Great News Everyone; Eternal War in Syria Assured

Trump says he agrees '100%' with keeping U.S. troops in Syria

From NBC

>A (((bipartisan))) group of Senators and Representatives wrote to Trump on Feb. 22, applauding his decision to keep a small residual force in Syria.

Those arrogant Iranians. Thinking that ZOG shouldn't be invading their allies. Angry that ZOG surrounds them with missiles. Can you believe that?

The meekness of this guy. It's as if Trump shoots off a tweet and then Kushner storms into the Oval Office screaming
"Why, you must retract vat you said, you stupid Schlump! Go apologize for vat you said already and issue these new commands, straight from Tel Aviv!"

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it's dumb to see Trump as some kind of puppet. Everytime time he makes a decision that is not in line with some thinking, Kushner made him do this, Ivanka made him do this or the old jews made him do this. Come on. He knows what he is doing and he is doing it himself. Stop imagining that he is some oppressed hero.

so fuckin baste

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At this point, in my mind, Trump has become (((Trump))). He is the servant of a foreign power whose "MAGA" slogan is just deceptive, nothing else.

Some people can't admit they were wrong and/or are caught up in the meme that was election TrumpI call it Red Tie Trump

The crux of the problem in Syria now is that the NATO countries are insisting that only they can lend Syria the money to rebuild its shattered infrastructure. Other countries in the Gulf have offered to step forward and pay for that out of pocket but they have been threatened with sanctions if they dare to do that. The western nations (international bankers) are saying that they will pay for reconstruction but that there must be conditions to them doing that.

Condition #1.

Assad must go.

The 116th US Congress is preparing a new war against Syria
by Thierry Meyssan
We were wrong to think that the Syrians were out of danger after their victory over the jihadists. They are not. Israël and the United States have not abandoned their war objective of the destruction of state structures. They are preparing a new war, this time financial, in order to prevent the reconstruction of the country and condemn the Syrian people to rot in the ruins.

In Washington, the struggle between the Jacksonians (represented by Donald Trump’s team) and the Imperialists (in other words the traditional political class) may well seduce the 116th Congress into not only harassing the President, but also playing a much greater role in foreign affairs.

This Congress has just elected James Risch (Republican, Idaho) to the presidency of the Senatorial Committee for Foreign Affairs, and Eliot Engel (Democrat, New York) to the presidency of the equivalent Commitee for the House of Representatives. The two men agree on nothing apart from their stubborn support for the Pentagon and Israël, and their hatred of Syria.

While James Risch is an old-school Republican, Eliot Engel (New York) is what we call in France a « bobo » (Bourgeois-Bohemian). The positions he takes are inconsistent with one another, but manage to satisfy all the ethnic communities in his constituency. Above all, it was Engel who tabled the Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act in 2003, the US declaration of war against Syria.

At the opening of the new session and even before they were elected as presidents of the Committee, on 3 January 2019, Risch and Engel both presented to their respective assemblies a draft for law (S.1 and H.R. 31) which included an almost identical passage aimed at preventing the reconstruction of Syria. The two men are pretending to believe that the photographs from the Caesar Report show bodies tortured by « Bachar’s régime » (in other words the Syrian Arab Republic) and not by the jihadists (alias the « moderate rebels »). They therefore agree to punish the Syrian People for having supported those qualified as « torturers» against the authentic torturers [1].

By doing so, they are pursuing the strategy implemented by Jeffrey Feltman when he was US ambassador to Lebanon. In 2005, he created a « Special Tribunal » to try President Bachar el-Assad, who was guilty, according to Feltman and certain false witnesses, of having commandeered the assassination of Rafic Hariri. Yesterday, el-Assad was an « assassin », today he’s a « torturer ».

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They're gonna keep at it tbh. Right up until they just straight up invade like they did to Iraq in 2003. They tried to isolate Saddam just as they are Assad.

Expect harsher action on Russia too, they're the only force keeping Assad alive just like how the USSR kept Saddam alive. Iran be damned.

It's also annoying that Kushner is blamed for everything, the guy surrounded himself with shitty cabinet members from day 1. Even if you want to argue that Trump was acting in good faith, then that makes him a retard.

Does anyone think that Ron Paul would have hired John Bolton or Steve Mnuchin?

There is no political will for that. If they attempt to invade Syria, the United States will look like France overnight. Maybe worse.

How are we even legally in Syria? We never declared war on them.

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If Syria collapses the flood gates of immigration into Europe from the middle east will be open.

Trump also gave Israel America's best missile defense system yesterday.

Never declared war on Libya either.
It may be illegal but ZOG has the guns.

I think World War II was the last time the United States was officially at war. Insane but true.

Well, WWIII is ongoing and the US is one of the main targets. Does that count?

There is political will in Jerusalem and that's all that matters in the US.

Korea I think. Never ended.

