North africans slay the french

New video showing Algerians buthering the french boy. Time to throw something else tahn poop?

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Another day in multi-culti West, another victim of the great lie. It's almost meaningless to point it out at this point, like pointing out the sun in the sky. We traded it all for a nightmarish hell and barbarism. Wake me up when we start the nonwhite genocide.

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I remember some french cunt on youtube called americans stupid and violent for owning guns and having aggressive police that shoot nigs on sight a few years ago, replying to me like a dozen times about how barbaric we are. Now I just wonder if that cuckold sees the light or has just joined antifa. What a sad pathetic little man.

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What a shit OP. How about you provide a little bit more information that a fucking one-liner next time. I am not clicking on that shit. But I would have been interested in knowing what is going on under this circumstance. AND MAYBE THE FUCKING DATE of the video or just basic stuff like that.

Maybe it is the dude in the video?

French are the biggest faggots on earth. Ever since the revolution, they've been nothing but nigger-loving communists. We'd all be far better off if they never existed.



I wonder how long until you guys realize that the 'CIA yellow vest color revolution' is just a pacification tool to make the French people feel like they are doing something. This is a perfect example of why I say, no blood in the streets?, then it is not anything but a staged performance of glowniggers.

For all practical purposes, these men and their families should be found and killed…but noooo, I wonder what it will take to push people into action if this won't suffice?

All the "people" in the video are sandniggers, not French.

What the fuck is a bougnoules? No one knows
Settle accounts? Between drug dealer, they didn't pay rent? What the fuck are we talking about.
What the fuck is a black sib?
Are these arabs or niggers?
Is this a nigger gang?
What was the date?
Are they dead?
Or just punished?

Nothing. Whites don't give a shit about anything ever more. That's why no one is actually doing anything.

They are tricked by the CIA into a entertainment performance and nothing more…that causes them to feel like they have 'taken action' when nothing has happened. It is a clever way to allow an entire nation to blow off steam without repercussions so that you can continue genociding them after they have exhausted themselves.

It's a pejorative term for Africans. Think similar to nigger or gook.

Essentially, it's just another case of niggers being niggers. The video makes for good red-pilling material, I guess.

And I want to use it to red pill people but I need more information and also I have to be able to select an audience as well. If the Frenchmen are dead that means it can only be shown to certain people, if they are alive I have a much wider audience to work with. That is why I get butthurt when there is so little information provided in the OP.

You are a good guy, 2P, we are the influencers.

Noice. The french have a big role in destabilizing africa and consequentially, they are one of the reasons behind the mass immigration wave towards europe.

Okay, if you cannot read:

Africans of Algerian descent murdered a white Frenchman in Lyon, France. They did so to settle differences – or so the article claims.

My guess is the kid was a leftyfaggot who got involved with drugs and was dumb enough to believe that blacks aren't violent monkeys. Because it's a story from France, we won't know anything else because the French government does not allow such info to be released. What else do you need, though? Do you live a world where it is normal to massacre people for seemingly no reason? The act is redpilling in itself.

The only thing the French are guilty of is letting the jews kill their own king. The Germans not only fought them after losing a World War, but with no money, weapons or personnel, so they put up a fight at least.

Yes, I do…I live in a world that is about to enter a massive convulsion of tribal war and ethnic cleansing (I don't have the luxury of BEING A PUSSY ABOUT WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN)…I am shocked that you would even ask me these questions like we need to consider the idea of massacreing large amounts of our enemies, their wives and their offspring.

No, you live in a world full of white faggots who are going to be replaced without doing a fucking thing about it. Even in the heat of genocide, the peak of it, the best we see is from France where a bunch of idiots dressed in yellow vests throw temper tantrums in the streets – an ultimately meaningless act in the long-term that will accomplish nothing.

