People like Sigmund Freud, Voltaire, Nietzsche, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, … They all have something in common…
They all had a defective, weak or absent father.
And I mean it's pretty much obvious that if you don't have a healthy relationship with your father, then he won't pass you strong and healthy moral values…And then, people ask themselves "what's the purpose of life ?" and then, they fall in meaninglessness, moral relativism and thus degeneracy..Why do you think that there is so much degeneracy, liberalism and atheism in places like Reeedit ? Because they had very poor parental development in their critical childhood phase and in their teenager phase, and it makes them weak and vulnerable to this society that promote (cultural) Marxists values like "God does not exist, Religion is the opium of the people…There are no objective moral, no objective truths, it's all relative, it's all meaningless, just have as much degenerate fun as you want, play your video games all day, watch TV all day, masturbate all day and watch porn all day, life as no meaning anyway".
When you thunk about it, it makes total sense.
Atheism and darwinism comes from father deprivation
Other urls found in this thread:
Atheism and jew worshiping is the same shit, notice how most western atheists are ex-christians?
The pagan pill is the only true pill.
Lo there do I see my father.
Many famous Atheists/Darwinists have daddy issues. It feeds their irrationality.
See here between 33:35 - 45:00 .
By using this term you just refuted any point you were trying to make.
I'm an atheist and I have an extremely close relationship with my father.
You mean that Paganism and Atheism is the same exact thing.
Is this the jew new Peterson?
They look the exact same way, and they deny the white race the same way.
Nope, I meant atheism and chrisitianity is the same fucking thing, it's all nihilism.
Your spelling is fucking shit.
Oh wew, I shouldn't have even bothered responding to this thread.
E.Michael Jones calls out Peterson for being a controlled op.
Which is why they look the same and argue the same way?
Reminder: EMJ is a Civcuck. He has stated that he supports a multiracial muttmerica because it "has to work with what it's got". This is how Civicry subsumes a society.
Literally deny the existence of the german race.
"There are only catholic and protestant".
Atheists are irrational.
Especially concerning the so called "Big-Bang", the creation of the universe out of nothing.
It's irrational and makes no sense.
10 minutes to refute it.
Something can not come out of nothing, because it would mean that it had to exist before it existed, which is obviously impossible.
Christians are just as.
"muh God creates da universe"
"Da Bible, read da bible?"
You mean stuff like Genesis is real?
"1st answer: yes it is, Earth is only 6000 years old." - creationist, t. retard
"2nd answer: nuh huh it's all allegory and metaphor, we just don't know" - Christian heretic
And the worst sin is they bring actual smart people like Plato and Aristotle into this shit when neither of them believe in the kike god.
I have also noticed that in real life. My marxist teacher and a marxist student both are atheist and love Nietzsche and suprise suprise, they both have father issues. The teacher's father died when he was young and regarding the student, he had some problems with his father and hates him. The father and the mother divorced, I don't know the details and guess what, both are degenerates. I always had a feeling something like this was the cause and when they revealed it, it all made sense. I don't know why this is the case but I think it has something to do with God being a father figure. They hate/have problems with their real father so they learn to be on their own. They then reject to look up to God(father) because they remembered how it ended up when they looked up to their real fathers. So they reject God and hate him. Now, not all atheists are like that but there are specific atheists who are like that and these atheists are your typical Reddit/9 Gag users.
Juden Peterstein makes the case that goyim are jealous of their success and their superior race, a.k.a at their superior "IQ". E.Michael Jones actually makes the Jews accountable for their evil behavior.
If you actual thought about what he says, it makes perfectly sense, but you prefer to hold on in your "white" identity given by the Jews themselves, so that they can manipulate you into race wars like BLM (George Soros gave 33 millions $ to start a white-black race war) and it allows to trap "white" guys easily just like in Charlottesville.
Furthermore, his theory about the triple melting pot concerns specifically the USA, which is a very weird and special country. For native Europeans, he says clearly that there is several ethnics identities based on nations and tongues.
Imagine calling a goddamn kike god your father.
Your actual father spits at you.
Yeah, it makes perfect sense that the german race does not exist, only the protestant and catholic.
Yep, somebody call Hitler, he fought for nothing!
You don't know what you're talking about if you think the Big Bang is what the scientific community proposed as the origin of the universe. All it says is that the Big Bang got the Universe from an extremely hot and dense state to our current sparse and cool state. Besides that, your declaration of the physics of what came before the Big Bang as "irrational" does not apply because the first 10^-43 seconds were governed by physics we don't understand.
Also LIAR.
He specifically mention this shit about the irish and the german.
Both are white, and he's mad at that prospect.
read slowly next time because what you accuse me of, I haven't said
You are comparing a kike to your actual father.
I said that God is a fatherly figure in the christian sense, I don't see him as a father because I am an atheist. I've said that there are many types of atheists and one type I have described in my post
"""race""" is a relatively new concept, especially for humans.
