There are two forms of racism.
1. Race realism
Race realism is literally biological conservation, no different from protecting the red squirrel population from the grey, the White Rhino from poachers, the natural forests of Europe from the invasive Rhododendron ponticum, the once-stable and proud tribes of Africa from the chaos of (((artificial food surplus))). Do we genocide badgers because we don't want them in our own gardens? No. We have fenced areas where we don't allow badgers, and areas where badgers roam free with no interference (positive or negative) from us.
2. Racism
This second position is simply anti-life. It is wrong, yet it is shared both by anti-white leftists and anti-nonwhite nationalists. Many will point out that statistically, black people in the US commit more crimes and are lower IQ. Well guess what? That's how you survive in Africa. If European people settled in sub-Saharan Africa, in 1000 years they would be lower IQ and more violent. Every species is a result of its native environment and ecology. The only conflict between subspecies from different parts of the world, of any genus, comes when they begin competing for the same territories.
This is of course an extreme opinion on Zig Forums, but yes I am making a pro-diversity thread. TRUE diversity, diversity between nations, not within them. Hating other peoples is playing DIRECTLY into the hands of those who want you dead. Because fear justifies war. Everyone here who advocates geocoding other races is doing so because news of interracial violence frightens them. Well, it works the other way too. Every "pro-white" person spouting actual hate (not facts) on the internet is another person they can point to and say to minorities "hey look they want you dead, go kill them first".
The correct approach to race issues besetting the West right now is for white nationalists to approach the black nationalists and tell them we want the same thing- conservation of global diversity of peoples. Including them, including us. The mainstream narrative of interracial strife caused by one race or the other, and the resulting need for "diversity", everyone mixing into a raceless blend where everyone looks the same and has the same lack of heritage or identity, simply will not stand up to white nationalists and black nationalists coming out with the same message of mutual respect and race realism.
Respect is the key. Pics related are of white people and black people when they have no knowledge of their heritage or national identity, and are displaced by globalism. Other pics are of white people and black people when they know who they are and have their own territories to work on. The ideal future solution to race issues is each race having their own states or continents, with laws against miscegenation for exactly the same reasons as Australia has laws against importing alien plant species: conservation of nature and the human tribes that grow within it. We can have areas for embassies and international tourism. We can actually be friendly once we're out of each other's way. Black supremacists would agree with this. We should build a dialogue with them, we are the only ones who can, and it will destroy all mainstream narratives about race.