Best (and only honest) News with left on SA and Rhodesia

Going to shill for this guy Jan Lamrecht a bit. For years, I had fights with him while he was running, since he saw EVERYTHING wrong but just had a fucking blind spot for the Jew, and would ban you for even mentioning them. Then, amazingly like a prayer answered, he had a conversion experience. The guy's name is Jan Lamprecht and I now listen to him every day. He's not only a White Nationalist now, he'd probably even describe himself as a full-on National Socialist and he makes great material. Does some broadcast with Alex Linder, who used to run VNN.

If you want pure, unfiltered news from South Africa, there's this sort of crazy guy Jan who was born in Rhodesia and moved to South Africa, he was kicked out of his Job bc he was White. I used to visit his site, African Crisis, and got kicked off 20x for naming the Jew. He wouldn't hear of it.
Then, a few years ago, he was reading a book on Germany history after WW 1, and suddenly he realized that EVERY FUCKING COMMUNIST after WW 1 in Germany was a Jew. Every one. He had been blinded all those years, and just like a fucking lightening bolt it hit him and it all suddenly made sense to him.
And now he has become the most fervert namer of the Jew in Africa. He does a number of broadcasts with Linder. I think he's in his 60s, but it's fucking amazing how a guy can wake up that late in life. He's something of a computer genius and hosts his own videos on his own site after Jewtube threw him off. It's the last place left to get honest news from south africa and Rhodesia. HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend the site. You used to be able to ge the truth in comments on the site News24. They shit that down. Used to have the site "South Africa Sucks." The kaffirs killed that too. Jan is all that's left. He rambles sometimes a bit but i enjoy it. He's also fearless and goes to scenes of kaffir riots and takes pics and interviews people. and he has gotten himself 95% off the grid with solar and collecting rain water, etc.. so he can document the decline until.unless the kaffirs kill him. god bless you Jan:

(Also, if you are going to donate to any south African orgs for Whites, check with him first. He's sure the Suidlanders are corrupt– hell, I"M SURE they're corrupt since they're "head man" was with the fucking ANC in 1994-97 when no self-respecting Boer would have been caught dead anywhere hear those thieving kaffiers. But if you want to donate to White SA causes, check with him, since he fucking spends his entire life trying to make Whites around the world aware of the Boat plight, and he's autistically honest. My biggest worry is the Jews or Chinks getting the Kaffirs to arrest him)

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'll also add, while everyone else is leaving for OZ or NZ, Jan has gotten himself off the grid and has vowed to stay until the kaffirs kill him to document just how bad it gets. HE has both solar and a generator, good stored, ammo (LEGAL, according to kaffir rules, of course).
My personal favorite video he ever made is called "The Xmas I kicked I Jews Out" that begins with RAHOWA's "Victory Day" that you can find on..that fucking torrent sharing site, let me look (actually, it's on his site as well as ):

(not sure why but this video makes never fails to make me laugh when I need a laugh, as he explains how he realized what the Jews were and proceeded to kick them all out of his life…I guess it's funnier for me since I hated him for the longest time as a "Christian Zionist" (which turns out he wasn't) and hoped this day would come….

Fuck off nigger.

People reading this must think I'm a psychotic, but it only makes sense if you know the ~15 year history of and how many times I got kicked off the site for trying to direct him to Dr. Pierce and what the Jews had really done to Africa, and now ro see him posting this….something has definitely, definitely changed in the "culture war."

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Are you out of your fucking mind? Take you pills Hymie, we don't want you phoning in fake bomb threats to JCCs from Israel again, you hebrew rat cocksucker… it's really amazing the way you fucking kikes just can't help yourselves from gnashing your teeth.

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Sounds cool OP thanks for sharing I'll check him out.

this is his newest one mate, listening now:

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History reviewed channel is excellent. I’ve listened to him a lot.

he's been talking a lot over past few months about niggers and Whites having street fights, niggers trying to invade White farms, many of the wealthy farmers selling their farms for 10% of their value to chinks (under kaffir law now, chinks have been declared niggers!). He's the only person left giving honest news, and it helps he has worked in computers for 40 years so when jewtube took him down, he just fucking built his own video server…

Cool, glad i'm not the only one. Please spread word if you can mate and see if you can get people to donate a few shekels to him, I try to every month since he's the only guy we have on the ground in SA who is on our side. He's honest and fearless and always gets to the scene of kaffir riots to take pics….

please keep this bumped anons if you want to hear the latest land seizure info from SA. Jan also has a great perspective since he went through this in Rhodesia:

Have a bump, sounds like an interesting guy.

Is that the same Jan Lamprecht who wrote Government by Deception?

Wait, Linder doesn't run VNN anymore?

Fuck off, kike. Count your days, because they are numbered. Enjoy it while it lasts.

This is good to hear. The changing of minds and the asymmetry of information are our biggest obstacles, but they will be overcome. Thanks OP, I needed this whitepill.

Yep, that's him. I never got the book since it was before he became Jew-aware, but people who have read it say it's a very good summary of the ANC kaffir gvt.

He might, I just got fed up with he dude banning all the good posters. I got banned for telling "Glenn Fraser Cross" he was a fuking nutter, and 6 months later he killed 3 Christians who were at some bullshit event at the JCC. Not just that, dude is always on a power trip "it's my site, if you piss me off for any reason, even if I don't like the way you use commas, you're banned." He's OK broadcasting with Jan but fuck his site.

It's still probably a good idea to get a copy and read it. Hell, I still read from (((leftist))) sources, of course now that I'm redpilled with my head on straight, I can filter the (((poison))) and consume whatever good information is left. Keeps your mind sharp too.

I wonder if i can get an e-copy and just donate the shekels straight to him. I'd rather hi have the shekels so he can do more reporting, since he's literally the ONLY WN in that part of the world reporting at this point.

