The Vegas Massacre: Prediction/Motive


What happened in Vegas? Post what you've got.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Just to fuck with the jews have a bump.

4d Interdimensional glow-in-the-dark angelic battle of prophecy

He was suicided. The revolver was shot by someone else and tossed to look like a suicide. This is proven by the blood trail / droplets.

IFF he had shot himself, the blood spatter would be sporadic across the whole length. But in the pictures you can see that the droplets are round and trailing, this shows that the revolver was "HELD" above for a length, then tossed behind him.

The position is also proof; Did Paddock shoot himself standing up? If thats the case, then the revolver landed TEN FEET BEHIND HIM… Leaving a blood trail as if he was laying down…

The picture at the least proves that we was LAYING DOWN when shot!
based user delivers

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Upside down exit signs in the hallway
Weird tape types in the room and on the table
Body moved
M240 b machine fun
Lots of shit
That mark on the fuel tank at the airport from the incindiary or more likely tracer round
Spooktacular event



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I used to have all the various cellphone videos saved but cant seem to find them.
What other red flags did this event raise

You are probably a nigger that drinks bleach
Do you have 24 chromosomes ape?

There is no evidence of this, the blood trail would have shown this. That being said, it destroys the "Official" narrative with the security guard.

Thank you for reminding me.
So called suicide revolver moved , as evidenced by the blood drip

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Anyone have the several local 911 reports of many shooters on ground shooting? Call from hotels on opposite side of strip getting hit?

Air traffic control reporting multiple armed assailants on runway?
Helicopter opening fire?

There was sooooo much shit. I believe it was a CIA/FBI arms deal gone wrong, and the buyers killed their agent and used the weapons to kill civilians prompting the govt agency to throw their guy under the bus for political reasons.

There's tons more out there. A few people that went public with their stories died days/weeks later in car crashes and whatnot.

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US Mil has that vehicular drone (hijacking) program for murdering our own citizens in car crashes.

Heh, remember when we first learned about that? The fucking retards covered the CAR like it was a dead body.

And you wonder why feds are asking for this info from not-yet-ded anons. Remember. If you have evidence of a crime, do not snitch. Fix the problem yourself. Post a thread about it if you need protection or accountability but do not ever share what you plan on doing in minecraft.

also don't forget that this patsy is fake and really a milfag who was killed doing dirty shit abroad. One of three announced around that time.

You would need a pretty new vehicle for them to have that kind of access.

This was a good series that was posted here at the beginning of last summer;

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I haven't followed this too closely over the past few months but wasn't Paddock's flip girlfriend confired to have been an asset of the FBI?

I've got quite a bit. Was Israel, Saudi Arabia, and our very own CIA. Paddock wasn't the shooter.

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Any more info. on this Francisco? Linked to anyone?

He's the only missing puzzle piece. Haven't found much info. on him at all.

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Got enough guns to take on a small army.
Oops cops are here. Better shoot myself in the head. Makes sense.

I have a little inside information. The janitor that supposedly saw him and fled. Is related to a leader of a teamsters Union in Chicago. That Union is run by mobsters. Also the head sherrif in Las Vegas that was scene with the FBI in the news after has the same last name as Chicago mobsters. I also know that people in this Union go to Vegas to gamble. So Unions were definitely involved in some way with this. At the very least turned a blind eye at most were fully part of it. Also Unions especially teamsters run Vegas.

That looks like the gun was moved. Personally, I think it was a gun deal with the Mexican cartels gone wrong and that security guy was a cartel member.

Maybe Luis Francisco was our interlocutor, but now he's with Seth Rich?

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ATTENTION - Akarin wants you to join this minimal rules and super active imageboard Discord server:


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Holy fuck that's a match

Look at the pictures where Paddock is dead. Look at the blood that looks old under the fresher blood. Some one had to have been shot before Paddock in that room or he was already shot then some body shot him again. Look at the rifle over his foot. He would have to be sitting already before he shot himself. But how did the revolver get 3 to 4 feet behind his head from shooting himself like that sitting in such a awkward position? The blood on his shirt is from when they tipped him looking for phones to wire tap other shooters.

