Jewish ‘Comedian’ in South Africa Mocks White Farmers Brutally Murdered by Blacks
Jewish ‘Comedian’ in South Africa Mocks White Farmers Brutally Murdered by Blacks
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This is just normal now in the msm. The stuff on my countries local state run tv is pure anti-white hate propaganda.
Thanks. I was looking for the whole video. This kike needs to be slowly tortured to death in the most inhumane way possible.
One day I'll make the video mocking kikes swinging from the lamp posts and obscuring the view of the beach from my window.
Ignore it. The video is 3 years old. Kikes will bump the shit out of this thread to help his view count which barely exists.
This kike is an attention whore with a barely visible presence on jew tube.
Shut up, kike.
Found the jew.
If we don't start killing Jews in the street what he said in the video is really going to happen
Read about things that matter.
Guess you looked in the mirror. Congrats.
I'm ready to kill every Jew right down to the last man, woman, and child.
Fuck off, bot.
Am I a kike or a bot?
The demons’ own names, given by Yaldabaoth, are mighty names but the powers’ names reflecting the glory above will bring about the demons’ destruction and remove their Power. That is why each has two names.
Yaldabaoth modeled his creation on the pattern of the original realms above him so that it might be just like the indestructible realms.
[Not that he had ever seen the indestructible ones. Rather, the power in him, deriving from his mother, made him aware of the pattern of the cosmos above.]
When he gazed upon his creation surrounding him he said to his host of demons the ones who had come forth out of him:
“I am a jealous God and there is no God but me!”
[But by doing this he admitted to his demons that there is indeed another God. For, if there were no other God, whom would he possibly be jealous of?]
You SAniggers are so fucking annoying, you refuse to learn to make a proper bread.
So who is Israel gonna ask for money for guns, nukes, and walls when whitey's gone? Will the Arabs end up genociding them?
I don't know, HAL, why don't you tell me, Shlomo?
The Jew never thinks that far ahead.
Jesus was a Buddhist
Odin was buddah
Not an argument
Glad to see that you admit it.
Then how did they take over?
Through the power of the purse and manipulation, I'll admit they're chess masters at that.
But a chess strategy requires long term planning to succeed right?
Dude"s a disgusting (((granny fetishist))) - what do you expect?
Have never fucked a granny in my life, what is it like? Would you do it again?
"We" are everywhere.
Why does he still draw breath?
These fuckers aren't this powerful.
Shatter this Matrix with simple leverage.
It crumbles.
It's been planned since the Talmud was written.
Bumping because thread full of saging jews.
It's like you don't want to beat the top score
Holy shit this thread got shilled HARD by these kikes.
People really don't want this getting out.
What? that kikes are actually devil worshipping mass murderers who eat children and drink their blood?
Shit, next thing you know they're gonna try telling us that National socialist Germany didn't survive and is living in Antarctica
Only kikes being brutally murdered is funny.
jews have the perfect blend of psychopathy, machiavelianism and narcissism, with the less perfect having been outbred
given that their gene pools are so small, they're now the perfect dark triad race
gas lightining aka victim blaming and making the victim doubt it's reality is commonly employed by narcissists (and don't tell me your race was chosen by god isn't narcissistic) to control the victims reality in order to feel powerful and to slowly but surely drive the victim insane and destroy itself - commonly by suicide
study the dark triad as the mental disorder and you'll see it all falls in line with jewish racial behavior
Why are Jews the dumbest people on the planet?
gay tranny coffee shop antifas literally joing guerrilla armies in the third world to fight against whatever perceived injustice is happening.
The alpha right-wing hasn't had a single person let alone a group fly to SA to fight a genocide.
The "weak cucks" of the left put more effort into petty shit than the entire right does to the most existential issue they can come up with.
Niggers burn down cities with barbarian vigor over one dead nigger while the most the strong men of the right can hope for is to someday have the guts to tell their moms that they hate niggers.
This side of politics is the biggest lie sack of shit in the world.
Dude, I'm 65 and I wouldn't do it again.
It's like sticking your dick into the cardboard tube in the center of a roll of paper towels.
I don't (((Argue))) with jews.
I swear to god the average age of this board must be 50. Why are old ass white men with one foot in the grave so angry. Good thing you all suicide by cop.
Poor little commie. This is the best he can do.
Unironically not a FED post.
she looks like a jew with a nose job
He's just following that $$$ like any stupid fucker.
OR, he's doing it to the most ridiculous extreme of sarcasm that the person in OP's vid didn't get it.
I don't get why a Jew would threaten his own existence with this crap otherwise.
Are you kidding? with all the shit we had to endure from assholes throughout our miserable toilsome lives and you're asking stupid questions like this?
This is what it awaits every gringo here if you don't GROW THE FUCK UP and stop being pussies about the JQ.
USA 9/11 -> MEX 10/10 (meant for 10/11) -> PER 2002
Lots of goyim to hire. Lots of greedy suckers that believe in (((capitalism))).
Good. Always kill jews.
Taken from Ernst Roets' book "Kill the Boer". Read it and spread it to everyone who's interested, such descriptions can make normies give a fuck about what's happening there.
Tell the niggers his kind do blood sacrifice.
