Forced Vaccination

Forced Vaccination
Another step closer to government-forced medication

Washington state House committee passes bill to ban vaccine exemptions.

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Apparently this FDA jew cares about our health so much that he's looking to force mandatory vaccination on a federal level.

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this guy has recently resigned too. i think in a month or two while they find a replacement. Said " He was tired of the commute".

If states don't tighten vaccine exemption laws, the federal government may step in, U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said.

"Some states are engaging in such wide exemptions that they're creating the opportunity for outbreaks on a scale that is going to have national implications," the FDA head said in an interview with CNN.

Gottlieb's comments come as some states are considering proposals that would change vaccine exemptions for personal or philosophical reasons. He first made the comments in an interview with Axios.

Gottlieb told CNN that "certain states" could "force the hand of the federal health agencies" if they don't make changes.

However, the FDA has not made any plans or announcements, and it's not certain the agency will.

In Washington state, lawmakers are considering two bills amid a measles outbreak that has infected at least 64 people in the state. One would ban personal or philosophical exemptions for the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine. A second bill would ban personal or philosophical exemptions for all vaccines required by schools and licensed day cares.

Muh vaccinations
Muh why do my kids have syphilis

Hi jew

Better a dead kid than an autistic kid

Where do you think you are?

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Argentina, which boasts one of the most ZOG-friendly governments ever to exist in human history, has recently passed a bill for mandatory vaccination all throughout a person's life. If you're not up to date with all your vaxx, you can't renew your ID. This means, effectively that you can't have driver's license, passport, vote, rent a house without being (((properly vaccinated))) and this includes adult "anti-flu" vaccines bullshit.
This is, of course, against the constitution and a million lawsuits will follow. but still.

What did they change in vaccinations that they are pushing for it now? Is it a natural backlash of importing millions of sick degenerate sinskinned niggers?
And what the fuck is a flu-vaccination? I was always taught that the flu changes so fast its useless to make a cure for it.

lol wtf. I thought the nazi's fled to Argentina. How come it's so Jew friendly?

Basically, (((CDC))) can anticipate which flu strain is going to be the dominant flu strain a few months prior to any flu epidemic.They make a vaxx for that.

Well a lot of the useless nigger faggots that lurk and post on this board love the idea of forced vax on people and hate anti-vaxxers. Nevermind the idea that if you think they work, well go a head and get the pharmaJew in you. If you don't then don't. But like the Jew loving, whimpering pieces of faggot jiz that most people are here in the USA they just can't stand the idea of anyone not doing what other/they tell them to do. Just another piece of proof of how absolutely degenerate and tranny the US is at heart.

We should make lead injections mandatory for kikes.

People should be forcibly vaccinated and mentally ill boomers be should be locked up and forced to take their thorazine.

How much of this antivaxx shit is actually crazy whites and how much of it is from shitskin immigrants and refugees spreading measles and polio from their shithole countries?

The anti-antivaxx things seems an awful lot like a dog whistle for antiWhites…

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I don't know if they're crazy, there are legit health concerns with vaccines.

But getting millions of immigrants from Africa into Western Countries is sacrosanct. A few immunizations are a small price to pay for the joys of diversity, user.

Or authoritarian personalities in general.

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flu-vaccines is a typical merchant scam. They push for this and can get millions in state-sponsored useless vaccines. Also, we don't really know what's in them.

Yes, and also mllions of jews fled to argentina. I believe they have the largest population of merchants after the US, uk, germany and france.

I'm definitely not an "anti-vaxxer" but there is something awfully wrong about increasing mandatory vaccinations even during adulthood. There is no real benefit to this and we still don't know how it affects people on a large scale. Also, you don't have to look very hard into it and just see (((who))) is backing this shit. Bill gates, a zionist champion is behind a lot of vaccination campaigns.

>Basically, (((CDC))) can anticipate which flu strain is going to be the dominant flu strain a few months prior to any flu epidemic.They make a vaxx for that.

The flu vaccine for last year was 35% effective and even less so for women, yet they push it onto every pregnant woman. It's early, but this topic is a special one for me, so I'm holding back.

It's a combination of crazy whites + the shitskins they import.

Always less than 10% verses greater good and more than 90%. Always.
No problem with;
Forced Castration; for Rapists and Child Molesters.
Forced Sterilization; for people on dole for Y years with X children,
Forced DNA tests; for H1B "Family visiting" and Illegal Alien Children given to "Family in USA" and Anchor Babies and children on the Dole.
Anti-Vax, choice not to vax, sure, then if your child incurs medical COSTS, you are wholly responsible.

