Thanks to death threats from muslims.
Muslims can't stop winning.
Thanks to death threats from muslims.
Muslims can't stop winning.
But remember Goyim, violence doesn't work. We'll have to vote our way out of this predicament.
The only good thing Muslims do is react violently to the progressive agenda. Let's not exchange one pest for another though. ALL must go.
Because if we did that we would be arrested.
I wonder if muslims have ever accomplished anything at all without either death threats or actual murders.
The type of brain dead bureaucrat/politician (think "student council" type) who has idiotically pushed for inclusion of both fags and mohammadans in her culture did not forsee this happening (though her jewish handlers did). These pompous leftists are the sort of folks who think they're too intelligent to be wrong, despite being mere midwits, and thus they've never actually put in the 30 seconds of time required to perform the mental exercise of ratiocinating what will happen to the fags when the mohammadans hit critical mass. They gather up a few anecdotes of muslim women who claim not to hate fags and this miniscule amount of fodder for their confirmation bias is as good as a crystal ball.
I mentioned this above but must restate here for effect: these midwit overachievers are never wrong. Her ego has been so intertwined with her perception of others' perception of her perfection due to her overbearing leftist parents that, in her mind, she simply cannot err. What is the result? She cannot blame the fags, as they are the victims. She cannot blame the mohammadans, because they are browns. She was not wrong when she invited them, and she is not wrong now. The politicians who have allowed this to happen will thus do nothing, and locals who are directly affected by the problem yet lack control over law enforcement (i.e. a source of counter-violence) will do the only thing that rational, defenseless humans ever do: capitulate to the genuine threats of violence.
The psychology of overachieving midwits raised by upper-middle class leftist parents is probably quite close to the psychology of the jew. Less explictly deceitful, but more a prisoner to its own perceived inferiority. Most people have a difficult enough time admitting their errors, but a person incapable of doing so is a great tool to have. If implanted with multiculti ideology as a child, this special type of midwit will feel no shame in publicly defending failed policy, even if she is literally speaking over blaring sirens while ensconced in a high-security compound due to the fact that we've reached chimpcon level 5.
Upper-middle class women are most vulnerable to this in my experience, but this pair of traits is obviously not a necessity. Women are more susceptible to social pressure by orders of magnitude. Upper-middle class women are especially vulnerable as they are terrified of doing anything perceived as declasse, as they are only at the very lowest rung of positive social standing and do not have the benefit of real wealth to smooth over any faux pas committed.
Our own neurotics are weaponized against us. Easy to spot once you know the type: imagine my surprise when it was leaked that Amy Klobuchar is a complete bitch to her staff; it must be tiring for somebody who is always right to be surrounded by mere mortals all the time!
The worst part is that defeating retarded niggers and malnourished, inbred sandniggers with weapons would be so quick and easy. Capitalism takes a toll though. The will to defend the system just isn't there.
Because you have no balls and the state knows it. That's why there are "no go" zones for police, and none of them are white areas.
God works in mysterious ways. In Medieval Europe every time the Christian sects descended into chaos by warring and quarreling amongst themselves, the Muslims would start encroaching and invading Europe. They were called the Scourge of God, and for good reason. Let us learn from these Muslims. They do not accept state-mandated perversion and degeneracy. Neither should we.
Deus Vult.
I know that you are a bit envious of their power level, but that is the wrong reaction, user. We must learn from their tactics.
We must violently refuse the poisoning of our society with degeneracy, filth, and perversion, for it is pure evil. To acquiesce in it, to do nothing in the face of this enormous insult is even more evil. We are capable men, and we have a stake and a say in how our lives proceed. We must learn from their no-nonsense manner of handling such state-mandated filth and perversion.
Rabbi [T] is back posting on Zig Forums, lovely.
The system needs Muslims to use as a club against you. It wants you dead. Can you really not see the asymmetry here, and why it would be willing to make concessions to one group but not another?
One group will kill you if you offend them. The other will meekly allow their masters to beat, rape, enslave, humiliate, degrade, dehumanize, exploit, and abuse.
The system wants Muslims around. The system doesn't want you around. Muslim violence is met with concessions, your violence would be met with bullets.
If you are going to use violence, make sure you are prepared to win against the entire system, not just scare some particular individuals. Are you prepared for that? I don't think you are.
This gives me an idea, why don't we just LARP as Muslims when supporting things like BDS or anti-degeneracy? On one hand it will be more effective in the current situation but on the other it wouldn't be very inspirational to other whites. Thoughts?
