I am Canada's next Prime Minister

AMA: Andrew James Scheer, next Canuck PM
Hello, I am reaching out to meet our American neighbors to the south. My opponent Justin Trudeau has formed a hostile relationship with the United States, and I hope to remedy that by ousting the Liberal government from power and leading the Conservative with a majority government after the 2019 election.

I am a dual citizen of both Canada and the United States. My father James D. Scheer was a man of the people. He was born in the Bronx, and immigrated legally to Canada at 21 years old to pursue a multifaceted career in Journalism, Library Sciences, and Religion. He kept his US citizenship, so I was born a member of both of our wonderful nations.

My father Jim is now a permanent deacon within the Roman Catholic Church. Religion and morality are very important aspects of my life, and I am glad to see that the United States is fighting to protect the lives of unborn children. While I recognize the importance of division between church and state, I also believe it is important for the moral majority to protect babies and prioritize their lives.

I would like to know the concerns of Americans, and how if elected, I can help bridge the divide which has formed between our nations. Please inform me about what worries you!

Attached: I am Andrew Scheer and I love AMERICA.jpg (1517x1990, 648.29K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Make rake day a thing.


What is your opinion of Hitler?

neck yourself you jewish cock sucker

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Okay, I'll bite.

Would you support a United States military annexation of the entirety of Canada, with pathways to integration and deportation for those who deserve them? Respectively, of course.

That's a pedophile…mark my words.

I have a fair complexion so I would wear my cowboy hat if I was going to be spending a lot of time outdoors raking. Manages leaves is certainly very important up here in Canada.

I hope not everyone here is so hateful! My father's dad Harry came from Europe to escape the Nazis!

People like Hitler persecuting Jews in Europe are the reason that my paternal grandfather Harold D. Scheer got the chance to be born in the United States. If not for anti-Semites, my great-grandfather Alexander Scheer may not have left Czernowitz and my great-grandmother Anna Siegel may not have left Romania.

On one hand, I think it is horrible that Jews are persecuted, but on the other hand, Alex and An may never have met and married in New York if not for that, and then my grandfather Harry may never have been born.

Even though my father Jim converted to Catholicism, he and his father Harold still remained very close, and I have had wonderful talks about the Jewish people with my paternal grandfather when I would visit him in the United States during winter break for Hannukah celebrations. My father always emphasized to me that even though we believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior that the Jews were not to blame for what happened to him and that we should always be a friend to the Jewish people.

My religious faith is Catholic and I do not believe in suicide sir.

Under what circumstances of disrepair do you believe the Canadian government would need to be in to warrant annexation? Who do you think would deserve to be deported? It is hard to answer you without you giving more detailed questions.

I am not actually a member of the Roman Catholic Church. It is my father who remains a deacon there. I've added a picture of us together with mom+sisters.

I think it is horrible to insinuate that my father is a pedophile simply for being a deacon! I realize there are problems nowadays being exposed, but I believe the vast majority of Deacons can be trusted!

My father never sexually abused me or my sisters growing up. NEVER!

Attached: me and my dad with sisters and mom.jpg (269x187 27.49 KB, 9.09K)

PFFAAHAHAHAHAH you blew it son

Oh wait whoa you just admitted you're jewish…

AAAAAAHAHAHAHAH where do you think you are? This is actually hilarious, thanks for making my day.

Get your cuckolded shithole back to the demographic situation it was in like fifty years ago, anything that won't do that is just gonna make the place works.

Enjoy being the ruler of a shitload of chinks.

t. somebody from the country being demographically displaced by mexicans. I hate this timeline more than words can say.

lol that should have said worse, I'm a faggot nigger please rape my face

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The tone deafness makes this LARP. Op is not a faggot, he is only pretending to be one.

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Blew what? The 2nd reply here was 'kill every jew in the world', that sounds like persecution to me!

Of course, my great grandparents immigrated to New York many years before Hitler came to power, so I don't think it was as bad for Jews back then.

I am a Roman Catholic, like my father before me. His dad Harry tried to raise him Jewish but he felt the power of Christ inside him which is why he came to Canada to get a fresh start.

