Jews: The Dark Triad Race

Jews: The Dark Triad Race

The dark triad in psychology refers to the personality traits of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy,[1][2][3][4] which are called "dark" because of their malevolent qualities.[5][1][6][7]

Narcissism is characterized by grandiosity, pride, egotism, and a lack of empathy.[9]

Machiavellianism is characterized by manipulation and exploitation of others, a cynical disregard for morality, and a focus on self-interest and deception.[10]

Psychopathy is characterized by continuing antisocial behavior, impulsivity, selfishness, callousness, and remorselessness.[11]

All three traits of the dark triad have been found to have substantial genetic components.[13] It has also been found that the observed relationships among the dark triad, and among the dark triad and the Big Five, are strongly driven by individual differences in genes.[16] However, while psychopathy (h2 = 0.64) and narcissism (h2 = 0.59) both have a relatively large heritable component, Machiavellianism (h2 = 0.31) while also moderately influenced by genetics, has been found to be less heritable than the other two traits.

Did jews somehow succeed in gaining the rare hereditary Machiavellianism via brutal natural selection? It's their strongest trait that allows them to succeed politically on such a grand scale in my opinion. It's why the Rothschilds inbreed so closely as well, whether consciously or not.

Then there are also jewish traumatization rituals like circumcision that seek to make sure that the worst comes out of the jewish genetic potential and talmudic pilpul school makes sure every young jew comes out as a skilled manipulator, able to make hair splitting arguments in his favor.

Attached: dark_triad.png (518x356, 123.46K)

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Jews sound alpha as fuck

Perhaps you can find population studies to strengthen your case. I doubt those studies would exist, though.

Extremely Machiavellian people are generally quiet and fairly unassuming.

Vid is of Nathan Kirsh who became a billionaire in Swaziland of all places.

If you can get so rich in a nig nog country you need to be extremely Machiavellian.

Head of the Rothschilds Jacob Rothschild

I think David Icke is on to something with his theory that the elites are possessed by demonic entities, as anyone who has dealt with people in the dark triad know that they have a lust for power and destruction with seemingly no gain other than to destroying a human beings soul, which is being done on a global scale right now.

Sure, you can make a ton of money of people's vices, but a country full of vices will eventually collapse on itself and then what? If you think long term there is a lot more to gain for everybody by encouraging positive behavior.

Seeing that evil fuck makes my skin crawl.

This one will make your skin crawl even more then…

Two harmless old men (Rothschild & Rockefeller) having a cuppa tea…

Attached: serveimage2.jpg (2160x1440, 572.4K)

why do all jews have nigger "art"?

they see themselves as part black

also negros are their golem

as you can see, nothing ever adds up in the jew world

he's living in this grand old place, yet a lot of objects put you into a twilight zone, hinting that he's not quite from this world

the painting is off, the black kissing white statue, the flower curtains

it's as if an alien tries to decorate a human place and wants to be seen as human

Dark triad traits aka demonic posession, while genetically susceptible for it, largely come out in abusive situations.

The boy raped as a child becomes the homosexual adult pedo man.

The bullied becomes the bully.

The extremely abused may even become a serial killer.

Most possessions are merely small demons self destructing the host.

Ba'al (master in hebrew) worshipping rituals bring destruction and abuse on such proportions that allow "gods of darkness" to come into this dimension who are transferred to the abuser via a blood ritual of sorts is my understanding.

Have you been paying attention over the past 2000 years. they get btfo every few decades and have to literally erase/rewrite history and pretend it didn't happpen. Lol.

The "dark triad" and psychology is really bullshit to pacify and feminize white males
for example let's take
These are completely normal traits for males
I am pretty sure just about 100 years ago, somewhere 30% of males would be classified as psychopaths
somewhere 2000 years ago, 80% of males would be classified as psychopaths
These traits is found in almost all people on higher level's of society
These have also always been also found in politics
What really happened was that kikes write it up and said: "Do not do this goyim!"

at least 5000 years before christ these people were buying, selling, and breeding slaves in the middle east. They have ALWAYS been like this.

it has been same for the whole world
only difference is that christianity made whites empathetic

however kikes were always more cowardly and "machiavellian" and prefered to deal with money instead of fighting on their own (that was also why they were despised by Aryans)

This is demonstrably false; genetic records show that african genes spread into the middle east through slavery. Europeans lack this admixture because they kept to themselves, just like the Japs in the furthest reaches of the east are more distinguished than their mainland counterparts.