The only boogeyman is the doubt inside our heads and the beer in our guts that keeps us from mobilizing on our capitals with guns and killing everybody in government and affiliated corporations. The CIA is the fear inside of us. We're cowards, even bigger cowards than our peasant ancestors, who at least had to fight often, and we were selectively bred for cowardice all these years. All we do is apologize, we never kill our enemies. We trust the plan as much as Qfags, because we wait.

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You two must be the White fags then becasue I don't see any lack of preperation among our people. Get out of the cities white fags and learn to work with your hands, learn to kill parasites. It will do you good. :)

Chad won't rise up to fight the nigs and kikes because he's too busy having women throw themselves at him. Life is still good. Nothing will change until there is massive economic disaster and war, creature comforts gone then the truly strong will survive not this selection in a predatorless environment

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this and I live in france

I am a trained competitive shooter and have shot at an international level. I am also well educated and experienced in survivalism. In addition, I have over six years of martial arts experience. As far as elite skills go, my training is in chemistry. Yet I see no preparation, only a bunch of city faggots doing nothing.

Those aren't Algerians killing a White frenchman. Those are Algerians killing eachothers.

I don't hate all of you. Being Cornish, I'm part French myself. But, modern French "culture" is absolute cancer.

you mean niggers talking about smoking weed, where them wominz at and give me gibs?

Trust me, nothing good will come out of afrance, pls put us out of our misery, its painful to watch.

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I toooold you to get out of the city. How are you going to see anything but city fags while you are still in the city. You don't think city fags are going to be survivors in this war, do you? Those high density population centers are going to be vaporized/infected and poisoned first. You sort of sound a bit glowie (not that this bothers me at all). There is more to survival than this btw…a chemist? Delightful, no doubt that will come in handy someday soon.

There are plenty of prepared people but no action, it's impossible until conditions drive it. People are too brainwashed and women have been given control over administration of our laws. Men have porn and other great copes. Even in despair they will suicide before rising up together. We have to wait for spontaneous happenings due to circumstances beyond our control

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really user? Never watched National Geographic specials with niggers in them BBC is a total lie. White males are the ones with the biggest cocks on average. They practied this type of psychological intimidation against our enemies in WWII. Dropping massively oversized condoms on the Japanese to make them fear the virility of White men and to just fuck with their minds. Looks like they are doing it to you now and you are going along with it by passing on their memes.

I grew up in the country. I have seen nothing there either.

Are there white Algerians? Why don't they speak Algerian and not French in the video?

do the yellowvests have any kind of organization? are there any important talking heads we can spam this towards?

Fucking subhumans.

Mixed berbers who got lucky on the pigmentation. They speak French because Berber has fallen out of favor to the more predominant Arabic and since Arabs are hardly literate and produce no literature as a consequence, they would rather speak in the superior French language which actually has opportunities and OC.

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spam it on twitter under their hashtag :^)

looks like the natural selection of the cuck.

You can hear the cuck saying:
"But I voted for macron"

No one on Earth can or will give you permission to do what you know is right.

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You're retarded, there have been injuries and both government and private property damage since the beginning. Even Macron was caught on the hot mike telling MBS that he was worried.
Take your bullshit uninformed opinions elsewhere.


Oh man. these idiots never learn.

Unless you are implying the french should never have stopped dominating the niggers, you are actually claiming any area with high nigger count is in any way…. stable……

Here of all fucking places….. even jews woudln't be this stupid.

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And now that you live in the city you are disconnected. Those of us who are not in the city don't exactly parade our plans to strangers for our own security. Just saying if 40% of dems and 25% of republicans think there is going to be a civil war in the USA there is probably a lot more prepping than you might imagine going on. What worries me is the number of dem being so much higher than the number of republicans preparing. Course now, prepping is a way of life for so many conservatives that they might now even recognize it as 'something unusual'.

Pussy ass bitch. If anything this is a great filter where bitch genes like yours get wiped out and the fighters and builders propagate.

Real whites colonize, plunder and raid.

Cucked whites: Get colonized, plundered and raided.