This is a message board for American politics. I realize this is Canadian politics but I want our nations to work together. As a dual citizen I think that I would be in the best position to do that.

I have seen recently in the United States Congress, people like Ilhan Omar saying that being a dual citizen divides your loyalties, but I must disagree there. I believe as an American-Canadian that I can help our nations work together just like Israeli-Americans can help the United States and Israeli work together for a better future. Dual citizenship is an asset, not a liability!

Chinese-Canadians are a valued part of Canada. I don't see any problem with our current demographics. One thing Mr. Trudeau and I do share in common is our enthusiasm for increasing immigration to Canada from all nations around the world.

Canada is a wonderful melting pot, just like New York. We will continue to embrace people of all cultures, just like Ottawa embraced my ex-Jewish father when he wanted to pursue his career with the Roman Catholic Church here.

Attached: I am a citizen of the world.png (873x614, 699.25K)

Who's your favorite pornstar, larpnigger?

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You do realize that the catholic church was created to combat jewish usury? Guess who put child abuser and sodomites into charge?

Also any comment on jewish organized crime in general or specifically the creation of terrorist state israel by theft, genocides and ongoing war crimes? I would also like to hear your opinion on jews running child porn distribution out of Ukraine, while being safeguarded by FBI, Interpol and the jews in Russia for at least 20 years. Any comment on the recent white genocide is also appreciated.

I do not agree with viewing pornography. Nystrom was soft on child pornography, I have HARD views toward it.

I do not agree with your stereotypes about the Catholic Church or Jews being pedophiles. This is the kind of hate speech which is not tolerated in Canada.

I don't think you'll find tolerance for views like that in any of Canada's, or even any of America's, major political parties.

First off you appear to be lost, secondly if you want anyone to take you serious and ask serious questions you must post proof it is you. Have a look at another AMA that was not a larp and understand you set yourself up for failure by not preparing properly..

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Are you a larper?

I am not going to bother to read posts with offensive terms like 'kike' in it. Please interact more politely.

I am sometimes called "Stephen Harper 2.0" or "Little Harper", but while he mentored me, I believe I stand as a unique candidate.

Attached: me and Steve.jpg (1200x797, 100.28K)

Hahahaha! What are your thoughts on China and the Chinese?

You should end feather niggers and niggers and jews generally down to the gene
You can do it leaf be brave

Adolf Hitler did nothing wrong
What is your opinion on the jewish question?

Ok. What will you do to uncuck leafland?

I'm sorry if I offended you, I was politely trying to offer you advice on how to do an AMA here without everyone calling you a jew who deserves gas and the oven at the same time.

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We can do gas fired ovens even. That’s no problem
Gas fired ovens then gas the ashes

Wow is this real? Add me to the archive son lmao


I have a polite question. Have you considered a volcano as a final solution?

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The jews persecuted Hitler.



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I believe one thing we and the Chinese people have in common is our strong family values. I find it unfortunate that the Chinese government discourages the large families that I'm sure their people want to have. That is why I am glad to have them come here to achieve their dreams and have a large loving family like mine.

I wish you would not use offensive "N-Word" terms here. African-Canadians can be wonderful people and share family values with us, just like the Jewish people.

Nothing wrong? He murdered over six million children! That could have been my grandfather if his parents hadn't left!

I will CANUCK our nation into a stronger friendship with the United States.

All I can do is ask they not say hateful things like that.

do you have anything you want to ask about the Trans Canada Keystone Pipeline?

What is your obsession with rakes? I realize we have more forests than the United States, but our trees are covered with snow most of the time so they will not catch fire. Mr. Trump is right to advocate raking due to the drier snow-deficient climate you live in.

like the lava of a Hawaiian volcano, threatening to burst through at any moment?

Well after he murdered millions of babies, surely he deserved it? It's not like the Jews persecuted him when he was a painter!

Listen, I'd really prefer if people stop posting Nazi rhetoric here, It's not going to upset me, I'm too thick-skinned to be bothered by your racism. I'm not some wimp like Justin Trudeau who bullies women!

