I can't believe Zig Forums actually considered voting for this manlet in the 2016 election.
I can't believe Zig Forums actually considered voting for this manlet in the 2016 election.
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jidf detected.
lolberg detected
>The wall slats is actually being built
boomer detected
hes not against the wall at all, hes against how hes getting the wall.
The money has been appropriated in the military construction budget you cuck.
Randlet is right on this one, and hes not stopping it because of muh congress.
Trumps already claimed declaring a national emergency wasn't necessary, he'll be shot down by the courts and the bill he cucked on will be brought into order.
Burgess Everett is a nigger.
Rand is also thinking logically. What's worse, spending the money to have a few foundations laid and congress back out on the bills later leaving the money spent and the wall failed and going "lel drumph!", or securing the god damned money first so we can actually build the motherfucker.
When you go and build your dream home you don't start buying pieces and parts while waiting to secure the funding for the contractors and land.
It's a clusterfuck right now and rand knows it. It isn't cucking, it's avoiding a BIGGER issue later. The paperwork is in, it's getting built, but we have a lot more to do and get to make sure it's finished once in full swing.
Rand is an idiot. If we don't get a wall and real border protections, the country is over.
citation needed, he does whatever the koch brothers, who are for open borders, tell him to do
Yeah he supposedly got some ribs broken due to his lack of wall
He should remember that
gas yourself
A previous Congress already gave the Presidency that power. Secondly, It's hard to take his objections seriously when Congress rarely passes an actual budget…just perpetual "continuing resolutions"; I'd be more inclined to care if Congress had a better track record of completing it's Constitutional duties.
Additionally, turdworld invaders don't give a fuck about Rand's Constitutional misgivings about this or anything else for that matter. If actual border security isn't implemented, all these arguments are pointless anyway.
Are we still pretending that we believe the wall is even a possibility now?
Based libertarians only effectively fighting right wing politics.
Muttmerica is such a disgusting shithole lol
Enjoy breeding with spics. Probably at gunpoint again by 2022.
Reminder, the next national emergency will be antisemitism and/or gun violence.
Trump's idea is to set a precedent that weakens the constitution. If he really wanted a wall, he would have pushed for it while the GOP had control of both houses of congress.
or will accomplish much aside from pacifying magapedes while we legally import based niggers?
Here's a better way of putting it:
Art of the Deal
Get the dumb goyim to give up their constitutional rights in exchange for a possible 55 miles of border wall.
Judging by the comments on a previously jew-wise board, this new tactic could go very far.
Randlet was always for open borders. Unlike his dad hes been completely cucked towards kikery.
Whenever trump cucks out lolbergs have to cuck harder so this should come as no surprise to anyone.
You mean like all the times obama declared a national emergency over inane bullshit?
Fuck off kikelberg.
drumpfhenbergsteinowitz is unlikely to win again after how he cucked out, and didn't use obongo's precedent to do anything at all. Fuck off.
The Way to the Gulag:
I have a great idea guys!
Let's give up the rule of law and our constitutional protections for the possibility of a border wall that at most will stop 1/3rd of illegal immigrants from Mexico.
After all, Trump would never take our guns or our freedom of speech! He would never prosecute anti-semites! This totally isn't the latest Jewish tactic to outlaw hate speech and guns!
Trust the Plan
What else is new?
Benjamin Franklin:
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Randlet can't cuck on something he never supported due to being a lolberg loser.
Oh look, another WN saving the White race.
Oh right, you're the zeemaps meetup fed boomer kike on yet another IP.
Oh look, another Jew saving the white race
>Wastes his fucking time with (((criminal justice reform)))
Well then get out there and march on DC with signs "trump is a kike!".
Unsophisticated infantile White Nationalists cannot grasp how the real world works. While they do nothing.
Pelosi Warns GOP: Next president could declare national emergency on guns
55 miles of wall in exchange for your personal liberty
So much astroturfing on this fucking site, lately.
You remain the biggest loser in existence on nu/pol/ my nigga.
Go cry more about a Marxist loser while dilating your front hole.
Get over it already.
There will be no wall.
Just blackpill on it and accept your fate.
There will never be a border wall built.
Don't really care. Wasn't invested in the wall.
It was a good starting point, a worthless ending point, and it has become the end point because Trump is a traitorous servant to Jewry.
