It is an absolute disgrace that these children and going to be attacked and demonized by the fucking disgusting vipers at the state kike media. These journalists and the like are the absolute scum of the earth.
These kids did absolutely NOTHING wrong.
Although, one glimmer of light in this dark tunnel of a situation:
The leftists will expose themselves yet again, they will expose the unsustainable, radical nature of their movement, and their snitch culture, mob justice, methods, will backfire on them, yet again.
Stay strong, patriots. You guys did nothing wrong. Never apologize!
One thing I've been noticing about these pictures of teenagers doing Nazi salutes is that as time goes on there are more and more girls in them I can't help but think that this generation is going to be the generation that finally goes full Nazi.
Because enough of their moms and older sisters got beat and raped making the mistake of buying kike propaganda that niggers are human and they want the brown stain removed from their presence. Darkies are aggressive and only sheboons like that.
Luis Rogers
Good, next time when those kids show up with a swastika, they won't be playing a drinking game.
Bentley Morales
Not only more girls but look at these kids; they're not the ugly retard crew. They're not idiots or geeks either. I went to school with well to do kids from good families like this and they're top athletes and effortless A students too.. That stupid trope that you're either a jock/cheerleader or a brainiac does not apply. And the girls in the picture? I bet they're top students too and they wouldn't be caught dead in a cheerleader uniform or in a beauty contest. They don't need to humiliate themselves to get the shit tier scholarships that are offered as prizes in beauty contests.
If this is what the rise of fascism in America looks like then where do I sign up?
I'll never forget when my German-American grandmother did something similar. They had some WWII documentary on (presumably the History Channel) and Third Reich footage came on. She said with a wink and smile: "Look user, look at them. They were good guys." My grandfather shook his head and said "Shh." Last time we went out to eat before she passed she called one of the workers a nigger, loud enough for everyone within earshot. Be like these grandmas anons. Name the niggers and HEIL HITLER!
Dylan Lewis
GOOD. Make 6 million more to compete with the Zognald Blumpppff threads shitting up my board.
the past few weeks every 1st post has been kiked. must be a bot.
Liam King
except the bud light. thats a fucking crime. yeungling!
Jason Harris
It is really a meaningless gesture if the shall the values that are espoused on Zig Forums. How many of them do you think have a single fucking CLUE what it means to live in a White Ethnostate?
Juan Lopez
Oliver Young
No niggers at the party is a good sign you seemed to miss. But you write like a nigger so I'm not surprised.
Ryan Hill
I feel like people are over analyzing this. This is probably just some kids thinking they're cool by doing something edgy like the Nazi salute. I remember I would walk home from school and do the Heil Hitler to cars driving by. It was just stupid fun. It didn't mean anything aside from me and my friend laughing about doing something considered bad.
Oliver Myers
Good Our ideas reached over the great divide and has split the real of reality asunder (exactly like my sides) Sieg Heil gentlemen , victory is within sight
Grayson Thompson
You’re here man You found the main fucking nerve , congrats My ten year old son is asking all of the right questions about Hitler and Germany and ww1-2 specifically. He is a great lad and I love him dearly. Gen z is all but fully redpilled and they’re not even grown yet
AntiWhite Chink Journo Tries Doxing White Students from Costa Mesa Highschool and Newport Beach for giving a Seig Heil at a party to Beer Pong Cups shaped like a Swastika.
"Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny" -Sam Hyde
Fucking disheartening how the loud-ass baboons in the background laugh at her grandma for something they've never even cared to comprehend. The tattoo'd cunt that whispers poison into her ear and tries to forcefully lower her hand is even fucking worse; pathetic brainwashed golems.
Kids can feel that there's something wrong. This is especially due to the heavy and inorganic push for degeneracy, destruction of whiteness, and many other nuances that are causing social stagnation. (((They've))) gone too far and instilled an air of hopelessness similar to what gave rise to National Socialism in Germany. The difference now is they know such movements are usually infiltrated by controlled opposition. It's possible everyone's moves have been predicted and thus plans are in place for a counter-insurgency on whites rising up.
Cops / Military will side with those who feed them. This will end up being the globalist kikes. Traitors will be made overnight. The most infuential or powerful will be bought or killed. I hate to sound demoralizing but we are in for some dark times.
Women simply follow men. If more and more young men get into WN tier shit more women will naturally follow them just for the social status in the peer group. Make swastikas cool again and girl will be walking around adorned with them
James Richardson
AHAHAHA! Please tell me that was a real article from the Onion. I honestly dont believe it.
Joseph Cooper
Yup, no respect for the old. A total piece of brainwashed shit.
Josiah Reyes
he's not wrong. Who hasn't been called a kikeshillrussianbot of shareblue correcting the record? You faggots will call anyone a jew for the most trivial of reasons. Which really degrades the naming of actual jews.
William Rivera
That's what I'm wondering too (checked btw) because I used to love the Onion, and if this is real, there's still some hope in not every media site (parody or otherwise) being kiked to fuck all.
they don't have to be full fash to help destroy the WW2 taboos that have been used to suppress white identity. also, anything that encourages der juden to leave for israel is a big plus, and if they leave feeling like shit even better because fuck them
Jeremiah James
The greatest existential threat to Whites' survival is a sub cultural cancer know as White Nationalism and/or Alt. Right. For they have facilitated the suicidial notion that Whites defending their culture, heritage and interests and from ethnic cleansing should be met with hostile resistance.
'99 here, i've been spreading Zig Forums memes around my diversified school back when it was actually daring and now all the zoomers are getting in on it.
Brandon Wright
Oh look the Twitter mob is already lining up to ruin these kids' lives saying they don't deserve to attend college or even get a job 10 years from now! It's full-blown demonic possession conjured by the vilest scum to inhabit this earth.
