Democrats to Submit anti-Semitism Resolution in Response to Ilhan Omar's 'Vile Slur'

Resolution from Omar's own party comes after the congresswoman doubles down on 'dual loyalty' comments, implying that support for Israel constitutes 'allegiance to a foreign country'

Democratic leaders in the House plan to call for a vote on a resolution in response to remarks that freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar made about Israel at a town hall event last week, a senior Democratic aide told USA TODAY.

Staffers from the offices of top Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., worked on the resolution condemning Omar's remarks over the weekend but the text is still not final, the aide said. Pelosi plans to bring the resolution to the floor for a vote on Wednesday.

Omar suggested Wednesday that the pro-Israel lobby pushes lawmakers to show "allegiance to a foreign country" and said the charge of anti-Semitism is "designed to end the debate" about Israel's treatment of Palestinians.

The remark drew an angry response from House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel. D-N.Y., who demanded Omar apologize for what he considered a "vile, anti-Semitic slur" in a statement on Friday. Omar is a member of Engel's committee.

Critics said Omar's remarks played into old tropes casting doubt on the loyalty of American Jews.

Omar – who apologized for a different comment that was condemned as anti-Semitic last month – pushed back against the criticism in a series of tweets on Sunday. She gave no indication that she intended to apologize in response to the new accusation of anti-Semitism.

"I am told everyday that I am anti-American if I am not pro-Israel," Omar tweeted. "I find that to be problematic and I am not alone. I just happen to be willing to speak up on it and open myself to attacks."

The tweet was part of an exchange with Rep. Nita Lowey, D-N.Y., who said lawmakers should be able to debate without "prejudice or bigotry."

"Our democracy is built on debate, Congresswoman!" Omar replied. "I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress."

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What was that quote they always told us in High School?
To learn who rules over you…simply find out who you're not allowed to…..
damn I can't remember.

How many fucking threads do we need on this mudd? This is the 3rd one on the top of the catalog right now.


>new face of communism

The resolution will pass, but it will only prove Omar's point even more.
I hope she stays the course.

She's getting a red suppository.

of course they would

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This. I wouldn't be surprised that if she keeps it up, she will have a "vehicular accident" or a false flag attempt on her life.

wouldn't that be so blatantly obvious, though?
Realisticly speaking if you're some sort of JIDF/AIPAC strategist right now, they're aware of the rising anti-semitism among the youth and in academia.
(((they))) have pushed so hard for so long they have finally realized if they push anymore, they could lose their already ridiculously long grip on the US. It could trigger a domino effect.

Drunken truth can be slurred but that doesn't make it less honest.

Kushner, you dont need to post 10 threads on this topic. One will suffice.

Survival by Devon C Ford

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One shouldn't always follow the cheat sheet.

Literally not a slur, it's fact.

This is gonna be great to bring up at our campus's next BDS meeting later this month. Nothing like explaining to attentive Whites about the debased nature of the "Israelis", only have to be careful though and not accidentlly say "jews" in the heat of a discussion because sadly all these Whites are normalfag leftists.

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Anyone hoping for a happy ending in the anti-Semitism dispute pitting the congressional leadership of the Democratic Party against itself is in for some bad news: Not only is the controversy swirling around…

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It's sad when a female muslim is the only representative with balls and the only one that I can identify with, regarding this issue at least, in Congress. I wish awareness about this issue would spread like fire through the hills of California.

-Polite sage for reiterative thread.

Says the muslim, who only has loyalty to islam.

That's because the old face of gommunism is republikikes. Also, third pic made me kek.

Says the Jew, who only has loyalty to other Jews.
Battle at the Little Fig Tree, 1431

I remind all that the shitskins are united in one thing, and one thing only. Particularly, through the repeating modus operandi: the Asiatics using the Africans against the Caucuses. As can be seen through AOC, the Jews will side with the antiwhites, in spite of being called out for treason (or perhaps half or more bending over in dick-splitting masochistic glee thereof?). It is best to remain doubtful of any ads selling themselves on exploiting White Hope (see: alt-right/kike), especially when most is vaporware. I further remind all, that Obama did the exact same thing. I lastly suggest to all, that if any yet-another-muslim or yet-another-George-Washington-Carver wishes to be actually useful, they will insist on strict enforcement of FARA against first and foremost all Israeli —-and—- Muslim —-and—- Turk —-and—- (((Albanian/Kosovo/Bosian))) banks and financiers.

just download it from thepiratebay


Absolute state of nupol.

Reminder: this is why they talk so much shit about AOC:

I will agree with that, in part. But I will reaffirm mine, as rank-first systematic eventuality, including all subdynamics. As such, just keep it all on a short rope. The muslim brotherhood and the zionists are both east Asiatics in blood and united political action against the west. Again, I don't deny my own agreement with some machavellian action – just be ready for the rest. The Rest of the pattern always, always, always happens.

Why do you even post here?

Because I've been here longer than you have, and when I see nu/pol/ showing an extraordinary amount of attention to one political figure, I start asking how the Jews feel about that person.