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So Paddock was already shot that explains the old blood then he was double tapped possibly through the teeth that explains the fresher blood and the blood trail to the revolver and why the rifle was over his foot and the blood on his shirt was form the cops tipping him and sitting him up and going into his pockets looking for his phone or phones or anything they could get to wire tap other shooters.

it's pretty cut and dry what happened:

only question is - who is group A?
>inb4 jews they're all jews. which jews and why did they do it?

Could have used one of these.

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It's about time this comes back up. The mystery was never solved and even kampfy was determined to shut it down after a few months.

Don't forget about the mysterious, military-grade steel box with wheels and handle that was seen next to the counter in some photos. InsiderAnon tipped us off that it was something critical but we never solved it.

This whole thread is interesting, very very interesting…


Also interesting

This only reviews the officially released documents. That doesn't mean I believe them, only that I reviewed them for releasing too much or inconsistencies.

Review of official reports.

These reports were never really intended to be read. In the preliminary report Rodriguez is misspelled with a q; that spelling error is never fixed. Numerous other spelling errors and vague language fill the document. The corrections just clarify questionable parts of the story. In the preliminary report Engineer Schuck locked the elevator. In the final report the elevator was locked at police request. The preliminary report note over an hour between the last shots and the SWAT breach, in the final report that is explained as the shift from active shooter to barricaded subject protocols.

The final report addresses the questions of conspiracy and motive. A broader conspiracy is dismissed out of hand. Motive is never explicitly stated, but the statements of Paddock’s family imply a standard lone nut motive.

Stephen Paddock seemed prepared to host a meeting. He prepared an artificial flower display. He had a second refrigerator sent to the primary room. He also had booked an adjacent room. 13 minutes passed between the first shots and no detectable heat signature in the main room. During this time Paddock fired over 1,000 rounds from multiple rifles, in multiple rooms, at at least 3 separate targets (concert, fuel tanks, and hall), drilled holes, and subsequently lie dead for an hour before SWAT entered the scene.

Campos and Schuck are both odd characters. Security Officer Campos is the first one shot, but with such a superficial wound that he suspects an air rifle. No air rifle is ever found. Campos reported the exact floor and room where the shooter was, but despite that SWAT checked several other floors first. Campos left the country immediately after the shooting to attend a preplanned vacation to Mexico with his father. Law enforcement authorized this vacation.

Engineer Schuck was dispatched to remove the “L” bracket which blocked the stairway access to the 32nd floor from below. Upon arriving Schuck took fire and sought cover in an alcove. Schuck remained on the floor through the explosive breaches and assists with the evacuation of guests. Shuck stated he could have left earlier, but wanted to help.

SWAT Officer Sean O’Donnell was in a lot of places making a lot of decisions. He is the only named officer who approached the 32nd floor from above. The main SWAT element moved from the 29th floor up slowly clearing every room on their way up. He took a service elevator from the top floor to the 32nd floor where he met the rest of the strike team. He decided to change procedure from active shooter to barricaded subject. He saw the camera on the food cart and decided on the explosive breach. He was the first to see Paddock’s body. He was also negligently discharged his weapon in the stack to breach the second room. Prior to his negligent discharge he placed his weapon on burst mode so it fired 3 rounds.

There are inconsistent reports regarding the approach to Paddock’s room. Notably armed casino security officers responded almost immediately to the 32nd floor to assist Campos. 2 LVMPD officers also arrived during the shooting. Neither of these groups attempted to enter the room or stop the shooting in progress. They were instead tasked with evacuating the rest of the floor, which may have continued or commenced after the explosive breach.

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There are several key omissions in the report.

1. A witness reported seeing Paddock with an unnamed Asian female prior to the shooting. She was described as between 4’11” and 5’2” with no description of her age or height. When pressed for details the witness shrugged and said she looked Asian. No photos of her were mentioned despite pervasive CCTV.