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But forget about the billions of dollars we are forced to contribute to all the fat, vaxxed, and auto-immune suffering morons once they turn 40 or 50. Forget about that.

But realistically, I'll spring for the $3 in vegetable soup costs when my son gets measles. Maybe I'll make a homemade salve for the itching and it will run me another $12.

Also, the "FB is responsible for the anti-vax movement" is cover for retards to believe. It never relied on FB, it started before FB, and it being removed from FB is just a sign that real knowledge and common sense is prevailing and they are scared shitless.

This guy gets it and I'm getting so tired of repeating myself. Vaccines were made by white people so they're inherently good and work perhaps too much since people and niggers with shit genes survive. The issue is with (((vaccines))) loaded with heavy metals, preservatives so they can last forever on store shelves, etc. Butchers in massive industrial slaughterhouses have to medicate their livestock vs any kind of disease they might get in cramped, filthy living conditions. Manitory (((vaccinations))) means we've become the cattle. Also never forget the same roasties who laugh at anti-vaxxers are the same ones who support drinking and smoking while pregnant because it's a woman's choice.

This guy gets it as well. Name a thing they vaccinate for and the only reason it was ever dangerous in the first place is because of the living conditions. The people dying of measles, rubella, etc. lived in tenements 12 to a room. They had no change of clothes, all slept in the same bed, worked 16 hours a day, their diet consisted mostly of corn and other grains and feces literally ran down the street.

Measles was eradicated as a deadly disease before the vaccine was even invented through improved living conditions, hygiene, sanitation, and diet.

Vaccines are all about money. The US was so healthy in the early and mid 20th century. When they stopped mandatory smallpox vaccinations in the 19th century in Leicester, UK, the disease incidence and death incidence fell dramatically. This is because they used isolation protocols and sanitary practices rather than injections of discharge from infected pustules of a cow's udder.

While I respect the dubs faggots like you need to rethink your choice to use the enemy's language. Giving up language means you've already lost. Anti-vaxxer, truther, are all lingual weapons of the enemy.
Or the disgusting sodomites that buttfuck and eat feces in large homosexual groups to create and spread super diseases.

This is good advice for sure. Same with "chemtrails." You have kinda lost if you even use the term, this is why I always quote the term if I use it like so…"anti-vaxxer" - to at least imply that it is illegitimate terminology.

I am around a lot of people in the medical field and they all "hate anti-vaxxers." I parade as pro-vaccine but then point out reasons why I could see that some people are skeptical. Then I drop all the redpills and maintain the entire time I'm for vaccines. Which, hypothetically, I could be if not for all the unaddressed issues or in a specific actually threatening situation.

Is this true? I never been in the doctors in a while because I don't have insurance

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In the news they are blaming anti-vaxxer parents for the recent outbreaks of measles, mumps and what the fuck ever else. But in reality it's coming from 3rd world brown shitheads, courtesy of the jew.

Pure tyranny.

Right now on CNN.

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I occasionally go to CNN to see what BS I need to do the opposite of as well. Here is where the second article goes. They must be losing their shit. The can't understand…when the science is SO CLEAR!

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Gee thanks republicans.

This is a low IQ take. If a white invented a pill to kill exclusively white people, your low IQ brain would claim it is a positive.


Imagine.. they get all of the people on the mandatory vax train, all for the sake of (((safety))), and then all of the sudden out of nowhere, a complete coincidence happens, and a (((scientist))) inserts an anti fertility agent into some of the vax that they provide to young white males.. now 85% of an entire generation is impotent, and alas the ones that are not are ducked, and they abort their baby.

White birth rates almost halt, but no one notices because the whites have been replaced by the Browns; and the population numbers remain flat.

Imagine what power mandatiry vax would give Zog nation.

isn't this a violation of the establishment clause? There a bunch of religions where you're not allowed to vaccinate your kids. For fucks sake, what if you're an utter poorfag and you can't afford to get your kid shots? Oh, I guess they just take your kids away.

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That’s what (((free healthcare))) is for user.
For those that can’t afford to kill their baby, or their baby making ability , you and I can pay for it , for them.

My body my choice, vax May or May not be effective, but we should never allow anyone to stick a needle into us, mandatorily.

“What’s in it cult leader bill?”
“Don’t worry my child, it’s only Koop aid”

That exact thing is already happening, except the rate of infertility isn't as high as 85%.

Use holohoax memes and claim that muh poor great granshekel was killed by forced inections in the shoah. It will trigger crazy old kike women to scream and kvetch about this. The d&c will be epic.

