(((Ehud Arye Laniado))) died at the age of 65 in the clinic of an unnamed plastic surgeon on the Avenue des Champs-Elysees in the French capital.
(((Ehud Arye Laniado))) died at the age of 65 in the clinic of an unnamed plastic surgeon on the Avenue des Champs-Elysees in the French capital.
Don't think for a second that wealthy are actually more intelligent than the rest of us. This guy couldn't see past his physical shortcomings to the point it killed him. If he were enlightened, the physical shit is irrelevant. Money won't buy enlightenment.
Billionaire dies after being injected in his dick ? Something is Fucky who benefits from this mans demise other than Humanity ? Where is his illgoten gains going ?
Duel Citizenship duel Loyalty
Why would a billionaire jew need a penis enhancement?
Is there something about jewish penii they are trying to keep secret?
He was a manlet with a baby dick.
Fuck off back to redet, you micropenis kike.
I see you corrected your spacing. We may keep some of you around, since you proved you can learn some tricks.
Doesn't solve the literal fact that billionaire kikes are paying for penis enhancements with their jewgold. No matter what you say, no matter what you tell yourself, you will always know: money can't buy an aryan's dick size.
I write code all day, what you perceive as reddit typing because you're a low IQ manlet who is incapable of posting anything worth discussion is how I space my code. On a side note, we should neck faggots like you, the only thing you're good for is walking point and taking the first round.
The only substance I've heard of used in that surgery is silicone under the skin. Wtf did they inject? Silicone couldn't cause a heart attack.
Based penis doctor
I love having a big penis. I feel badly for those with tiny ones, but not too badly really.
When its so small a dick you can never believe a woman who says she likes it, or a botched circumcision. If you have a small dick it's usually a good idea to not remove skin.
My fucking sides.
Good riddance you manlet jew.
I don't know about you guys but if I was a billionaire due in court I might fake my own death after making sure I had placed enough funds in offshore accounts and companies to make a new life for myself. Get plastic surgery, but say it went wrong and it was for something really embarrassing like my small penis, not changing my appearance. The coroner whose wife recently got the most beautiful diamond ring will identify any cadaver as me, and I'm home free, Epsteining the fuck out of shit once again.
Yes, i would tell everyone that i died trying to enlarge my penis because i want to look like a fucking joke.
Veryy plausible.
This kike deserves it for sabotaging every white man's wallets.
One moment be a rich kike with a tiny malfunctioning dick, next moment be burning in hell eternally with a tiny malfunctioning dick.
Found the Q/ueer faggot. Take your made up retard words back to your low IQ containment board niggerbrain.
Missed this one, seems plausible indeed.
they probably cut off too much during the circumcision when he was a baby…
Fuck that kike.
Nice, I'm glad he's dead.
LOL, idiot has major surgery and the doc convinces him to not do it at the hospital so the doc can avoid the hospital fees. These kind of fuckups are generally avoided at hospitals because the hospitals are equipped to deal with complications.
That rich kike glows in the dark.
Kikes in themselves are a joke, so that wouldn't be a downgrade to him at all. No morals, no honor, only money and avoiding physical labor at all costs. This is all these subhumans represent with themselves; never forget that.
That was the first thing I said but then I saw in the report the claim of 5.2 billion in taxes owed to Britain, so I'm actually much more inclined to think this jew faked his own death and went back to Tel Aviv to live out his life unmolested.
There's no reason to even believe any of this without proof of his body. The whole dying during dick surgery sounds like a "fuck you" from him to the authorities pretending to have died in a ridiculous way. The only other way I could see a jew billionaire faking their own death and putting jew humor into would have tobe some sort of ass surgery.
Absolutely no reason to believe this story is true without more evidence. You've got a jew, who is a billionaire, who owed billions in back taxes.
->Motive, opportunity, and (((oy vey)))!!!
Jewish Chutzpah. Learn about it.
That's an embarrassing way to fake your own death, though.
Remember pol, this manlet kike with a small peepee was more successful than any of you will ever be.
Okay I guess he did fake his own death. My evidence? He's posting here.
Wanna see my dick?
Kinda the point. The entire thing looks stupid, it looks stupid enough that people would actively pass the case onto someone else because it looks like make-work in a 'low guy on the totem pole' type of way.
OwO go to gas chamber~
I wonder if these "penis enhancement" surgeries are similar to what some "bodybuilders" do where they inject some sort of oil under the skin to make the muscle look bigger. A big complication of injecting oil under your skin is if the oil falls on the blood stream it can cause serious circulatory problems including heart attack.
The bigger the lie the more people who believe it. In this case the more embarrassing the more people who will believe it. Just as you said, who would want to look like a fool. Well the answer is a billionaire who escaped billions in taxes and is set for the rest of his life to live at home in Israel on the Mediterranean coast.
No one suspects that a person would demean themselves to get out of something. If someone was going to fake their death the best thing would be to come up with an embarrassing medical mishap.
Not unless the person is engaging in shady shit, similar to the "lets inject silicone into our ass" fly-by-night stuff. If the surgeon was based in champs-elyeese like the claim, it would have the same posh setup as a clinic on rodeo drive for example. So, it wouldn't be cheap shit. Rather it would be multiple injections of fat to increase the girth. If it's lengthening the most common procedure is clipping the upper muscle structure. Ever wonder why you see so many male porn stars that don't have an erection but it only stands at half-mast? That's why. Depending on the person it can add up to 2" to length. The urologist(go-go testicular torsion as a teen with underlying issues even a decade later) I go to likes to complain about all the fuckups that he has to fix from botched surgeries from cases like that.
Even being a billionaire doesn't get rid of the urge to please a woman. Sometimes you're simply born a cuck.
I appreciate your post user
bolite sage
Seems legit.
How much you wanna bet this faggot wanted to get his dick lengthened before he wanted his foreskin restored.
I have thought about this often and it is the one idea that keeps me going whenever I am feeling particularly black pilled.
The most posh clinic doesn't have the resources of a hospital. Completely stupid to have any surgery outside of a hospital.
What kind of retards thinks this looks good? This looks elephant-man tier.