Researchers demonstrated that a hard drive can be used as a microphone, allowing attackers to listen in to conversations.
Non-scientist summary here:
Researchers demonstrated that a hard drive can be used as a microphone, allowing attackers to listen in to conversations.
Non-scientist summary here:
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What is solid state?
At least someone is listening to me.
Pic related anything is a microphone, and as user said above we won't have HDDs for long. I'm pretty sure phones just read your mind all day through your body's EM field, OP is pretty low brow.
they can't even do anything about mass murdering muslims that are on lists, being watched, have criminal history, beside retroactively look through their shit
you could turn a hard drive into a record player if you were to somehow encode the musical data onto the plate under the needle
why hasn't this been done
I dont even care if they where they would have better characters in their fucking movies
The LASER eavesdropper is way older than that
A group of physicists in a lab can use the physical components of a platter drive as a microphone. Seems like no big deal. They have access to high precision measurement apparatuses and are certainly plugging into the drives' feedback amplifiers directly. That is: if your home or office PC mysteriously have a bunch of foreign electronics attached to them, maybe a physicist is listening to you via your HDD.
Breddy much a nothing burger. If you think that the CIA niggers have slipped the capability to use this into the sata spec and motherboard hw then you're nuts. Many easier ways for them to be degenerate, voyeuristic asshats.
encryption keys can be picked up by listening into cpu noises.
nothing is safe
A slow meme tier technology that has diminishing returns. Still though after this bullshit I prefer slow ass loading times over this shit…
Suck it faggots.
t. intel chip with windows user
Most have a smartphone, that's all that's needed to snoop on people nowadays.
All you have to do to be relatively secure is
1. Not make yourself a target
2. Not be low-hanging fruit
You don't have to worry about ridiculous shit like this unless you're already being targeted. If you're not being singled out for surveillance, basic precautions like not having a smartphone around when you want to be secure are enough.
That's not really security, now, is it?
Hear use my tears as lube.
I have an external HDD that I only attach when needed.
Fuck you I'm not this much of a plebe
Good luck hearing anything over the sound of the fans in my case. Besides, cellphones are far easier to tap.
The solution is not to say incriminating things out loud, which is what you should be doing anyway. It's not like CIA niggers can't just bug your room the normal way.
Do like da cia do
Blast white noise next to pc
welcome to the 1990s newfag
25+ years ago I helped do some classified work insulating piping and conduit connections for places that don't exist. The reason Uncle Sam was doing this is because the commies developed a way to listen in on practically all conversations happening inside the buildings via orbiting space satellites by monitoring the vibrations coming from plumbing and electric cables entering and exiting them. True shit 100 no larp.
25+ years ago…
unfortunately all they're going to hear is doom sounds and the occasional slapping flesh
Not if your computer:
A: Has a solid state hd
B: Is made of metal
C: Is ded
Oil pipeline companies run fiberoptic line along their pipelines and with a reflector at the end they can pick up on any audio along the line for miles. Prety cool.
Hope they like listening to porn and death metal.
Amplifier is more accurate.
Same principle just using something like a laser. Think of the resolution ligo has today. Now aim something like this at a window or pvc pipe from space and you can record the vibrations well enough to reconstruct the conversations.
Look, the thing that turned me into a privacy activist isn’t having anything to hide, it was losing faith in the honesty of people dishonest enough to invade privacy. Privacy invaders create a world of two-faced people and live in a shitty pattern they ought to be rescued from.
I think a lot of people are missing the point on this.