I never get tired of seeing this. #SayWhen

…tick tock.

In case you don't know, EVERY, EVERY paper in SA is owned by either paneers or Jews. News 24 used to be a good site just because you could get the truth in the comments section from Whites. Then the parent company of Huff post bought it, ended the fucking comments. Wonder if it's true the the owner if is building a comment system that will link to every fucking news site, which would be amazing.
I've been in a total blackout for news from SA until I found Jan. First you had "SA Sucks" and then the comments on News 24. i refused to read africancrisis since he wasn't jew aware , and to quote AH, "He who does not recognize the Jew for what he is will never be able to help the truth the victory in this life." it's amazing.

The funny part is that you always say that, but then when someone actually snaps and goes into a synagogue and puts down a bunch of you, then you wail like a girl and scream for ZOG to "protect you." Only people in th WORLD who need laws to try to stop normal people from hating them. Think about that.
If I get kicked out of one bar, maybe it's the barman. 2? OK, possible both are dicks. But I get kicked out of 109 bars? Christ, I'd want to have a long look in the mirror and think about if my behavior is causing it. But your tribe NEVER does, which is why the same pattern will continue. It's a pathology.

What in the hell is a "paneer"? Obviously, kikes own the news in SA, that's a given. I also remember the site which is now some Blogspot site, though, they didn't mention the Jew, they would still have damn good info coming out.

A streetshitter. It's not just the newspapers, a good half of South African industry is owned by the Gupta family, a criminal clan of shitskins.

Don't respond to bots except to point out it's a bot

Ah. I've heard of the Gupta family. Honestly, they're probably a cover for the Jews in case there's a mass awakening of White normies who finally realize (((who))) is orchestrating White genocide in SA, Zimbabwe/Rhodesia (and worldwide), and then (((they))) can point and say "No goyim! See? This Indian family is also behind it!" No doubt Jewish capital has been heavily pumped into making the Gupta family prominent in SA. I wonder how, and why? Did they do a huge favor for the Jews?

South Africa is not only owned by jews. Gujaratis like the Gupta family are also quite wealthy and powerful.

Stand down, lad.
I'm on your side.

I never get tired of informing these filthy kikes that their days are specifically numbers.
I never get tired of seeing it.

I am, however, VERY glad to uncover your fervent angst, and bubbling Blood, in accordance with our shared, and particular, immediate dilemma.
Settle down, son. Control your emotions.
It's coming…
You'll get your ears and noses.

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If an american soldier posed like that today he'd be ucmj'd for war crimes or some shit. Nowadays you can only let arabs take potshots at you and if you shoot back you gotta go see a shrink to make sure you werent exposed to any badthink such as racism against arabs.
Only healthy amounts of patriotism and protecting israel allowed.

didn't the Guptas get forced back to india over the "State Capture"type shit? the irony is that if the niggers just let Whites run things, they'd be much wealthier, Whites would be wealthier, everyone would be better off..

Are you the Spears he talks about?

My mistake, thought you were a kike mate. I think that sort of shit only happen in the early 70s esp after Ten and Phoenix. My father did 2 tours as a Marine, first was Operation Starlite. The gookers who had beaten the French at Dien bien Phu thought they'd take on the Us Marines in a Regiment sized, Korean war style battle. the Marines landed on the beaches and then in the helios behind them, then pushed them north toward the beach where naval gunfire annihilated them.
First and last them they tried fighting the Us in a regiment-sized battle. Really fucked my father up. This was before they even knew what "PTSD" was, and being the the military didn't get you worshipped and your ass kissed and priority in many jobs like now. It was so bad they had to add to the employment discrimination act "…may not discriminate of the basis of status as a Vietnam Veteran."
if a noise woke him up at night, pretty often he'd have flashbacks and he was about 200lb and you were 10 yrs old and about 80 and he'd get on top of you and try to choke you to death, think you were VC. That was the "white Privilege" i grew up with. Just like he grew up with the "White Privilege" of my grandfather crazy from fighting at Guadal Canal, the Solomons, etc.. I have to hold back from punching each time some kike or nigger tells me about my "White Privilege."

No, that dude is a Christian, but I know who he means. After 5 or 6 bans, I'd just set up new emails and try to sneak in comment about the kikes for people to see while he was asleep. Like links to the Dr. Pierce broadcasts like "horror in Rhodesia" and 5 or 6 other Dr. Pierce broadcasts where he talks about how the Jews ruined south africa and Rhodesia.
There is one kike in particular who supports Mugabe and was funding the terrorism against Whites, pretending to be White, and meanwhile funding the terrorists in secret and buying up their land for pennies on the dollar. Dr. Pierce did a broadcast on him where he asked "Is that behavior even human?" Let me get his name for you so you can read about him. Did time in jail for a grenade attack in london…

Thanks user, much appreciated.

Here user. This is the closest thing to Satan walking the earth. Why the Dutch name, you might ask? Well, Isabella and Ferdinand were smart enough to EXPELL his eve family, so they moved to Holland where they grabbed a sizable portion of the trade in Negro Flesh for himself.
He inherited a bunch of money, and was an accomplished forger/thief by the age of 13. By 21, he was a millionaire and moved to Rhodesia, sized up the situation, and cedicded Whites were too soft to win, so began funding the terrorists.
This repulsive brew also actually refers to White Rhodesian women as "Chattel" (which Dr. Pierce points out) and refers to the people who built Rhodesia as "Rhodies." He's murdering fucking scum. A true demonic Jew.

Let me look for the Dr. Pierce broadcast and article on him.