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lmao some boomer just figured out how to connect to the free wifi at Tim Hortons thinks he can trick the cuck-chan refugees and the redditors into voting for a kike worshipper.
Some jew probably got paid to make this thread, ya'll are lazy as fuck, at least kushner bought out the mods here, you leaf shills are just fucking lazy.

Where's your foreskin you fucking kike?

if non-whites bred white people out of existence, would that please you?

Okay, you win the internet today.

Attached: Leaf.gif (960x200, 134.78K)

Hi puppet?

Attached: Chderthdfgheargsdfgapture.PNG (1406x115, 21.89K)

I will CANUCK our nation into a stronger friendship with the United States.
I will CANUCK our nation into a stronger friendship with the United States.
I will CANUCK our nation into a stronger friendship with the United States.

I will CANUCK our nation into a stronger friendship with the United States.

I will CANUCK our nation into a stronger friendship with the United States.


What are your thoughts about sex with animals?

Attached: leaf.gif (1280x640, 154.5K)

I am a Boomer and my family and friends and I love eating at Tim's. I worship Jesus Christ.

I do not see how this is related to our political discussion.

The situation with Porter is unfortunate. I am sure Mr. Harper feels bad about having trusted him.

Liberals have been very slow-moving in dealing with that. I could accomplish in days what they took years! I believe same-sex marriage could lead to it, it's a slippery slope.

Attached: Tims meeting.jpg (1200x801 3.46 MB, 141.92K)

If you're going to pretend to care what people here think then proceed to say you won't read anything mean, you're a willingly ignorant coward.
Also, Jewish supremacists are an enemy of both the Canadian and American people. Israel is the most dangerous and subversive enemy we've ever had. If you want to improve American Canadian relations, you should declare the USA to be the greatest and most natural ally of Canada. Judeo-Christ is a Jewish psyop to control modren churchians.

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What you call stereotypes is nothing but the truth, a truth vehemently oppressed by jewish organized crime. As for your "hate speech" laws…they certainly don't help innocent, white Canadians from getting raped and murdered by savage nigger beasts, who were weaponized by jewish slavers into a weapon of poverty and violence that can be spread all over the globe like a plaque. Or do you also discredit the fact that the jews were responsible for the Caribbean slave trade and the destruction of the black race into the nightmare it represents today? And btw I don't have tolerance for criminals and liars either.

So Child pornography gets you hard?

Fair point. I have and will continue to READ the posts, but not RESPOND to them, to be more specific.

I am against any form of "supremacy" on the basis of race/religion. I have never said any nation is a closer ally to us than the US.

We have never had slaves in Canada. Outlawing hate speech helps prevent hate crimes.

No, it makes Nystrom SOFT.

Nigger, do you know where we learned this? Not from our cotton plantation niggers, but from jewish rap producers who marketed violent blacks screaming Nigger all the time, to a global audience of children, who are now being attacked for saying Nigger.

Let me quote Wu-Tang here "Shame on a nigga who try to run game on a nigga"

What're you gonna do about these god damn Jews?

Attached: Oh, Canada.png (3128x3420 1.1 MB, 1.84M)

wish them a Chag Chanukah Sameach

If you are done being a Semitephobes, let's talk about some serious issues, like how President Trump and I can work together to combat terrorism and drugs, which the Liberals and Democrats are soft on!

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You need to fire your pr team.

How bad is Canadian Deep State?
Are you going to pull a Ghadaffi and remove the banking system?

You have slaves in Canada now, WHITE CANADIANS, who are being robbed of their defenses by laws forbidding them to call a nigger a nigger, or god forbid, put a savage beast down in self defense.

Tell that to the Pakis who have to fight nigger robbers on daily basis. They absolutely hate each other and especially each others skin color.

if all your kids mixed with nonwhites, how would you feel about that?

Then youll have to get rid of the muslim niggers in fucking canada whosell drugs dumbass

Why correct their mistake?

I am a job-creator, not a job-destroyer. I employ young innovative people of all backgrounds who are helping me to "meme" with new voters.