Try asking a jew next time then.

Linda Sarsour Slams ‘Typical White Feminist’ Pelosi Over House Resolution Condemning Omar for Anti-Semitism

Sarsour posted the criticism of Pelosi and progressives that supported her in a lengthy post on her Facebook page after House Democratic leadership initially announced it will take floor action on Wednesday with a resolution. The four-page resolution, which started circulating to members of Congress on Monday night, is in apparent response to Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D., Minn.) anti-Semitic comment on Sunday.

She went on to claim that Democrats are only helping Republicans divide Democrats and they are giving President Donald Trump an "easier path towards 2020."

"I reject this. I will speak out. I won’t be silent. I am not following this. They don’t speak for me as a Democrat. No more double standards," Sarsour said. "You want a resolution? Condemn all forms of bigotry. All forms of bigotry are unacceptable. We won’t let them pin us up against each other. We stand with Representative Ilhan Omar. Our top priority is the safety of our sister and her family."

House Democratic leadership is now expected to take action on Thursday and the resolution will include language to fight against anti-Muslim rhetoric.

Sarsour has her own personal history with anti-Semitism. She and Women's March organizer Tamika Mallory have ties to rabidly anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who blamed "wicked Jews" for trying to use him to criticize Women's March leadership.

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Guys, wait
What if we sabotage, infiltrate, and then take over the democratic party?

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Like we took over the gop?

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(((leftypol))) approves of this surreptitious esoteric class system.

(((communists unite!)))

/leftycucks/ actually believe communism mean getting rid of private ownership of industry.
They actually believe that shit. Apparently the USSR didn't happen.

As many as possible.

Thats the only road there is. The sooner, the better.

The one where it did happen?

We should back this nigger woman. She might be the key to normalizing hatred of kikes.

bigots are such vile and disgusting creatures

What exactly should we be doing instead?

Right…open borders in the USA, promotion of LGBT agenda, SHE IS A NIGGER INVADER, she supports gun control and open voting for non citizens.

Fuck off Joan.

These bitches aren't 'doing really good things for us' unless you classify White genocide as 'really good things'

Are you even trying?

Chaim if you're replying to multiple nazis you need to do it in the same post otherwise they'll find out. We went over this in orientation.

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Yeah, fucking jews, we should do something about those bigots.

We really need to deal with the 'semitic question' don't we. It has been an all day event with JIDF today trying to butter us up for their nigger pets. I am over it and every fucking time I have to type out one more sentence I HATE THEM EVEN MORE THAN I DID BEFORE…RATHER THAN MAKING IT BETTER THEY ARE SIMPLY BUILDING MY HATE FOR THEM IN THE FASTEST WAY POSSIBLE.

I thought you were a shill before but now I think you might actually be this autistic. No one here actually "likes" this woman, the only ones who say so are just trying to stir up shit. Boosting her message and shifting the overton window to dual citizenship in congress is the goal here, the only people on Zig Forums who actually put their faith in leaders are the few remaining magakikes that have yet to be driven away (unless they're literally all Kushner-paid shills).

You don't belong on this website.

Time for some pics nu/pol/ doesn't want to see

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You don't give normalniggers the full redpill, you give them one at a time. If someone learns about the JQ they're susceptible to learn about literally anything the kikes have brainwashed them into believing. Shift the overton window to dual citizens in congress and when everyone gets accused of anti-semitism they'll become desensitized to it and will be open to learning more. I'd say most people here were originally lolbertarians who were accused of bigotry by leftists, they then became open to "hateful" memes and eventually came to learn the truth about degeneracy. Once they knew this they were susceptible to learning the truth about why degeneracy has become so rampant and ended up at the JQ.

One at a time, user.

She didn't say kike or oven dodger. What slur?

man I hate jews

I'm happy enough for it to further the jewish agenda on antisemitism, given that agenda has been backfiring spectacularly for years and creating more and more antisemites. The more people wake up, the more draconian and unreasonable actions they have taken, bringing us up to the present where they're literally trying to make it a criminal offense to criticize the actions of individual jews, or the state of Israel.

There seems to be a defect, somewhere in the psyche of many Jews, that makes them incapable of seeing how their actions will be perceived. When someone speaks the easily verifiable truth about israeli influence on American politics, a lot of people are thinking to themselves "Where's the lie, though?". Any that weren't get a dose of reality by seeing that person crucified. How do you maintain the claim of not being too influential whilst simultaneously demonstrating your power to destroy the career of someone that says otherwise?

Just like ruining the life of some guy for making joke dog video that doesn't pay sufficient respect to the holohoax, it's the jewish reaction that damages jews far more that the original event.

Sounds like autism

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This, pretty much. Now even non-whites are being redpilled on it, since they have collectively decided not to spare them from humiliation and threats.

Nice try, Shlomo.


The questioning of Jewish loyalty is an antisemitic slur according the state department definition. Vid related is what a Jewish professor of Judaic Studies had to say about that.