2. Paddock had 4 cell phones and a note to “unplug phones”. 3 of those phones warranted paragraphs about how many contacts they had etc. 1 phone, (310) 357-3358, received zero elaboration. Also the note to “unplug phones” is never shown. Comparing handwriting to his bullet drop notepad could be interesting.

3. Upper floors. It never occurs to SWAT breaching the “L” bracket from below that they could enter the floor from above. The possibility of any additional persons escaping to higher floors is never considered. 1 hour passed between the end of a heat signature and SWAT’s breach.

4. Heat detection. At 2218 there were no more heat signatures detected in 32-135. There is no mention of any heat signatures in 32-134.


While these reports were obviously part of a coverup there is useful information buried inside. Paddock was clearly prepared to host a meeting. There was plenty of time to escape upward. Campos, Schuck, and O’Donnell were key figures in the action considering they all made key decisions, witnessed important actions, and provided plausible answers to weird issues.

I strongly suspect Stephen Paddock was set up. The bullet drop math on the notepad is never compared to the “unplug phones” note. His google searches are basically “how do I do a big shooting” which seem a little convenient. Also the contents of his laptop and 4th phone are completely ignored, but we’re given a juicy tidbit about his illegal pornography collection. Paddock had few friends, strong opinions, and shunned publicity. His family all provided that he was probably insane, with Eric Paddock providing the most animated testimony.

As with many official coverups the official report doesn’t even stand up against itself.

How does the majority citizens just go about their lives accepting everything they’re told at face value? Not even willing to admit the Las Vegas shooting was fucking shady from the get go. Too scared to face the truth.

Honestly, now it makes sense as to why most mobsters have been scared shitless in the last two years. I think I met some on jam band tours last year, and they were real pieces of work. Not fun people either.

They were definitely involved, I think the mob is trying to do insider trading, of some sort with OSI/Chertoff. However, I also think that some sect of the government was involved. I just don't know the names, you could theoretically access all of the data that was produced from those 7 days. Cross reference every single person who was in the building at the time, then identify your targets. It would be expensive to garner this information, as if it is recorded it is always available on someone's hard drive. The only way that would 100% implicate MGM Grand, is video surveillance, I don't think they're stupid enough to turn their camera's off, that would also make implicate them.

*New York Times* Real news…L O L

To me it looks like he's actually selling guns regularly in the mean time. He goes and buy's a real gun to make himself look like he owns and operates a gun in regular life.

I think there was more than two groups involved, as in he was selling to two separate entities, hence the need for multiple locations. Also, that is not Stephen's body, as Stephen is likely on a beach somewhere. Exited out at the staircase about an hour before swat entered, because you know, "donations". kek

Of course compy wasn’t the shooter
Also that whole casino was a fuck job from the get go

Most civilians have kids, family, and things they have to take care of. We can't just drop what we are doing, and fly into a different city, start putting our nose in places. Some of us are to boisterous for that as well. Just saying, if you want to do something about you fly there, you do the research. Physics should answer every single one of your questions, as well as hack MGM's system and just download all of their data for the last 3 years and comb through it. Oh yeah, that is what people get paid to do upwards of 150k, because it's such a tedious fucking process.

Remember the blast mark/ and scorch mark on the jet fuel tank at the airport? They weee using .308 cal tracer rounds in hopes of detonating some tannerite conveniently ( ( (placed) ) ) there

Honestly. I think they were just police snipers going up in the helicopter and seeing if they could find and shoot Stephen Paddock. It looks just like a sniper rifle and the carrying case for it and not a saw gun. Still think there were multiple shooters but these ain't them.

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Real life isn't Mission Impossible, retard, they don't do this. It's impossible to get a stable shot like that.

No it’s not
I could make that shot , especially with a belt fed m240b
Or a Winchester model 70

Go back to cuckchan, you underage nigger. How did you even find this website?

trueee, M240B ftw.

