"’We want a lot of people coming in and we need it.’"
Trump in Meeting w. Big Tech CEOs Announces End of America First Reforms: ‘We Need More Immigration'
Other urls found in this thread:
the soap box was tried, ballot box was tried, that failed, if all the judges weren't kikes maybe the jury box would work… but i have a feeling only one box left will work:
But on the plus side I look forward to more aggressive questioning of Israel from Democrats at the Federal level. I hope the Orange Kike Puppet loses his marbles too hard and fumbles his way into successfully criminalizing anti-Semitism. I want to see Jews arresting other Jews, in some kind of “Nazi” style purge of government opposition, for the crime of not being Jewish enough.
I wonder how long it will be until nu/pol/ circles all the way back around to 'muh toupee!!!'?
Don't be too surprised to see Trump handling the reigns over to the democrats smiling. After all the divide between both parties only exists because the jews said so. Demopublicans are the future, user.
fpbp kike free
you spelled satanic communists wrong
Guns alone cannot save you!
Yeah, Trump is a kike shill. Thanks. We know.
Can we stop having constant threads about his fellating of jews now?
kek. Go back to the_cuckold.
You spelled Khazarian Mafia wrong
I wasn’t talking about political parties, user. I was talking about race. Blood is always thicker than party. And I have yet to see disparate Jewish ideologies not ultimately collapse on each other. Jews must Jew, even if it’s another Jew.
What a shame, fuck this kike
That's correct, but doesn't help whites in any way. If you want to trip the jews on top to make mistakes and stab each other in the back you have to drive the fear into them.
Thank you for proving my point that these threads are essentially people repeating things that have already been posted and everyone on this board already knows. Trump lied. He loves Israel more than America.
This thread can be deleted or stickied now to preserve board space.
Maybe. Maybe not. But I’m open to the possibility that saving whites and ruining Jewish rule at the same time is no longer possible, at least in the USA. There’s no more time for undoing 70+ years of Holohoax guilting and about 100 years of (((Judeo-Christianity))) with how fast brown people are replacing US whites. I’ll take the risk of cutting US whites loose in exchange for actual progress on the Jewish question in the USA, even if it’s from a brown foreigner. Okay? Okay.
Anybody who can get into MyPostingCareer? I wanna see the copeposting goons on suicide watch.
The remnant of the good and just can only have a realistic chance by accepting I the Great Genius as their rightful King!
Even kikes and niggers will get disgusted by his cuckoldry before he does himself.
Tell Kushner to get a refund because you're shit at your job, kike.
You should have focused group this rebuttal more, Herschel.
Then you shall surely suffer the most horrific of fates, and have only yourselves to blame!
Now you know why he has the worst deportation numbers of any modern president.
Getting to speak to a lot of business owners you'll hear one thing repeated over and over again; "they can't find enough young Americans willing to work."
And when they do they do a lousy job, often don't show-up for work, are often late, and have a hard time staying off their i-phones.
Fact is we've raised a nation of self-indulgent imbeciles that are victims of comfort. And this is forcing companies to look elsewhere. So you can't hardly blame Trump for a problem we've created.
But it doesn't matter. We've got even bigger problems. Beyond the fact that the immigrants will vote to bring-in socialist programs, A-I Robotics will soon put them out of work too. And for a short time corporations will make a lot of money until such time that there is no one with a job to buy the products the robots make.
What happens then you really don't want to be around to see. And if you are, most likely won't be around long anyway.
Fuck off with that you can't prove it
make a thread for that
You never voted for Trump leftypol
I had a thread about this YESTERDAY >>12882961 archive.is
I think OP is the mod who archived it so they could post this thread.
Don't worry maganigger, we just need to wait patiently until Nov in 2020 for it to be real.
It has to do with the topic here. I don't expect a bunch of idiots to understand this at all.
What are you talking about he's doing more then King nigger ever did
Apparently you cannot embed and auto-link archived threads but you can still see the replies at 8ch.net
I think that Trump should raise the minimum wage. That is the correct response to high employment, not importing niggers. The only reason these factory guys are creating lots of jobs is because they can pay peanuts for them. These are not high-wage positions, and if they are, we should be training Americans to fill those positions, not importing (((skilled))) workers.
