Official Zig Forums Nigger Hate General

Direct your nigger hate here. And discussing just how much better whites are than those filthy animals.

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Hate is only useful if it serves a purpose. In this case rationality and understanding do the same job as emotion: diversity has failed. It has failed the black man as terribly as it has failed the white man.

Blacks in America feel hurt and outraged over the requirement that they obey white laws. They are constantly made to feel either ripped off or inferior via comparison to nonblacks. Despite the fact that blacks in Africa are much worse off materially, overall, the level of complaint about racism is basically zero (outside of South Africa). I say we respect the feelings of whites and blacks and agree that we're fine friends but better off with our own homes.

Hmmm… Nah fuck niggers. They are violent critters who attack and torment whites because of the past. They try to guilt whites saying it's not ok for us to be proud of our culture, but it's ok for them and any other shitskin.

I know tons of based blacks who voted to MIGA

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Hate is like drinking poison and counting it will hurt the other person.

You dont hate blacks, you think how to separate them.

I wish I had shit taste in pizza so I could pull this prank

Because they are the real problem.

Hate is only poison for pussies. If you've hated for a long time it doesn't change you. You just are.


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They are both cancer

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Israel is our ally, every dollar spent on them protects our shores from Iran

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whites are so much better than those watermelon munching apes fuck niggers (not literally). niggers are dumb and violent and whites are smart and pacified.

am i doing it right

Hi jew. Go be in an oven somewhere else.

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They have a way of pacifying every president and weaving their way into our government and being important

Hi 4cuck, take your shitposting elsewhere

This pasta is just as bad as the one suggesting seeing bad in others wastes our own lives. If there was no long term goal this might be true; however, remaining ignorant or having no involvement only contributes to the downfall if society. Your whole position is blackpill poison.

Nah, just kikes. D&C won't work here.


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Fuck off nigger I do as I please

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I remember that episode of montel.It was from the 90's.
Blew my mind.
Can count the # of baste niggers popping brains on 1 hand.

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If a xenomorph has one drop of black blood its black?

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Yes, poor xenomorph.
You see the Moors….
…& now their bloodlines are fukd 4-ever…

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Niggers are subhumans that need to go extinct.

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Sometimes only evil can defeat evil

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What's funny is that wasn't a live broadcast. His Jewish producer and Jewish director could have edited that out. Anything for ratings = moar shekels I guess.

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He's right you know? Jews were the sole architects and impetus behind the so called civil rights movement. Niggers couldn't run a lemonade stand without fucking it up. Do you really think they pulled that off by themselves. If it weren't for jews you wouldn't have a nigger problem. or a muslim problem, or a chink or mexican problem They truly are the root of all evil.

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Niggers suck but fuck kikes too. Anyone got the cartoon that was posted here a while back showing a kike professor brainwashing an american?

What could you be sliding, rabbi?

no u

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I can guarantee you all these nigger lovers come from cuckchan

ATTENTION - Akarin wants you to join this minimal rules and super active imageboard Discord server:



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I don't want to associate with blacks, but they're not the ones ruining our society by design.

this thread and the chink hate one are dumbshit threads from 4/pol/.

Intellectualism is masturbation.

Cry me a river you dickless faggot. The 21st century will be the century of genocide, either OF white people or BY white people.
In the end what a man will kill for and die for is what he believes.
What do you believe in, user?

Anyway, here are Lafawnduh and Taquishuh fighting over a banana. Enjoy.

'Axe' me how i know you're a nigger.

Its like a microcosm of white society except there should be a jew egging them on. Maybe the one filming?

And low quality shitposts aren't? Blacks are fine and the real problems come from jews.

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Another low quality slide thread, go back to 4chan nigger.



Well no shit. That is a pretty shitty excuse to let fucking niggers off the hook.


you sound like a huge faggot and an apologist
hate is crucial if we want to win, that's why jews are always telling everyone to love one another, they know that hate is what will ruin them again

I was a huge Spawn fan, so this is funny as fuck to me.

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The left mobilizes and takes control while nu/pol/ circlejerks over shit everyone already agrees with. This shit is why we're losing.

Go back to thedonald and worship based blackmen and zognald over there boomerfuck.

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This terror was unknown, but had been stalking the couple for a few days now. It moved with superhuman speed, never allowing the couple to get a good look at it before it fled further into the darkness.
The Jewish couple did nothing but run, further and further into the abyss. Desperate to escape the persuing Germans, and now whatever else was hunting them. They were exausted from days of non stop running, and decided to rest under the comforting embrace of a great birch tree. Hoping it would give them at least some cover. They both wanted to keep going, but their bodies desperately needed rest.