American Dissident Voices Broadcast of April 29, 2000

I've spoken about the murderous racial attacks against the farmers in
Rhodesia during the previous two broadcasts, but the situation there
continues to worsen, and I'm obliged to speak about it again today,
because the mass media in America continue largely to avoid the subject.
In addition to the invasion of White farms by armed Black gangs and the
murder of White farmers, the Black supporters of dictator Robert Mugabe
have turned to a new terror tactic against Whites: the gang rape of
White women.

Eleven days ago, on April 18, a Black gang burst into the home of a
White family just outside Salisbury, now called "Harare." They seized
28-year-old Brendan Jowett and repeatedly smashed him in the head and
face with a brick, until he lost consciousness. They dragged his
25-year-old wife Tonia into a bedroom and gang-raped her. Then they
found Tonia's 18-year-old sister, Laura Wiggins, hiding in a cupboard.
They dragged her out and raped her repeatedly.

Then the Blacks poured furniture polish, which they believed was fuel
oil, over their victims and attempted to set them afire, first with
matches and then with a burning log from the fireplace, but the
furniture polish would not burn. Finally the Blacks stole everything
they could carry away and fled. On the same day another White farmer and
his wife had gasoline poured on them, but when the Blacks were ready to
burn their victims they discovered that they had forgotten to bring
matches. The farmer and his wife got away with a brutal beating and the
wrecking and looting of their home. White Rhodesians should at least be
thankful for the ineptitude of the Blacks.

In the face of the overwhelming numerical advantage held by the Blacks,
Black ineptitude is not enough to save the Whites of Rhodesia from their
enemies, unfortunately. As I reported last Saturday, on Tuesday of last
week, a Black mob murdered Martin Olds on his farm near Bulawayo,
Rhodesia's second-largest city. The 43-year-old White farmer knew that
Black mobs were operating in his area, and he had sent his wife Kathy
and his two children, 17-year-old Martine and 14-year-old Angus, to stay
with friends in the city. Olds was a former member of the Grey Scouts,
Rhodesia's elite anti-terrorist unit, before his country surrendered
itself to Black rule in 1979. His neighbors considered him completely
fearless. Ten years ago, when a friend had been seized by a crocodile,
Olds had leaped from his boat and wrestled the crocodile in order to
free his friend.

Olds was alone on his 12,000-acre cattle farm when a mob of 70 armed
Blacks attacked his farmhouse early Tuesday morning. He telephoned the
police station, which was less than ten minutes away, but the Black
police didn't show up until five hours later, after he was dead and the
attackers were gone. Olds defended himself with a shotgun and a hunting
rifle, and he wounded several of his attackers. He himself was hit by
several bullets, and the bone in one leg was shattered. He bandaged and
splinted his leg and continued defending himself until he lost
consciousness. Then the Blacks swarmed over him and beat him to death
with clubs.

As the news of the gang rapes and of the murder of Martin Olds spread,
many White farm families abandoned their homes and fled to the cities.
Black gangs then were free to wreck and loot their homes without any
resistance. One thing the Black gangs always do is kill any pets the
Whites leave behind when they flee. Two days after the Olds murder, on
Thursday of last week, an Associated Press TV News camera crew happened
to be present when a mob of 200 Blacks rampaged through a White farm
near the town of Arcturus, 35 miles northeast of Salisbury. The farm
belongs to Alan Windram, but Windram and his family already had fled.
The Blacks found Windram's six dogs and beat and stoned them to death
while the Associated Press crew filmed the incident. The Blacks were
hooting, jumping around, and gesticulating in their typical manner while
they killed the dogs, obviously enjoying themselves immensely. Then the
Blacks wrecked Windram's farmhouse and burned the homes of at least 30
of his workers. All of this was recorded by the Associated Press camera
crew, but believe me, it'll be a cold day in hell before you see any of
it on network television in America. It makes Blacks look bad. It might
make some animal lovers like Blacks less.

Coincidentally, at the same time Martin Olds was being murdered on April
18, squads of Black police were raiding other White farms in the same
area and seizing firearms from White farmers, leaving them defenseless.
And also on that day, which happened to be the anniversary of the
surrender of White Rhodesia to the Blacks, Britain's Queen Elizabeth
sent a message of congratulation and goodwill to Robert Mugabe. And the
Queen expressed not a word of concern or disapproval about Mugabe's
genocidal policy toward Rhodesia's White farmers. The British
government, of course, has been on the wrong side of the Black campaign
against Whites in Africa ever since being on the wrong side of the
Second World War.

Oh, yes: the British government did make one additional statement about
Rhodesia on April 18. Tony Blair's Foreign Office announced that no
special considerations would be given to White Rhodesians seeking asylum
in Britain from the ethnic cleansing now going on in Rhodesia, or
"Zimbabwe," as Blair and company prefer to call it. They will not be
permitted into Britain unless they can prove that they will be able to
support themselves. As I mentioned last week, Tony Blair is not eager to
have an influx of White immigrants who almost certainly will not vote
for his party. Black Rhodesians, yes; White Rhodesians, no.

There are plenty of the likes of him in South Africa's history, too.

But there is one resident of Rhodesia, neither White nor Black, who
always will find a cordial welcome in Tony Blair's Britain. That is a
54-year-old man named Nicholas Hoogstraten. Hoogstraten is a billionaire
landowner in Rhodesia. He began buying land there in 1963 and now owns
nine large farms and cattle ranches totaling more than a million acres.
He also is a long-time financial backer of Robert Mugabe and his
Zimbabwe African National Union-Popular Front, or ZANU-PF for short. He
began backing Mugabe in the 1960s and continued backing him all during
the time ZANU was waging a terrorist war against Rhodesia's White
population. He still backs Mugabe financially, and in an interview with
a major British newspaper, the Guardian, which appeared in the April 21
issue of that newspaper, he disparaged Rhodesia's White farmers and
blamed the country's present turmoil entirely on them. He told the
Guardian, and I quote: "This has all been stirred up by White
disenfranchised trash who still think it's Rhodesia. I have some good
White friends in Zimbabwe, but these Rhodies, as we call them, are
disgusting people. They want to ruin the country. They treat the Blacks
worse than Blacks are treated in America. I've had no problem with
indigenizing my properties." – end quote – What he meant by that last
statement is that when he buys a farm from a White family fleeing the
country to get away from the Black terrorists he supports, he fires the
White managers and foremen and hires Blacks belonging to Mugabe's party
to take the Whites' place. He told the Guardian that he expects that
this practice, plus his continued support for Mugabe, will ensure that
his properties will remain safe from the marauding mobs of squatters who
have been wrecking and taking over White farms.

