Canadian government announces Clit-Me app. A taxpayer funded app to 'bridge the orgasm gap between lesbian and straight women'.
Canadian government announces Clit-Me app. A taxpayer funded app to 'bridge the orgasm gap between lesbian and straight women'.
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at least we've got timmys
Start throwing that hot coffee in politicians faces.
These perverts have never had a thought that didn't start and end on their genitals. Every single thing they do is pee-pee/poo-poo/muh-dick/pussy/mangled scar tissue. Disgusting.
This isn’t Weimar anymore. This is Techno-Weimar
At least we aren't speaking German eh buddy?
I'd pay for someone to do that at this point.
I prefer realistic Japanese sex sims where the clit is ignored entirely and orgasm is determined by the tempo in which you put a penis into her.
So what about trannys? Kek.
Sometimes I think that this world is not real and that I'm not actually here, that i'm just observing how depraved and degenerate our world could have been if we had lost the war against the jews through a simulated world and that in reality we won the war and that I have nothing to worry about since none of this degeneracy is actually real but a simulation of what it would have been like…
kill all canucks ever
You can't make this shit up
I, for one, support the understanding of the importance of female orgasms (the female in this case being my wife). IDK why the government has to get involved, but whatever.
Canada is beyond cucked Trump needs to liberate that shithole
Look up lesbian bed death. Lesbians can't have sex, they can only mutually masturbate. Some greasy rug muncher wants to talk down to me, I'm gonna tell her where to go.
In other Canuck related news, saw an advertisement for this place on the subway the other day.
We're reaching clown levels not thought possible.
C'mon now, don't be like that; you have to admit there's so much more to them than that.
1. Sex trips to fuck children in the orient.
2. Drugs
3. Stridently demanding Marxist-Leninism without ever having read either Marx or Lenin.
4. Drugs
5. Joyously demanding massive influx of 3rd world immigrants with a strong cultural bias in favor of slitting the throats of the very homosexuals who got them into the country..
Trump isn't going to save you or anybody else. He has other fish to fry.
Or just throw the politicians from the tips of roofs during hot days
I approve this message
Welcome to mr bones’ wild ride user
This is as real as it gets and shits pretty fucked m8
This is why Christians were strict about it (HURR DUUR CHRISTCUCK). It's not that they hated sex, it's just that they believed that it shouldn't be given a public platform. When it's given a public platform, then people will think about their genitals most of the time. So instead aiming high by flying to the moon, then end up looking low to develop stupid apps like this.
I just want a timeline that’s not pozzed, is that so wrong? Why is this shit been past as socially acceptable? Is there economic viability to poz and sodomy?
but women dont have orgasms
but they do have an automatic pissing reflex thats triggered when you stimulate the clitoris enough; guys supposedly have this too and can trigger it by stimulating only a certain spot on their ding dong for a long enough time without stimulating any other part of their ding dong… I don't know if this is true, but its supposed to also make your butthole shoot back and forth when it happens
anyway, women can't have orgasms, even if some of them think that they canpleasure is ~80% psychological to them anyway; (((they))) want men to think that women can have orgasms so that men can more easily project themselves into women so that they more easily get autogynephilia when they look at porn so that they more often believe that they are women in a guy's body due to said autogynephilia, causing more of them to become transvestites
Exactly. There's a reason that civilization began only after the invention of clothes, and there's a reason that religion codifies a necessity for wearing clothes. There's a reason that Christianity only supports sex within marriage (and as much of it there as you want), and there's a reason that all successful secular societies do, too. It's to keep people from being obsessed with sex all the fucking time.
You’re doing it wrong then friend
You need to get a gf like poojeet gf spammer of poo
Probably because if you're not smart enough to scrape a skin off a deer and wear it, then you're not smart enough to build houses or do agriculture and metallurgy.
don't invoke him
No. About 3/4 of women can orgasm, because just like men got useless nipples since we all need to start from the same fetal organs, women got useless micropeens. Some of them are functional enough to give them orgasms, and they are obsessed with trying to pretend it matters in some way. Also most women don't piss themselves.