I don't think being unable to call people hurtful things is the same thing as slavery.

I am an avid defender of the ability to use firearms in self defense against wildlife. I wouldn't have you let a bear eat you like the Greens/NDPs/Liberals might.

My children already have lots of non-white friends, and I am perfectly happy about that. I bet they would enjoy a lot of the same books as these girls from India who I have sponsored.

People of all backgrounds sell drugs. While I do not agree with Mr. Trudeau's mass legalization of marijuana, I suppose one upside of that is now it will be regulated and we can get medical help for those who need it.

Attached: helping girls from India learn to read.jpg (1200x752, 210.49K)

You realize that none of this works

sure, but what if all your grandkids turned out to be nonwhites - are you ok with that? Are you ok with vast numbers of canadians facing that possibility?

Enjoy being nigger-fied , canadians

They die while being owned by the criminal government, who not only fails to protect them, but systematically destroys their culture, nationality, race, wealth, freedom of speech. You know a mean word doesn't hurt as much as a knife in your belly. How's riding in bullet proof cars btw? Feel save? Canadians don't feel safe in their own homes anymore.

Teaching young girls from developing nations definitely works to improve their society, more than anything else we can do, because they will pass on these skills to their children.

I do not engage in discrimination against who you call "non-whites". In fact, sometimes Jewish people are referred to that way, and discrminated against by white supremacists, and if my dad's mom had thought that way, he would never have been born, or come to Canada, or met and married my mom! How could I embrace bigotry that would have prevented my own birth?

I am here to fight on behalf of all Canadians, including the ones you slur, so watch yourself!

In Canada, it is the people who own the government, not the government who own the people. We have public health care here, the government can save your life!

What makes you think I have bullet proof cars? I am not Batman.

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You're not giving me any straight answers - yes or no: would you be fine with your grandkids being half blacks or half indians?

Canada is rightful USA clay, also the queen is a punk ass and you need to decry her knighting of uncle Jimmy

their children already have bomb avoidance skills, because we keep dropping bombs on them

You mean Nigger? Have you've been to the Congo recently, or South Africa or London? Or should we bring the conversation to radical Islam and Mossad making deals with Saudi Arabia to deliver weapons into Mosques globally? While I'm at it…any comment on the 100 year usury crime of debt that is shortly going to collapse the global economy?

Why do you support diversity?
Will you close the borders and let them integrate?

why you pay respect to weird death cult lady when you don't have to?

who is the new underworld boss now that Bronfman is tied up?

How are you going to deal with the youngest generation becoming overwhelmingly White Nationalist?

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Civic nationalists get the rope too

Nope, I'll never be done with that.

Oh, so you're just another Israeli asset. Nevermind. You're completely uninteresting and demographically obsolete.


The absolute state of nu/pol/.

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OP this is the most important question asked so far

are you more of a rock guy or more of a synth pop guy?

Do freemason lodges in ontario have air conditioning?

homeboy eats play doh

no, but they do have fan dancers.

The female ones do

i believe those are the fan dancers

Free Meng

I am not sure if you are referring to people from the country of India, or to the indigenous people of the Americas. Either way, they are wonderful people and I love Bollywood and APTN and so do my children.

My children are young and I am not interested in talking about who they will marry, it's too soon!

Actually, we seceded legally from the British Empire, so this land is rightfully ours.

We want people across the globe to learn more than how to evade bombs, we also want them to read signs so they don't step into mine fields!

I am talking about animals, not humans. We are all children of God. As for criminals, our police officers and mounties do carry rifles for self defense. I am a big supporter of the RCMP for keeping Canadians safe!

Diversity makes us stronger! We have lots of jobs we need immigrants' help with, our factories are empty!

I hope you are not talking about our Queen. I love her! See twitter.com/andrewscheer/status/987680991798951936

The same way I'm going to deal with them becoming unicorns… laughing it off, it will not happen!

Israel is an asset to us. Allies are assets to one another! We benefit from cooperation.