You really like pageantry don't you? Ethnic cleansings and civil war look nothing like your little FAKE FUCKING OPERATIONS. Oh no…someone got 'wounded' and a 'building got slightly burnt' (like something doesn't get set on fire every day in a big city). You keep drinking that Kool-Aid though, they brewed it up for faggots just like you.

I think the phenomenon of which you write about is largely American. I'm Cornish living in Australia. We don't even have libertyTM cuckservatism here. Even our cuckservatives are basically outright socialists.

No because it's offset by importing turd worlders and all the racemixed children

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Stop watching TV, the vast majority of people don't racemix.

Shouldn't have given women the vote they ruined everything. Our ancestors were too weak and gullible, let the jews in for some easy loans and degeneracy. Then once we whiteknighted women the vote it was all over, as cowardly and lazy as men are are women are 10x as gullible

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I can tell you last time I was in Europe I was utterly horrified by the general lack of preparation of everything. In London they don't actually cook food anymore, all the grocery stores have prepackaged food. In WWII people used to have farms, gardens and root cellars, places they could go to that had food stored like family lands. People didn't even have 1 weeks worth of food in london and less than that in WATER. They are literally the walking dead. It is really sad to think that so many Europeans are going to completely starve to death.

True it's mostly just the mass immigration but racemixing normalizes the latino mindset, and of course it's still a slice of the whole that is destroying us

Its women's fault not a global cabal of our mortal enemies who have been actively plotting for the last 3,000 years to genocide us. ALL WOMEN'S FAULT. You kikes are bizarre.

Are you daft I said it was the kike's fault. But we can't let women administrate how our society runs either. We live in a world with parasites, that's the reality. Maybe once the parasites are all gone we can try the woman experiment again.

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It's men's fault for letting women reach this state and be exposed to such things. Just like it's a father's fault if his kids do dumb shit while they're under his roof.

It's an active group of Jews that try everyday to shift the focus away from themselves. The alt-kike hitting fracture points on Zig Forums

So many various shitskins, jews or demoralized Europeans calling these two brutalized guys cucks and weak, trying to insinuate their political leanings to justify laughing at their torture at the hands of these shitstains. Pathetic.

low IQ

At this point, they can't think it actually works though. I mean it is the same thing over and over and over. Everyone is immune to bullshit.


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They aren't targeting the seasoned anons; instead they target the poorly informed new anons that wash up here after they hear about this board on other sites.

Yeah nobody is immune to getting suckerpunched or overwhelmed by a group of adult men from another tribe. Everyone likes to think it couldn't possibly happen to them or their children under circumstances beyond their control. People are ego driven, disingenuous, or think it's all a big joke.

Stay on the topic of the thread. It is clear to everyone viewing the thread that you are trying to shift the focus of the thread away from your importation of this nigger filth to blaming WHITE WOMEN.



roastie detected

MGTOW-pushing alt-kike detected

True, the main focus should be on the kikes. The million dollar question is when will a final solution be exacted, and how? We've had thousands of threads of shitskins killing us, it just keeps happening over and over nothing changes.

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Because Arabs are illiterate in Arabic, French and English is ironically the lingua franca in the arab world

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Little on the nose, user, but not terribly so. 4/10

Brilliant plan.

what was 9/11?

It's because we're all cowards who talk tough on the internet but obey the rules offline.

now this is some quality roastie-larping

Shouldn't 'ave, oughtn't ave, wishwedidn't.
Maybe we can invent a time machine and try to convince our ancestors that handing over our civilization to kikes and women will be a bad idea.
But then, there were people then trying to do that and they failed.
In order to solve any of our current problems, we must identify why they failed.

Well I don't know about all of us being cowards, but enough of us (white men) are to sabotage the rest of us. Look what happened to Germany, they were sabotaged by the only other people capable of doing so other capable Germanics (Anglos from Britain and America, and Germans from America). Right now if we step out of line we'll be put down by other Germanics in the form of the establishment LEO and Oathkeeper cucks. I'm really thinking that we have no choice but to wait for everything to fall apart, then mop up the kikes one by one in Minecraft. It just sucks that it's such a gamble that puts us into essentially a passive situation of waiting.

