Especially concerning the so called "Big-Bang", the creation of the universe out of nothing.
It's irrational and makes no sense.
10 minutes to refute it.
TL;DW : Something can't come from nothing.
Atheists are irrational
Based bump.
If God is an existence that is beyond the universe and scientific laws, then he can break those laws.
The physical universe cannot break it's own laws.
God came from nothing because he doesn't obey the laws of physics as we know them. If the universe began to exist, it must've come from something. God is eternal, he's always existed therefore never was he "created" as the universe was.
Metaphysical concepts are more "real" than reality. This is why they will never ever find the end of Pi, because it's representative of perfection which is only possible outside of our universe. It's not too hard to understand, but Atheists are dishonest with these conclusions and so prefer to believe in the irrational big-bang that came from absolutely nothing.
Alright, but how do you know that such a creator is in fact that Volcano demon known as Yahweh and not any other entity? Perhaps Lord Khrisna made everything
The name is irrelevant to the point. Desn't matter how you call Him, nor if you worship him by bowing or folding your hands or whatever.
The concept of the Ultimate Creator is not a tied to how a specific religion sees Him.
To a lot of religions, it does matter if thr wrong creator is being worshipped. Also, how do we know if the creator even wants us to worship or to thank him? Isn't it entirely plausible that such an entity just don't care about us and what happens to us when we die?
Full retard has a containment board.
>>>Zig Forums
jones has done more for the cause than your dorito-dust covered ass ever will
Many famous Atheists have daddy issues. It feeds their irrationality
The big bang was a calculably improbable vacuum fluctuation which will eventually happen again after the heat death of the universe. The universe is truly eternal - it reboots itself. Look up “vacuum fluctuation”, “zero point energy”, or (not sure about this one) “quantum froth” for more information.
E.Michael Jones literally said that concerning the founders of Darwinism…Please, let me some time to find the video again where he says it, I'll post it as soon as I find it.
Not believing in anything because it's impossible for us to know is only less rational than believing in a magic god above the clouds to someone who is insane.
People that don't believe in God don't consider themselves Atheists, they just don't care. People that identify as atheists have an axe to grind. Usually their parents were atheists and they resent morality being enforced upon them, or in some cases they were abused by homosexual priests who would be rightfully dead if most Christians followed the Bible. Atheists in the west specifically have a chip on their shoulder towards Christians in the same way niggers have a chip on their shoulder about white people.
For Christians (read as the only religion that matters) the creator of all things is God, theres only one. If such a being doesn't care about us then thats fine, personally I recognise might makes right as a natural law, as God can create and destroy all things at will then He is the ultimate might and therefore the source of all morality. In this case if bad shit happens like a flood or your mother getting cancer it isn't God being a dick, its eating processed food for 30 years or polluting the planet. We cause our own suffering.
Take it this way, 99.9999% of all humans have believed in a deity of some kind, its a truth that we have a need to explain our existence and we always come back to God or gods. What purpose does that serve and why are humans like that?
Usually their parents were Christians, pardon.
Another off topic Zig Forums raid spam thread the moderation will allow to stay up despite breaking their own rules.
Literally millions of small children all around the world for decades have thought the boogey man was in their closet or a ghost under their bed. Must be true right?
You have a board faggot, go back.
What if someone was an atheist and they believe the big bang didnt create the universe out of nothing, it created the universe out of the previous universe? Which works on a cycle like many things in nature?
What if you believed OP wasn't a christfag shill?