Jason Young
Nazism is the cool new rebellious culture. They know it pisses off the system and the zoomers get off on it. They may just be doing it to be edgy but sooner or later they will realize the truth.
Seeing things like this is a very good whitepill.
Gabriel Cox
You mean all the non-European peoples of the planet? Ethnoglobe.
Connor Jenkins
Where's the support? However strong they were in their deeds, theý're still in their teens and moldable.
The kikess thot Ava Rose/Ava Ganz needs to be punished for her behavior here. She needs to have the mob behavior she is trying to incite in others turned around on her. That's all that matters. Anything else is irrelevant.
If we aren't prepared to punish her as she deserves to be punished, then there is no point in any of us even talking about this. Let's get to work lads. If she's not afraid to leave her home by the end of the week, then we've failed.
Christopher Fisher
Good. This is a fine example of how accelerationism works.
If they go after those kids and destroy their lives, they will forever remember that. Another instance of getting them to do our job for us, in making conditions worse, and thereby redpilling people who might not otherwise be redpilled.
Jacob Perez
This gives me a headache when I read the stupidy that some of these threads spew, how does this help us in anyway towards our cause, these were just a bunch of underage drunk delinquents who thought it was funny and edgy to make a swastika sign out of red cups, you fucking baboon can't even differenate between edgy highschoolers and individuals and movements that are actually trying to do something against the Jewish problem
Grayson Bailey
Tyler Martin
Face it loser: People are most-commonly driven to view things in a different way when they have something happen to them that causes such. Also, it acts to rehabilitation the image of the German National Socialists by association with normative and happy youth having fun.
I bet it irks the shit outta you. ;D
Asher Wilson
LOL if you think accelerationism works, a perfect example of accelerationism not working was from the 1960s to late 1970s, so many laws were introduced to destroy morality and racial purity and so many things changed drastically yet no one did anything, and those times the men were actual men who served in the military and actually went to war, so why in the fuck do you think that accelerationism will work now, the only way is true brute force of infiltration of mass protests like the French one, the only thing I'm seeing as hope in this point in time is if the French yellow vest protests get infiltrated by individuals aware of the jews and to be used to remove the jews from power, or either a huge economy collapse, other than that nothing can change, the kikes have too much power at this point, only SHTF type events will bring a change if we manage it right of course
Nothing was done because people didn't feel the consequences, the boomer filth rutted and drugged themselves with alcohol, drugs, and media while things spiraled downward. When the consequences are immediately felt the will to act is kindled. Maybe it sticks or maybe it doesn't.
Ryan Brooks
Wow, that's not too far from me!
Carson Powell
was meant for
Robert Reyes
If every time a situation like this happens, the people expressing the right-wing sentiments get mobbed and the people who caused it to happen get off completely, what kind of incentive do you think that creates moron? Why should only our people get eaten alive by the wolves every time?
Benjamin Long
Did someone at least do counter damage and dox the shitskin that felt like opening her big pajeet mouth on twitter???
Andrew Bailey
I want to be retarded like OP.
Zachary Wright
Fuck the (((right wing))) nigger. You're retarded too.
Landon Torres
Damn sucks we cannot help out our Aryan brothers and only watch them get harrassed and destroyed
You’re exactly right, in fact the left’s racial agenda was even more drastic and in-your-face than it is today, including the forced removal of white children from schools and bussing into groid filled “inner city” shitholes. Granted that was stopped, but the agenda still steamrolled whites hard. The decisions were made from on high, and people did as they were told. So yes, as a student of history you are very much correct; accelerationism is horseshit, because we’ve been living through it for the last 70 years with ZERO revolts to show for it.
they were useless idiots , what fucking decent kids setup up alcohol drinks in a nazi symbol and hiel and post pics , in front of someone that would fucking "snitch"
fucking retards, they are retards , they act retarded and they deserve to be punished for it.
Any decent smart white person would not be caught in this picture acting like a complete simpleton. And anyone that encourages such behavior is a jew that is trying to get you to act dumb.
The real nazis are the ones with badges catching criminals and throwing them in jail, the real nazis are the ones getting law degrees and MDs.
Nazis dont act like idiots, they become powerful and dominate, and then lose wars
Daniel Nguyen
They don't "deserve" anything you faggot. Sure don't act like an idiot, but you don't throw people under the bus.
Hunter Price
you are talking about worst generation of traitors ever born. don't call them men.
Adrian Wright
fuck all kikes shills and fuck all kikes shills and fuck all kikes shills and fuck all kikes shills and fuck all kikes shills and fuck all kikes shills and fuck all kikes shills and trannies kek
nein chan is place to be
Jordan White
you are talking about ZOGbots
Jonathan Hall
They were men dipshit, just deeply clouded unfortunately, a great example is Commander Rockwell he alone a ww2 vet managed to do serious damage and to spark a huge movement even to this day, imagine if 1000 of his fellow ww2 vets followed him in the same footsteps as him, they would have put an end to the kikery in the US
Someone should stage a much more flagrant expression of NeonAzi values and photoshop in some faces taken from so their dox team can chase some shadows.
Aaron Rodriguez
Easton Perry
Do you block VPN's or something?
Parker Wright
Ryder Thompson
is this board literally filled with boomers now? So the WN audience is now 12 year olds and 60 year olds.
lmao i predict a huge resurgence of pedophilia in WN circles again.
Josiah Bennett
I doubt it. My father was born somewhere around 1946 and even in his day in English private schools when he was a kid they used to do the moustache and the salute and the goose-stepping. This is just something that edgy kids have been doing for the past 80 years. This generation won't magically make the jump to NatSoc, especially when this generation is so comfy. These kids are rich, they have too much to lose. And originally when the Germans adopted NatSoc they had nothing to lose to make the jump