This is a perfect impersonation of a modern politician.
They are completely spineless and fake, since they must appeal to the largest number of the idiot masses as possible to get elected. Only a total numbskull, i.e. anyone with intelligence less than or equal to the average person, or 50% of the population, won't be able to see through them (that explains that!).
They have no actual convictions or beliefs that they won't compromise on (except for loving jews and worshipping a jew I guess). In an attempt to identify/appeal to the most people, they will "follow" the same nonsense jewish religion even though almost none of them believe/know anything about it other than "muh jewsus is duh savioor". And in the cases where they DO actually know about their religion, they either have an insane amount of cognitive dissonance (which is necessary to both follow Abrahamic "faith" and accept most of the foundations of modern science) or will latch onto a set of laughably absurd alternative hypotheses, (e.g. saying carbon dating isn't real, T-Rex's were taken aboard Noah's ark, any evidence of civilization existing ~7000+ years ago was put here by the devil to trick us, etc.)
Likewise, for the same reason as above, almost none of them will even attempt to question the prevailing dogmas of their time, even if they are running on an "anti-establishment" agenda. And if they are running as an alleged anti-establishment candidate, you can be damn sure that they are a fraud no different than the rest. They are simply cashing in on a popular political trend, e.g. Trump. For example, those who rail against income inequality will never dare suggest that it is the natural result of a rotten system, nor will they name which group is overrepresented in the "1%". None will ever do anything but heap praise upon the rotten and sick mass of the poor, who in spite of every modern convenience being delivered to them by those infinitely superior, will still fail to make even a modest living without the state handing them every single thing to keep them alive. And of course it would be completely unthinkable to suggest that not everyone in our society should reproduce (unless you're a leftist, in which case the dogma you must follow is that white people shouldn't reproduce). ALL politicians advocate for the same set of false societal premises, and they are ALL cowards.
Every single one of them participates and therefore perpetuates the jewish political circus that itself needs to be destroyed. Trying to fix or change it within the system is like going up to a rabid dog and feeding it in hopes that it will magically be cured and start being nice.
Lastly, in a vain attempt to seem polite, this political impersonator has also replied to a post (>>12876145) which was clearly not meant to be taken seriously. Such actions make him seem like a retard in front of his audience. This behavior is very common in numerous contexts.