“(((Our democracy))) is built on debate, rants anti-semite Congresswoman! I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress or serve on committee. Somali-born Muslim lawmaker Ilhan Omar blasted over latest ‘anti-Semitic’ tweet about Israel
Tigers act like tigers because they're tigers. Why is anyone surprised when a muslim decides to muslim.
Christopher Butler
Maybe remove the fucking blanket from your head
Eli Reyes
let's also debate the pros and cons of allowing 85 iq sandniggers to be elected to public office
Jason Walker
She's right, you know. And if she is the only member of Congress that refuses to sign a pledge to support a foreign country as a condition of accepting her post, then she can expect a cash donation from me.
Justin Hernandez
This disgusting shitskin is working for us, exposing the kikes. Idk why half you faggots rage just because she's a muzzie. Who cares? Our congress is a fucking joke, common fucking knowledge. None of the 'white men' on congress are doing jack shit. We have a shitskin exppsing the jew on national tv. They can't call her a nazi and shut it down. This is good.
Based /ourgirl/ trumpstein faggots are fucking TERRIFIED in 2 years we are going to be throwing everyone who voted for that zionist stooge off the rooftops, I hope so, I hope shes an extremist muslim who unloads the entire nuclear arsenal at Israel upon being elected
I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress or serve on committee
This is always one of the things with jews, even when they are not even outted, they want it "in your face" must give them self satisfaction and shows just how damn gullible the goyim truly are.
Henry Foster
user, literally every. single. person. in congress signs a pledge to Israel. The American government is an Israeli occupation.
She would get my vote and my money too. It's a shame she isn't running.
Nicholas Collins
There are no good Jews.
Carter Carter
it's the fucking truth that's why
Cooper Sanchez
That would be a good tweet at him.
Christian Nguyen
i mean, first woman president, AND she is black and muslim
pretty sure she would rake in the "progressive" vote
James Reed
Did I tag you?
I'm aware brother
Angel Flores
Unfortunately, she can never run for President, she is a naturalized citizen. She would make a great Speaker of the House, but the Dems would never allow it. Another Muslim was elected recently from Virginia, iirc.
Alexander Stewart
my favorite US politician right now! REMOVE THE ZOG
Cooper King
She is the face of American conservatism.
Grayson Sanders
Checked, sad but true. It's a travesty this retarded sand nigger is even allowed to hold office, but she's honestly doing more to speak out about the ZOG than anyone else
Joshua Garcia
belongs in the toilet. It's nothing more than corporate and foreign lobbies. A tiny number of them remain who would defend the Constitution and the rule of law. Time to turn the page.
Luke Sanders
They let obama hold office. You can't ignore the constitution for 8 years and then think it matters a few years later. Also allowing the man and not the woman would raise all sorts of screeching from the left.
Nathaniel Collins
Eat pork faggot
Jaxson Moore
James Thomas
Reported for the duplicate thread.
Henry Lee
What obviously went over pols heads because the kikes are shitting up the thread is the fact that kikes in congress force all congress men and women to sign Israel allegiance contracts. If they don't sign the kikes make sure they never win reelection.