Peter looked at his sleeping partner, and couldn’t help but smile. Even in this seemingly eternal darkness, he could still make out her features. Anne was just as beautiful as ever. Peter wanted with all his being to keep her safe, alongside their unborn child. He remembered when they had first consummated their love, in the attic of a friendly communist spy in Salzgitter, a couple weeks after they had escaped from Bergen-Belsen. Peter was still drained of semen from the cruel Nazi masterbation machines of Bergen at the time, so he couldn’t even climax! He still remembered how embarrassed he had felt after that!

Peter laughed to himself, which startled Anne out of her peaceful sleep. Peter rested his hand on her cheek and lovingly stroked it “It’s ok Anne, everything is fine. Get some sleep.”

Anne turned at him, her beautiful blue eyes shinning through the darkness. “Peter i’m scared, the Germans are hunting us, but i’m even more scarred of the thing stalking us! God Peter, i’m so scarred. I can’t go back!”

Peter moved his hand to her curly black hair, and began stroking that too. “It’s ok, i’m keeping watch. If anything happens i’ll wake you up, and we’ll run. I love you Anne, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Anne seemed to warm up to that, she took Peter’s hand out of her hair, and held it, their fingers interlocking. “I love you too Peter”

And with that a object of incredible speed crashed into Peter, and their whole world came crashing down.

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Anne was shocked, just a moment ago she had been holding hands with Peter, the love of her life. And then a object of indescribable speed and mass had smashed into him, dragging Peter off to Yahweh knows where. Anne’s first instinct was to scream, but her survival instinct quickly kicked in and she stabilized herself. Then she got up and ran towards the direction that she thought she saw Peter go, her fear not stopping her. Peter was all that mattered to Anne, and she would rather die than leave him.

After running for what seemed like hours Anne finally reached what she assumed to be Peter and their stalker. But she couldn’t be sure, the darkness making the two figures infront of her indistinguishable. One was huge, easily 8 feet tall, while the other was small, frail, just like Anne. The huge person stood over the much smaller one, his back facing Anne. As Anne approached them she got a better look at the huge figure, she noticed a certain armband at his side, glowing with malevolence in the darkness. It held the dread symbol of the most powerful and terrifying foe her people had ever faced, the Nazi Swastika. It’s Black silhouette still somehow seen in the eternal darkness.

Looking over the Nazi and getting a better look at his captive. She saw that the smaller one was indeed Peter, his handsome eyes bleeding through the darkness. His eyes were starring at her in desperation, they told her one thing, run!

But Anne would not run, she had lost enough of her loved ones to the German savages. The Jewess could not bear the thought of losing another. Picking up a large stone with both hands, Anne quickly rushed towards the Nazi, screaming at the top of her lungs. She swinged the stone straight towards the Nazi’s head with all her might, aiming to splatter his brain matter onto the ground.

Hitler was not in a good mood, the war was going poorly for the Reich. The Judeo-Bolsheviks had broken into Germany proper, comrade Mussolini had been tortured to death by hordes of Marxist savages, and the treacherous British and their American pets were getting ever closer to the fatherland. Hitler was incredibly stressed out, his world was crumbling around him, and he needed to relieve some of that stress. The two Juden untermenschen he had stumbled upon were the perfect candidates to help him with this prospect.

He had been stalking them for days now, enjoying the torment that he brought to the creatures. He listened to every conversation that they had, he starred at them as they slept, he consumed their dropping, he could taste their fear. The foreplay was always Hitler’s favorite part. To make his prey paranoid, filled with fear, and anxiety before he had his way with them always made the actual rape so much better.

Adolf had already violated the Juden boy, inserting his superior Aryan penis into every orifice of the little Jew boy’s body. Adolf had also ripped the kike’s penis off with his razor sharp Atlantian teeth, symbolizing Juden circumcison, and then devouring the penis whole, symbolizing the depravity of the Jewish Rabbi. Hitler had then inserted his massive Aryan cock into the penis while, symbolizing just how god damn horny Hitler was.

Hitler was just finishing up with the little Juden, blowing his superior Aryan load all over his immobilized body, when something hit Adolf hard in the back of the head. The stone rushed towards the Ubermensch’s cranium, the two objects collided, and the cranium prevailed, pulverizing the stone into dust. “That would have killed a lesser man, but I am Hyperborean Ubermensch, and no little Juden’s trick can kill me!” Adolf spoke to his would be assassin.

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Peter’s attacker turned to face Anne, the Nazi’s head destroying the stone that had collided with it just moments ago. What Anne saw was the most terrifying thing she had ever seen in her entire life. The rollercoasters of death, gas chambers, masterbation machines, and ovens that she saw at Auschwitz being easily far less scary than the being standing before her. It was Satan in human form, the leader of the great enemy, the most terrifying monster in all of human history, the origin of all evil in the universe, Adolf Hitler.

Anne Frank froze in absolute terror, pissing and shitting herself in the process. She wanted to run, she had to escape, nothing mattered more to the little Jewess more than getting the HELL OUT OF THERE! But her legs wouldn’t move, she was a deer in headlights, completly at the mercy to the Aryan sexual predator.