Romans had sold slaves and Aryans raped the whole Europe and created much of modern divisions
Aryans had more psychopathic traits, while eastern mediterrranean people (jews, romans) had more machiavellian traits.
However all dark triad traits were much more common in the ancient times

Can anyone make out some of the book titles? I see a lot of late 19th /early 20th century style bindings

…or just have an IQ three standard deviations above the local population (not difficult in Swaziland), along with financial backing from your jew banksters back home.

You may not be a kike, but you have the soul of one.

Attached: 1410650024318.jpg (208x243, 27.5K)

someone has never been to a third world country…

nogs are kleptocrats and you can get your ass kidnapped or killed even if you only have a measly amounts of money

you can't trust anyone and good luck with getting nog security guards who will sell out your ass to kidnappers in a heart beat

building and maintaining influence, power and holding onto money in countries with inherently untrustworthy people is only something jews tend to be able to achieve as total racial outsiders (southern chinese people somewhat blend into the lesser races of south east asia, but even they got shoa'd there for amassing too much shekels and power)>>12876148

Good goyim
remorse is the faggiest thing though

Spam isn't kosher you jew fucks.


Ok, which CULTURE do you think was engaged in slavery first? Do you think the romans had slaves BEFORE the Jews/semitic peoples? Slavery is VERY old. Older than roman civilization. What I am suggesting is that slavery was imported to rome by a group of people that were already practicing. I would also suggest that early Italian cultures did not have slavery. Not until much later on when Rome was an empire. As for war. Yeah; all primitive people are tribal and warlike. All primitive peoples took wives as booty from conquered neighbors. I agree with you on that point.

Slavery is a jewish concept. It is in the tanakh. It is codified in Maimonides law of kings. It is absolutely jewish and the only people with trade networks were jews in the oldest recorded history. Their teachings allow slavery because the entire concept of judaism is a caste system. It has caste provisions for biological jews, converts and aliens. They absolutely imported the concept of slavery into the economic systems as far back as Alexander the great.

They have been selectively and dysgenically murdering you in PLANNED wars and via starvation in order to breed the natural traits out of the European people. This makes them nothing but a slave class and I have been lamenting this and trying to get whites to notice that they are being dysgenically destroyed by the kikes. In modern wars the kikes play BOTH SIDES and they coordinate the slaughter of all who are beautiful, brave and honorable.

The operative word would be WIVES. It was only after Babylon and the kike manifestation there that people began taking 'slaves' and not wives.

And the blood red walls, carpet and armchair…

First response. Every fucking time.

The Other Israel

yeah, I have come to the same conclusion. They are highly psychopathic and that is why they are able to act like a parasite in Europe among people that are obsessed with morality. Europeans will say that they will not act like jews as a way to survive, and it's not really because of morality, so much as genetics. Whites are mostly incapable of deception and malice.

when I think of jewish machiavellianism, I always think of the guy from the netvideogirls series, where he brings in aspiring models and convinces them to fuck. He tells them to sit in front of them and says "show me what you'd do if you were a bad girl". Then they start sucking his dick. Vid related is a vid he made with some mutt.

This guy promotes killing whites in South Africa.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1000x1256, 930.24K)

That's staged, user.

Slavery has always existed. Conquered people were made to slaves by Aryans or other people. Larger slave-trade began in civilizations. Jews are the merchants and that's their main thing. They are very skilled with trades, know exactly what they are doing and also do cooperation between each other. Norway even has imported British Slaves who lived on their western coast. Greeks had also large number of slaves and in Indian caste system most people were slaves

I thought that was a paperweight until you pointed it out.

A lot of them are certainly under some kind of mind control which I guess could be mistaken for demonic possession. Split personalities, I suspect only a handful are free of this at the top if any. Maybe only the top patriarch and only because the one person who knew his trigger word is dead, the father. They mind control their children.
I don't think they realize just how much they are being used. It's a cult filled with mental gymnastics designed to corrupt and destroy mankind. Like if I was an evil alien I could start a cult in the highest ranks of human society, give them small gifts of knowledge only to be used greedily to control the masses, insert tons of ritual abuse and trauma so the victims perpetuate the scheme, come back hundreds of years later and conquer the planet without firing a single shot

Remorse is what seperates us from the Jews.

It's fair to say that since they occasionally have a 'race traitor', they've had humanlike qualities somewhere in the past. It's likely that the ones not completely insane converted to foreign religions, gradually leaving behind only the most spiteful, greedy, ugly caricatures.