Last Friday's Guardian also provides a number of other fascinating
details about Hoogstraten. For example, he went to prison briefly in the
1960s after he threw a hand grenade at the home of a business rival. One
detail the Guardian neglected to mention, however, is that Hoogstraten
is a Jew. His family, after being expelled from Spain at the end of the
15th century, settled in the Netherlands, which accounts for his
Dutch-sounding name. During the 17th and 18th centuries his family were
among the Netherlands' most active dealers in Black slaves, shipping
hundreds of thousands of them from the west coast of Africa to the New
World. He is a kike's kike. Not only does he refer to the men and women
who built Rhodesia as "White trash," but he refers to Gentile women as
"chattels" – that's the word this unbelievably arrogant Hebrew actually
used in his Guardian interview – and bragged to the newspaper that he
keeps his mansions in Brighton, in Cannes, in Monte Carlo, in Maryland,
in Florida, and in Rhodesia stocked with White women for his pleasure.

Imagine how pleased with himself Hoogstraten must be. He goes to
Rhodesia in 1963 as a 17-year-old with the money his ancestors made
selling Black flesh; he sizes up the conflict between the White
Rhodesians and the Black terrorists and bets that the terrorists will
win because the Whites are too soft and too Christian to beat them; he
secretly makes contact with the terrorists and begins financing Mugabe;
and at the same time he begins buying up White farm land. When the
Whites finally cave in and give up, the price of land in Rhodesia drops
sharply and Hoogstraten is able to buy much more of it. Now he is
forcing the price of land even lower by continuing to support Mugabe's
terrorist tactics and expects soon to be in a position to buy as much
more land as he wants at fire-sale prices.

That is really Tony Blair's kind of Jew. How the trendy liberals of
Britain must admire him! As for me, Hoogstraten's really exceptional
behavior – living among Rhodesia's Whites and pretending to be one of
them while secretly financing the Black terrorist gangs who were killing
White farmers and their wives and children, all so that he would be
better positioned to grab their land – is just one more bit of evidence
that Jews indeed are not like us. It is difficult even to believe that
they belong to the same species.

Even without the malign influence of Hoogstraten and his ilk, the
Rhodesians had serious problems in the 1960s and 1970s, and because they
are problems which also afflict us in America and our kinsmen in Europe
today, they deserve our attention. In the face of a Black terrorist war
against them in the 1960s and 1970s, the Rhodesians were presented with
the need to make a hard decision: either to yield their country to the
Blacks or to put an end to the threat. They evaded this decision and
tried to choose a middle course, and they fell between two stools.

In the 1950s Rhodesia was a prosperous, White country, and it was a very
pleasant place to live. The Rhodesians had worked hard and well to build
their country and develop their farms. They were a nation of strong men
and beautiful women. They played as hard as they worked. Rhodesia was
the jewel in the crown of the British Empire. When the rot back in
London led the British government to begin dismantling its empire and
turning its colonies over to the local savages, the Rhodesians declared
their independence and made an effort to preserve the country where they
had been born and bred. But the rot had infected the Rhodesians as well.

It was easy enough for them to see the trend of things in the world. The
forces of liberalism and egalitarianism had won the bloodiest and most
destructive war in the history of the world. The best people all over
Europe had been hunted down and butchered, and the worst people were
ruling. Democracy and equality were triumphant, and their minions were
eager to spread their plague to the whole world – or at least, to the
whole White world. Though infected with the same madness raging in
Europe, the Rhodesians naturally enough were not eager to commit
suicide. They refused to turn their country over to the gangs of Black
terrorists which were beginning to become active with the support of
predatory Jews such as Hoogstraten – and also with the support of the
Christian churches, in which the madness seems to have taken hold with
special virulence.

But the problem extended beyond the Jews and the Christian clerics. It
was in the Rhodesian people themselves. During the war they also had
supported enthusiastically the forces of darkness and democracy. It was
not so easy after the war to realize that they had made a terrible
mistake, and that the master they had served during the war was
preparing to devour them, just as it had devoured the Germans and the
Poles and the Hungarians and the Ukrainians and the Russians and the
Latvians and many another nation of their kinsmen in Europe. And I'm not
talking now only about Soviet Communism. I'm talking about the more
general sickness, the more general madness, of which communism is merely
an extreme manifestation.

As I said, it was easy enough for the Rhodesians to see the trend of
things, to see the push for more equality and more democracy everywhere,
and the more thoughtful Rhodesians certainly could extrapolate the trend
and realize that it would mean the death of their country. But already
caught up in it as they were, they could not bring themselves simply to
reject it altogether and to reorient themselves in a better and
healthier direction. They could not simply say, "Whoa! We see now where
this madness of equality and democracy is heading. We can see that it
means yielding ourselves to Black rule and watching everything that we
have built be destroyed. We refuse to take that course. We reject
equality and democracy. We recognize every institution and every group
and every individual trying to push us along that course as our enemy,
and we will oppose our enemies with all of our strength of body and mind
and spirit." That was what they should have said, but they didn't. The
rot was already in their own souls.