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With regards to infrastructure, it was cheap compared to the damage that Yellow Vests have done.

It was literally brilliant because they got people to blow off all that steam with MINIMAL DAMAGES (unlike a civil war or ethnic cleansing where even their offspring might be endangered) and now things are going to go back to degenerating into modern favelas in our nations.

They are going to keep importing enough browns to genocide us and no one is going to stop them because the FAKE KIKE PROTEST were enough to make some light concessions to the people, even Macron is still in power.



We were sabotaged by JEWS who were working against us inside our nations. Don't confuse Sayanim with White males. The Sayanim betrayed us from within, trading insider secrets and intelligence so that our people were slaughtered mercilessly on BOTH SIDES, since they played BOTH SIDES, just like they do now without even a chance.

The last footage of 'riots' I saw was a few teens shooting off some illegal fireworks in a courtyard.


Like that is going to 'stop White genocide' or take Macron and the other kikes out of power or stop incidents like this one from happening?

We've seen the same steam valve pattern repeat with Occupy, Tea Party, Trump movement. Hopefully gilet jaune is different but it really needs to shift gears or it risks being co-opted like the other movements. You'll see politicians wearing yellow vests, and more shit like Macron giving online feedback forms to quell the anger. Then it becomes a victory for them. Turn the heat up to get the frog uncomfortable then turn it down a bit to get it comfortable again, but of course don't turn it down to how it was before, but actually slightly higher this way it can be gradually increased over time without the frog jumping out.


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Sure, my point is that we're being stopped from doing anything by fellow Germanics, even if they are simply being weaponized against us by the kikes. So it's not necessarily the case that we're cowards, it just takes a few of our own blocking us to stop us from real action. Shitty situation, we're effectively canceled out in our current environment from effecting real change (removing the kikes from existence in Minecraft)


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It is not french white people attacked by sandniggers, it's just sandniggers who killed others sandniggers

Skilled use of propaganda and totally organic

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user please don't mix memes like that.

And if they had waited one months, would the revolt have been more successful? What about a year? Two years? Ten?
See, no matter when it happened, you'd still say it was too early and thus proof that it was the CIA.
Most revolutions in history fail. Constantly waiting is not a good plan. The longer the people remain passive, the more accostomed to passivity the people remain. It is good when mass protests happen because this has now accustomed the French to revolt. This means that it'll be easier next time and they'll go further. Precedent is everything in politics.
Also, they did a lot of damage and for that I give them credit.
Americans have no right to accuse the French of cowardice anymore.

It's Jewish shills

Don't pretend that just because these niggers are killing and torturing other sandniggers that this type of barberism is somehow acceptable in our nations. Besides, it is still great Red Pilling material because it is only a matter of time before they start acting this way to Europeans as well.

It seems we have no other choice.
The problem is, even if things do fall apart for us, filling the vacuum will be difficult when we have basically no plan to do so.
All we can do is hope to eliminate critical enemies when the time comes.
But of course, the only anti-Whites and kikes within our reach are the expendable ones; Leftists, middling level traitors, and politicians.

I would never call them cowards. I have admiration for the French people for DOING SOMETHING, however they were played and that is sad. The problem is all the 'monsters' that are needed to perform a successful revolution are already EMPLOYED by the state. Shoot even I was offered some bait TWICE NOW (which I haven't taken)…so if the State snaps up all the capable candidates who could run a revolution, then there is no one to organize the people. This is beneficial for the state, beneficial for psychopaths like me and the only ones who are really fucked are the ordinary citizens.

Well, they have been butchering whites for decades actually, in case you didn't realize…

I noticed…I mean on a genocidal scale.

I never say it is acceptable, i just say there is no real french people involved in this thing
in my opinion, all these racial pieces of shit had to be throw out of europe