The 116th US Congress is preparing a new war against Syria
by Thierry Meyssan
We were wrong to think that the Syrians were out of danger after their victory over the jihadists. They are not. Israël and the United States have not abandoned their war objective of the destruction of state structures. They are preparing a new war, this time financial, in order to prevent the reconstruction of the country and condemn the Syrian people to rot in the ruins.
In Washington, the struggle between the Jacksonians (represented by Donald Trump’s team) and the Imperialists (in other words the traditional political class) may well seduce the 116th Congress into not only harassing the President, but also playing a much greater role in foreign affairs.
This Congress has just elected James Risch (Republican, Idaho) to the presidency of the Senatorial Committee for Foreign Affairs, and Eliot Engel (Democrat, New York) to the presidency of the equivalent Commitee for the House of Representatives. The two men agree on nothing apart from their stubborn support for the Pentagon and Israël, and their hatred of Syria.
While James Risch is an old-school Republican, Eliot Engel (New York) is what we call in France a « bobo » (Bourgeois-Bohemian). The positions he takes are inconsistent with one another, but manage to satisfy all the ethnic communities in his constituency. Above all, it was Engel who tabled the Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act in 2003, the US declaration of war against Syria.
At the opening of the new session and even before they were elected as presidents of the Committee, on 3 January 2019, Risch and Engel both presented to their respective assemblies a draft for law (S.1 and H.R. 31) which included an almost identical passage aimed at preventing the reconstruction of Syria. The two men are pretending to believe that the photographs from the Caesar Report show bodies tortured by « Bachar’s régime » (in other words the Syrian Arab Republic) and not by the jihadists (alias the « moderate rebels »). They therefore agree to punish the Syrian People for having supported those qualified as « torturers» against the authentic torturers [1].
By doing so, they are pursuing the strategy implemented by Jeffrey Feltman when he was US ambassador to Lebanon. In 2005, he created a « Special Tribunal » to try President Bachar el-Assad, who was guilty, according to Feltman and certain false witnesses, of having commandeered the assassination of Rafic Hariri. Yesterday, el-Assad was an « assassin », today he’s a « torturer ».
Attached: syria.JPG (1163x819, 114.65K)