Yeah it's a fucking mess. I mean the scale of this double play set up is crazy. You've got a guy selling guns for a group in the USA (likely deepstate) Who has connections to the same people who were involved in the Orlando shooting a year prior. Then you have the Teamsters Mobsters of Vegas, because everyone knows Mobsters built Vegas. They got their wheels greased by SOMEONE, or perhaps both sides of the party. They were supposed to keep a blind eye on what Stephen was doing, due to a generous donation…right? Then, some shit goes south and the deal goes bad because of some fucking trigger happy buffoon. Shit hits the fan, contigency cover plan 1-3 goes into action. It fails miserably, the only contigency plan now is cover up the investigative reports and put in false information. The head mortician gets lots of money, and so does the city. So why would they rat out on their clients, if they're getting paid still. But of course, it was a stacked deck. The swat team wasn't notified within a reasonable time, they didn't access the building in enough time, I mean shit the shooter(S) had already ran out the building between an hour and an hour and a half before the swat team got there. I mean, if I was a criminal this is how I would organize it. The problem is, we don't know exactly WHO on our side was involved. That's what annoys me, and why haven't they been publicly hanged.

goddam, I'm seasick now.

We didn’t get shit as far as help goes either. Some crusty zogbot fuck leaked the death pics of compy and that is all we had to go in besides shaky grainy cell phone vid and some bullshit ( ( ( news) ) ) reports
Pretty sure shits fucked m8

There are a few vegas threads showing suspicious flight patterns from the q board. I'll check the archive when I'm not phonefagging.

If you want to find out what happened - find the names of the 3 women that were in his room when the police entered. as written on the LVMPD dispatch transcript

What happens in vegas stays in vegas user. Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.

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No one died

wake the fuck up, the military industrial complex are the ones that stage these events to keep the sheep scared and malleable

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I also agree, I had a friend at the event. He just saw people stampede over each other. There was no hospitilization reports, and more importantly, why aren't the fucking DOCTORS and nurses speaking the truth?

Thyroid glands in the frog's neck producing increased estrogen due to Glyphosate and fertilizers. /SCIENCE

What kind of idiot can't spell their own URL in promotional videos?

Someone who doesn't want:
1) referrer links from 8ch
2) idiots who can't fucking read

There were people that called the hospital to verify that the victims were patients. As it turned out, nope, none of them were

Nothing in terms of justice happens in this city. Any actual evidence is fucked due to the power of the casinos, especially the Arabs that own MGM. They get away with legit murder and sex trafficking. We'll never really know the true story or reasoning as to why Paddock did it. The media here still harps on about it from time to time, usually in regards to circlejerk dinners and seminars. Whenever they do, they push the "No one still knows why Paddock did it! Guns bad!" bullshit. Whatever, this state is drowning the cali flood.

What happened? God only knows
Satanic mass sacrifice ritual? Certainly got the occult symbols for it.
Gun deal gone wrong? Maybe there wasn't even a deal in the first place?
False flag to ban bump stocks? It did happen, after all.
Far-left loonies running into PMCs all over the strip? If we believe the other reports of attacks up and down it.
Chance to effectively nuke and utterly cripple Vegas? The shit was right there
MK Ultra'd patsy? Most likely.
Too many fingers in too many pies. What a mess. It's probably all of the above, the beast functions on too many levels with too many moving parts. It's clear that there was a major fuckup along the way and things didn't go as planned.

Jesus, the shit boomers/shills on here post.

Bro, you're kidding right? He was definitely involved in selling of guns? You don't buy two separate rooms at two separate hotels, and get a blind eye from that many people.

Waste of dubs newfag.

Here's the archives
Thread 1:

Thread 2:

Thread 3:

Thread 4:

Thread 5:

Thread 6:

Thread 7:

Thread 8:

Thread 9:

Thread 10:

Thread 11:

Thread 12:


Thread 14:

Thread 15:

Thread 16:

Thread 17:

Thread 18:

Thread 19:

Thread 20:

Thread 21:

Thread 22:

Thread 23:

Thread 24:

Thread 25:

Thread 26:

Thread 27:

Thread 28:

And the timeline with every shot accounted for by excelanon.