Oy vey, Chaim, you are still being disingenuous with us.
Too small to matter, too big to nuke.
Sigh. Assuming this app will be mandatory in elementary schools. And that after a few months the app transitions into a trap.
I've had many a good guffaw ITT
Extremely literally say out loud "the ride never ends", take a nice long breath and open up the catalog. Yep, still clown world
Well… you are a nigger.
You have 2 seconds to name a reason not to kill all politicians. What do you say Zig Forums? Because I've got nothing.
Did women code it?
Almost all of these in some way involve their sex drive.
1. Obvious, kid fuckers are obsessed with the idea of destroying innocence through the genitals
2. Drugs are a gateway to sexual pleasure without engaging in sex
3. High level Marxists are obsessed with "liberating" their genitals which is codespeak for unopposed depravity. The upper echelons of the USSR was filled with rapists, pedophiles, and extreme sex addicts such as the Jew who poisoned Stalin for example.
4. Same as 2.
5. Wanting to be dominated by a foreigner is a primal fetish driven by a sexual desire to feel like you're in danger. This has been known since ancient babylon.
loli mods for the app when? Also what about a nightmare difficulty mode where you have get off a muslim woman that had all her bits cut off?
the article you linked does not mention taxpayer money so I not sure what you are quoting. Proof it was via taxpayer money?
just because it was a gov organization does not necessarily mean it was funded via tax dollars, show proof faggot op
You mad
The premise of this is troubling:
Effectively saying that straight women don't "Get off" as much as lesbian women. Through all this porn - which is happily being consumed by boys and girls alike - a generation is being raised that is genital and orgasm centric. Girls read that lesbians have better orgasms and will go 'explore their wild side', making natural male-female bonding an even bigger challenge to a race that is already dying off.
I know shit was bad in Canada, but this is really stupid.
Sex sells. Good goy consumers have low impulse control. When presented with Sex, a human is driven by its basest instincts. It overrides the system of logical decision making ("I don't need this for survival") and thus Toys/apllications like these will sell pretty fast.
I've got nothing: most have presented themselves as willing tools for the kike machine, destroying white people and countries in the process. Most of them fuck kids too, or are aware of it that it happens.
That meme is getting really tiresome
It's obvious where this is going.
The only "female sexual satisfaction" is when she's impregnated with a White child. Anything else is perversion.
Pic related.
Someone set up a gofundit
No bitch you're done when I say you're done.
There are only fat dogfaced cunts, and normal women that marry and have children. Lesbianism is a resignment to the former when the latter becomes impossible because you as a woman have been ruined by judaism.
Someone correct me if i'm wrong but what I glean from this is that they're saying the soyboys and/or shitskins they're fucking cant get them off so they're turning to the lesbos to attempt to educate them???
They're trying to indoctrinate women into thinking they will get more fleeting physical pleasure out of trying to live like an empowered dyke, trying to emasculate men by elevating women pretending to fill their role, and hoping women don't pay attention to what they're trading for muh cummies. Alternatively it might be a long con and maybe they're trying to inspire some leaf to do what needs to be done, having lost the will to live. In actuality it's the basic transparent kikery, though. It's always the basic transparent kikery.
Water is wet.
The thing is they won't even get their cummies. "Lesbians" themselves, honest ones anyway, will tell you that they have to bring a dude in occasionally or all sex stops and they lose desire for each other.
Why is the telling all these people she has AIDS? Why would the massage therapist need to know she has AIDS?
What about women who are born without clits? Shouldn't there be an app about prostate massage?
BASED state destroys conservacucks and state-worshiping-give-money- to-Cesar Christians again.
Is there anything more pointless than the female orgasm?
Kikestians go full Puritan instead, where having any sexuality at all is considered bad. Fuck off.
Take your meds.
And another kikestian taking credit for what every civilization on Earth was able to do without worshipping the magical jew and his suicidal teachings.
Nice reddit reaction images, faggot.
Nigger WHAT?