To be, or not to be: that was the question faced by the Rhodesians, and
they did not have the strength of character to choose to be and then to
accept all of the implications of that choice. They did not want not to
be, but they could not accept what the choice to be entailed, and so now
they will perish. The country they and their forefathers worked and
sacrificed for will fall into the hands of creatures such as Hoogstraten
and Mugabe, who chose to be, and who accepted all of the implications of
that choice.

What are the implications of choosing to be instead of not to be, of
choosing life instead of death? The Rhodesians should have assessed
their situation realistically when their problem became apparent, around
1955 or so, and they should have accepted the fact that they could not
continue existing as a ruling minority over a Black majority when the
rest of the world was hell-bent for equality and democracy. They did not
have the option which has worked so well for the Jews nearly everywhere
of disguising themselves and blending in with the majority population.
They could not pretend to be Shonas or Zulus or what have you, the way
Hoogstraten had pretended to be a White Rhodesian, while maintaining a
secret unity among themselves and also maintaining their control and
ownership of the country. It wasn't just that the very obvious racial
differences would have kept them from blending in and convincing anyone
that they were Blacks, the way Hoogstraten had been able to blend in and
convince everyone that he was a Rhodesian; they also couldn't squat in
their filth and scratch their fleas and eat insects – or each other, in
order to persuade the world that they really were equal to the Blacks.

Since they couldn't blend in, they might have tried another Jewish
tactic: control the opposition. If loyal, healthy Rhodesians had owned
the big newspapers back in Britain and had gotten their people into the
controlling positions in the BBC – and also in Hollywood, since the
output of Hollywood poisons the whole White world, and not just America
– if White Rhodesians had been able to control the media in Britain and
America, and therefore control the British government and British public
opinion, they could have continued in the more or less quiet possession
of their country indefinitely. They could have suppressed the deranged
clerics, and they could have used any Black terrorist groups which
sprang up for weekend target practice. But that option really wasn't
open to them either. They didn't control the media. The Jews did, and
the Jews weren't about to let go. The Rhodesians simply didn't have the
resources or the time to take the media away from the Jews, even if they
had had the will.

The one option open to them was to get rid of the Blacks. The only
reason there was a Black majority in Rhodesia was that the Whites who
had come to Rhodesia before them had made the country fertile and
prosperous and able to support a much larger population. There had been
only 100,000 Blacks in the whole area when the Whites began farming in
Rhodesia. And of course, the Whites utilized the Blacks for labor. They
thought that course more economically sound than exterminating or
expelling them. And in the short run it was, but now the long run is
catching up with them. In America in the 17th and 18th centuries it
seemed economically sound to buy Black slaves from Mr. Hoogstraten's
ancestors to work the land in the southern colonies, but now the long
run has caught up with White Americans also.

It would have been very difficult, very costly, very painful, for the
Rhodesians to extricate themselves from their mess in 1950. It would
have required determination and intelligence and subterfuge, but it
could have been done – if they had had the will to do it. They might
even have done it in 1960. But in neither 1950 nor 1960 did they have
the will. The Christians among them would have been horrified by the
thought of getting rid of the Blacks, of either eradicating them or
driving them out, just as the Christians in America today cannot cope
with the demands of racial survival in this world.

But it wasn't just the Christian inability to make hard decisions. Greed
and plain, old-fashioned stupidity played major roles as well. The big
commercial farmers were interested in current profits above all. They
weren't willing to give up their Black workers. They weren't willing to
do the expensive things needed to replace the Black workers, such as
offering free land or very cheap land to White workers in Europe or
America or South Africa, if they would come to Rhodesia. The big
commercial farmers thought themselves indispensable. They could not
imagine the Blacks would be so foolish as to kill the goose which was
laying the golden eggs. They were willing to sacrifice the interests of
their fellow Whites in order to hold onto their own advantages.

And as I just said there also was much stupidity. Even today there are
White Rhodesians who believe that the problem is just Robert Mugabe. If
another Black, a more reasonable Black, would take his place, then
things would be all right in Rhodesia again, they believe.

Well, as I said, the Rhodesians could not accept the hard requirements
of choosing life in this hard and unforgiving world, and so now they
will perish. Let us in America ponder that, and let at least some of us
learn from it.


It was already clear as far back as 1990 that Bobby Mug has driven the country into the ground. He was begging the West for food in less than 10 years after assuming power.


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Where is this excerpt from? It is quite fascinating

I know user, but put yourself in the position of these families– if their kids were born after UDI, they have no Brit citizenship. These farms are all they have in the World. At that time, before the internet, the Jews had a LOT easier time hiding this stuff. I knew some of these people, they are proud people.
If you listen to the broadcast or read theboradcast I posted, you'll see the Blair announced that White Farmers in Zim would be given NO SPECIAL TREATMENT. I really…I'm really not generally for torture but I could see Tony Bair Ahnged, his intestines and "privy parts" (his balls and prick) but off and burned in front of him, then have him stitched up, hanged a little bit more but not enough to kill him. then, aone Quarter of him tied to four horses, and the fences arranged so the horses run in an "X" pattern and pull him into 4 pieces. Blair would really and truly deserve it. Then I'd want a quarter of him sent to each part of the UK as a warning.

It's a Dr. Pierce broadcast user. Below is the entire Audio, which I would recommend far more than the reading, so you can hear Dr. Pierce's expressiveness.

All broadcast and recorded in ultra-high-definition 4K.


seems like a goo thread thanks

NO, for this, I'd want all his assets sold off and 8k TVS bought with his many and set up strategically at pubs throughout the UK. The caps are already brocading in 8k, and they sell th e TVs already..