Hitler licked his lips seductively, and then got on all fours infront of Anne, he then began to lick up the puddle of piss that bled through Anne’s panties off the ground. After the Fuhrer was done consuming her iron, he stood up, and looked her right in the eyes.

Anne had the full picture of the demon now, he was well muscled, handsome even, with a massive two foot cock. The Ubermensch’s penis was huge, bulging with power, it was covered in swastika tattoos, with a couple of SS runes as well. Hitler’s penis also smelled of Zyklon B, just like the gas chambers, Anne also noticed that Hitler had only one shriveled up ball at the end of his massive shaft. Hitler’s penis was also covered in genital warts.

Hitler wanted to make this even more fun, so he called up the Pagan Gods Odin and Wotan to increase his sexual virility. Anne watched as Hitler’s two foot cock grew to 20 feet before her very eyes, and she nearly fainted. Finally working up the courage to run, Anne booked it, Hitler crushing Peter’s windpipe with his massive Nazi cock as she ran.

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Anne ran as fast as her legs could take her, but Adolf was faster. Hitler’s firm Aryan hands grabbing hold of her hair, ripping most of it from her scalp in one pull. Anne fell in shock, her asshole facing skyward, still filled with chocolate sludge. Hitler took his penis, and pushed it into the crevice of Anne’s ass, it easily destroying the pants she was wearing to get at the soft flesh bellow.

Hitler’s penis travelled through Anne’s body, eventually finding its final destination coming through the back end of Anne’s throat. The Ubermensch’s cock came out of her mouth covered in shit, digestive fluids, and blood “both Anne’s and Peter’s” the Aryan penis knocking out all of Anne’s teeth in the process. And at the very end of Hitler’s penis was Anne’s unborn baby, impaled the same way Anne was.

Anne was in a indescribable amount of pain throughout her being, every fiber of her existence hurt, and every nerve in her body was burning with the heat of a thousand sons. She cried, internally praying for a death that would not come, only one thing would cum, and that was Hitler.

Hitler then lifted Anne up with his penis, almost looking like old Vlad the Impaler lifting up one of his many impaled victims. Hitler spun Anne around and around with his penis, then he pulled his penis out of her as she was mid spin, sending her flying.

Anne crashed into the violated corpse of Peter, the corpse of her unborn baby shortly following her. She cried, and cried, she was in as much emotional and physical pain as possible. Hitler slowly walked over to her, and then started to finger her asshole, while licking the tears off her face.

“I love Juden tears! So yummy to Aryan Predators!” Hitler laughed “This will be the fate of all your kind for running the banking system!” Hitler then started to twirl his mustache.

Anne wanted to scream, she wanted to scream that the Jews did not in fact run the banking system, and that was just a Neo Nazi conspiracy theory. But as she was longer capable of speech, she couldn’t voice her logical and nuanced point of view.

It was time to finish up, Hitler cummed all over Anne, her boyfriend, and her babies corpse. He cummed so much that a new lake was created “Lake Hitler” and Anne spent her last moments drowning in Hitler’s cum.

“Das Juden good fuck” Hitler said to himself “But the Aryan Predetor is never satisfied, I must have more.” And with that Hitler set off to find more victims.


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Good thing it was highlighted with the red. Wouldn't have made any sense without it!

needs more videos of niggers getting btfo

Attached: nigger tastes the pavement.mp4 (1280x720, 6.12M)

You mean the niggers who fuck your mom? Yeah they just said that to make you feel better about dropping loads on your mother's face and in her holes. 'based blacks' hahahaha

Hmm, still needs more niggers getting BTFO

Attached: nigger gets gooded by retard nigress.mp4 (640x640, 2.09M)

Man… this video is still one of my favs

It's a classic for sure. I suppose I'll post some more. I don't have any more death ones though (assuming the niggers in these didn't die)

Attached: nigger tranny gets nogged.mp4 (640x360 1.99 MB, 2.85M)

The white guy in that video is as much of a nigger as the nigger.

Kill yourself faggot

It was a self defense situation :^)

Its ok when niggers kill, rape, torture, maim, assault whites, but never EVER should a white do the same to them!

Spot the kike.


Oh wait, I actually do have another death one. It's not violent though, just a nigger being a fucking idiot.

Attached: idiots drown trying to get a log from a river.mp4 (406x720, 12.97M)


that's contradictory man

a nigger or arab or any other shitskin would do the same

you have to fight with their rules, this is no chevalric fighting nigga

forgot pic sorry dudes

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Eye laffed

the publisher

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Way to promote fucking reddit, retard.

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White niggers are called “aryans”, remember. White people already know this.

I have no fucking clue what the fuck is going on on pic 3.

I think I'm being throttled. It's not letting me post the rest of my collection. I'll come back later

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It is 9fag tier, next time leave the red out or find the original picture. Terrible. Take a lap.