Does the Vatican and the Jesuits control the world?
Vatican Control
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Does anyone?
This site has made me want to genocide white people, where can I get suitable gene therapy so I’m not white anymore? I think I can drag another five people into joining me.
just race mix you ingrate
No there is one family that controls the entire globe. The vatican would be a very small part of that. There is no one in power and no one in politics that is not a part of the COVEN.
Yes they do pope francis is very powerful its actually frightening. The influence the man has is extreme he tells other world leaders what to do. Its either the kikes control him or he controls them. Either way its bad news for us. One of the cornerstone of the vatican is its attempt to destroy christianity. Seriously it has more in common with satanism than it does with christianity. Which is how it can exist with Judaism. The main point of the vatican is too lead the public away from the true teachings of christ. It does this excellently well because people are sheep.
Pope francis isn't a cog. He might even be the one behind everything or a very influential part of it. We need to talk about the fact that he is a jesuit pope. This is obviously bad news but their is more to it than just that. Everything pope francis does is to ensure a stronger grip of control. Pope francis' first goal is to make a unified religion. A global religion. If you notice he goes around talking with other religious leaders quite often and with businessmen and other politicians. He is building it up to be a one world religion. Have you been wondering why israel is suddenly being attacked? well this is why. Some jews have decided to join up with francis and want to build up a one world religion. Unfortunately some kikes(The cattle) are pretty fucking religious. Thus this is possibly the reason why israel was established for a plan in the future.
Francis is either the enemy or an enemy either way he is bad news
The man is very popular amongst the degenerates. As he promotes their shitty views. People need to realize just how much power francis actually has or the one pulling his strings. I know Zig Forums has conditioned you to thinking that is always the jews. However you need to realize that some people are fucking cunts regardless of jews and Francis here is the perfect example. He defiles god's honor with his blasphemous comments called his son jesus a failure and worships mary more than jesus. He is also a vapid supporter of the RFID chip which is literally an enslavement tool and also quite up to date on technology despite being the pope of catholicism.
Nah, nah, sex sucks, I’m no breeder. Besides, I’m way too impatient for thousand year schemes, no stellar encapsulation ideas here. I want whitey dead in ONE generation. Black people hate anyone turning white so much they call their albinos witches, white people are saner and don’t have a problem with whatever, so let’s just make everyone dark.
No, the devil does.
The Devil's Prison =
Media / Mind
Banking / Body
Religion / Spirit
Vatican is controlled by Satan.
New pope is a jesuit
Jesuit order founded by a jew
Jesuit oath includes thieving from widows:
Trump attended a few Jesuit Universities in his college years.
"Seldom is it mentioned: that the Rothschilds, along with other western bankers and industrialists, financed the rise of Hitler as a bulwark against the Soviets.
The ultra-right wing falsely describes the Rothschilds as “Jewish bankers” when, in fact, the Rothschilds are interwoven with the Catholic Church, and, jointly with the traditional mafia and the American CIA, interlocked with the Vatican Bank, which was pro-Nazi."
There is some interesting stuff about common law, the straw man and Vatican/Babylon owning your souls. There was an australian geezer with a great youtube channel. I regret deleting my youtube account now. Anyone know it?
Here is a nice video if you really think this will happen. I do
not exactly. however the pope is. notice nomatter how corrupt and evil the people become, they wont retcon the word.
your understanding of banks financing during the 30s is very misleading.
It's a bit disingenuous to compare it to a viper using wide angle lens, when the room is actually square. Also take your pills John.
The Jesuits are very low on the totem pole when it comes to having power. We don't know who (or what) is exactly on the top
The Pope is okay, I messed with him once and he let it go after I apologized.
They're higher than you think and francis is very high up the totem pole.
Good thing you didn't end up like her.
We need a pope francis expose thread.
the real pope is still alive.
they forced the divinely chosen pop to step down because he was one of hitlers youth and still held "problematic" viewpoints.
i'd say during this time, thats exactly who the pope really needed to be.