You’re completely fucking retarded.
No one is going to revolt, you stupid fucking dumbass.

The US hasn’t declared war since 1941. We haven’t had a real war since 1899. You think that matters?

Neither did WWII, if you go by the insane amount of nazis the jewish media is seeing everywhere.

Korea wasn’t a declaration of war. It was sold as a “police action” at the time to get people to stop campaigning against it.


Andrew Yang would end this disastrous interventionist foreign policy.

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Go dilate.

Notice how the trannys coordinate with the kikeychan spam to get the queues clogged up.

just wild…bump

I'm sorry. Is there a more worthy topic being discussed?

No way. Everything on Zig Forums revolves around brown bitches or trannies.


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If they showed him videos of 5 year old girls that looked exactly like his grand daughters being savagely cornholed by 6'6" Chechen warrior and shitting torrents of blood and Chechen cumb, who knows?

the fuckin Chinese should step into the fray, offer zero interest loans, it would destabilize the entire fucking region, forever.

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Raise the flag.
Latvia the crown.

when a country doesn't even have control on it's own territory, you can actually legally enter that

I want you all to think for a second. Do you ever remember a headline saying "US deploys troops to Syria"? I don't. I remember months of "should the US deploy troops to Syria" and "the Obama administration says US will not invade Syria" followed by "the Trump administration says US will not invade Syria" now suddenly we're talking about how/when to withdraw troops. Memory hole.

Boo-hoo, only an 80% reduction.



Unless Andrew Yang says he's gassing the kikes then voting equals more Jews no matter who wins

In the wake of the Pittsburgh ‘Tree of Life’ synagogue mass shooting, President Donald Trump denounced the “evils” of antisemitism and demanded that the death penalty be “brought back” for antisemites:


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Justify why any amount of tropps should remain in syria operating american bases for israel and the ypg
Ill wait for your good reasons.

*uninvited and unwanted

fuck the orange nigger, fuck alex jones, fuck the kikes, and fuck the jannies

It might just be a really good trap to make the cabal feel really safe before the STORM! Have you ever considered this? He's not stupid you know, don't underestimate! Very experienced guy, adept in all tricks of the trade.

The whole synagogue shooting was fake. Nobody died. Nobody was even hurt, it was all orchestrated so that Trump could declare war on the bad goyim. He called the kikes his brothers and sisters, but white nationalism a "foreign ideology" whose followers have to "pay the ultimate price". A declaration of war.

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Daily remnder that white/asian Hapas are and always will be universally superior to white cucks and asian soyboys. :^^^^^^^^^)

I don't buy that. Frankly what surprises me is not the thought that someone would go into a synagogue and pop a few kikes. What surprises me is that this is a rare occurrence.


Have we not figured this out yet?


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We figured it out three years ago when imkikey started banning anyone who didn't suck Trump's cock. It's "not figured out" now because the people who suck trump's cock aren't banned in return.

>At this point, in my mind, Trump has become (((Trump))). He is the servant of a foreign power whose "MAGA" slogan is just deceptive, nothing else.
Agree. He was turned at some point; drank from schlomo's poisoned chalice.
I heard someone wondering why jewish-owned media obsessively despises him despite the fact that Trump does everything the tribe wants. It's a simple answer; they hate Trump because he is White. It has nothing to do with politics, it never did.

It's even simpler than that. They attack Trump because it makes him look like the good guy in the eyes of the mouth-breathing MAGApedes.

No. Trump was literally elected by Israel. This was all planned for sometime as a contingency option and he was released after the Iran deal infuriated Likud. The Jew-Owned media doesn't hate him but rather create a convenient distraction for their greater (((plans))).

Wow, it's nothing.
It's funny how as soon as the shutdown was over all you anti-Trump shills came right back after being quiet for weeks… almost as if you weren't being paid anymore…

Because the kikes that are having the most impact destroying white society and the ones directly responsible are not down at your local synagogue.
No reasonable person would risk their own life to take out some of the local merchants and bankers. The one's deserving of that treatment are protected on the 80th floor of skyscrapers or behind other forms of security systems.

If Trump denounces me, why shouldn't I denounce him?

I agree with you. And I agree that it is a waste to sacrifice your life or freedom to kill a few kikes at the local synagogue. But expecting everyone on our "side" to be 100% reasonable is itself an unreasonable assumption. Assuming you've been here for a while, you know that a good chunk of us, maybe even a majority, are not exactly the most patient, reasonable people on the planet. Do you disagree?
Look at history and it is replete with fools acting from desperation and making mistakes.
In your mind, you can plan out the perfect coup de grâce against the jewish power structure. But you know that even the best of us make mistakes, act upon incorrect information, or do foolish things in the heat of the moment. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you're james Bond. Bob Matthews was a smart guy. But even he dropped a handgun registered under his own name that he brought to a car robbery. And even with all his time in the field, he only killed one irrelevant jew.

