16 Blue States To Attempt to Toss Out Electoral College, Turning America into a "Democracy"
The Hill:
"Trust The Plan, Goyim!"
Trust the plan, Goyim! Thanks for those 2.4 million new US Citizens ZOGnald!
16 States to Abolish Electoral College
Based. Just like the Antisemitism bill Trump signed.
Based and ZOGpilled
Not to be an debbie downer on OP's post, I know how user's like to feel good about themselves posting things as OP that are not listed here, but to be honest, most of us really don't seem to give two shits about this system. We are looking at ways to burn it down, not care what the faggots are doing on the titanic as it sinks. Dead nation is just twitching in its death throws.
Isn't this unconstitutional? States are required to have state governments and constitutions mirroring federal.
don't forget the census.
Yes. Now when have paper and ink saved a nation? Never. Its coming.
This will be good as every person outside the coastal cities is stripped of their ability to pick a representative government at the federal level.
That's what they want. They can prove they don't by voting with bullets not ballots.
# of Electors: en.wikipedia.org
Selection: en.wikipedia.org
The most they could do is rewrite their laws dictating how the electors are appointed at the state level. This is all posturing unless they amend the constitution. Blue states can eat shit.
This is actually a hillarious example of how retared the left is. A bunch of blue states commit to giving their electoral college votes to the candidate who wins the popular vote. So they're taking votes that were 100% going to be for the dem candidate anyway, and making it so that if the rep candidate ever gets 50.00001% of the vote, the dems will lose all of their electoral votes in a historic landslide. The kvetching would be epic.
But even if the present system stands intact, anons must be well aware of what's coming.
Here's the Dean of all the Electoral Colleges - seen here relaxing at the Voting Machine systems company his 40-something year old daughter chairs.
Have to admit, I like how liberals get things done. I used to dismiss crazy-sounding news like this before. But they've accomplished crazier things. Congrats.
underrated post
They're just assuming they'll win the popular in perpetuity. Republicans are usually just as bad as Democrats… but it would be funny to see.
They are doing this to get ahead of their 2020 loss so they can blame it on the "system" which they will then use as a means moving forward to continue to attempt to destroy the country. Every single thing they do is now aimed at that with an emphasis on the First and Second Amendment.
This is legit good. The states that retain electors HAVE to be given things by politicians.
States who give up their electors are cucking themselves.
Will the mouth-breathing public take the position of
Shoot yourself.
How do you not already know the answer? They want democracy over the Constitution. That's the narrative. They don't care about the Constitution.
The beauty of our Constitution is the maze of Liberty, and sovereignty that foils tyrants, and Communists. …genius.
Eat a bag of dicks.
…over, and over again.
This is America, bitches.
I hope they do. Then I hope the Don declares an emergency and begins the great guac purge. Send the niggers back to africa too. Spray the bugs and wipe the poo. Then the only votes left will be white.
Question. Why not draw districts by the county line, and throw in the EC into the mix as well? There are substantially more rural counties than urban.
Well this is one way to destroy America
Stop playing dumb.
Blood is our destiny.
Rivers of blood.
We win.
We always win.
Of course they would. Anything for precious dem votes.
And people in those states aren't raising hell? I mean if the popular vote in the state goes to the person who doesn't have the popular vote in the country, all of those voters are rendered completely irrelevant.
This could be a potential problem that could escalate into state v state conflict…
They're blowing the boat up.
So you're saying the dems are making a big mistake?
It's called a Republic.
Read your Constitution, nigger.
Well the second we become a "democracy", or rule by majority, this country should cease to exist. Socrates even said democracy doesn't work with an uneducated population. The founders didn't even mention "democracy" in the Constitution, and the word "democracy isn't mentioned in ANY of the state constitutions.
You should be happy technology doesn't exist to allow me to neck your faggot ass through the internet.
Civil War? Really? oh man, I've been waiting for this.
I'm saying they're trying to push majority rule, which is blatant anti-constitutional because the founders created a Republic, not a democracy.
So if the Democrats succeed, this country should end.
…sperg for me, bitch.
Really, nobody is checking these civil war quads?
This is why I keep saying that failure to vote is no kind of protest, because nobody cares if you don't vote. They only care when you vote the wrong way.
Also the best way to protest and make an impact is going into local politics. It's afterall how the shit began running up the spine of the state and into the brainstem.
We should all be voting even if it's a third party, just to show discontent. 40%+ of people over 18 don't vote in any given election. Not voting is hardly a revolutionary act, but imagine that some third positionist party got 10% of the vote?! That would be very useful at spreading the message.
But look at GLR, he never got 2% of the vote, and his votes actually lowered towards the end. Even though the ballot box isn't the end game, it's a propaganda tool.
quads and dubs dont mean shit anymore , fucking board is dead, america is dead…
im going back to playing skyrim
fucking 15 yrolds all over this board, dont know shit
no point in voting anymore
come on buddy … tell us what a real mans game is?
That is why violence is the only solution. All plans and political moves will be subverted.
Killing all jews and all their supporters is the only solution. It always was.
quads and dubs didn't mean anything back in 2006, either, neufreund
nice so we realize this thread is shit
and this is what faggots do, they break things that work so they can infect their degeneracy into America's youth.