How are boomer employers refusing to pay inflation-adjusted wages for what they got related to an anti-Trump thread?
You're right King Nigger never infringed on our right to bear arms, but Trump did.
Because Trump's conference is about the shortage of workers. Because they're not properly educated. Because they have no skills. Because millennials are lazy entitled fucks. These are the facts here. Trump is trying to fix this via more trade schools
A fucking meme stock. And guess what he didn't Ban any guns at all. He made peace with the NRA and everything has been fine since. He won't take your guns away he made that clear at CPAC
Both he any you are the problem. The solution isn't forcing people to work for poverty wages or importing those who enjoy the poverty. The solution is to raise wages. Back to 1950's levels adjusted for housing prices.
Not even Zero let in this many foreigners and illegals.
I like how you failed to mention Ivanka is in charge of all this.
.03 shekels have been deposited into your account
Is that why 76,000 entered the US illegally last month? No wall has been built and No deportations have happened?
He has no choice but to recruit workers from countries who weren't stupid enough to let the (((the market))) charge Christians a quarter of a milliion dollars to get an education… alongside violent/rapey monkeys who got in for free.
The wall is being built you fucktard and those people were arrested. King nigger let them go Scot free and didn't report it
Obama did let them all in it was just never reported by the MSM
This never bothered me, because he could mean TWO big pushes, or dozens of medium pushes, or thousands of tiny pushes. Of course, I'm still waiting to see it, hoping it is something he is saving for the final hour in 2020 to fire up the base. It's pretty much the only time he has left to do it since he's crippled himself until end of fiscal year. Just hoping it was to lull them into complacency so the immigrants all start giving out their living addresses and becoming child traffickers so we can easily villify them for child sexual exploitation when deporting them.
If he's going to do that, he might need the "we're totally bringing in immigrants LEGALLY for these corporations" to court the middle and battle the 'dis is raciss' responses.
This is obviously 12D water polo chess if I have ever seen it. Frankly, winning isn't even a string enough word anymore. Q knows the plan, and if you can't trust him then who can you trust? These based legal immigrants who will only do the jobs we don't want to do, at tech companies, will definitely vote Republican now and once we have nothing but Republicans in office we fully win. All of the issues won't exist anymore, especially the most serious issue of having Democrats in office. Not sure what the difference is, but my family has been Republican for generations and pretty sure there is a reason for that. Go Trump!
To this date no NEW sections of the wall have been built and only already existing infrastructure from the bush years has been allowed to be repaired and replaced
Shut the fuck up kushner
Yeah the 76k illegals who entered LAST MONTH where all arrested, LMAO
Are all jews as stupid as you? Or is it just the taysachs jews that get shill positions?
Attempts to promote racism probably swayed him. I think he’s a bit of a legalist - attacking opposition to immigration as though it’s all racism (including by coming on here and “defending” things that don’t need defended like fucking pigments) may have made it eventually too revolting to support. It’s like, y’know, clap-clap. Propagandists hate themselves and each other, but sometimes assiduous wins more than correct.
the only way it would make sense if he means South African whites and Europeans
But did it stop the 76,000 illegals who entered last month? And how many of those 76,000 are still in the USA?
This is not a Wall. It is a 20 mile Fence in New Mexico
This was done as a replacement for older fencing and vehicle barriers
does anyone have a decent transcript of this? All I could found is some garbage machine transcription at newsdaily.today
Not much reporting on this. All I can find quoting some of it is thehill.com
We need to get this circulated. Trump has listened to Dobbs' criticism before, perhaps we can pull him back to the edge if other outlets pick this up. It was only said last night, we must keep it relevant.
No, we didn't create the problem. We were simply born into it.
looking forward to the end of this ride
waaaaay too comfortable tbh.
what a bizzare way to out yourself.
are any of these threads made by actual Zig Forums users? or is this just a shareblue/ctr stomping ground like reddit, facebook, twitter, and literally every other platform.
Most are jews from Tel Aviv gloating. Unlike CIA or FBI, they can track everybody here as much as they want. If somebody decides to do something violent, they can offer intel to agent jamal for a favor.
Half of them get paid to do this. Imagine if it was your job to walk past the piles of burning trash in your Bangalore neighborhood every day and shitpost to Zig Forums about a president you probably wish would invade your country and clean up the filth.