In order to get to tap the hard drive like this first you need to have code execution on the target machine. I should point out that nearly all laptops these days have a built in microphone. It is much easier to access an onboard microphone that create a custom microcontroller hack and getting the magnetic read/read mechanism to do what you want without corrupting data on the hard drive or crashing the computer. You have to have a payload that can run on whatever microcontroller and is small enough to fit in the controller's flash memory. Some controllers have a lot of memory. And hey if you get it to work it would be a cool persistence method for keeping your payload on the target machine even after the drive has been wiped because it's not on the drive. IDK enough about this. It might be as easy as a hacked driver. But this still requires code or command execution on the target machine. So if they manage to get past your inline IPS/IDS and your exploit your end point they will still have to have a custom taylored payload that will run for that specific hard drive if that make sense. Also even if they get code execution on your machine and manage to install this it still has to have a way to hop the firewall. Not that hopping firewall is that difficult but dude.
I'm worried about this like I'm worried about somebody figuring out how to use NetSpectre to download read my SSH key via sidechannel memory attack.
Also anyone who has payload like this is not going to use it on just anyone. The more it's used the more likely it is to be discovered and have forensic work done on it. Once that is done they will inform the hardware vendor and they will patch it if they can. So it's using a more traditional payload that simply relies on the onboard microphone is more realistic option unless you are a high value target that warrants using a payload that was probably purchased for $200,000.
IDK I'm not super worried about this. But as someone noted it is a case for replacing your HDD with an SSD whenever possible.
The other benefit of using an SSD is that it is impossible to recover data from the drive once it has been zero. HDD on the other hand has residual magnetic states from the first writing of the drive. The only correct way to make HDD data unrecoverable is to /dev/urandom the drive right out of the box before you zero the drive and install your OS.
OP doesn't bother me, I rarely converse in front of my computer, particularly when it's running because HDD is fucking loud, fan constantly running to cool it down, would have to shout over it.
WTF are you talking about? SDD is supposed to have way faster loading times than HDD. It's supposed to use less power and produce less heat and noise as well. I'm definitely getting at least a hybrid with some SDD memory for the operating system when I get a new desktop.
The only 2 criticism I've heard of it is that it's more expensive and it has a shorter livespan, and it dies all at once instead of gradually accruing errors like an HDD.
Even if you do, you should have SDD for the OS so the HDD isn't constantly running. If it's only running part time when you're watching your giant bluray animu files, could it even spy on you when it's not spinning?
I actually unplug my external hard drives when i'm not watching stuff on them so I would think that would make it hard for them to be used to spy. Wouldn't you want that added layer of security that your data is only accessible when you need it?
If you are an idiot that executes every binary torrented file you get without looking over the source directories. Or doing basic bitch opsec like double checking the fucking hash key. Then you deserve to get botnet.
And furthermore the above user is correct. You'd have to be a turbo autist double nigger to warrant attention on a device with no pre-packaged audio/video input pre-installed like on a laptop. Either you are running some closed-system file server or your have a gaymer rig with optional audio (headphone stereo jacks and US port based devices) to have this happen to you.
Point is basic bitch opsec will save you from a lot of this. Now Spectre and Meltdown on the other hand.,, you trust manufacturers to not have know about this from the very beginning….A compromise of this degree methinks implies complicity between manufacturers and state sponsored spook programs.
Also SDD are awesome. The diminishing returns issue has been addressed with either firmware packaged or self-created daemons to trim backed up write function spams on your system scheduler. Look up Fstrim.
Good thing Mossad doesn't have backdoors in literally every single modern CPU.
As long I don't do anything, I own you.
Good thing I don't have a gun.
Make sure it's natural noise, not electronically-generated (which can be filtered).
I run my own Linux distro on an SSD and my processor is a custom one made by a Swiss company, not Intel. 100% Kike-free.
6/10 bait, really
This will be good for counter-terrorism
Good thing I have nobody to talk to. :(
Those probably just have dedicated microphones built in for spying.
most hard drives are encased in the PC case, mine are behind two huge fans. how would my voice vibrate the disk from 1m+ away but the fan spinning 2k rpm a few cm away doesnt?
sounds like a bunch of lies
Speaking of fans, they can be used as speakers.
It's generally accepted that what is released to the public has already been in the hands of the gov for 25 years.
There are probably 25 year old crispy clones walking around among us, if not older.