A wall has no meaning in the face of legal demographic implosion.
if by astro turfing you mean attempts to stop the momentum sure
your claim of personal liberty is fucking laughable user, what have you been living under a rock since 1965?
the wall, trumps wall, a 30 foot fence or barrier or whatever demeaning things they will come up with in the future to call it
that is now enshrined into law by congress, and they can no longer claim its immoral, and the govt goes RIGHT BACK TO PARTIAL SHUTDOWN IN A FEW MONTHS MEANING THE DEMOCRATS WIN NOTHING
oh how I wish I could believe you
What the fuck is your argument?
Here's mine:
legislating by national emergency does not help curb immigration, while it absolutely helps curb FUNDAMENTAL liberties that we enjoy (such as the right to legally bear arms, as individuals) and freedom of speech - WHICH UNDERPINS OUR ABILITY TO USE SITES LIKE THIS
He's not wrong. Allowing the president to simply declare a "national emergency" to found his pet projects is a move towards tyranny.
Awful lot of Jews funding Rand Paul, who just said he's voting against Trump's National Security Declaration on the Wall.
#1 Club for Growth - Led by Jews
#2 Charah Inc. - a Literal Hebrew Word meaning "To Burn"
I don't need to tell you that Jews are Behind This. Check yourself.
If muh based antisemitism bill wasn't enough for people to understand Trump is a kike puppet, then they too deserve the rope
You do believe me, but you're trying to push narratives.
Isn't that the group that tried to get Trump to give them a million bucks to support him?
Dunno. Both Trump and Rand serve the Juden.
We don't have those to begin with.
yeah man you can own so much gun in new york and california
are you so new you weren't around to see a Zig Forumsack get arrested for 'civil rights intimidation' for exercising his free speech against BLM
why not also toss in unreasonable search and seizure, it's not like civil asset forfeiture exists
You're not wrong. There are plenty of laws that violate the constitution and many things are done under the color of law, but ending the pretense that there are constitutional checks and balances would just open the floodgates to even more abuse of our god-given rights.
Thanks, user. I was looking for that clip. That was one of the most daunting speeches ever. Nobody can tell me that it wasn't a directed at us.
Do you really think that's a bad thing? Declaring a national emergency to attempt to go door-to-door confiscating guns is the only thing that will kick off the second revolution. Nobody gives a shit about this slow boil that's happening.
Honestly, user? Things are not going to get better by making them worse.
Gun confiscation is the one line in the sand almost every right-winger draws.
Supporting the GOP after:
~ Globalized Sodomite Policing
~ No Repeal of Obamacare
~ $50 Billion to Israel
~ Antisemitism Bill tramples #1A
~ Bump Stock Ban tramples #2A
~ Hundreds of Billions in Weapons to Saudis (Zionist Controlled), all while Kvetching about Iran and Muh Human Rights
~ No Wall
~ Less Deportations than Obama
~ No Affirmative Action repeal
~ Muh Legal Refugees (millions already given citizenship, millions)
~ Trillions added to Deficit
~ GDP Below Deficit
~ No Wage Increases
~ No Middle Class Tax Cut
~ Federal Reserve STILL running strong
~ Jew pawns in charge of State Department, Treasury, even the goddamned Department of Justice
~ ALL of the GOP denounces White Nationalism while cucking for Jewish Nationalists and Holohoax Indoctrination in front of the Nation
If you support these globalist kike puppet faggot lovers, you CANNOT be a "Christian" and you're ANTIWHITE.
This party and its sinking kike ship must crash and burn. I don't care if that equals a Democratic President. Accelerationism is a weapon and we need to use it. 6 more years of this bullshit will have Whites a Minority and possibly being literally chased down in the streets for their property.
I've had about enough of Schlomo's shit.
For you. Kike.
Meanwhile QAnon JUST appeared to Shill About HILLARY CLINTON
lmfao moments after we were told NO WALL
Maybe, and I am just spit balling here, you can't rely on or trust ANY politician because they are ALL corrupted in one way or another. I know, it is insane to speculate that a man that you don't know, that was voted in to his position in a process you have no control over, don't count and only participate in for about 10 minutes, could possibly not have our best interests in mind. But alas, I am surely wrong and the next round of voting for strangers that pick either blue or red will surely move mountains to fix the increasingly large issues at hand, most important of which is the demise of our entire race. Simply putting the solutions in the hands of others is always the nominal choice and never turns out wrong and has become the foundation of civilization. The same civilization that has brought us here.
They're all controlled by KIKES. Kikes are the problem. Murder all kikes? No more problem.