Pope Satan the 1st will be the final pope unfortunately for you.
Maybe santos bonacci?
I should have said us. Either way his main goal is a universal religion.
Satan is okay, I messed with him once and he let it go after I apologized.
Shill your bullshit elsewhere moshe.
Yaldabaoth approved thread.
A fuck up. Listen exposing a jewish ally is never a bad thing. Its just people don't realize that pope satan is a lot more powerful than your average kike.
The Vatican, the Marxist and the Jew all wants to control the globe and are all internationalist in a sense or another. It may be a simplification, but the vatican controls the largest religion in the world, the jews control the money while the Marxists control and direct our current (pop)culture and political scene. The Free Mason is also internationalist, using expressions as mankind and other things, maybe we can identify and call them the capitalist element in our world.
I don't know, remember what they did to the previous popes pregnant gf? If he was 'somebody' he could have protected her and his unborn child. But they messed that bitch up so bad that she had to have a closed casket funeral. He promptly resigned afterwards…guess he didn't want the same treatment.
No. Actualy jews control the world. They also control vatican. Welcome on Zig Forums. We talk about jews lot here.
The previous pope according to this user was a hitlers youth who had opinions undesirable.
Plus pope satan seems to hold a lot more power than the previous one did. You can tell by how he acts and the way he positions himself among others. He is very dangerous. While the other popes were mearly pawns pope satan is actively involved potentially controlling lesser people down the totem pole.
Yeah but he wasn't going to resign until they murdered his gf and child. That is all I am saying, after that, things went quickly.
What do you base that on? I know the jews control a lot, like banks and the media, but the catholic faith? That is a big claim.
We have no clue we know nothing in comparison to more influential people. Either way anyone who makes this sign is the enemy screenshot this because it highlights the persons aligence to the devil thus the synagogue of satan.
Prolly Santos Bonacci as the other user said. MrAstrotheology on YT.
This thread glows.
Jews rape Kids
jesuits havent just stopped being jesuits. them and masons are also a concern, as are anglo billionaires. it is ALL jews, but there are other malevolent parties as well all working in concert to create the NWO. people who dismiss the jesuits probably know nothing of their long and dastardly history.
reminder: pope francis is a jesuit and not one thing that bastard has ever said aligns with scripture. he is an anti-Christ
2nd reminder: trump is jesuit trained at fordham college and the current head of the federal reserve is also jesuit trained. expect for the real fucking to happen soon.
whats the one family? and bullshit, it takes millions of people, from all stripes, to rule a planet
yes. high level roman catholics, like jesuits, are satanists. trump is one of them.
the jesuit generals outrank him. so unassuming they can stand in front of crowds and no one knows the wiser
Maybe Max Igan
they sure seem to meddle in a lot of stuff
Expelled from 83 countries since their founding they were the first C_A. Starting wars and strife to benefit a group of degenerate families Since Luther. Webster Tarpley has some decent research on the topic related to Venice.
historical context and recent escapades.
What about the black pope? Where does he stand.
Implying this isn't glownigger central.
This is the black pope.
The one family is the COVEN bloodline (as in the COVENant people).
They have had 6,000 year to fully integrate their bloodline into every aspect of power in every nation on this planet. It has been ruled by the same family for thousands (and depending on what you believe about collapse scenarios) hundreds of thousands of years. The only people who are EVEN CLOSE to having the longevity of the COVEN are the Tartar people who have made THREE CROSSINGS and understand MORE OF THE HISTORY THAN YOU EVER WILL. There has been a genocidal war against the Tartars for ages because the COVEN doesn't want any rivals or any groups who understand the cycle of the Ages.
This place has more glowniggers on it right now than anons.
Oy vey
Die for Israel goyim
That's the only place I disagree with him. He is probably the enemy of israelites and not israel.
Forget I stated this.
Forget that I stated this also. I completely forgot that modern jews aren't israelites.
whoshin machine cycle
havin more blackpills?