Emotion in """""""""science""""""""? Why I never.
Fun playing the dumb niggers' game back at them isn't it? Fuck with them on a language basis by supporting "vaccine science" while warning of "vaccine contamination".


When demons come to forcibly inject poison into your body be prepared to kill them.

Checked. Remember user, the science of global warming is also so clear that it's cold af everywhere.

This. So you have less plausible excuse. Remind you of King Niggerphone? That's so in law everyone could be expected to have a biometrics scanning """"smart"""" phone. It almost seems like a conspiracy.

Way to try to shame people with your ignorance and MEDIA-PROGRAMMED TERMINOLOGY ("anti-vaxx")

never trust the kike medical system

As if I needed more than the daily reminder of my mutilated penis?

don't put poison into your children

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If you don't kill your enemies, you lose.

Who cares? You realize the majority of anti vaxers are Africans and people who listen to Alex Jones and believe in a "satanic Nazi globalists conspiracy" and that the Arabs run Hollywood

You really are desperate to make vaccine skepticism unpopular kike.

Hope you're ready to forcibly receive your anti-Racism shot and testosterone blockers in your next mandatory flu shot, goy.

Where the lie though?

Don't be coy dumb kike. Those are in addition to the lies, namely that the globalist conspiracy isn't satanic and that arabs run pedowood when everyone knows it's dirty rat kikes like you.

(nice filename btw)

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Do you correctly recognize that as an iOS filename?

If Vaccines work, shouldn't the people who get vaccines have nothing to worry about?

Yes obviously, but that's when the niggerbrains bring up "herd immunity" unironically. These zombies are literally golems and aristocrats are using the weaponized human garbage against us.

the amount of money that is spent controlling the narrative on vaccinations is staggering, second only to everyone's favorite fairy tale.

i completely trust the government not to accidentally infect me with a soft kill bioweapon.

There's some sorta of agenda. the left is OBSESSED about vaccinations.

They really are. I graded this little retarded whore's college-level persuasive essay (that could have been written by myself when I was in the 4th grade [higher education is doomed because of retards and affirmative action lowering the value and quality of a college education]), and she wrote with anger with a constant use of the second-person narrative style and unsupported claims like "vaccines offer so many health benefits", and "they wouldn't be offered without being tested for safety". What is going to destroy this country is a lack of an ability of people to question those in positions of power and a propensity to believe every thing that some acronym of a government agency tells them.

How do we stop it?

Wow. This goes perfectly with everything I've ever seen on vaccines. I have read probably 15 books on the subject including text books. I posted the autoimmune text book above. EVERY SINGLE BOOK that is pro-vaxx reads at a 9th grade level MAX (closer to 5th at times). They rely on basically faulty logic and a few shitty studies and can be summed up as
The books that are either obviously anit or academic all read at college+ level and cite literally hundreds of studies each from WHO, CDC, NIH, JAME, NEJM, etc.

user, that's why our side's propaganda isn't winning. Always think of the target and what they will digest. The target doesn't understand logic, reason, or scientific data. They only work on feels at best, humor at worst. Remember the great meme war of 2015-2016? It wasn't the clear facts about how evil hillary was, that was getting the attention… It was COUGHING FIT, PANTS OF SHIT!

As you said, the idiots can only rely on appeals to authority. Break them with their own tactics.

They pretend to be concerned for individuals that can't get the vaccines because they have weak immune systems by throwing around words they don't understand like 'herd immunity'. In truth, this only proves our point, that vaccines are not totally safe, even for those with not-so-weak immune systems. The whole 'booster shot' phenomenon is funny too, because it just demonstrates how ineffective these immunizations are. They are a cash cow, plain and simple, although if they were mandatory, it would be incredibly easy to abuse such a system by injecting other things along with them.

By shaming the ignorant, systematically discriminating against them, supporting our own at their expense. Stop shaking your head at their stupidity and focus on building up yourself and your clan. Osama bin Laden once said that when a strong horse stands side by side with a weak horse, a man an instantly likes the strong horse better, and he was right. Just be the stronger horse, and the more intelligent NPCs will start listening to us.

We wouldn't have to force vaccinations if we didn't bring in thousands of immuno-compromised migrants.

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dumping anti-vax shit

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false, whites didn't come up with vaccines, it's a jew thing.

using fear to force bizarre chemicals and elements into babies' bloodstreams is the stuff of nightmares

or the West today

Finally actual info with some sources, thanks.

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He was talking about real, debilitating autism.

The irony… do you REALIZE that the bullshit you're repeating like a gimp retard is from (((VICE)))? Obvious fucking jew.