It's not even debatable that accelerationism is bad. Accelerationism is bad by definition, as it makes things worse.
Let them get more extreme.
Also, rights don't exist. You're no better than the fucking miscegenationist multiculturalists with their false God of Equality. Rights are nothing but a mythology, another false God.
Equality is a false God and humans have no natural rights of any sort.
Making things worse is bad in that it makes things worse, but good in that making things worse is the only way forward. Its not even debatable. ;D
They didn't say shit when Trump banned bump stocks. You can't just turn up the heat and hope that the frog jumps out, that's completely irresponsible.
Well, there'd still be problems… But its the difference between your refrigerator blowing out and not working, and your refrigerator blowing out while your house is filled with natural gas thus resulting in an explosion that destroys your home and starts a fire that burns down half your neighborhood.
Jews are the gas.
Accelerationism is the ONLY hope for the White Race in America.
Whites are ABOUT to become a minority in America.
Perhaps trump nigger should have forced the DoD pay for it 2 years ago.
You're right, they didn't. You know why? Because it's not gun confiscation. They'll either slowly chip away at gun rights through banning accessories while these lazy fuckasses don't say shit until guns are functionally illegal, or go for a full ban, roundup, and confiscation where people might fight back.
They already are a minority, or at least a plurality, in the US.
I don't really disagree with you either. The only way forward is for things to get worse. So long as the White population can remain comfy watching Netflix and eating frozen pizzabagels without feeling the sting of the downfall, nothing will change.
Which is why they'll never go the latter route, always the former.
They'd like to go out and do a big roundup confiscation, but that would trigger too many gunfags. Much easier to just slowly whittle it away - much like the White population! ;D
tbh i'm strongly considering a career in politics and playing the good goy until i can actually make that confiscation happen. i'll be killed and hated for it, but it'd be worth it
A deal that was never agreed upon. They burned the samples I gave and wasted money, and then tried saying I broke the deal. They broke the deal, and they cheated us by lying about the whole thing. That wasn't the Jews, that was that asshole Chapo. The Jews merely facilitated the actions.
Owning guns is about as heterosexual as any man can get.
So what's the difference between you and Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump or Chuck Schumer, et al. ? If making things worse makes things better, then we should send more money to Israel, ban guns, invade more countries, invite more immigrants etc. Why even bother to do anything? Just let the ZOG have their way with us.
That's not even 2D chess, it's just just pure mental illness.
Dont worry lefty, real national socialists resent mutts.
Aww, is the boomer scared he won't be able to retire peacefully?
Hello newfag.
Don't talk to yourself like that. It makes you seem unhinged. ;)
Just tell what the difference between your policies and Nancy Pelosi's policies is.
So when you are sick, do you go out and eat shit and inject yourself with AIDS? That's late-stage accelerationism, isn't it?
Sure, Im an amerimutt who is proud that muttland saved communism!
Or when you're lost somewhere, do you throw away your map, your phone and poke out your eyes? After all, the worse things get the closer you are to getting back on the right path, right?
You're more Semitic with each post.
Basically nothing.
Which is exactly what we're doing.
Which is exactly what they're doing.
The key is pacing.
If they do it slow and drawn out, we lose. If they do it fast, they lose.
If the frog stays in the pit, slow boil; if they Amp up the heat too quick, it'll jump.
You're the same loser I detailed here.
Get lost in the ocean of noise faggot. Nobody is buying your bullshit.
Nigger, you're so new you thought 'gunfag' had something to do with questioning someone's sexuality.
Call it 4D chess, accelerationism or whatever, but nobody outside of a few retards is gonna gonna fall for it.
Sperging out now, no more (you) for you.
4D chess says we should trust the plan. Accelerationism says we should rapidly accelerate the plan.
You seem more the latter than former, which makes you pretty damn kosher.
Nancy Pelosi wants remove guns by any means necessary, and has been pushing tirelessly for whittling away gun rights one small thing at a time because she knows it works.
My policy would be to vote against all small gun restrictions to try to kick off a civil war, and only support a blanket gun confiscation. I'm sure your 85 iq won't let you see the difference, though.
Wow, you really are scared. This is genuine fear. You're panicking and making absurd ultimatums because the rational parts of your brain have shut off. There's good news for you though: dying from a civil war is a much more fun death than dying because the machines you're hooked up to stopped working and the nigger and spic nurses are too busy laughing at the suffering racist to fix them.
Fuck off clown.
Former than latter*
Thats not an argument you fucking newfag loser.