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One day they are just one big happy family the next they are the Donner party

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Sounds like a happy ending to me.

How sad the truest American in congress is a goddamned sand-double-nigger

Literally the same party that pushed for a two year long investigation about Russian hackers and Russian collusion.

But it's different when it's real collusion going on with Israel because 6 ghorillian.

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This is sounding like a good idea more and more every day.

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Ilhan Omar supporters call out House 'hypocrisy'

James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, called the House Democrats' behaviour "shameful", and proof that they did not listen to what Omar said during the event, a video of which is available online.

"They don't care what Ilhan actually said," he told Al Jazeera. "It's a manufactured crisis from the beginning … This is not even a crisis - they are making one."

The House's lack of response to Omar's recent GOP poster attack was "hypocritical", Zogby said, and "worrisome", as it could incite and normalise hatred towards Omar.

A coalition of Muslim and Jewish groups on Wednesday held a press conference on Capitol Hill to call on Democratic Party leaders to equally condemn anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, anti-black racism, xenophobia, and physical threats against any member of Congress. The coalition also declared their "unequivocal" support for Omar.

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My name is Jate Hews and I hate jews.

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If you are not yanking chain, add in how the religious sec's of jews in israel are all for being biggoted and racist against black israelis whom want to also return to their ancestral homeland and the state keeps agreeing with such anti black policies. Point out secular jews need to rise up in solidarity with their israelie black brothers and all of you should lend support on that assistance.

if you get them to do a field trip there they can actually meet jews in their natural ungive a fuck vile habitat and see first hand how bad they treat others they will not come back very happy with jews as a whole. you can continually use the 'not all jews' argument while targeting and undermining jewish interests and support by attacking and pointing out israels faggot ass actions and messages. And then roll that into attacking domestic jews whom support other jewish goals and messages since you can push it as israel's shit rather than 'da jews'. not all jews! is a great mantra when subverting and attacking them with even the most redpilled of comments. They constantly try and push this subversion shilling here and other places, use it against them irl with their support base.

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Either the party censors itself again (the DNC have praised Israel over many protests), or our congress becomes a battlefield over middle east land rights like Britain's parliament, as each side sucks somebody's cut dick for diversity points.

The jews spent all that time promoting niggers, muzzies, and cunts in the (((media))). They are about to get what they shilled for and she's untouchable because she's all these things at once.

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Tbh I can’t disagree with her here. I can’t stand a single thing this jihadi supports, not a single fucking thing. Except this, which I can’t help but be happy she is calling this out.
It’s fucking sad. This is the clown world we live in. A pro white man feels compelled to align himself with such scum. I’d never join her cause but can’t help but applaud her for at least drawing attention to the JQ. Fuck this world

She is controlled opposition and is shilled by moarpheus here.

I know I get it man. But she is at least drawing attention to the matter.
I’m not trying to be blackpilled but nobody else seems to give a shit in our govt, and at least what she is saying is true. Sucks that’s she’s a Muslim, which is my point.

I’m not saying legitimately support her, but even if she was a middle aged white guy raising legitimate support you know the backlash would be exactly the same.


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▶US House Passes Anti-Hate Resolution After Lawmaker Criticizes AIPAC’s Influence

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Mossad is clearly out in full force trying to turn Zig Forums against Omar purely on the basis of her being a nigger. We resist it, but it almost seems TOO obvious, TOO easy.

What if this is reverse psychology because they WANT us and others who ask the JQ to rally behind her, put our eggs in her basket, and then it turns out she fucked her half-brother and we're all embarassed and then nobody wants to ask the JQ anymore because people will assume they are brother-fuckers?

Support Tulsi

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I will say it is really eye opening how fast they acted on this merely for her bringing up duel citizenship. Holy fuck if that isn't the biggest pill in the history of mankind then I don't know what is given how fast they always slow walk things.

Oy vey, muh holocaust! Omar's suffering is not nearly as much as (((our))) suffering. - Fox News

Go away you stupid woman.


Wasn't JFK and nobody gave a fuck?

And if people don't kill jews and Democrats, they will keep doing this.
Stop with the idiotic political solutions. Kill all your enemies in order to win.


The terrorist state of Iznotreal is the rats' nest, that's why many chews don't like to hear bad things about it.

The jews are selling you a Muslim leadership. Wake up.

Who cares if some lone wolf takes it upon himself to kill some jews, half of all comments druing the Trumpstein elections psyop on here were calling for the open mass slaughter of any leftists and muslims, then some user would remind them that Neocon voting Republikikes are just as bad, then they'd accuse him of being a fed.

If death squads for ZOG controlled marxist leftists are required, then so are death squads for zionist controlled NPCs of the right as well.

Fuck the feds, it's only Imkampfy and his isreali hasbara patrol bots pay cheques that's affected if Zig Forums goes off the CIA vote-ZOG script.

Tulsi gabbard believes in both open borders and citizenship for all illegals.


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Where has George Soros been?

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Not to mention assault weapons bans, and has explicitly stated support for Israel.
Fuck. That.