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Did anyone ever explain who toke the picture on the bottom of these three. Wasn't it leaked on 4chan on the night of the shooting. Was anyone called out for the leak.

Well when OSI Systems and Chertoff group merge we should fucking do something about those bastards. Fuckers are killing us using Israeli spies and PMCs.

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Had to have been the fucking government and cops had to have been these fucking fuckers.

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It's funny that all the hallway footage before / during / and after the "shooting" is missing… We don't even see Campos in the hall… How do you explain the missing hard drive?

I think it was the Saudi's, they had means, motive, and opportunity. Did you know that the Saudi Family owns the top 5 floors of the Mandalay Bay?

In August 2016, Donald Trump Jr. had a meeting with envoy representing the crown princes of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia – Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of Abu Dhabi and Mohammad bin Salman – who offered help to the Trump presidential campaign. The meeting included Erik Prince and Joel Zamel, an Israeli specialist in social media manipulation. Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners have transferred American-made weapons to al Qaeda-linked fighters, hardline Salafi militias, and other factions waging war in Yemen, in violation of their agreements with the United States,
The weapons have also made their way into the hands of Iranian-backed rebels battling the coalition for control of the country, exposing some of America's sensitive military technology to Tehran and potentially endangering the lives of US troops in other conflict zones.
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, its main partner in the war, have used the US-manufactured weapons as a form of currency to buy the loyalties of militias or tribes, bolster chosen armed actors, and influence the complex political landscape, according to local commanders on the ground and analysts
By handing off this military equipment to third parties, the Saudi-led coalition is breaking the terms of its arms sales with the US, according to the Department of Defense. a US defense official confirmed there was an ongoing investigation into the issue.

The revelations raise fresh questions about whether the US has lost control over a key ally presiding over one of the most horrific wars of the past decade, and whether Saudi Arabia is responsible enough to be allowed to continue buying the sophisticated arms and fighting hardware. Previous investigations established that US-made weapons were used in a series of deadly Saudi coalition attacks that killed dozens of civilians, many of them children.

The developments also come as Congress, outraged with Riyadh over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi last year, considers whether to force an end to the Trump administration's support for the Saudi coalition, which relies on American weapons to conduct its war.
12 Israelis missing in Las Vegas shooting is the same as the 5 dancing Israelis. June 6 D Day 2017 Adnan Kashoggi dies, October 2 2017 1 year after the Las Vegas shooting Jamal Kashoggi is killed by MbS, Kushner, Trump. May 20 2017 Trump visits Saudi Arabia. Sheldon Adleson visits Trump after the shooting on October 2 2017. Jim Murren and many other Las Vegas big shots along with George Soros dumps stocks before the shooting. He spent 42 million on shorting MGM Shares! The CEO even sold most of his shares, why would you sell your shares of your OWN COMPANY?
On Tuesday, September 5th, 2017, the board of MGM Resorts International decided to approve a $1 billion share repurchase program. At $17.7 billion today, the program represented a significant portion of its current market cap. By the end of the week, MGM’s CEO, James Murren, had coolly divested himself of 80% of the shares he owned in his company. The divestment came just days before the ex-dividend date on September 8th, 2017. The sales were originally disclosed in a document filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Murren had previously divested 57,269 shares on July 31st and August 9th, 2017. It’s currently unclear why Murren chose to sell when he did. To date, MGM’s stock has not experienced a significant decline in value due to the repurchasing program. It could be interpreted to run against the company’s interests for the CEO to convey a sense of urgency in the selling of his shares by disposing of them immediately after the commencement of his company’s share repurchase program. It’s also strange that the CEO of a company would sell more than half of their stake (let alone 80%) in the company that they represented. Mr. Murren and his fellow board members were not the only speculators who were bearish on MGM’s prospects. Billionaire investor George Soros also bought $42 million worth of puts on the company, according to SEC filings from mid August.
On the morning of Jan. 5, 2017, Flynn, Kushner, and former chief strategist Steve Bannon greeted King Abdullah II at the Four Seasons hotel in lower Manhattan, then took off in a fleet of SUVs and a sedan to a different location.