' Please, Please user, listen to this, and what this repulsive KIKE Hoogstaten did. Until you hear it with your own ears, you really on't believe it, and just reading it isn't enough. You need to hear it from a Professor with a Phd in physics who worked at both Los alamos and Cal-Tech Jet Prop Laboratory and got Tenure teaching graduate level Physics before he was 30:



I would literally drop everything and fly to the UK just for this alone.

What would you think of me if…not even sure there is a comparable analogy, but let's say we lived near the fucking mexican murder, and was a white guy in bed with the cartels. But not one knew it. Now, let's say…I needed money to pay off a cartel and I was short, so I sanctioned the kidnapping of…your son's girlfriend, and agreed to have her ear cut off and sent to her parents.
But still, it wasn't enough, so i cut the other ear,off and sent that too, demanding 1 million dollars. They only had $750k, so I took that money, and then had her beheaded on film.
And the, I went to the girl's family, and hugged her father and kissed her mother. This is the EXAC equivalent of what this Jew was doing when he went to the Rhodesian country clubs and met with parents who had lost children who were either soldiers or civilians and killed by weapons HE smuggled in.



IDK lads, just got all 305 broadcasts from a torrent. For some reason, this particular audio file keeps skipping/going back to the beginning. The ENTIRE thing is posted as ab essay above, but it works better and you get the full impact if you hear Dr. Pierce Read the whole thing…

I can't do this. I can't listen to the shit they do to the whites in South Africa.
I have seen what the cartels do to south americans/hispanics.
I have seen what the african blacks do to other blacks.
But I can't even listen to that happening to the white south africans. It disgusts me and fills me with hate. I can't do anything with that hate. It just festers, it impacts my daily life, my interactions with decent blacks here in america (inb4 there is no good nigger).
There is nothing that I can do about their suffering. I can only sit an listen, and hope that when america falls to the same fate as Rhodesia and South Africa, we will do things differently.

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we're done with this shit.
Everyone knows.

Fixed your comic a bit.

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So he's pretending that he doesn't know?
OP, stop trying to fuck his shit up.

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But.. the "bourgeois" they fight seem to also be Jewish. Really makes you think if it wasn't d&c or not.

Not all coloureds are united user, many have European blood to some extent.

Interesting.. but he still uses the internet?

Head man sounds like an intelligence agent..

You know, many of the white people that flee from SA and come to Perth have Jew connections and they all seem to be a bit spiteful at niggers at the moment.
There are some Jews as you say though.

Watch this video anons. This is about a 17 year old girl named Jamie. I can't say how, but I know her and her family. She was raped by a nigger who told her that he had AIDS, and her father )who was a professor) had to carry her each day to her school to take her entrance exams.
She ended up getting into Cambridge, and originally intended never to go back to Apefrica. The entire thing tore their family apart, she did go back and now works with her boyfriend (they might be married now) as wildlife guides.
They were, at least initially, lucky in that that got 2 old-fashioned Boer cops who wanted kaffir blood. Thy collapsed on the floor and confessed to everything. Then somehow– and no one still knows how– the fucking kaffir prison guards either took a bribe or were just especially fucking lazy that day and they all got away that day. Far as I know, they were never caught.
Poor Jamie, the sweetest, most beautiful girl on earth, had to wonder for MONTHS if she had the AIDs or not. Watch this and think about it. I won't shill for her your company, and she had a BF so you aren't going to pick her up, but really an amazing girl and the fucking kaffirs STILL lose who did this to her:

hmm.. good points NEUTRAL POSTER, I'll think about this further with a REASONED MIND and CAREFUL CONSIDERATION. I'm glad that we have guys like you, NEUTRAL POSTER, to help ensure that we don't get carried away blaming the jews for everything bad in the world with only the slim evidence that they account for less than 2% of the population and yet exert the most influence of all groups in movies, television, news/media, investing houses, and politics. I think the state of things is horrible, but certainly RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE can thrive in such corruption, the jews prove it since they're honest and good people, ans they certainly haven't taken great care in crafting a world that is perfect for their corrupt and exploitative practices.

The most disproportionate influence.
But not the most.

Addendum- talking to her father, when they still had the kaffirs locked up, asked him if she was going to be "another Amy Biehel type idiot" who showed up at the jail with a bible. His response? "A bible? No, maybe a crick bat though." He was a cool honest guy, taught at a medical school in the Vaal. I think he ended up in the UK, the wife ended d up in Europe too, the son at Uni in Europe too. Just another example of fucking KAFFIRS destroying not only this family, but also destroying a med school professor and a doctor who might have taught the savages something.
Oh, I'm sorry though, the kaffirs are now shrieking for "De-colonized education (just how you can "De-colonize science and medicine, not sure, but they do have an ideal not kidding, they want to see if "traditional healers and traditional medicines can play a bigger part (that is, Witch Doctors. Not a joke. If you read the essay above "requiem for Rhodesia," even the educated kaffirs will go to the Witch Doctor before a Western Doctor: "Sure, maybe the Whites can cure you, but can the tell you who gave you the disease?"
I have a sneaking suspicion this ALLL comes from the Commie Chinks as a way to subvert the West. the entire "De-colonize education" and "___ must fall" (Rhodes, Lee, whoever). If you read South Africa papers, it ALWAYS starts there, then moves to Oxford and Cambridge, then to the elite US institutions like Yale, then to LESS ELITE US uzis where fucking EXPLOSIVES are used to take down soldiers and the fucking cops never even bother looking for the perps…it HAS to come from China, IMO….

Don't know what you're talking about. Came Coloureds Identify more with Withs than kaffirs, they have for quite some time. When the DA was still a "White People's Party," they used to get the vast majority of the Case Colored vote, which is how Zille ( A JEwess coward CUNT, who fucking apologized to the niggers for sating to them "you know, not ALL of colonialism was bad…things like roads, cars, electricity, vaccines, clean runnings water, these were all good things."
Within 2 days, the niggers in the DA made the Jewess Zille retire. I genuinely hope she gets raped by a pack NIGGERS, just like fucking sell-out traitor De Klerk's ex-wife got raped and murdered by a kaffir.