Each European countries had their own unique ethnicity based on their native tongue. Meaning that each nations had their own tongue, their own traditions, their own culture, their own history, their own territory, their own spirituality, their own literature, and their own "common" descendant (their own close "biology", their own """race""").
But no one saw themselves as a """race""". Worst, they wouldn't see themselves as an European """white race""", they would laugh in your face. But all changed when the USA vision of race influenced Europe, when it was solely based on the biology, like an animal breed. Worst, it was based on what you were not. Meaning that you were a """white guy"""…Because you are not a """black guy""". This is a false hollow,empty shell and negative identity, which is even very wrong solely on a biological basis (no, a Portuguese """race""" is not the same a Spanish """race""" or a french,German, Italian, Irish, English,… """race""" ).
So this vision of "a white race" comes straight out of the USA, where there are no native European roots, where you mix everyone in the same places and where you are a "white guy" or a "black guy".
>(((YHWH))) is a fatherly figure
Yes if you have fond memories of your daddy slicing your little newborn genitals to get rid of a naturally occurring flap of skin and tens of thousands of nerve endings.
So once again, complete denial of the german race!
And in fact, the white race as a whole.
This is the baste redpilled christcuck speaking.
Race is a genetic concept, as is ethnicity. They are not mutually exclusive as you pretend they are.
Brilliant rebuttal from the Christian as usual.
that was my old roommate to the last detail. except this drawing isnt as messy as he was. His bed looked like a raft on a lake of trash and clothes. the fast food containers and pot with rotten food in it. It was like one of those trash room pics you used to be on /b/ years ago. seeing a pic of someone living like this is one thing, seeing it irl is really jarring.
This post should be screencapped for how ridiculous it is.
This is how narrative for white genocide, white never exists, so blanda upp goyim.
Don't worry christcucks
You deserve gas as much as the jews
This, christcucks are spiritual jewish.
They have no actual problem against race mixing.
they prove it more every other thread and with this shilling here
Zig Forums is no different from Zig Forums and /liberty/
"white" means nothing. That a recent social construct from the americans materialists.
I can assure you that in almost all the history of Europe, no one saw themselves as being "white", being from a "white race" or having anything in common between each other, maybe except religion. (in the time after Jesus-Christ).
Greeks saw the Germans as barbarians and savages for example. French people and German people always hated each other and never saw themselves being close, being "white brothers" and these kind of things. And even inside of a nation, no-one saw themselves as being a "Greek race", a "French race", a "German race",…They just identitfied with their ethnicity, which is the normal way. Only Jews identified as their race, being from the "superior" chosen sperm of Abraham.
Same thing about Africa, Asia, American continent,…No-one saw themselves being racially related to their neighbors (and often rival) tribes or nations.
African people never saw themselves as "black" and they always had enslaved and fought each other. It's only when being send to America that they began to be "black people", and it's only on contact of "black people" that those europeans became "white people" in the USA, both loosing all their real identity in the process. And now with the USA views on races being "White or Black", as just animal breeds (and even falsely identified on a purely biological basis), you want to impose your false and dehumanizing and twisted Americanized and judaized views on race in Europe.
Because of you, there are people identifying as "whites" in Europe now. That's stupid. But hopefully, the majority still identify themselves based on their real identity, saying that they are Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, All true distinct, unique and humanizing identities…but not """white""".
If it's not obvious to you, an (European) ethnicity already implicitly includes the biological proximity of a people, what you would call a """Race""" (Portuguese """Race""",Spanish """Race""", …).
The USA is different because you all destroyed your European identity and your European ethnicity and you all became "whites".
Full retard has a containment board.
>>>Zig Forums
(Almost just as many christian families in America have no fathers…..)
Maybe instead of attacking the person speaking the idea, you should attack the idea instead?
What proof is there that god exists?………………..
Yep, no greek saw them as greek, no german saw them as german.
The absolute state of christcuck.
Most people were christian for the same reasons that most people now are left-tards….. 50% of the population are below average intelligence.
Of course they saw themselves as Greeks or Germans, but they didn't see themselves being a Greek "race", a German "race" or worst…a "white race".
And what the fuck do you think greek and german are?
Actually they did. You can clearly deduce someones ethnicity just by looking at them. 19th 18th and 17th century cartoons and text is full of exchanged insults and stereotypes between European nations, and obsessions with no marrying foreigners. Christ-tards are literally beyond thinking.
Never mind, the fact there's a german race at all means this chirstcuck already disagrees with their daddy E Micheal Jew, because there's no german, only protestant and catholic.
Most people were christian for the same reasons that most people now are left-tards….. 50% of the population are below average intelligence.
This is a recycled post from a deleted thread. OP is a shill. Sage and report.