Man, you're right. I guess it's a good thing that Hitler guy just learned his lesson after locked up and went back to art school! Can you imagine how embarrassing it would've been if he'd kept going with his weird 'National Socialism' thing? Nobody would have listened to him. He definitely would never have become Chancellor of Germany and terrified Jews around the world for a decade, causing them to frantically unite and tell the biggest lie in human history, a lie that is now beginning to slowly unravel, which will almost definitely cause the entire world to unite against their tribe.
You're right, fellow goyim. Let's just do nothing and wait for Hitler to come back. Or vote! We simply must vote our way out of this government enforced genocide. It's the only way!
Looks like this ol' boy ain't never been up in dem dere mountains. I can tell you for 100% certainty that there are White no-go areas. You just won't hear about them because they're not sections of some metropolis.
You're retarded.
A news story straight out of clown world, no doubt.
I am.
In this case the baste brown shitskins are the massa's that you are supposed to be fellating. Have you looked at the board lately…
Violence by whites doesn't work, violence by non-whites always work. If white nationalists were smart, then they would use minorities to overturn the left's agenda.
mfw the pedohomos kidnap young muzzies in revenge, and the police do nothing
Oooohhh….this gonna be tough one.
That would be so cool; fags vs pedo muzzies…Their baste muslim dads are just jealous that a white fag wants a chance at their un done bung.
Not even a contest dude. The fags have a birthrate of zero. The mohammedans breed as fast as humanly possible.
why arent all of the shitskins persecuted for hate speech? /someone/ should start a campaign to have them all arrested
One golem wants the other golem dead, who else saw this obvious and inevitable conclusion coming?
Shut it, christcuck
War is psychological. The morale and mindset of soldiers is considered to be more important than everything else by authors of warfare instruction. This applies equally to culture. If the mothers and fathers and young men/women of the nation no longer recognize that metaphysical forces wish to hasten our collapse into entropic chaos, then what matters the morale of the soldiers? What are they even defending? If the civilians care less for the fruits of the soldiers' sacrifice than the soldiers themselves, what do the soldiers matter? And why should they care? Do you see why we're told to support the troops? If we care less than they do about what they give us, then they have no reason to go get it for us beyond pay. The pay is bad. Our wars have been laughable lately, but this psychological analysis still holds.
At this point many soldiers are akin to porn stars, pretending to care about the defense of this shell of a nation in return for pay. What is the most recent legitimate war we've fought? Maybe killing some useless Indians on the plains? I'm not enough of a historian to know.
We look stronger than Islam (and Judaism) on paper. In the real, human-driven world we are weak. Islam breeds and believes, single-mindedly. We cannot withstand their numbers and strength of purpose. Jews have millenia of experience in subverting multiple civilizations and hopping back and forth betwixt them. They lack numbers but have an ironclad knowledge base which is passed down, and they use lesser jews as an ablative armor to protect the core. The chinks have strengths of their own and so on.
This whole mess conjures the mental picture of a game of "civilization" in which one player is the clear favorite to win a game of vanilla but hasn't yet realized that he's about to lose because he's playing with the "psychological warfare & public relations" mod installed.
Daily remnder that white/asian Hapas are and always will be universally superior to white cucks and asian soyboys. :^^^^^^^^^)
it just shows how weak the sjw system has become. one credible death threat and they cave, because the mudslime is not afraid to die for his political beliefs. mudslimes don't go after ideas trying to argue their point, they target people much like sjws do (its just they are much more successful at it). the police is afraid of them because they don't riot, they target individual officers in their free time when they are not in uniform. there is a word for this sort of behavior and the state has set a precedent by caving to it.
It is the goal of the actual authors of the SJW system.
Not sure if kike or just stupid.
If 600 of us did it at the same school…
Too bad that most have been conditioned to brush it aside and not make waves.
I see it every day in the Metropolis where I live.
It's pathetic.
I'm pulling my child as soon as they try to pull this crap at her school.
And I know they will soon.
We all have to make a stand. No matter how many stand beside us.
It will be easy to know who will stand with us when things like this come along. I see it as a a chance to come together with some like-minded people who have had enough.
No problems. Just solutions.
A good analysis.
I do think that the empire is getting stretched thin by the parasites. And when the government shows even an inkling of weakening, our enemies will leap at the chance.
The parasites haven't had their fill yet. And the host is showing symptoms that are worrying.
History is full of surprises though.
Except that fags are created, not born.
And look at the current culture in the West.
Absolute decadence breeds faggotry.
History shows this time and again.