I hope you're prepared to off yourself when you're proven wrong.

Yea, thats called invasion kid. And yes, thats a killable offense.

You know what else is funny. Signing an oath of loyalty to another nation while in service to the people of the U.S. That is called Treason. Its an hanging.

But at the end of the day, its really all up to whomever has the balls to use violence the most to enforce their will. Clearly whites don't so jews and their pets do as they please and will keep doing so until your own children (what few you have) are eventually just exterminated because you pussed out on everything else before that too. Ah well, maybe someone will make an good video game and all will be alright in exchange.

I suspect bannon leaving had alot to do with it

I’ve got five words for Trump

Bannon is a fucking cuck. His new plan owning the libs is to promote nationalism to niggers. He's sure if the GOP can capture 30% of their vote and another 20% of the Hispanic vote then America will be saved!

The Bannon meme is pure autism. He's another anti-White Israel-firster.


Not so much that he's White, but that he presents himself in such a way that's appealing to the White working class. Palin was similar, and was equally despised by the kikes whose agenda she was fully onboard with.

The reason the media jews run 24/7 hate propaganda about him is simple; if a puppet got too popular, he might turn on his masters. They arrogant and evil but they're not stupid.

Another bullshit lie meant to cover for what Trump really is.

For what reason? He made them feel so safe that he talked about a hoax shooting in his SOTU. Is that logical?

Subhumans 'make something'…lol. You know there will be the total and complete collapse of the entire civilization if ANYTHING happens to Europeans.

Screw off with this dumb strawman. There's a difference between playing it smart and outright cucking by clamoring the extra mile for those who'd want nothing to do you. After two years off "trusting the plan', when's something going to give?

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Has he specifically said anything about it? He's talked about R&D part the research part of the military budget but as far as I'm aware only Tulsi Gabbard is running on anti-interventionism.

Yang's foreign policy will run this country into the ground.

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This. Kushner is based and /ourguy/. He has continually made the right moves to help keep the trump presidency stable and on track. Trust the plan, it is working.

WWII never ended. it morphed into the korean war, which is still hot

If he wanted the troops to stay, he could just keep his mouth shut about the troops, instead of flip flopping between they're coming home and they're staying.

It is obvious that he is being manipulated.


Kushner is Trump's guy.

It works in different ways to manipulate idiots. Some people will think that he is manipulated, some people will think that Trump wanted troops out but saw that they have to stay. Lastly some of the people will be confused and just believe the preffered version.

heard that Trump ordered troops to stay in Syria?
''it can't be, i heard a month ago that he said they are coming home. you must be lying. this is probably fake news Trump is talking about"

And given this, would memeing a third candidate into at least making some noise be a preferable alternative to either sides? We all know that with election days approaching, mods and owners will start banning dissenting opinions.

Attached: Trump's (((Nationalism)

When Trump was first introduced to his future son in law he was sure that Jared was a flaming faggot.

He was probably right

Perhaps, but that guy would have to be, at minimum, Arthur Jones tier. Anything less, and you run the exact same risk that led to us to saying "WELL OBVIOUSLY WE CAN'T WAIT FOR HITLER WE HAVE TO SETTLE FOR LESS" and voting Trump for all the fat load of shit it did us.

Before some LARPer says it, yes there's no political solution, only guns and bloodshed. But obviously nobody's going to pull any triggers until the system collapses, and to suggest otherwise is to be delusional or a CIAnigger.



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That is a quality screencap. Whoever wrote that is a keen observer of human nature.

Painting your own double agent as your enemy to the people you intend to swindle is a basic jew trick.

Lead by example. Inspire.

Kill yourself

ATTENTION - Akarin wants you to join this minimal rules and super active imageboard Discord server:


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That is not what I am talking here about. This board supported Trump in elections. That's a fact. Some did for the lulz, some did because he was better than Hillary, some did because they believed he will be a good president or other reasons.

What is a problem here is that many supported Trump for the wrong reasons, now feel deceived and became either radical anti-Trump shills or delusionals talking about chess all day long. Those kind of posts are just trash.

One group needs to open their eyes to the fact that Trump is neither Hitler 2.0 or even libertarian and stop worshipping him like a cult leader and another needs to accept that they were wrong and deal with it.

You can still vote for and support Trump in the next election if you support the decisions he made or other reasons but clean the cancer in your head.

Trump's Plan To Keep Troops in Syria Leaves Erdogan No Good Options

Go gas yourself kike.

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nu/pol/, everyone

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Is it time yet to say he's committed treason against the American people? Isn't collusion with Israel or any foreign power considered treason?

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The Hand of ZOG strikes again.

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This is literally me in a Victoria 2 lobby explaining my reasoning for keeping a 10k stack of men in Warri, and my allies backing me up for "keeping those niggers in line"

At this point, the kike menace has grown to become the prime evil. I support that Muslim lady over Trump for president, at this point.