You simultaneously affirm and deny race here. That kind of argumentation reminds me of a certain tribe of Israelites. Tribes are racial. How do you think those "African tribes" and their "rivals" differentiated from one another? Hint: It wasn't an entirely arbitrary and transitory thing like which valley you live in. That notion is a more modern, white concept. That the differences between people and their myriad ways is geographical and not genetic. This kind of confusion is (or should I say "These kinds of lies are"?) to be expected of someone who believes we are all "one, in Christ".
The only people with father issues are people who are forbade from calling any man father but God. Though that doesn't stop them from calling complete strangers in robes their fathers as well.
Chink war against jap, yet both they see them as asian.
Bantu nigger war against other bantu nigger, yet both they see themselves black.
Meanwhile, christcuck: there's no such thing as the german race, only catholic vs protestant!
The americans on this thread don't realize that by putting all the different and unique European ethnicities under the one umbrella of "White people" (which is non-sense), they don't realize that they play the agenda of the Jews. Indeed, by seeing all these people under the one umbrella of "white people", not only you dehumanize people by removing their ethnicities, which makes them humans and you identity them by their breeds, just like animal breeds, you also destroy many ethnicies and thus many different and unique people to create a single one people, "a white people". That's typical AMERICAN. You have a judaized paradigm on identity and "race" and you are too self-centered to even realize it, and you start seeing the whole world with this absurd paradigm of race, assuming the whole world is in the same extremely particular and twisted country as the USA.
So by denying the true identity of all these different ethnicities and nations in Europe (or in the whole world), you are thinking like a Jew and you are destroying many people to create one rootless people, the """white people""", a rootless massively mix-raced "breed" of many european ethnicities, deprived of all human traits, human cultural factor, human language, human spirit…No, just a massively "mix-breed" rootless European without any link to his true people and to his true humanity, his true tongue, his true culture. This is TYPICAL AMERICAN. I do NOT want the americanization of Europe, with an United States of Europe which would destroy all these people to create one single massively mix-breed """race""" without absolutely no roots whatsoever.
And that's exactly what the Jews are trying to do with the EU, they want to recreate the Tower of Babel, which is a sin…They want to destroy many tongues (destroy many ethnicies and thus destroy many people) to create a single unified tongue (a single "people") deprived of all roots, of all origins or of all identity in the long term…Just like the USA really. And your KIKED US. GOVERNEMENT wants to impose this evil jewish views on Europe, see pic related.
This is spam
Sage and report
EMJ respond exactly to this epicurus argument.
Here on the Richard Spencer Show.
From 1:30:18 and following.
Oh wow, it's another american christuck denying the white race thread.
You fool nobody, Christianity is dying in Europe and only (((americans))) are staunch christians i.e. zionist christcucks.
Careful, if you group lions, zebra, panthers, fish and birds like that, you risk making the Tower of Babel.
White People has the same meaning as European people. Obviously if you want to refer to specific ethnicities such as poles, hungarians etc. You use the names of those specific ethnicities…… Both terms existed before cultural marxism………….. You are making a pointless point…..
You got it backwards. Ethnicity is first and foremost a lingustic identity and it always was a linguistic identity…Then, the biological "race" is an implied consequence of all those ethnic groups, which makes sense since you stayed with the people who spoke the same language as you, since they were the only people you could understand…So then, you live with those people having the same tongue as you, and so your children and grandchildren and in the long term, you have the creation of nations and of a common close biology, a.k.a "race"…But the "race" is the last consequence of a long history, it's implicit and clearly not the first factor.
Awesome, jidf larpagan shills rush to the scene.
Rebuttal to what? "Atheism and Christianity are the same thing?" They are axiomatically not the same you retard. Pagans are the least intelligent posters on this board.
Deploy copypasta:
The jews seek to divide & atomize.
You ain't white, you are german, scot, ruskie.
You ain't german, you are austrian, swabian, saxon, bavarian.
You ain't saxon, you are mainland saxon, and island saxon.
You ain't island saxon, you are wessex and essex.
You ain't wessex, you live in a different street.
You ain't a human, you are special unique being.
Wow, so a lion is the same as a zebra because they are both animals?
This is the christcuck mind.
Poland, Hungarym,Baviaria….All very catholic countries and all ethnically homogeous countries with strong values about border control, national and ethnic identity and anti-mass immigration…
Those who promote mass immigration, cultural marxism, mix-breeding are atheists, marxists and Jews.
That is called…………. culture. Ethnicity is equivalent to a breed of dog.
They are the very same.
Christianity = no god but the jew god.
Atheism = no god at all.
Wow, careful there, I think you mean the catholics.
Poland, Hungary and Bavaria do not exist, they are fake nations of the fake white race.
This thread didn't even mention Christianity and you autistic faggots come here and shit it up. I don't see Christians spamming every post that has could somehow be loosely connected with Christianity into a D&C shit fest. The worst part is you don't even have any arguments just "lol kike on a stick" "kike slave" spam. kys.