I disagree. I think that the jews as a group are the single most influential group in all of the West, as well as the most disproportionately influential. I don't think that you can list a single more influential group in any of those categories which Iisted. Jews contribute HALF of the Democratic Party's donations and 25% of the Republican Party's. Find me a single group which matches that influence and is at least as unified as the jews are. (I don't claim them to be a perfect hivemind, but if you doubt their unification simply see the Jewish World Congress and the additional HUNDREDS of jew-interest organizations, there's a big list somewhere on the internet)

You're sounding like a kike or a nigger. i'd say more nigger, since you seem to think you know a lot about things like…Cape-Coloureds, when you know fuck-all. It was a part of South African law that Cape Cooloureds should apply to officially change their status to White if:
A.they had attained a certain income level
B. then had a certain number of neighbors who considered them White and were willing to vouch for them
C. They had no criminal history and the people around them considered their "behavior" White.

Why should he not, Hymie? He's a software engineer who put together his own fucking servers in his home. He orders his computer parts from foreign companies, puts the together himself, and uses solar power to run them through a fucking satellite internet.
Is that REALLY the best criticism you can come up with Jew Boy?

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So white people contribute 50% of the Dems and 75% of the Reps?
Again, I said they do control the most disproportionate interest, but not the most interest.
I'm not saying they don't influence things. They clearly do.

Have you ever thought that not everyone that criticises you is a Jew?
Anyway, that's an effort to make your property networked but also "off the grid". So you're saying he's got no grid power, water, etc, but only network access?

One group. Equal levels unification&influence. Make sure that you include their hundreds of interest organizations to back up your claim of their unification. I'll be waiting.

Well, glad Jamie's doing well and glad she didn't due from AIDS:

"“The bush has been a passion of mine since a very young age and I can’t imagine leading any other kind of life than the one I do now.”

Jamie Peterson has an Honors Law degree from the University of Cambridge, England. Her real passion, however, is the African savannah… especially on foot.

Jamie was born in Johannesburg. After completing A-levels in South Africa, she went to the UK and spent three years at Cambridge University studying law. On successfully completing her honours, she returned to South Africa and decided to head into the wilderness.

She immediately went into guide training and started working at a research organization as a walking/driving field guide. There she specialized mainly in rhino and elephant dynamics within the reserve. After years of doing this, which included travelling through many other reserves, she joined safariLIVE."

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She was one of my first GFs…

My problem with you is that you'r a scumbag who obviously has an agenda. Do I live with the fucking guy? I only know what he has said on his radio show, and according to him, people who come see his setup tell him that he's
practically 95% off the grid" and he had brown asked to go liv speeches to others in SA looking to do the same.
Why do I assume you are a nigger or Jew? You very clearly came at the issue with an "Agenda" to push to try to make me look dumb if you possibly could, not from a point of curiosity. The bad news for you? i found my father's LSAT results last month and he was only in the 91st% and went to NYU. I was in the 99% and went to H/Y/S. You fuckers have unwitting created a race a lot smarter than you bastards that will eventually destroy you by mixing Lithuanians ad French.
(I don't care how random that seems, just wanted an excuse to share the news that I sure 8 percentage points higher in the LSAT than my father at a time when he wasn't completing against chinks, pajeets, even MORE kike nepotism, the SJW crowd, etc.. so if you aren't 179 or 180 and you're "a fucking White male," you ain't getting into even a t-8.

quick advice re: LSAT- they can give them internationally now in China, nippon, and India and they WILL cheap their fucking balls off. But the admissions committee knows that too. The good news for you is that the "hardest" part–the logic games00 is also the part you can improve the most on.
Jut order ALL the past fucking logic games from every exam from the past 25 years, which will leave you with like ~100. Then work like a niggers in a cotton field on them.
Where the chinks/pajeets CANNOT cheat, however, (well they can but it will easily come off as robotic and something they did not write) is on the essay and, if you are a humanities professor, doing really well in writing for those professors and getting them to really like you…. this all came into my head after reading that Jamie did end up doing law at Cambridge.

I guess she had an HIV test and it came up negative. Sometimes even the HIV infected won't pass it on to someone who's negative, it's not a 100% pass rate, so if the nigger really had HIV, she's lucky it didn't pass on to her. That, or the nigger was lying to her.

This was like 8-10 years ago, and remember her father was a professor at a medical school. She had to have…I forget the name of the treatment, but it left her so weak her father would have to carry her to her desk every day.
She was never the same after that. Don't know about her new B, but I hope to fuck's good with a gun. Even before the nigger caused her to need to have that treatment and leave another 15-30lbs, she was so thin, her mother was a ballerina. The kaffiers smashed her mother's face in.
What a fucking way for her to lose her virginity, but she looks good and healthy. I thought he'd never want to lo leave the UK but now the fucking crime in the UK is as bad as Africa, Just can't get over how beautiful she still is.

Ah, I didn't know that. If she did end up having HIV, hopefully the treatment, protease inhibitors, and antiretrovirals have suppressed the HIV to the point where her BF can't also get it. Hopefully, gene editing HIV completely out of her system will become a thing with something like CRISPR. Fucking niggers and their kike handlers.

i know the video is her, not sure about the pictures. Hope she's OK. Would like to contact her father and see how she is an d if those 2 old fashioned Boer Cops ever got the Kaffirs– the kaffirs who were on the ground crying when the were arrested, then used Jamie's money they got in advance to brie the kaffir prison guardsri i5 5en fi

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I remember him talking about you in a video, and I remember you have posted about this experience on Zig Forums before. Occasionally I listen to Jan, less so since he got banned from youtube. I posted a comment on his site and he never approved it which annoyed me, it seems he can't take any criticism of South Africans.. but still he is good, one of the most extreme personalities out there which is refreshing. Most people cuck in one area or another.

