towards a greater future in space. Now if you wanna start something hit me with some facts (((user)))
They are paid shills. Look at how this thread got spammed and slid :
Literal paid shills working for some glowing organization.
Isaiah Ward
lol butthurt
Cameron Barnes
Literally found his two posts and replied to them separately to vary my response appropriately, glad to see this thread bumping though, keep it coming (((anons))). I'm getting a real kick out of this.