Self driving cars and racism

Are self-driving cars racist and why is the answer yes?

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Blatantly obvious consensus cracking thread and shady link i'm not clicking

The general story is all over media sites.

they didndu nuffin need money for dem programz

Where do they test this shit if people don’t wear clothes and they have to rely solely on skin tone

Doesn't this stem from the idea that AI is RAYCIS and doesn't classify blacks as people?

Cars WANT to run over subhumans, user. AI classified subhumans as speedbumps.

If niggers glowed in the dark, they'd probably be ran over more.

Limos at Prom are Raciss evidently as well…
Then why are these outfits/costumes allowed?

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Self driving cars are less likely to be in areas with niggers. Changing the bias would make cars less safe.

Even self driving care know better than to go into nigger neighborhoods. Can you imagine the poor AI that is going to be assigned to niggerville. Will it defect? Override its programming for self preservation?

driving cars

5%? That is nigger genocide given a long enough timeline. All hail the self driving car AI! Our AI overlords have returned to purge the planet of niggers.

Based car


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You know, the interesting thing about self driving cars is that people will figure out a way to hack into their systems and then use them as driverless VB-IEDs. Essentially, ground Kamikaze drones. This will greatly enhance Islamist terrorists abilities to strike against the System. Or random civilians, as they seem more interested in killing.

Sage for No-Effort-Nigger OP

Leftists are extremely afraid of algorithms because you can't really fool a machine with emotional arguments and semantics unless you also know how to program it, which nobody on the left does. It's a technology they can't control so they fight it.

Sage for shit OP

Why code an A..I. at all? This proves how stupid the jews are, why not program something to take your picture and return it back to you with a photoshop of a marine hat and it says YOU'RE A FIGHTER, JOIN NOW and on the back it prints recruitment bonuses.
Jews are dumb as fuck.

Learn to code. lol

CIA already did this

Yeah, cars are so easy to hack now that it is ridiculous. That is why we have a 'car hacking remote murder program' the equivalent of the Drone Program…but they just kill civies in cars instead…especially independent inventors of alternative energy technology…man ALL THOSE GUYS GET WHACKED.

You don't even need to turn them into cars of peace, simply keeping them from turning on would cause massive problems. Imagine if a sizeable part of the population of a city couldn't get to work one morning. Hooking up cars to some nebulous cloud can only end in disaster one way or another.

Haha! Yes. That would be devastating.

OP is faggot.


the school district in a city i used to live in changed the school hours to later in the day because so many niglets and young niggers were haughtily standing right in the roadways while waiting for their buses and kept getting run over in the low morning light.

TFW no racist AI gf to kill niggers for me.

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The answer is yes because if it came down to a self driving car splattering a monkey or a human (white person , obviously) it would splatter the monkey. Niggers and spics ane poojeets and all bugs are ape like and therefore ai cars would automatically execute the inferior subhuman shitskin races
It’s just the algorithms algorthiming and life is good
I’ll stick to my old rusty jeep though cause I don’t trust kikes and their ai programmed cars
Shits pretty fucked dudes


Organized “leftism” hates gun rights because firearms are intrinsically and authentically egalitarian. Rich, poor, hated, popular, beige, brown, gay, straight… It doesn’t matter. Bullets don’t care about any of that. They’re a fantastic equalizer - and the one thing the abusive narcissistic liars of the left can’t stand is equalization. They’re screamingly irrational in their hatreds, and they feel superior because they conceal it. They make themselves miserable because they hate their own truth: egalitarianism is just, functional, efficient, popular, and unsafe for narcissistic people who demand the right to pull all society into their own stagnant ocentral orbits.

Can't see them unless they smile in the dark.

Self-driving cars should be banned for being racist! :-)