People close to the three Trump advisers say that the nuclear deal was not discussed. But a federal official with access to a document created by a law enforcement agency about the meeting said that the nuclear proposal, known as the Marshall Plan, was one of the topics the group talked about. Rosatom and Rosobronexport were involved with the middle east Marshal plan.


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Look, the coverage screamed idiotically about motive. You fuckers want to obediently speculate about motive, you can go out into open forums like the rest of the news-obsessed narcissists who think the world turns on fellating the structural power of people who enslave journalists.

Did you see that article on “shy”copaths that ran not too long ago? The most broken people on the planet are desperate to pathologize people who are nice enough to speak without inhibition. They don’t get it. Inhibited and concealed cruelty can outlast lifetimes, for cruelty thrives in darkness, but exposed cruelty gets reshaped. People only learn to be good if they’re open enough to potentially make mistakes, humble enough to change their beliefs, and safe enough to speak what they actually believe. Isolated bigot types don’t get told they’re wrong at all - they get punished! Punishment doesn’t tell people they’re wrong, it tells people that power won’t permit them to think. That’s the opposite of telling someone they’re wrong.

Similarly, telling people what’s right only by authority mouthpieces doesn’t work either. People need to be part of society where they can hear from equals that they’re wrong in forthright ways without punishment.

Sometimes it seems like I am one of the only people on the planet who can straightforwardly and lastingly change anyone’s mind, and do you know what I would say is the biggest secret? I don’t punish people for disagreeing. I make the best case I can (I’m not awesome at this) and then I’m okay with other people continuing in their own lives whether I’ve won ‘em or not. Finite pressure is a superpower; other people try some godawful whammy or envelopment techniques.

You know what God tells congregants God is real?

God, it’s been pathetic watching social dynamicism fall to the kingdom of the likes of myself.

Evolv Technology is another security company i'm sure is involved Bill Gates invested 18million& into it they make metal detectors and body scanners too. Bill Gates has ties to Chertoff group and OSI Systems i'm sure of it. Bill Gates owns Four Seasons with Al Waleed bin Talal and the Saudis. Al Waleed and Trump got into a fight on Twitter in 2015 Trump sold the Plaza Hotel to Al Waleed back in the early 90s Trump sold a yacht to Al Waleed bin Talal called the Princess Trump then it was renamed to the Kindom5KR by bin Talal the yacht use to belong to Adnan Kashoggi it was called the Nabila before Trump bought it. Al Waleed bin Talal financed 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden and terrorism. trump hid Adnan Kashoggi at Maro Lago in the 90s when he was wanted for scamming Thailands second largest bank. Adnan Kashoggi bought and owned the flight school Mohammad Atta used to train at in Florida in 1998 6 years after he hid at Maro Lago in Florida. Trump Taj Mahal was sold to Tropicana entertainment and Tropicana entertainment bought the Four Seasons located in St Louis Missouri before the Las Vegas shooting. George HW Bush was a business partner of Adnan Kashoggis, Jamal Kashoggi was friends with Osama Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden was a strategic business partner with the Bushes. Adnan and Osama were CIA which Bush Sr was also a member of. Jamal was CIA. Adnan and GHWB looted gold, money, treasures, gems from the Philippines and stored it at BCCI and Five Star Trust during the Ilmelda Marcoss affair. Iran/Contra scandal was all Bush and Adnan and Clinton too. You've seen what they did to Barry Seal you've seen how the government uses criminals to do their dirty work and when they don't need you anymore or your a liability they assassinate you. SP is no different. Adnan and GHWB owned Barrick Gold in Canada. Trump was hanging out with an arms dealer and a CIA asset. Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium was in the WTC basements. Donald Rumsfeld on 9/10/01 2.3 trillion$ can not be accounted for from the pentagon. 9/11/01 the pentagon budget accounting analysis office was destroyed. How strange. Marvin P Bush oversaw the NYPA and SECURACOM until 2000 in 2002 it was shut down. Marilou Danley is an FBI informant and from the Philippines like Ilmelda Marcoss. James LaRochelle a police captain took weapons from the Las Vegas massacre and destroyed them around the time Paddocks home in Reno was broken into. A gunman opened fire from atop a storage facility in Reno that Paddock owned. Paddock owned property in Texas i'm sure Devin Patrick Kelly got his guns from that apartment in Mesquite Texas that Paddock owned. Plaza hotel overlooks a place called Central Park in Manhattan same as Paddocks email accounts there is a Four Seasons in Manhattan. Russian mob gambled at trump Taj Mahal all the time and Trump is always obsessed with Russia Russian mafia use to be all over Vegas until may 2017 Trump is doing business with Rosoboron and Rosatom like Hillary.