The decline of South Africa will be different from Rhodesia, since now we have the internet and it is just too difficult to censor all the red-pilling content able to be filmed in SA, as pathetic as most people are, scenes of black savagery will disturb many. Yet there are loads of people in South Africa still on the Equality train. Whether it will survive long enough for the world to rid itself of the international parasite and reverse the damage done is hard to say.. If they don't survive, at least a large part of the blame rests with themselves and it is a good lesson. Multiculturalism doesnt work because blacks are inferior.

Not sue what this says about me, and it's mot anyway since she is either married or very close, but even knowing she was raped by a kaffir with aids and even not being able to have kids and even with a chance of getting it fro her, just from wathing an hour or so or her on tape she's who 'I'd want.
And if that ginger pricj wanted to bring awareness to the plight of
Whites in Southern African, what bettter way? That's of course assuming shed even want to settle for him, seeing as how she's much too interesting and fun for that lump of orange dog shit.
Amazing girl. And the niggers wonder who they were fucking lynched for touching and sexually assaulting Whote Women in the Olde South?
Had I been the one to catch this niggers aids rapist it woulf have been faar more drawn out that just a simple hanging– firdt hang until almost dead, but not through a "trap door" so the spine breaks, want it drawn out. Then next time he's up, his prick and and cut off and cauterized (without Anesthesia of course). If he passes out, buckets of cold water and adrenaline shots The, after his "privy parts and testicles" have been burned before him, then hi large intestines opened, and a specialist is used TO CUT OUTout JUST as much as can be taken out WITHOUT KILLING HIM!!!
then stitched, cauterized. NO MORPHINE.

Finally, ence is arranged as such: —– h ——

h n h
—– h —he nigger–in the middle00is attached by 4 ropes to 4 racing horses. At the command, they are let go to run as fast as they can and the nigger's body in pulled in 4.

Some of the Squeamish among you may ask: "Is this "christian" justice? No, it's ARYAN justice. This is the publishment for not just killing a young maiden of our tribe but taking her in the flower of her youth, defiling her, and INTENTIONALLY giving her a disease you KNEW (or believed at least, you din't count on White man's medicine, which is more effective than the witch doctor) would not only ruin her child bearing years, but then leave her to die a lonel, painful death, alone, with no children to comfort her and not one.
But sorry kaffir, not only will she NOT die alone she will almost certainly have kids, she earned her a First (US equivalent of "Suma Cum Laude" although they give out so many it means nothing these days).


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Sup, Jan. Keep up the great work.

BLACKED scene when?

No mate, you're thinking of Spears," he's a Christian Guy. I just wanted him to fucking post the Dr, Pierce videos about how the Jews destroyed South Africa, especially the Hoogsroten Jew and Rhodesia.

typical sick, revolting kike. Hoe's this for blacked? Each time I look at her and think of what the nigger did, and as south africa becomes more lawless, by th DAY it becomes easier to put a round through his nigger skull from 14th mile. The same of that is that it is too slow and deserves to suffer more, but it's early in the decline yet. Mtybe he can get the khadadfi treatmen you Jew demon,,

1/4th a mile. Although a trained sniper could get him at 3 miles.

I love think about interracial porno everyday too fam
its hot

Kys, filthy kike.

Die hymie. don't worry, I have great confidence in karma and that one dyt, you'll up in a jail cell for a nigh with me or someone like me charged with"DUI" or "Disorderly Conduct" and by the morning you'll need fucking dentures jewboy.

why less so dude? His site " is fucking even better audio quality. Also, how can you not respect the guy's determination? The kikes take him off YT and all other video sites? OK, well fuck you then, i'll build my own!" And he did…

Are you sure that was the reason mate? I mean, it's possible, but since his host has REALLY been fucking with his videos hard, a lot of the time, with my comments at least (even just innocuous, harmless shit) never make it up.I mean I guess it's possible depending what aspect of SA you were criticizing, but I'd probably put my money on either a hair-brained fuckup or just him forgetting to answer his comments that day.

Jan Lamprecht is quite based. Used to visit his old site all the time. What happened to that site? Did (((they))) have it shut down?

yeh maybe im not sure, but fair point

i dunno dude your story sounded EXACTLY like the one he told in his video

I mean i dont really need to listen to anyone anymore, at this stage I know just about everything they have to say, and I do appreciate the guy.

That was a wonderful read, thankyou.

it's much to listen to it if you can dude so you get to hear dr. pierce out all the emotion into it. He's great at doing "Dramatic readings/; that express just how much these thugs bigger him in in a personal level, it really comes through,,

much BETTER to listen to it…one or two of them are fucked up but you can find a clean one if you search "Dr. Pierce, audio, To Be or Not to Be."

>What happened to that site? Did (((they))) have it shut down?
It was still up as of Dec. but be said something a few weeks ago about thinking the Jews has took it down on him (lol, and he used those exact words too. It's funny, when a boomer becomes red-pilled, they apparently become REALLY Red-Pilled, but Jan is one in 100 million)

Do you recall which video it was? If it is me and he was talking g about me, would love to hear to it. But the only guy I've heard him talk about is "Spears," who is a Christian and is basically a Christian Identity dude. I'm just and always have been a Nation Socialist. I ordered mt first pamphlet " How off of God to choose the Rats" when I was 12 years old." I REALLY need to find that and put it up on the internet, since there isn't a single copy of one of Rockwell's best works on the entire goddam net since Liberty Bell publications went under years ago. They had the last of the Rockwell Publications they cleaned out from "The Hate House" and were selling them.