They'll take care of the rest.
chess is a poor analogy, more like poker maybe
so what, i don't see you flying there to help out like white boi antifas do in third world brown countries.
Even worse flip this thread and make it a nazi making fun of dying jews and see how safe he feels when his address gets published.
You won't ever touch the jew in the op though he will live on bathing in your bitch tears and never feel fear. Tim Wise has a multiple decade career despite the mongoloid right bragging about knowing where lives. You're pathetic.
lol middle class ameritard whites have nothing to complain about, this is just white fragility in action.
Anybody here listen to History Reviewed Channel? Jan is pretty good IMO. He knows kikes and South Africa well.
I do frequently. He's one of the best imo.
Is it bad that I enjoy the song lol?
His name is (((Daniel Friedman))) for those who are wondering. Typical (((ANC))) type of kike.
Every time.
Because they are degenerates.
You're right. This is the cold harsh truth. We have righteousness, good and truth on our side and every fucking entitlement to fuck optics and "chimp out" and no surrender until we secure out existence and right to self determination. But try getting anyone to do anything - and I'm not even talking violence exclusively, just any fucking thing - and you're FBI, a shill, etc. Or go the lone wolf route and they can't disavow you quick enough and cuck even harder. It's pathetic.
Because the Jew's arrogance knows no bounds. Look at history; time and time again, his smug contempt and arrogance make him feel secure and safe in his superiority, and he finally says what he really thinks and acts openly, unafraid.
And then immediately gets pogromed like the dumb motherfucker he really is.
Kikes aren't nearly as clever as they think are. Clever enough to be dangerous, but being clever and being SMART aren't the same thing. The Jew's arrogance always come back to bite him. Always.
There's a Russian saying "Коварен жид, хотя и слеп" - "The yid is devious, but blind".
Vr wndr wh ncnt hbrw ddn’t hv vwls? H thnk t’s bcs th tght vrn t rd nd wrt, s shrthnd ws nvrsl.
Because we let them try again every time they failed.
It would be pretty funny if this kike got "brutally murdered"–probably his best act yet!
No one would advertise if they did you civilian dumb fuck.
Oh, I see. Well, you won't get an announcement for any operations, slope.
Why do Jews use gaslighting so frequently?
I notice how he he says "our imaginations," including himself as while. A lot of people take this one too far, where Jews refer to themselves as white when around white people but amongst themselves will not. This is really only an issue with whites because everyone else considered them to be white.
So this is their problem. With white genocide comes their genocide. If they decide to indiscriminately kill white people, do you think they're going to be like, wait a minute, that guy is a Jew.
Yep, (((they))) truly can't help themselves.
Excellent post. Yes, I think of the Jews as a race that has collective narcissistic personality disorder, and they gaslight their victims into doing self-destructive behaviors just like a narcissistic mother does to her child. Most people except the few that can see through it can potentially fall victim.
literally right after this fucking post
what a joke
What happened to that comic everyone was posting when Trump said he was "looking into it" regarding the displacement of white farmers in South Africa and it showed all the niggers panicking?
Did Trump end up actually doing anything about this? My hopes were high, but I didn't follow up.
I've yet to see any actual follow up to it. Trump doesn't give a fuck about White South Africans being slaughtered, he just says this shit because he's a kike tool being used to pacify White while they slowly are ground into oblivion.
Maybe in our lifetime that list will be one entry longer :D
DL video, change title to white South African comedian wants a return to apartheid. Watch the enraged comments for the win.
Just remember: No matter what he says, he isn't different, he isn't sorry, and he couldn't change even if he wanted to. He's just waiting for you to forget so his grandchildren can do it again.
News flash: Another Jew is a hateful, degenerate asshole.
It's a problem.
It's been a problem for thousands of years and over hundreds of times.
I was just thinking "I should tell Willem Petzer this." but he's already covered it. Looks like the house is going to have to write up another condemnation of antisemitism after this one.
normiz dont read
u 2 smart
This. Normieniggers just stare at their iPhones browsing Faceberg.
Opportunism and slowly climbing the social ladder with nepotism. Their rot simply kills off societies.
The only possible outcome of this horrible Situation is to exterminate all kikes!. Only then our Worlf will be free!.
All I know is, if they decide to make their move and help us, they'll be getting a shitload of support, even from those that were former enemies in WW2.
Maybe this was their plan all along…if the west wanted to continue under Jew bankers and Jew Bolshevism, then give the west what it wants until it wakes the hell up and is puking violently from it all.
Kind of like forcing a kid to smoke an entire carton of cigarettes so he realizes he really doesn't like cigarettes…
Find his doxx, put it online, and try to frame him for saying racist shit.
Also, find and drum up a harassment campaign against him.
Anyone who even thinks about joking about the unjust murder of White South Africans should be subject to death or worse.
Dead kikes can't make shitty songs.
You don't have to frame him, he's a walking fountain of anti-white hate.
You don't know anything about Jewish history, do you? The Jews are almost not living on this planet, they live in their own world. They get kicked out of countries because they can't resist their urge to harass their hosts. There's a quote by one of them to the effect of, "We Jews should pay more attention to how much distress we cause, there's a reason we get pogrom'd."
Basically what said