Yes it does, yes it does:
It's Christcuck bitching about atheists.
Even taking your edgy
argument as given, those still aren't the same things you retard.
Yes it is, since the whole point of the jew god is to destroy other faith, same as atheism.
You aren't welcome here jidf.
Didn't mention Christ you illiterate faggot.
That's 100% false. The breed of dog is race, just like the so called "white race".
Ethnicity comes primarily from language and it's the main identity. And thus people who spoke the same language lived exclusively together and formed nations after several hundreds of years primarly based on language, and one of the (last) consequences of that is having a close and common genetic and biology with the people who speak the same language as you and share the same native land as you, what you call "race"…But that comes in last, not in first.
God in upper case means the the kike god, you fool no one, christcuck.
Still doesn't make it the same thing. I guess the height of European global hegemony under Christendom was a terrible thing.
Christcuck: german does not exist.
Also christcuck: catholics absolutely do!
Not, because of Christianity…………. That is the traditional local and nationalistic cultures that have kept them relatively unfucked. Christian groups in those countries are actually trying to bring in refugees.
??? This thread is a retarded faggot christian effeminately attacking people who make them look stupid for worshiping an imaginary friend.
Absolute denial from your part.
Yes it is the same thing.
But the height of European global hegemony was under the Enlightenment period that you hate, the same period of Darwinism and the Reformation.
Why, christcuck, I just follow your logic?
There is no pole, hungarian and bavarian, only catholics! Race is a new concept.
The only problem is that this christian OP never demonstrated facts, truth or logic and has still failed to do so..............................
That's the point.
You bring facts, truth and logic and the christfag will just do this:
Are you playing dumb on purpose ?
There are a Hungarian people, a Bavarian people, a Polish people…Of course they exist. Catholicism and native Ethnic identity complement each other.
That is 100% true, you do not know what ethnicity is. Doctors compute the chances of various genetic health disorders for various ethnicities because ethnicity is……… "race"….
God is a proper noun you brainlet.
Pagans haven't made a single argument in this whole thread that didn't even start being about Christianity until you fags has a fit about it. Posting a image that can swapped for any who disagrees with another point of view shows how fucking retarded you are.
Which European state during the 1700s - 1800s was secular?
Remind: Hitler was a christian and so was natsoc Germany. You fags are getting gassed along with your jewish masters.
Aksually, these people have no race, their identity is catholic, stop forcing fake race concept into them.
And yes, I'm roleplaying the christcuck logic found in here:
That JIDF jew is very triggered.
Agreed. Never really had a positive male role model in life until later and this was only after i had spun down the endless abyss of apathy and degeneracy. The family UNIT (not duo) is the prime vehicle for the advancement of civilization.
Yes, in case you means the kike god.
America, Britain, Germany, France even?
No, they weren't, lol, they openly shit on your christcult.
No, if you're referring to a particular entity its a proper noun
France was on and off, and they lost their influence during this period. England, Germany and America were not secular states.
"National Socialism is a Christian movement" -Adolf Hitler. I guess you'll be able to rationalize a direct quote for Hitler that states plainly that you're wrong.
Freud and Hitchens were Jews, Dawkins is fairly intelligent, and Voltaire and Nietzsche were geniuses. Even if you don't like their views, you cannot deny those three were/are brilliant men (and I'm not sure what your issue with Voltaire is, maybe you're just butthurt because he mocked the pedophile church).
Yet another off topic Zig Forums spam thread.
Which you means the jew god.
Yes they were, there were plenty of atheist in England, Germany and America, and there were different sects of christian/heretics inside these country, NONE of them place themselves under Church authority.
Yes, Hitler said it to court christcucks into voting for him, and surprise, most cathocucks don't.
Holy shit the cognitive dissonance must be hitting you hard.
Thanks m8.
It means any god you want faggot.
Who cares? The VAST majority were Christian and the states themselves were not secular states like you claimed they were.
Zig Forums is natsoc and natsoc is Christian. Both Hitler and Geobbles states this explicitly.
That's one triggered atheist there.
God caught Lucifer ass fucking Jesus in the Garden of Eden. He Was Jealous because he wanted to be the first one to tapp his sons virgin ass-hole. He Sent Lucifer to Hell, and Forced Jesus to commit suicide for man - kind
No, it doesn't, god means that, not God.
There were homos in those countries as well, and they were alive and free so yes, these are secular states. Christians living in them does not make them theocracies.
Yep, Hitler can't lie to convert dumb as shit christcucks.
God caught Lucifer ass fucking Jesus in the Garden of Eden. He Was Jealous because he wanted to be the first one to tapp his sons virgin ass-hole. He Sent Lucifer to Hell, and Forced Jesus to commit suicide for man - kind 1