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I wonder what the kike said to him?
Archive is acting up.
I wonder what the kike said to him?
OP, you're a fucking retard. This incident is bad in every way imaginable.
I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the yid get a fist to the face. Besides it happened and the jews will make sure everyone knows.
This isn’t even that extreme. It only is getting media attention because it is a kike. Just wait for claims of antisemitism and whatnot.
Baste ZOGbot
Not EVERY way. He was a jew after all.
Can we just start killing kikes
Who fucking cares
Disgraceful police work. I don't care who the victim is, I wouldn't want that guy in my city. Put the badge down and try your luck at an MMA gym.
He resisted. Wtf do people expect to happen when they resist?
Just another kike who considers himself above the Law of the land, only being subject to Rabbinic Law court.
You're in White mans land you fucking kikes.
You break the law you get areested. Refuse to follow lawful commands then resist arrest? You get your fucking ass beat into submission.
The chances of him resisting again decrease significantly.
That cop has to deal with niggers all day, every day, and now he has to respond to a call to deal with an uppity kike.
Fuck off fed and die at work issuing an extortion "ticket" to an immigrant already.
It is all so tiresome
reaching, kike
Those were just compliance taps.
Carry on officer.
Awww. Did your kike cousin get his ass beat?
lol You fucking pussy.
I'm not defending what the cop did.
Hopefully you're next, though.
The cop will likely get fired for beating the shit out of a filthy fucking Jew.
It's a win win in that case. Isn't it? You fucking dumbass.
Keep in mind that kike will likely get millions in white tax dollars for "police brutatlity/excessive force".
I'd say your tax dollars but I highly doubt you even have a job.
Weird, cop doing a punch like that? Are you sure its not fake?
sez the guy who needs laws and sheeeeeit.
Gaurd didn't know. Niether did the cops.
Neither knew until after the fact.
If the kike complied and left the property instead of refusing to leave he would have been fine and the sec gaurd would have later been made aware of his situation. And if the kike didn't resist arrest for tresspassing (because he refused to leave private property) he would have went to jail for a few hours at least or 24 hours at the most. The next day everything would have been cleared with no charges filed against him.
The laws are their to protect people like you from people like me.
Kikes probably set this one up.
A homeless kike will no longer lurk in the jewish center.
He will get millions of reparation.
A white dad loose his job.
Muhh antisemitism.
This was a jewish trap!
I completely agree , doesnt everyone know that if you dont want to get beat up then you need to wear a badge
If this guy was wearing a badge he probably would have shot those black men and would not be in prison.
Instead he didnt have a badge and was beaten. Retards need to learn
1) wear badge
2) beat people that assault you
its just 2 fucking things you need to do to remain free and happy
Incite masses to do this constantly. Attack (and preferably, kill) jews all over the country.
Did expelling ever work? It did not in the last 1000 years!
>PUBLISHED: 04:13 EST, 15 October 2012 | UPDATED: 05:14 EST, 15 October 2012
How dare this brutal policeman beat up this poor innocent Yid who absolutely dindu nuffin. He must be an entaysamite.
She might know, but the using of the alter doesn't interest me.
Why ignore @thelma?
You just got a priority boarding pass to the ovens
The only legitimate function of the police in a civilized society is to beat up niggers and jews.
A civilized society doesn't have niggers and jews.
I don't want to play either.
the jew wanted a fight and got one. whats the problem here? has muh 6 million been mentioned yet? Hopefully it blows up into a huge deal, but I think we already know whats going to happen. the kikes are going to sue the department and that cop for 6 gorillian and itll just get swept under the rug. It doesnt fit the program of getting niggers angry at whites. All we can do for now is larp as kikes and keep reposting it on twitter crying about how this was the start of the holocaust. Niggers will get angry at kikes for getting bux while they get nothing for "thu same thang!!"
How are those police fitness standards working out?
Much as I love seeing kikes get the shit end of the stick, ZOGcops are becoming bad as they were in the 90s
I fucking hate thes disgusting, rat-faced, audacious, slimy, kikes. I can't stand it anymore.
>Spends money on (((Capitalism.)))
Lol. The only difference between you and me is the material and the size of the boot we lick.
This fucking happened years ago ffs. The state of this board now.
False flag. The Jew owned media will be shilling this.
fresh out of the army and didn't get to kill anyone
Good times, I guess
Probably that he fucked his kid.
It's a get out of jail free card for whatever he did.
Neanderthick skull.
Oh it's a jew false flag. Had permission to be there, our bad, oy! Kike is gonna sue.