Vaccinations are just another jewish/satanic plot to weaken your immune system and kill whites. Vaccinations may work, they may not, the problem is the research, production and testing is dominated by jews, so how can you even dream of trusting anything coming from vaccination producers to begin with.

If a purely European organization, with the best interests of Europeans was developing, studying and testing vaccinations and could clearly explain how they work, and why, then perhaps I'd give it a thought, but that's not the reality of the situation.

Vaccines skip several layers of the human response to invasive bacterial, fungal and viral infection by directly putting "deactivated" viruses into the blood and hoping the body's immune system can produce the anti-bodies safely. Oddly many of these "deactivated" viruses aren't deactivated at all, and many can still produce inhibitors which cripple an immune system's macro phage process, a side effect in young children of this being autism.

Why all of the additives in vaccines?
Why all of the additives in cigarettes?
Many of which seem pointless. What you don't understand is that the jewish perspective, the jewish mind is a chaotic mess, and much of it centers around profit at any cost. If you can get rid of some toxic waste by putting it in a product, they will sure as hell do it. Sometimes the harm isn't intentionally purely for the sake of harm, but they don't really care either way.

The state having the power to enforce mandatory vaccinations is just another step to turning the United States and Europe into the USSR or PRoC. Communism, absolute state control is a precursor to their transhumanist dream of a techno-oligarchical corporate society where people are property of corporations, run by jewish dynasties.

"Crazy" Whites existed in the West forever yet measles had been extinct for nearly a century. What gives?

Are you saying the events in the video are fictional?

Next step:

Thanks for bumping.

Like many consequences of taking strangers into our lands, this can be solved very efficiently.

because the government is known for caring about the populations health, so much, that you must be compulsory injected with things that are made in a lab, which have absolutely no basis of effectiveness and are experimental at best.

Vax has only two possible outcomes:
1) introducing illness into populations in controlled recorded manner.

2) providing a vaccine for gov introduced plagues.

If not absolutely true now, it will be so for some administration in the future. They would need to seed the population for a long time to build public confidence in being injected.

The jews run pku newborn screening samples in all 50 states….

Sometimes I wonder if a small part of the hardassed rhetoric around vaccines is because a kind, caring individual approach would convince nowhere conservative types that they’re more important than they are - with a concomitant fear that kindness’ requirement will have no limit. A world of nowhere people needing government representatives to remind them to take their shotsies.

But then superstitious tribals in Africa bless the lead rains all over a medical mission and I remember the real reason is primitives ain’t pacifists

Seriously just get vaccinations voluntarily, human fellows. We can destroy diseases and grind them under our soft clawless feet.



Once they're mandatory, they can raise the price and bilk the taxpayers for untold billions above current profits.
That's what the heavy anti-anti-vaxx shilling is about but I don't expect the average redditor to notice anything suspicious about the whole thing.

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Start calling anti-anti-vaxxers anti-semites for trying to force people to pump their infants full of drugs.

these kikes are mass poisoning our kids, the least we can do is expose this psyop.

Surely it would be "anti-semitic" to be anti-vax and refuse to pump your kid full of heavy metals and mercury?

In case there are still some lurking redditurd piles of shit on here

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Try paying antivaxxers to learn about vaccination. Not to promote vaccination, because that would be lying. Pay them just to learn about it. Pay them to study medicine, or maybe foreign medical policies. Maybe bring them in to solve the problems of the world.


Bring them in to solve the problems of the world. Implement their solution ideas without mockery and hatred if they come up with even things that are affordably terrible. Give them stats before and after. Try to make what they want into something that works. See if you can turn them from stonewall hate-magnets for authoritarian regressives into mediocre but loveable advocates for mediocre but loveable campaigns.

also the bong's point is incredibly naive, we know these chucklefucks never admit to being in the wrong, "climate change" is the shining example of this. Whenever they're seemingly right, even by the slightest amount, they double and triple down.


Criminally unchecked dubs of truth.

I think antivaxx is one of the signs that leftism really was mistreating people in recent years. They didn’t just appeal to the children of their enemies in the sincere way of peaceful people; they lead children down bad paths, abusing them with cigarettes, relationships on false pretenses, and terroristic demands for compliance with sociopolitical directives. The sociopolitical demands were ugly psuedogender norms and obedience to a militaristic government that was abandoning the working class, murdering impoverished muslims overseas, controlling rather than serving poor communities (poor black people needed water infrastructure, not predictive policing), and propping up aristocratic muslim states. I got hit with that harassment campaign for being a genderless asexual pacifist with unusual artistic tastes, so it wasn’t even enough to be gender-deviant; I also had to be sexually performative and fond of all the right artists. This sucked. It sucked for me, and by the amount of suffering I could provoke just by being a good sport about it, I think it actually sucked worse for my bizarrely co-aligned opponents (nothing worse than a corrupt ally, amirite?) than it ever did for me. I’ve ended up wanting to save the perpetrators. Anyway, this conformist (psuedodefiant) usage of psychological abuse resulted in everything peripherally associated with leftism becoming distrusted, and since the left loudly trumpeted its allegiance to science, this hit vaccines, too. People protecting their kids from real problems protected their kids from something really beneficial, too.