They won't even tell us anything about what happened 18 months later. That's how you know this wasn't planned. They didn't even bother with a fake narrative, they just gave the bare minimum and suddenly backtracked and shut it all down.

No manifestos, no history of wrongthink, no connections to bad goy organizations. Just a lone gunman and media blackout the moment the details start coming to light.

I accept.

Sheriff Mafianigger said he was "going after leakers" and that was that. Glows posted leaks in our investigation thread (4 I believe, if my memory isn't holed), no other media source got them. They posted a picture of the dead body and a few shots of the room (with the memeguns laid out nicely.)

Gajillion AR's, shoots self with ONLY pistol, happens to be a subcompact traditional "Back up" piece.

Paddy Dead before shooting took place? Killer set rifle down after. No casings on top of body though?

Wonder if any shell casings were under the body?No blood splatter on drapes, table, AR's, tile, gloves, suitcase items, etc.?
His mickey mouse surveillance camera to see his Buyers in hallway?

Very messy and unorganized? Different caliber AR's and magazines all over the place? Bed next to window is one he slept in.
With only two muzzles pointed at any doors, guess not expecting any more company?
Who painstakingly cares for a gajillion AR's, sneaks them all up in cases FOR DAYS, and then just throws them all haphazardly all over the room on top of each other on the floor, etc. with no rhyme or reason?
Even though Magazines were in AR's, were magazines loaded? Were all AR's fired?
What if Half Circle Chairs and all the furniture were moved to clear floor area for multiple guests (like you do for a party), and AR's were ALL displayed on open area of floor, OR in the other room there are no pictures of, was there a bed in that room, had it been slept in as well?

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here's a fun/larpy doc from /cuckchan/ around that time and some other randos

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Don't let this thread die. What was in the metal box with ventilation holes?! What was the purpose of the breathing tube? What happened to the missing hard drives?

Well i found away to point you in the right direction. LVPD, FBI, MSM knew there were multiple shooters. The Tropicana is the key to all this. This can no longer be hidden. I present to you the proof and evidence of multiple shooters. Just drag the video links to your search bars and start watching. It'll all make sense when you watch. And here's my proof. The video of man/shooter running on roof of Tropicana Gios Rios shooter at Tropicana Gios Rios shooter at Tropicana spent casings at the Tropicana victims head shots targeted by roof top snipers gunfire at midnight at the Bellagio after SWAT breached the Mandalay Bay hotel room

The Tropicana is the key to all this. focus on the Tropicana. It was always the Tropicana.

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It was carried out by the Trump administration.

Checked. Haven't seen almost any of this before.

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lots of fucky shit with this one

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Fuck off shill, i watched vids live as they happened fr9m the actual frie ds who were there.real people were slaughtered. Do not spread your bullshit disinfo here

Via Jeff Rense's site

Didn't someone say that Paddock was a CIA nigger that had gotten to the end of his leash and they shot him, and also shot down a planeload of CIA weapons destined for some drug cartel somewhere that landed on someone's house and klt some people, and it was a deal Paddock has his hands in?

Paddock is a CIAnigger but wasn't the shooter. Paddock pretended to be his own brother, was arrested on CP charged that were later dismissed. That was his "out" or escape from his character role and the dead Las Vegas shooter.