I like you
You are
I don't disagree with the overall point, but remember that decadence kills birth rates. Even if 100% of the people born to a 1.5 child per woman west are twisted into faggotry, they won't hold a candle to mohammad and aisha popping out 8 children per slave. There's a reason that there is no historical fag-nation.
I'm seriously considering taking my kids out of school as soon as this happens there too. My three year old was watching cebeebies the other week and it had will young, faggot, reading a story called my two dad's or some shit. Luckily I was in the room to change the Chanel but kids are getting indoctrinated without the parents even realising
No, and why do they need to either? They are literal mudshits. The only value they serve to the world at large is their potential for killing.
Why do you dumb niggers always false dichotomy? Its either do nothing or outright revolution with you dumbasses. You never heard of that big gray area between those 2 points???
Proof they can do our bidding and get results, push the lgbtwxyz agenda in Muslim controlled areas of the UK and watch them kick off while government cucks
Pls, thats how everyone got everywhere. Even christianity is so popular because it brought people inside mostly with force. The same with islam. The same with colonialism, west wouldnt be rich without it, US wouldnt be rich without petrodolar kept with invasions and wars.
We need to go back to that strength. Jews wont go away because we speak good arguments online.
I can't decide what's worse anymore.
European ancestor were magnificent warrior who conquer the world
All these Post-war Anti-European politics started when white men choose not to fight
How the hell convince non-European to give up all these social benefit come from left
You are talking like imperialist who want civilized negro race
negro race are unteachable and can't be civilized, you double digit IQ Untermensch
Only solution is recognized biological fact that Non-European can't be the European, and European chose to fight
Operating in that gray area only works if you have backing within the government. If you don't, they just shoot you. The Muslims do. Do you?
They can't arrest the entire White British population.
That gray area is called the prison, because that's where you'll end up if you're white and push back against the system without overthrowing it entirely.
It's a witty out of context reply, but I think he was saying white men can't collective threaten to kill anyone because they are too busy threatening to kill themselves, like normies vs NatSoc.
If they were white they'd all be in jail. Why not just convert already and get it over with?
Isn't that how it always works? In the Bible, what happened to Solomon and David's kingdom after they fell to degeneracy and lack of piousness to God? God will send invaders to punish us, tear our lands to pieces, have this enemy clearly more pious to God than ourselves take our women and capitals. The peak was when we were religious and the decline only set in with the decline of religion and its twisting with the satanic scofield bible.
We have to surpass this point tho, as we develop, we must embrace the nietzsche-an view that we have to become super-humans that can live morally without a religion to tell them.
But this is not the issue of our times, I fear.
The majority of white people have things called jobs and small but important social relations. They can be "caught" by the authoritarian state because they have things to lose. The majority of mudshitters do not have jobs and wouldn't want them anyway and a trip to the local prison is just an opportunity to meet uncle Achmed and focus on studying the quran more.
The very state of Anglo.
I'm sure someone said "they can't entire the entire Russian population" in 1917 too.
Doesn't apply to religious schools.
good rabbit
Sounds like an excuse for cowardice.
This is a lie. They sent state muppets to my nephew's Catholic school to teach degeneracy. The only time our government has ever yielded has been to violence and that's why they kneel before every demand these shitskinned subhumans make.
there is a lesson to be learned from here. not that I would never incite it, oh my god, no, but violence does solve things most of the time. Society is based on the use of violence or the threat of it (monopolized by the state atm), without it, it would be utter chaos. I fear having children and running them through this perverse system having to be watching their backs 100% of the time because everywhere you turn, they're being attacked in one form or another.
most people that are directed by (((them))) to push this shit are not strong or brave people. They're degenerate women, faggots, weak soyboys and the like. In some instances, I suppose, you don't have to hit the snake directly on the head, just stepping on its weak tail will work. Just think about it: of course, if you go threaten a politician or banker you would be found suicided, but having a wee bit of a talk with a faggot directive in a school is bound to have an effect. These people are just bold because they have (((the state))) backing them up, but, as individuals they're just faggots. Use this.
Again, if the last couple of years has given me something is absolute certainty that we're not going to vote our way out of this.
Violence gets shit done.
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fucking based.
islam is the future.
Exactly right. This is what boomers like Trump and coddled elites are protected from. Jamal and Paco want jobs as drug dealers and pimps. If a white person fights back, their family and career are destroyed. If Jamal fights back, he gets promoted. Any time you point this out, they point to white people who deal drugs and "doctors" like sleepy niggers. They ignore/ refuse to factor in the higher rate of degeneracy in brown areas whose lower IQs decrease the chances of a normie life. This is why jews are moving to China.