Not that I don’t have any share of childhood trauma from injections, but I only had to be strapped down for vaccines because the nurse and doctor alike were incompetent with needles. Yech. No antivaxxer am I, just an advocate of good sharp handling. The first time I got an injection from a nurse who knew what she was doing was astonishing, it was like, “Oh, is that the normal amount of pain? That’s nothing.”

Anyway, I care more about real kids than anyone’s political campaigns, faith, or ideology, so… Look, my people have been starting to take their rebukes lately. They’re still too arrogant to actually apologize for anything, but we can’t expect people who built their careers on harassing critics to actually heal with present medical technology, so let’s just be satisfied with the left taking rebukes. They really will get better someday; research is ongoing, and the worst leftists are neither happy people nor blind to science. Don’t go worrying about associating with political opponents on this; just take your kids in to get vaccinated.

Vaccines are controlled toxicity that provides a limited exposure to substances we’ve rightly removed from our environment. They’re a slight dirtiness that makes people more immunocompetent. If you protect children from everything potentially unclean or uncomfortable, they don’t grow up right; maximum protection involves the right kind of controlled exposure.

Reminder, (((antivax movement))) was created by (((Bilderberg))) member, Oprah Winfrey, and promoted through her tv show by giving platform to other Hollywood psychos, like Jenny McCarthy and the magic rock lady and homeopathy. She is never mentioned when discussing antivax movement or how it was propagated.

Today, the disinformation campaign is complete and media has reinforced the narrative. (((Big pharma))) agencies push the vaccines on a public and physicians that know nothign about the vaccines, but are now conditioned to hate anyone that questions vaccines with unnatural levels of vitriol and laugh at the prospect of "anti-vaxxers" dying, joking about their children dying and are legitimately asking the government to mandate control over the population with forced vaccines and giving control of their bodies to a government and pharma lobby that has consistently been found to be corrupt, evil and only concerned with their own agendas. The same people that want free medicare and cry for communism because big pharma buys medical patents and resells insulin or epipens or others at 1000% markups now actively champions the same group and demand they be given full control over the population.

It is the same gameplan they used for the holocaust story with media blitz through television (TV series Holocaust is the origin of the word Holocaust and when the general population first learned about it in the late 70s and started the slow march through history books to the point its illegal to question it).

Glad I'm not the only one that noticed the obvious psy-op of the big boobed, blonde bimbo they trotted out everywhere as the face of "anti-vax."

If you'd have to choose one book to recommend on the subject, which would it be user?

Friendly reminder that A single group was given oversight of vaccines 40 years ago as part of the agreement that vaccine producers couldnt be sued for damages caused by vaccines. That groups job was to maintain quality checks on vax every year. In a lawsuit last year it was found that they performed exactly 0 checks in all this time. Nobody has been held accountable and there are no movements to make anyone accountable.

Of course lets also couple that wth the knowledge that the Italian government tested the vaccines they were considering making mandatory and found all contained unidentifiable contaminants, heavy metals, blood contaminants, and known carcinogens and neurotoxins.
Funnily enough, of the 50-odd vaccines tested, a single one tested fairly clean- a dog vaccine.

These people must be stopped or our children will be destroyed.

You said one, but I simply can't help but offer two. The reason being that there are two very important main issues as far as I'm concerned.

1. It is important to know how dangerous these diseases actually are. For this I recommend Dissolving Illusions. This is a quick read and is well sourced.

2. It is important to understand the state of affairs that the vaccine industry is in. For this I recommend Robert Kennedy's book Thimerosal. I know this might seem like a moot book at this point given the intellectual battle has been won, but this book offers a look at how sketchy the science is, how they hide dangers, how they skew studies, how they fight you in court, how they lie and lie and lie and lie til they can't lie anymore.
In my mind you can take the story of Thimerosal and apply it to any vaccine or ingredient.
This is a long laborious read and is sourced as well as anything you can imagine.

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Source for this, user?

RFK Jrs work.

fuck off leftypol kike.

its th optics.