Of course, the practice of infant circumcision is particularly evil and serves a purpose. This purpose is to make sure the jews who are not naturally insane would behave as if they were.

Jews are demons.

Attached: (((we))) think the price is worth it.webm (320x240, 1.1M)

Feeling sorry is cuckery. It is why jews can get billions and why whites are cucked by niggers
If you post on this board, you already feel no remorse
It is the most beta emotion.
Glorious nations don't feel sorry. NEVER!

Attached: apologyc20120731pw.jpg (750x549 113.15 KB, 501.13K)

KYS twice

Humility is a noble virtue due to it requiring honesty. There is no glory without.

The people in your pics aren't sorry, no one can be sincerely sorry for something they didn't do. They're being sorry on behalf of people they don't know for the sake of virtue signalling.

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No it is not.
It is cuckoldry and these people unironically feel guilty for being white. It is for gays and weak men. The reason why white race is dying. People are afraid to be racial supremacist, therefore they get killed and if they do, they deserve this too for believing in "values". It is basically "I might be superior but I kill myself". If you are that RETARDED you totally deserve to die. Instead we should be shouting out NS slogans and showing cucks their places TO DESTROY ALL GUILT in whites
Guilt is for losers who don't know that shit happens, live with this. If you are a pathetic piece of shit of course we will LOSE. Fucking mongols killed and tortured people, now some pathetic people feel guilty for what they haven't done
Feeling guilty should be punished by death in the 4th reich

If the '4th reich' were to become a thing it wouldn't last without humility being a core value instilled in it's citizens. People should feel sorry when they've made a mistake and look to make amens. It's the right thing to do.
It's when people are insincere about feeling sorry and when people take advantage of other's guilt that things go awry. To think you'll succeed without core components of decency is a little stupid and short sighted, don't you think?

You've adopted the NS framework but you come across as someone no better then a thug. I get the feeling you're immature (and not a native english speaker). You come across as if you're in your late teens/early 20's, therefor your brain is still developing and full of hormones. I'm not saying you're wrong, but you are emotional.

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Not sure if IP hoping but
I was thinking over your post. I think that what I got problem with is "reparation" and people giving up because "muh guilt". These are the two things I can never stand watching.

Also people should never feel sorry for whatever they need to do to ensure the survival of their people or themselves.

You know, this is just anecdotal, but so far Jewish people I’ve befriended to whom I’ve asked this (3) have 100% claimed a favorable interest in applying gene therapies to themselves, including the one who claimed (inexplicably; she seems more alexithymic than dark triadic) to be a sociopath. Even if they were a dark triad race the inpression I’ve gotten is they would probably agree to have that proven + fixed, which I would call frankly a point of racial superiority.

Same for me, btw. I feel pretty confident that I don’t have any of the empathetic impairments, but if I were demonstrated to have such genes I would want them fixed. How about you?

You know, fundamentally, the thing with the dark triad traits is they sound miserable. They sound authentically and permanently unfun. I don’t want to obey anything that would sincerely try to make me act like that, and I don’t want to spite anything that would sincerely try to turn me away from acting like that. It’s worthless trash behavior and man must not submit, y’know? I wouldn’t care if thirty or eighty or ten thousand percent of muh incestors behaved like that. Humanity’s ancestors lived in hovels and spent their lives intermittently starving. They called their fasts religious observations because fasting hurt less that way, and they starved a little less when they made something predictable of it. And they abused their kids, generation after generation, which I think is the real reason their offspring ended up broken enough to turn remorseless and impulsive.

That shit is predictable. It’s favored by dull people who can’t handle the unpredictability of a newer, more individualistic world.

I think part of what pisses me off about privacy invasion is I’ve gotten the very dramatic impression that people who aren’t trying to promote dark triadic traits don’t do it. Honest people respect the boundaries between people, tolerate artforms they don’t like, and don’t go around invading other people’s lives to spread fear and gain compliance.

But modern leaders are fucking cavemen, and they’re screaming all the way down as they lose their grip on a culture they mistreated. We’d do better with sortition.

Of course this place has psychology of leadership all fucking over it - constant lying, abusive compliance, intolerance of joy, hostility to novel thinking. An unwillingness to be redeemed - that’s narcissism, isn’t it?

So seeing Zig Forums bitch about evil juice is hypocrisy as always. Jews aren’t easily generalized about anyways, that’s why the stereotypes come up all over the map.

video of 911 silverstein kvetching about how some 22 or so assurance companies *owed* him 4 billion something
all with chewing on a gum during the talk
empathic and well mannered chap this larry