Great idea retard, lethal diseases should totally be kept secret from the public.
It actually increases the chances of perception since the woman's womb and ovaries contract, causing the ovary mound to dip into the deposited semen. Conception takes place in the ovary, so yes, there's a biological point to a female orgasm.
Should be conception
The lie regarding it?
Safe to assume this isn't an effort to teach lesbians how to have g-spot orgasms and not beat up their partners?
The app itself is whatever… but it's taxpayer funded?! What the fuck?
The way to get her to retain 70% of your sperm to ensure pregnancy is to give her a massive orgasm. (If you don't, someone else will).
what gap?! You greedy cunts are multiorgasmic!
First, I couldn't figure out why there was an octopus on my screen. Then it kept getting angry and sort of spitting at me or something, finally the whole ap shut down and locked me out…taxpayer funding.
Should also learn to research feminist nonsense before posting it. That's complete bullshit. There is absolutely no difference in conception rates with or without orgasm. Which is obvious if you have 2 brain cells to rub together. If female orgasm was beneficial, it would have been selected for by natural selection. Yet 1/4 of women can not orgasm at all, and almost no women orgasm from normal procreative sex, only from rubbing their micropeen.
Should learn to research your muslim propaganda before you post. No wonder you guys are always pedo fucking our children your women are defective from inbreeding.
I'm trying to care you feminasty cunt… but even i am failing miserably to find a fuck to give you.
You can keep the fuck I am not into bestiality.
The fuck? Who approved this.
It's almost as if they are depriving themselves of partaking in an organ they were made by God to be subservient to.
That's not what it says at all, you fucking idiot. Lesbeans have MORE whoregasms than straight women you god damned retarded ass niggerfucker.
All memes aside all incels aside is finding the clit really an issue for anyone? It's not like the vagina is fucking unexplained territory clit g spot a spot and done. When will they teach women to suck dick like gay men? Everyone who's ever had the experience assures me they're far better and I have to believe it.
After jackhammering their pussies all day with various sex toys, they become desensitized to any normal sexual stimulation.
Yup. What sane woman would pound away with a vibrating superdick?
What will satisfy here after that? An even BIGGER one? Pic related one? Not a smart move.
Also, poisoning her brain with woman porn (the stuff you read, not the pictures) leads women to be unable to appreciate guys who aren't Porn Star Billionaire in Control.
Even if it is true that simply touching a Grid-infested person won't give you grid, I still wouldn't touch these faggots
Yes and no. Virgin or not, both the ethnicity and weight play a significant factor. Like belly buttons, some have innies and others outies. Excessive weight, or lack thereof, can either hinder or help you. But it isn't enough just to find it. Depending on the level of comfort between the couple and sexual vs. masturbatory experience, simply stroking or caressing it isn't enough. Communication is the best place to start. An "app" is a waste of taxpayer's money and a further step into degeneracy.
A lot of women don’t orgasm but men do. I’m starting to think more and more that our bodies are for male pleasure and procreation and I feel guilty thinking that.
Toughen up, son.
The fascinating thing about this is the double play. Either they get golems or they drive more people to the mix race left.
This. Do it, get caught, get famous for being a white supremacist coffee attacker, set up a gofundme for legal bills, profit like a total meme boss.
sounds aesthetic as fuck tbh family
For all the sad fucks on here that want to kill themselves, why hasnt one just shot/bombed a politician yet? or even those fags in america, they always talk shit about muh guns but never actually use them
Did a man program it?
That's certainly some Weimar shit right there. I sure hope no one kills politicians to put an end to any of this.
Butthurt porn and masturbation addicted degenerate detected.
dune coon detected
go back to circumcising your girls in sand land
No commie feminist kikess, they are not. They have just as little understanding of biology as you do.
SNC-Lavalin is a wetworks. Canada has lots of strange front companies.
Is Paul Davis another SNC-Lavalin?
what up fat sister
you still cultivating bot flies on your taint?
Burn this cucktry down nya~
Live for nothing or die for something.