I wonder why Trump is endorsing homosexuality world-wide? Is Trump a closet faggot?
seeding hispanics into red counties in swing states is happening at an alarming rate and already making a Mob Rule in many states
pics related; swing states
There is a connection
The USA is a collection of STATES, not a collection of PEOPLE.
The STATES get to vote, not the people.
People can vote within a state, that's it, they can't vote federally.
Welfare increasing in red states, by flooding with poor
Schools for future democratic voters;
Hispanic voters
birth rate
Zig Forums sets new record by being the first humans to attain absolute zero in a laboratory with this entropy freezing cold take.
Abolishing the electoral college is he absolute best thing that could happen to the GOP right now as Texas and Florida become permablue states.
Yeah, california and new york voter fraud will now actually do something to the vote [whereas before it did fuck-all] if this went through nationally, but, look: this only effects their states.
In other words they are removing their representation in the electoral college and making their states proportional electoral votes. This would REMOVE THE ETERNAL CALIFORNIA ELECTORAL GRAND SLAM YOU UTTER BRAINLETS.
This cryogenic take is so cold it has become a fucking superconductor. And it's all because you're a bunch of knee jerk konstitooshunalist cuckservatives larping as actual national socialists. Yoy care more about da rools than winning.
Zig Forums should be organizing the biggest op in its history to make sure this goes through at any cost. Or at least the voteniggers should be.
The only non-Grug in the thread gets told to kill himself. Yup. That's subzero Zig Forums.
If this is unconstitutional, it should be possible to sue, all the way up to Supreme Court.
These are the blue states doing this? In other words, the states that were already going to vote for the Democrat? And they're offering to legally bind themselves to Trump when he carries 50.1 percent of the popular vote, thus giving him a 400-point win in the Electoral College? While a Democrat with the same popular vote margin just gets whatever she would have gotten anyway?
Now you nigger lovers are using your thinkin' parts!
Really? Does he usually travel from place to place as a crude photoshop? Because that's some spooky Jew-magick.
Without the electoral college every national election will literally be won by just three sections of the country, beaner filled LA, nigger filled chcago and jew york. The other 90% of the country might as well not vote as just those three shit holes have enough human sewage packed into them to exceed the total votes of all the rest combined in a pure (((democratic))) vote.
Why do you think the kikes are pushing so hard to kill the electoral college? Oh wait, it's because you are a kike and that post was just more jewish pilpul.
Yeah, no
lead and brass are better nation changing materials
Typical brainlet, thinks there's 75 million shitskins in three metropoluses, and can't understand the grown-ups talk about how the leftists are voluntarily giving up their representation and signing their delegates over to non-democratic states.
One of the worst parts of living in a democracy is the indignity of having to pretend mental children like this are our equals. And yes, you 13 year old boomer, we do live in a democracy. A democratic federal [and since 1865, imperial] republic.
checked and keked
non-Democrat states I should have said for clarity
there isn't one, but you picked a shitty walking sim larpg
Underrated post is underrated. Burn all blue states to the ground and salt their fields
You forgot about jew- and spic-filled Miami, nigger- and spic-filled Houston, and other cities. With the vote-rigging, letting felons vote, and beaner flood, Texas and Florida should be flipping blue either this election or next.
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner.
Once these people have free reign to make laws with no balance of power, white people will have no voice as we're dispossessed of all that our ancestors built.
One loss that's yet to impact them in any emperical meaningful way is all it took to do this.
They don't care. Virtually everything both parties do is illegal or unconstitutional. Who's gonna do anything about it?
This won't go anywhere, since the DNC itself knows they would hugely loose if they could not game the system with the EC. For as bad as Republicans are, if it came down to a PV it would make third parties viable and create a situation where third party votes would always in all circumstances spoil the ballot. Remember the 2000 election? Everyone running the DNC and the MSM do. Nader cost Gore the WH and changed history, simply because it came down to the PV in the end. Gore lost simply because he lost the PV in one state, Dems won't risk it nationally where the far left would use their newfound power to throatfuck them in every state.
As long as trump loses in 2020 I'm all for it
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Good points. I would add that if it can help create a multiple party system, then it sounds like it is worth doing.
So the rural and urban’s votes are permanent useless now. Yea that will fix their traitorous necks for this. What are they thinking about? I bet they aren’t thinking about their necks right now.
t. Confused Strayan.
Just like gun control
Wow wignats have been vindicated again. Who'da thunk it
Why aren't they being hung for treason yet?
Fuck off kike. You got the sides completely wrong in that meme. The union was the kikes.
Because Americans don't have the balls to stop them.
I agree that it's posturing but not because they couldn't get away with it so much as if they were serious the media would be talking about how the electoral college is vulnerable to muh Russians. Switching to a popular vote now would only help our side.
As if anyone wants the states to be "red".
Let them do it. Make it so conservatives realize they are the textbook definition of "disenfranchised".
I voted for the last time in 2016. I'll never vote again. This will not be won at the ballot box, and until people realize this, nothing will change.
I'm ready to fight, I'm just waiting on everyone else to be ready too. And if that doesn't work, I've been saving up to buy some land and start a farm, far away from civilization.
How about you actually contribute to the discussion, you stupid fucking faggot?
What's in it for me?
fucking chegged
post these in the map thread too if it's still up
It's obvious posturing but no one makes them sit down or shut up
this has potential. This also opens up the possibility of 3rd and 4th parties to emerge and cause some chaos