The other half fell for the psyop and are now obediently parroting back what they imagine is their own original and totally fresh take on Trump.
I imagine a small number of them are bots, though the me-too opinion hipsters who thought Trump was going to seal the border and gas the kikes probably outnumber those by 100 to 1.
Best to just shit up these threads with CP and take the inevitable bans. This is war.
Not high enough, goy. And not low enough, goy. What are ya, some kind of anti-Semite?
Oh, shut the fuck up. When I put a job posting up for anything I get many replies within hours. There is no shortage of workers, for anything. It's a scam to decrease wages and you know it.
Trump was elected to get White Americans back on board with PNAC 100%, even if he had to carefully massage his campaign messaging to let disparate groups read into it what they wanted. He has been a total failure in this regard and it is because there is no personality cult out there that can overwrite the rank stench of that policy wing – it is over, it is discredited, nobody wants it.
So now he turns vindictive and hostile to White Americans and will be leaning heavily on zionist-compliant Hindustanis to give ZOG the lifeline they need.
Mass immigration to Make America Great Again.
Natural and organic reroll
There you go. You can stop now.
Hush user… Hitler is speaking to all of us.
I always felt since the first time he appeared on the national scene in the late 70's as part of the Studio 54 crowd reported on in People Magazine, that he was a piece of shit but when he stood up and made his "they're sending us their rapists" speech I was willing to change my mind about him. But no, he was and is a piece of shit.
Jesus Christ we really have been taken over by boomers.
Yes I unfortunately did.
His fucking jew daughter is on the fucking board of commerce? Jesus fucking christ what is with this faggot mega jew and pushing his kike kids into every fucking thing to ruin it
tahaha..foolish man.
As says. It also surprises me to no end how much you retards listen and believe the mainstream media and kikes, though you claim to fight them.
Lazy, you're a fucking lazy piece of shit if you still think Trump is building a wall or is doing anything for white people whatsoever.
kys. youre not fooling anyone.
what does the content of the OP have to do with the fact that he's a faggot, posting faggot shit?
are you OK with shareblue shitting up the board just because you agree with what theyre saying?
When enough of his supporters stay home in 2020 and he goes down in defeat ignominiously to whichever blob of slime the Demonrats nominate, I actually thing Ivanka is so delusional about her family's popularity that she will be deeply shocked to not only be cast out of power, but that she'll be shattered when she realizes that she'll never be president, that her fucking family is deeply hated by the very people that put them in the White House.
Bullshit, we work our asses off for no money and a generation of oldfags who do zero work just constantly complain about how much they hate millennials. It's called stop jewing your own people you faggot old fart or else your going to really feel it when you become crippled and can't work and all those millenials who you spent your entire life shitting all over aren't going to pay for your benefits and just chuck you in a grave
That is not why White people voted for Trump. That is why Trump RAN and pursued the office. That's why as soon as he got in he started bombing the shit out of Syria and all of his supporters freaked out. Trump was a bait and switch.
The only "cope" I can think of is that he's using the jew immunity to do some good old nepotism and eventually wipe every other bloodline from the race.
Trump's a MacLeod iirc, so there might be something worthy to investigate about.
The default answer is that he's a kike lover.
Speaking of Big Tech.
LEAKED AUDIO: Google Discusses ‘Steering’ the Conservative Movement
She's was literally put in charge of these meeting with business leaders about crafting a new immigration policy for 2020, along with Jared, by Trump himself.
"Muh shareblue" screeching doesn't work anymore.
user he is jew not boomer, well, he might be boomer, too, but he is jew.
Paid Qushner shills everyone
8ch is compromised and ANTIWHITE.
"Oy mate it doesn't matter that Whites are about to be a minority and nearly 30 million illegals are here already, we need MORE"
I went from being done with supporting trump to now I just fucking hate this kike
Infinite growth is cancer
Making America Worse Again.
It fits because Trump himself is a faggot trying to spread globohomo to the entire world, he'd probably be flattered by this image.
Whenever you fill out a survey, you tell the politicians what lies you want to hear. Even Feinstein was against more immigration.
Instating referendums after the war would stop this nonsense.