I don't think in terms of labels like 'rock'. I prefer stuff like Walk the Moon, Blue Rodeo, Monsters and Men, Men Without Hats and Neil Diamond, and I guess I also like to listen to the Backyardians songs with my kids.

They give pizza out to people interested in joining during the winter. This is a strange time to ask me about air conditioning!

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If elected PM, you will be positioned to represent many antisemites and neonazis yourself. What will you do to make sure their voices and concerns are addressed?

if you are in favour of opening the borders of Canada or anywhere in the West to africans and indians and other third world, low iq ethnic groups, i hope they'll take over your family tree.

I did a national post interview last year where I defended keeping up statues of our first prime minister nationalpost.com/news/politics/andrew-scheer-explains-his-positions-on-sir-john-a-macdonald-campus-free-speech-abortion-porn-and-more

Perhaps that will set your fears at ease? I do not believe in erasing people just because I disagree with their views!

Canada has a great public education system, I am sure we can bring newcomers up to speed. We have lots of ESL classes and math classes.

Attached: me and As-Sadiq Islamic school GREAT STUDENTS.jpg (6038x3222, 1.5M)

I knew you were blue Trudeau.

Democracy is dead. These people work for the ((((banking elite))).

Enjoy the decline gentlemen, I sure as hell ain't voting anymore, these banker slaves are why

Good job boys. Another world class sleeze anally destroyed

still avoiding. the people in that picture is how your descendents will look - with a couple of half blacks here and there.

Look, you don't understand, with more people filling our empty jobs, that is more tax income to help balance our budget.

They're all beautiful!

Attached: I am good for Canada.jpg (810x445, 74.03K)


You should know that we think you’re he epitome of leaf nigger cuck you fucking fat nigger
Adolf Hitler did nothing wrong

This is LARPing. This is spam. It is allowed to stay up. The board is nothing but legitimized spam now.

When you were running to be the conservative leader, there was a page on the conservative website dedicated to your policy on Israel that declared them to be "our greatest and most natural ally."
You were one of several candidates who had such a page. Maybe one of your handlers wrote this up without your knowledge. You should keep an eye on sneaky men who wear silly little hats.

I don't think you're going to find any allies in this place because you're not an ally of the Canadian people. If you won't address the state imposed demographic displacement of native Canadians you're just another farmer of human cattle applying for the job of continuing our systematic destruction.

No one here cares about giving the state more secret powers to "combat terrorism." You must think we're a bunch of rubes to fall for bullshit like that. We want the govt to expel the bankers who have enslaved our people that means the Bank of Canada and secure the borders of our nation instead of encouraging and facilitating its invasion.

Diversity is not a strength. It is the prelude to the collapse of every empire in history. You're very lucky you won't have to live to see the fate of your descendants.
You'd have to be very dull not to realize that the diversity and multiculturalism agenda imposed by Trudeau Sr. is going to lead to the end of the conservative party thanks to changing demographics. The imported diversity overwhelmingly support the Liberal party so bringing more of it in will make your party irrelevant.

Mandatory public education is child abuse. If you want to help with regards to education, make it easier for people to homeschool so their children aren't taught sodomy and lies by default.

You balance the budget by doing what Hitler did. Central banking is a scam. The debt can never be repaid by design. Taxing us or any of your imported wage slaves is just more stealing to make payments on an unpayable debt. Expel the parasite or finish off the host already. It's all so tiresome.

This is a perfect impersonation of a modern politician.

They are completely spineless and fake, since they must appeal to the largest number of the idiot masses as possible to get elected. Only a total numbskull, i.e. anyone with intelligence less than or equal to the average person, or 50% of the population, won't be able to see through them (that explains that!).

They have no actual convictions or beliefs that they won't compromise on (except for loving jews and worshipping a jew I guess). In an attempt to identify/appeal to the most people, they will "follow" the same nonsense jewish religion even though almost none of them believe/know anything about it other than "muh jewsus is duh savioor". And in the cases where they DO actually know about their religion, they either have an insane amount of cognitive dissonance (which is necessary to both follow Abrahamic "faith" and accept most of the foundations of modern science) or will latch onto a set of laughably absurd alternative hypotheses, (e.g. saying carbon dating isn't real, T-Rex's were taken aboard Noah's ark, any evidence of civilization existing ~7000+ years ago was put here by the devil to trick us, etc.)