What is a noise filter? The background noise that is hard to filter away is competing speech from the TV, not monofrequvency mechanial noise. It isnt the 1950s anymore.
Open the bay doors Hal.
I just don't care any more. I'm going to tell the truth. Kill me if you must.
what if you have a constant redpill.mp3 playing? and anyone who listens in has to sit through all that?
HDDs have all that shit onboard you chickendick fuck. They're probably even running Israeli code on their microprocessors because reasons.
That's easy to fix, just store the data on the drive and mark the blocks as bad, so the computer can't touch them
yeah, and can you afford 20 TBs of SSDs?
ATTENTION - Akarin wants you to join this minimal rules and super active imageboard Discord server:
Microphones can be so small, you wouldn’t recognize them if you stare at one.
Dangerous disinformation
SSD never Zero any information. That would be a colossal waste of very limited write cycles. Even if you think you have overwritten something it is still on the SSD, it just mapped to the back of the stack.
One can overwrite HDD, eventually not completely because HDD contain spare tracks, sectors for the remapping of bad sectors. Still, significant less problematic than flash memory.
Its really dropped in price since they came out, Can get 1-2TB right now for about a quarter they used to be, and will probably be a fraction of that within the next few years
Hey Paul, I gotta good one for you, for all you crazy leftist thought leaders who project paranoia onto your eeeevil obedient right wingnuts. Goes like this.
Earth is a simulated hell. It is a very specific hell, for people descended of a very specific sin: the entrapping of souls in a simulated hell. Earth is watched over by people who broke themselves into guardians of hell. They watch, with varying levels of sincerity, some of them bored and others frustrated, as they struggle to decipher which humans would and which humans would not trap souls in simulated hells. So far attempts to complete the experiment have failed; all the narcissistic guardians of the flock have achieved is psychologically abusing each other while accidentally victimizing humans.
That’s why technology advances. Slowly, agonizingly, it is being conceded that the only way to learn which humans would trap souls in simulated hells is to give them tools that permit increasingly accurate simulacra of the deed.
So be good. Don’t abuse the vulnerable, lest you live in your pattern. If we are all quite honest, we can prove to the would-be judges that they themselves were the evil all along, entrapping people in a simulated hell as they did.
This post is of course fiction.
Reminder to get a SSD.
A lot of misconceptions about SSD ITT.
My current build uses all SSD and one external HDD for longterm storage.
The speed is amazing. I can from power/boot to usuable OS in 5-10 seconds. If you use programs that spread files across your drive like vidya, video/music editing software, AutoCAD etc etc etc there are technically no load times. I would say load is negligible at best.
The benefits definitely outway the cons.
But concerning the cons?
1. The price is steep for the amount storage you get. I'm not up to date on the current pricing, but expect to pay Mr. Goldstein his shekels
2. Life expectancy for SSD is shit by comparison to HDD. Now, this really shouldn't be an issue unless you're an autiste who is concerned with finding a permanent digital storage device. But as it stands, the general rule of thumb is HDD's can get ten years of use before seeing corruption or issues, every year past that the risk for total failure increases. SSD has around 6 years of use before file corruption becomes an issue. However, total hardware failure isn't an issue at ten years or more, granted the tech is still relatively new, hardware failure isn't the issue, it's data loss.
So as long as you back up important stuff on a HDD and multiple sources, a SSD is worth the money.
You should be looking at upgrading your PC hardware at around every 5 years anyway if youre into buying SSDs, so 6 year average lifetime is only an issue if you're not a jew.
My newest build stores it OS on an SSD and boots in seconds to login with file transfer of gigabytes taking perhaps a minute or more
God tier bait
Go get your low level ass some HDD/SDD toasters, enlightenment is using SATA drives as if they were USB sticks
I've used horrendous noises and white noise to thwart these attempts for literally years. Basic shit man, real easy
why would glowniggers need to use hard disks dumbshit? you bought you're devices with literal microphones in them.