I've been kicking around the idea lately of even starting a thread like this, as I know that shills, JIDF, and glow in the darks will likely sage it into oblivion, but something need to be done about our loosening grip on the culture war. Though I don't use reddit, I will be using what is commonly referred to as "reddit spacing" being that it, akin to greentext, is reading that is easier for people to digest.
So moving onward, what I am referencing specifically is the cultural marxist indoctrination of all ages through media. I have personally witnessed a previous instructor of mine gleefully exclaim that this is in fact the intention of almost all peoples involved in the entertainment industry. He himself being of the lowest level in the industry, an animation instructor at a middle of nowhere community college, stated that indoctrination of children starts when parents mindlessly plop their children in front of the television. It is within this common situation that content creators can slip ideology to youth while mindless parents are none the wiser.
As these children grow older, they are bombarded more and more with this propaganda regardless of the media they are allowed to indulge. Comic books are slowly making classic masculine heroes either women, homosexual, or peoples of color, the worst offender in my opinion being the muslim captain Britain. Video games have taken on a similar tone with nuanced and symbolic variations of accepting leftist ideology or blatant even in the cases of Wolfenstein and Battlefield V. I don't think I even have to mention movies or television shows where you'd be hard pressed to find a positive white straight masculine male role model. Recent books by popular authors have even taken on this tone with one of the more popular ones right now being Becoming by Michelle Obama.
Now you might say that the simple solution is to not allow your children to indulge in these medias being that they are so polluted, but I ask then, what does that leave them with for entertainment? There are only so many pro-white medias out there, and they are slowly being snuffed out one day at a time via mass censorship. Not only that, but the majority of these pro-white medias are made to be understood by and entertain adults. My point is that there is a empty void with a wide berth in terms of entertainment and pro-white propagation for our youth. This leaves them with an all or nothing scenario, the all being marxism and the nothing being just that, nothing.
My suggestion is this: We need to start learning to and striving to create pro-white entertaining content for our youth. It doesn't have to be all of us, not even most of us, but as indoctrination of marxism starts with our young, we should try to start there as to keep this from happening. There have been attempts to rectify this issue, from ZOAR to Murdoch Murdoch, but these shows usually deal with adult themes put in an adult perspective. There are also a few games here and there like the Angry Goy series, but all of these examples are few and far between and oftentimes blunt or even violent which can damage children psychologically. This being the case, content shouldn't be as direct, and possibly even symbolic in many cases, delivering information in the same way that something like the rescue pets would.