Likewise, for the same reason as above, almost none of them will even attempt to question the prevailing dogmas of their time, even if they are running on an "anti-establishment" agenda. And if they are running as an alleged anti-establishment candidate, you can be damn sure that they are a fraud no different than the rest. They are simply cashing in on a popular political trend, e.g. Trump. For example, those who rail against income inequality will never dare suggest that it is the natural result of a rotten system, nor will they name which group is overrepresented in the "1%". None will ever do anything but heap praise upon the rotten and sick mass of the poor, who in spite of every modern convenience being delivered to them by those infinitely superior, will still fail to make even a modest living without the state handing them every single thing to keep them alive. And of course it would be completely unthinkable to suggest that not everyone in our society should reproduce (unless you're a leftist, in which case the dogma you must follow is that white people shouldn't reproduce). ALL politicians advocate for the same set of false societal premises, and they are ALL cowards.

Every single one of them participates and therefore perpetuates the jewish political circus that itself needs to be destroyed. Trying to fix or change it within the system is like going up to a rabid dog and feeding it in hopes that it will magically be cured and start being nice.

Lastly, in a vain attempt to seem polite, this political impersonator has also replied to a post (>>12876145) which was clearly not meant to be taken seriously. Such actions make him seem like a retard in front of his audience. This behavior is very common in numerous contexts.

How to Destabilize a Rival Country 101
Why send an army that would bankrupt your coffers? It's much cheaper to let the spies and traitors destabilize a kingdom that neighbours your target's. Mass immigration is and always has been a ploy of the conqueror.
The USA is the largest power on this small rock and there are those that look to Canada as only a target to weaken their neighbours to the south.

Riots occur in Vancouver at the mere loss of a hockey team or cancellation of a concert. Have you seen the rest of the world?
you do not want to be the Prime Minister with what is coming
what a fool

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I really want this to be real, but he seems so familiar with the board despite acting oblivious that I doubt the legitimacy of this thread. Also some of his replies just seem off somehow.

Found the cap quickly. It even uses Canada for examples primarily.

The highlights are that third world immigrants as citizens are economic net negatives, as are their children no mater how much you might educate or indoctrinate them.

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I am SCHEER not "light Harper", and me reaching out to my fellow Americans to get behind Canadians electing me is a legitimate endeavor.

I am tired of the division between our nations. Lately there is a lot of hostility towards Americans in Canada, and hostility towards Canadians in American, and Trudeau is to blame for stoking those fires.

I hope that by coming forward about my dual citizenship that it will repair this rift. I don't care if some Canadians vote against me because of it. I don't want the votes of anti-immigrants. The Liberal government is prejudiced against Americans, and I'm here to stand against that.

I don't remember any web page saying that. Can you provide any proof it existed? I'm generally not in the business of ranking 'best' allies, as I it would alienate other allies.

We do love our hockey! I play myself, and appreciate our hockey legends.

My intern taught me that I can reply by clicking the numbers. It's not that hard.

Anybody could have written that, do you have any SCIENCE to back it up?

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Kill yourself now and save us/the muslims the trouble

Dumb larping thread with no meaning towards our cause, that's a sage from me

But won't that depreciate wages of our citizens?
Also, can we stop getting armies of poor LIBERAL VOTING immigrants?

ALSO, will Trudeau resign?
What is Trudeau really like? Is he dumb or stubborn?

You act like a tough guy buy I bet you don't even bake. I am a progressive and help my family prepare nutricious meals.

Why do you assume immigrants will vote for the Liberals? My father is an immigrant and I got him voting for the Conservatives!

I don't think Trudeau has the moral fortitude to resign, but I think Canadians know to vote him out and replace him with someone with our country's best interest in mind: myself!

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Earlier you said you support hate speech laws. Would any of these pictures fall under the hate speech category, and if so, why?

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